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八年级下册教案设计Unit 5 Feeling ExcitedTopic 2 Im feeling better now. Section D. Material analysis本节课为本话题的最后一课时,主要活动为1a和2。Section D是一节复习课,在综合复习Section A-C的词汇、语法和功能句的基础上,巩固学生本话题的学习内容。学生将在1a的阅读环节中,通过Jeff如何走出失去亲人的阴影,学习了解如何处理悲伤等消极情绪,从而拥有可以让自己健康成长的积极情绪。除了文中提到的倾诉、运动等宣泄方式,教师还可以交给学生其他的处理不良情绪的方法,如寻求家人、学校、社会的支持和帮助;转移注意焦点:散步、旅游、参观;用“我能行”、“我一定能成功”来进行心理暗示等,来帮助学生正确处理不利于成长和成功的情绪。最后通过2的写作拓展练习,延伸学生的学习内容,检测学生综合运用语言的能力。. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims:1. 学生正确朗读出单词表所有单词及短语,能正确拼读、书写并运用黑体单词。2. 能熟练运用原因状语从句和同级比较的结构。3. 能准确运用本单元重点短语进行写作练习。4学生能综合运用本课短语、句型写出关于处理不良情绪的短文。Skill aims:1. 能听懂与课本内容难度相当的,有关处理不良情绪的听力材料。2. 能正确运用本话题所学内容、比较流利地谈论如何处理不良情绪。3. 能阅读有关如何处理不良情绪的短文,并能做出相关的阅读练习。4. 能综合运用本话题的语法,词汇,句型写出自己遇到的问题以及处理的方法,并能为有类似烦恼的同伴提出合理的建议。Emotional aims:通过本节课的学习,让学生明白积极的情绪可以让他们健康成长,有利于他们的身心发育。当有不良情绪滋生的时候,要学会寻求帮助和适当宣泄。. The key points and difficult pointsKey points:1. 学生能正确拼读、书写并运用黑体单词,能用描写情绪和情感的形容词和提出建议的动词及相关短语描写人物的不同情绪, 并给予心情不好的同伴合理的建议。2. 掌握运用原因状语从句和同级比较结构。Difficult points 综合运用本话题的语法,词汇,句型进行写作,解决实际问题。. Learning strategies:1. 通过整体复习Section A-C,让复习也是一种学习的想法植根在学生心中。2. 将学到的表达方式运用到自己的习作当中是掌握新知识的一个好办法。. Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector, the word cards. Teaching procedures StepInteraction patternStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction(8 minutes).1. The wholeclass work.2. The wholeclass work.3. The wholeclass work.4. Individualwork.5. The wholeclass work.1. Focus their attentionon the teacher.2. Students review thewords and phrases ofSections A-C byplaying the game:Whats missing?3. Students learn the new words.4. Students match thewords or phrases with their meanings of 1a.5. Students check theiranswers and correct the wrong ones.1. Greet the students andmake them ready forlearning. 2. The teacher asks thestudents to review thewords and phrases ofSections A-C by playingthe game: Whats missing? The teacher puts the word cards up the blackboard and asks the students to remember them. After that the teacher takes one of the cards away while the students are closing their eyes. And then the teacher asks the students to answer the question: Whats missing?3. The teacher shows thenew words and phraseswith the pictures or theChinese meanings on thescreen.4. The teacher asks thestudents to match thewords or phrases withtheir meanings of 1a.5. The teacher asks twostudents to tell theanswers.Presentation(10 minutes)1. The wholeclass work.2. The wholeclass work.3. The wholeclass work.4. The wholeclass work.5. The wholeclass work and individual work.1. Students skim thepassage to catch the general idea of it.2. Students scan first half part and answer the questions.3. Students scan the restpart and answer thequestions.4. Students scan thewhole passage andcheck the answers by themselves firstly. 5. Students check theanswers with theteacher and correct the wrong ones.1.The teacher asks thestudents to skim thepassage of 1a.2.The teacher asks thestudents to read thepassage from thebeginning to eventhough it was an accident,and then answer theQuestions 1-3 of 1b:(1) How did Jeff feel whenhis brother died in a caraccident?(2) At first, how did Jeffdeal with his sadness?(3) Why was he angrywith the driver?3. The teacher asks thestudents to read the restpart of the passage, andanswer Questions 4-5 of1b:(4) Why is Jeff feelingbetter now?(5) What can you learnfrom Jeff?4. The teacher asks thestudents to read the whole passage and check the answers.5. The teacher asks twostudents to write theanswers on theblackboard and helps thestudents check theanswers.Consolidation(10 minutes)1. Group work.2. The wholeclass work.3. Pair work.4. Pair work. 5. Member Bswork.6. Individualwork.1. Students read thepassage by themselvesand discuss in groupsto find out the difficultpoints and sum up themain points.2. The students underline in their books andmake some notes.3. Students discuss inpairs.4. Students discuss andanswer the questionsin pairs. Member Btells the answers, andthen Member A checksthe answers to helpMember B correct thewrong ones. 5. Member B of everypair reports theanswers.6. The students writethe short passages.1. The teacher asks the students to read the whole passage carefully to find out the difficult points and sum up the main points of the passage.2. The teacher makes asummary to explain thekey points and difficultpoