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2010年中考英语试题分类汇编(130套)专题八阅读理解考点一、文化教育21世纪教育网 (2010.江苏省无锡市.三、阅读理解A,每小题2分) In the early 1990s,the word”Internet”was strange to most people.But today,Internet has become a useful tool for people all over the world.Maybe Internet has been the greatest invention in the field of communication in the history of mankind(人类)Communicating with others on the Internet is much faster.We can chat with a person who is sitting in the other part of the world.We can e-mail our friends and they can read the e-mails within a minute.Giving all kinds of information is probably the biggest advantage of the Internet.We can use search engines to find the information we need.Just type in a keyword or keywords and the search engine will give us a list of suitable websites to look at.We can enjoy a lot on the Internet by downloading games,visiting chat rooms or surfing (浏览)websites.There are some games for free.We can meet new and interesting people in the chat now.We can also listen to music and see films.Now ,there is a lot of service on the Internet such as online banking ,job finding and ticket buying.We can also do shopping and find nearly all kinds of goods.Sometimes we can find something that is quite good but very cheap.26.How many main advantages of the Internet are talked about in the passage?A.Three.B.Four.C.Five.D.Six.27.What fact doesnt the passage provide? 21世纪教育网 A.We can find almost anything we want to know on the Internet.B.Some games on the Internet are free.C.We can buy most things we need on the Internet.D.Goods on the Internet are more expensive than those in real shops.28.Which title best gives the main idea of the passage?A.Online ShoppingB.Exchanging Information on the InternetC.The Advantages of the InternetD.Surfing the Websites on the Internet答案: BDC(2010.四川省自贡市 第 三部分 阅读理解B 满分10分)You want to know about my staying in America,right?Well,to tell you the truth,it is really an eye-opening experience study here.In China,I had English classes five times a week since fifth grade.However,I didnt know how different textbook English could be from everyday English until I came to Hotchkiss School,Conmecticut. 21世纪教育网 When I first studied English,I was told to say, “I am fine.”when people say “How are you ?”But in the US,I found that people say, “I am good.”or “Ilm tired.”One day ,someone greeted me with “Whats up ?”It ,made me confused.I thought for a moment and then smiled because I didnt know what to say.Since then,I have discovered more and more differences between Chinese and US cultures.To my surprise,US girls spend a lot of time in the burning sun to get a tan.However ,in China ,girls try every possible way to get their skin paler,or “whiter.”I also surprised by how hard-working .US students are.In China,schoolwork is almost everything ,so we study hard and that it.But here,a “good”student gets good grades,does a lot for the public and plays sports or music.The kids here are so talented ,I am starting to be sorry that I gave up playing the piano at an early age and that I have never thought about sports.61.According to the writer,textbook English is _everyday English.A.quite different fromB.the same asC.more difficult than62.What does the word “tan ”in the sixth paragraph mean in Chinese?A晒黑B晒白C 能量63.A good US student spends his/her time _.A.only in doing homeworkB.only on sports or music21世纪教育网 C.on studies ,sports or music and public work64.Which of the following is NOT true?A.The writer is now in US.B.American girls love to have white skin.C.US students are talented and hard-working.65.Which is the best title for the passage?A.My Own Travel in the USB.My Studying in the US21世纪教育网 C.My Opinion about the US答案:AACBB(2010江苏省南京市 三、阅读理解D,10分)People often say that the Englishmans home is his castle.They mean that the home is very important and personal to him.Most people in Britain live in houses rather than flats,and many people own their homes.This means that they can make them individual(个体的);they can paint them,and change them in any way they like.Most house have a garden,even if it is a very small one,and the garden is usually loved.The house and the garden are the private(私人的)space of the individual.People usually like to mark their space.Are you sitting now in your home or on a train?have you marked the space around yourself as your?If you are on the train you may put your coat or small bag on the seat beside you.If you share a flat you may have one corner or chair which is your own.Once I was travelling on a train to London.I was in a section for four people and there was a table between us .The man on the space on my side of the table at all. I was angry.Maybe he thought that he owned the whole table.I had read a book about non-verbal communication,so I took various papers out of my bag and put them on his briefcase!When I did this he stiffened and his eyes nearly popped(瞪出)out of his head.I had invaded(侵犯)his space!A few minutes later I took my papers off his case in order to read them.He immediately moved his case to his side of the table.Of course,it is possible that he just wanted to be helpful to me!If you are visiting another country you may feel that you dont have any private space.Hotel rooms look much the same in every country in the world.All day long ,you share public spaces with o ther pople.You see the local people in their private spaces and you feel lonely and “outside”.Local people can create their private spaces by talking about things you dont know about .And you even feel that they like you to be outside them so that they will enjoy being inside even more!This is one of the difficulties of being a traveler!But if you understand it then it helps you .Havent you enjoyed being part of a group and “owning”a bit of space?41.The writer was angry as he was travelling on a train to London because_.A.he had no place to sit21世纪教育网 B.someone had invaded his “space”C.too many people shared a section with himD.some other people talked about things he didnt know about42. “ you feel lonely and outside”in paragraph 4 means that_.A.you are alone outside the houseB.you feel lonely because you travel on your ownC.you are alone and therefore you go outside to have some funD.you feel lonely and you dont belong to that place or that group of people43.In Paragraph 4 ,the pronoun “themrefers to(所指) “_”.A.public spacesB.private spacesC.local peopleD.other countries44.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.British people dislike marking their space.B.You always feel at home in another country. 21世纪教育网 C.Most British people prefer living in houses to flats.D.You cant mark your private space in a foreign country.45.Tha main purpose of the passage is to tell readers to _.A.own private spaces by living in housesB.have one corner of their own in public placesC.realize the importance of “space”in communicationD.create their private spaces by talking with local people答案:BDCCC(2010山东省潍坊市 四、阅读理解D,满分8分)When I was a foreign teacher in China,every day I taught English to my students and they taught me about China.One day the topic turned to saying “I love you”.I was shocked to learn that not one of my students had said this to their mothers,nor had their mothers said it to them. “Does your mom love you?” “Of course ,”they answered.“How do you know ?”was my logical question.They responded that their mons cooked and always told them what they were doing wrong to show their caring.I was stunned .So mons cooking and criticzing read out as “I love you ”. “Then how do you say I love you to her?”They agreed that getting good gradws,followed by god jobs would be how they showed their love. 21世纪教育网 I come from a culture where most people are expressive enough,so I repeated these queries in classes over time.Gradually,I began to get different response.Some of them had exchanged those sentiments with their moms.One of my favorite stories of change came from a girl.When she came home from university,her mother met her at the door and hugged(拥抱)her.This had never happened before,but her mom said, “Now that you have gone I have more time to myself.I noticed that in some places mothers and children hug each other and I decided it was a good idea and that I would begin hugging you.”In my family we all say “I love you”a lot .While it is true that we often say the words without having great depth of feelings at that moment,it is almost like a blessing we give each other.Those three little words carry a world of meaning ,even when said as a greeting,but most especially if they are the last words we say to or hear from those we love. 21世纪教育网 52.The foreign teacher_.A.comes from AmericaB.is a young womanC.is expressive enoughD.knows much about China53.Chinese people prefer to show love by_.A.saying “I love you”21世纪教育网 B.cookingC.getting good gradesD.doing something helpful;54.In paragraph 4,whats the real meaning of the moms hugging?A.She is meeting her daughter at the door.B.She loves her daughter and misses her.C.She is glad that she has more time to herselfD.She finds it interesting to hug her daughter.55.Whats the main idea of the passage?A.Say “I love you”more to your family.B.Say “I love you ”a lot to Chinese people .C.Say “I love you ”as a greeting to others. 21世纪教育网 D.Say “I love you ”without great depth of feelings.答案:CDBA21世纪教育网 (2010湖南省娄底市)中考资源网阅读下面的短文,并做后面的题目,从A、B、C 3个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成句子的最佳答案。中考资源网(10分)中考资源网 Every year there is a Spring Festival in China. Usually it is in January or February. It is the most important festival in China. So before it comes, everyone has to prepare things. They buy pork, beef, chicken, fruits and many other things. And they often make a special kind of food“dumplings”. It means “come together”. On the day before the festival, parents buy new clothes for their children. Children also buy presents for their parents. On the Spring Festival Eve(除夕)中考资源网, all the family members come back to their hometown. This is a happy moment. Some sing and dance, some play cards and others get the dinner ready. When they enjoy the meal, they give each other the best wishes for the coming year. They all have a good time. 26. Which is the most important festival in China? A. The Mid-Autumn Festival. B.The Spring Festival. C.Childrens Day. 27. When is the Chinese Spring Festival usually celebrated? A. In March or April. B. In May or June. C. In January or February. 28. is the special kind of food for the Spring Festival in China. A. ChickenB. DumplingC. Fish 29. Whats the meaning of the food “dumplings” for Chinese people in the Spring Festival? A. Look up. B. Help yourself. C. Come together. 30. The family when they are having dinner together on the Spring Festival Eve. A. give each other the best wishesB. buy each other presents C. sing, dance and play cards21世纪教育网 【答案】2630 BCBCA(2010 .河北省卷,. 阅读理解 计 10 分More and more people like bicycling and it is no surprise. It is fun, healthy and good for the environment. Maybe thats why there are 1.4 billion bicycles and only 400 million cars on roadsworldwide today. Bikes can take you almost anywhere, and there is no oil cost!Get on a bicycle and ride around your neighbourhood. You may discover something new all around you. Stopping and getting off a bike is easier than stopping and getting out of your car. You can bike to work and benefit (受益) from the enjoyable exercise without polluting the environment. You dont even have to ride all the way.Folding (折叠) bikes work well for people who ride the train. Just fold the bike and take it with you. You can do the same on an airplane. A folding bike can be packed in a suitcase. You can also take a common bike with you when you fly. But be sure to look for information by getting on airline websites. Not all airlines are bicycle-friendly to travellers.Health Benefits of Bicycling:l It helps to prevent heart diseases. 21世纪教育网 l Bicycling helps to control your weight. A 15-minute bike ride to and from work three times a week burns off five kilos of fat in a year.l Bicycling can improve your mood (心情).Exercise like bicycling has been shown to make people feel better, more relaxed and self-confident.l Bicycling is healthier than driving.56. From the passage, we know that bicycling is becoming very .A. surprisingB. excitingC. expensiveD. popular57. When you are riding your bicycle around your neighbourhood, you may .A. pollute the environment aroundB. find something you didnt noticeC. go everywhere and use a little oilD. get off your bike and begin to work58. If you travel with a folding bike, you can fold it and _ . A. get out of the carB. take it onto a trainC. put it in your purseD. go on airline websites59. One of the benefits from bicycling is that .A. you can fold the bicycleB. you will be friendly to othersC. you will be more relaxedD. you may get fatter and fatter60. Which is TRUE according to the passage?A. Bicycling is enjoyable exercise for people. B. Driving cars is healthier than riding bikes. C. Riding a bike pollutes your neighbourhood. D. Common bikes are welcomed by all airlines. 【答案】DBBCA(2010.四川省内江市 第三部分 阅读理解A 10分)Are you interested in country music?I like it very much !It will take me away for a while after I am tired .The guitars and songs will take me to mountains and fields.Country music usually talks of everyday life and feelings.Its the spirit of America ,easy to understand ,slow and simple.Country music developed in the Southern United States.It was the folk music of American countryside.Many of songs tell about the lives of famers .They talk about love,crops or death. 21世纪教育网 The life of the countryside can be hard,so the words in country music are often sad.At first,people played the music only at family parties.But it became more popular later.In the 1920s,people played country songs on the radio,and they made them into records. 21世纪教育网 When people in the countryside moved to towns and cities to look for work,they took their music with them.Country music continued to change and became popular across America.John Denver was one of Americas most famous country singers in the 1970s.His song “Take Me home,Country Roads”is well-known and people still play it today.51.Country music is usually about _.A.everyday life and feelingsB.farmerss feelingsC.the lives of workers52.Country music developed _.A.in John Denvers cityB.in the Southern United States21世纪教育网 C.in the Northem United States53.People bagan to make country song records _.A.in the 1920sB.in 1920C.in the 1970s54.Why did Country music become popular in America?A.Because city people liked the music.B.Because farmers moved to cities with their music and it continued to change.C.Because country music talked about city peoples lives.55.Who is famous for the song “Take Me Home,Country Roads”?A.A farmer in the countryside.B.A person who moved to townsC.John Denver. 21世纪教育网 【答案】BBABC(2010.四川省内江市 第三部分 阅读理解C 10分)My mother was telling me about how she and her family got their first television when she was a teenager.Of course it was black and white.She said she only watch it at night.She doesnt remember over watching it in the morning or afternoon.When I was young we had only about 3 or 4 different channels.My bothers ,my sisters and I would sometimes fight about which channel to watch.But we usually enjoyed the same shows.Nowadays we can get hundreds of channels on TV.I cant believe it!There are channels with old movies,cooking ,fishing and so on.Its amazing!There is a channel for everything.I wonder how much my bothers,my sisters and I would fight if we had hundreds of channels when I was a child.Of course we had only one television set.These days I notice families with 2 or 3 or more television sets in their homes.I guess it stops people from arguing over which channel to choose from .61.In those days,what kind of television sets did people only have?A.Black and white ones.21世纪教育网 B.Colors Ones.C.All kinds of televison sets.62.My mother watched TV _when she was young.A.in the morningB.in the afternoonC.at night63.Nowadays,how many channels can we g et on TV?A.3 or 4 different channels.B.Only once channelC.Hundreds of channels.64.When I was a teenager ,my brothers ,my sisters and I usually enjoyed_.A.four showsB.the same showsC.different show65.Which of the following in NOT true ? 21世纪教育网 A.My bother ,my sisters and I would sometimes fight about which channel to watch when I was a child. 21世纪教育网 B.These days,there is only one channel with old movies,cooking and fishing.C.People have many channels to choose from now.【答案】ACCBB(2010山东省潍坊市 四、阅读理解B,满分8分)When we talk about stars ,especially women stars ,it seems that they are always young,pretty and own charming body shapes.But recently a Britains Got Talent(英国达人)star Susan Boyle has changed our views absolutely.Simon Cowell ,one of the judges of the talent show spoke of his shock over Ms Boyles voice. “This lady camp up ,and Im thinking, This will take five seconds and I can go to have a cup of tea.That changed when she began to sing I Dreamed to Dream from Les Miserables.She knew we were going to have that reaction and just to see that look of satisfaction on her face widway through it was one of my favorite moments,”Cowell said. 21世纪教育网 The performance was posted on line and before long,the 47-year-old Scottish woman has been famous all over the world.Speaking from her home in Scotland,Ms Boyle said that she hasnt thought of changing her appearance.She said that her friend helped her with make-up. “I mean,thats hardly a makeover,”she added.Ms Boyle also spoke of the reason she first began to explore her vocal talents, “I was kind of slow at school,so getting like singing was a good way of hiding behind that and thus it built my confidence.”44.Susan Boyle is _21世纪教育网 A.a judgeB.a reporterC.a beautifulD.a Scottish woman45.Susan Boyle had a look of satisfaction on her face when she was singing because_.A.she was confident of her singingB.she was satisfied with the judgesC.she was pretty and in good shape21世纪教育网 D.she sang the song I Dreamed a Dream from Les Miserables46.According to the passage,which is NOT true?A.It was the vocal talents that built Susans confidenceB.Susan Boyle was not good at her lesson when at school.C.Susan Boyle became famous because of her appearance.D.Simon Cowell didnt think Susan Boyle a good singer at the first sight.47.What can we learn from Susan Boyles successA.Its never too old to learn.B.Its easier to succeed at the age of 47.C.If you have a dream,try to make it come true!D.If you are not able to study well,to be a singer instead.【答案】DACC(2010山东省潍坊市 四、阅读理解C,满分8分)Expo 2010 is held in Shanghai from May 1to October 31.People all over the world are looking forward to it.Here are several golden rules on how to best plan your trip. 21世纪教育网 Rule 1:Do your homeworkRead everything you can before going.Really study the maps .Know the pavilions.Arrive at the entrance nearest to the things you want to see.Have a plan.It will make a big difference.Rule 2:Allow plenty of time 21世纪教育网 Expo 2010 is the largest attraction event in the history of the world.It will take many days too see it.Plan to spend from five to eight days of more seeing it.Rule 3:Pace


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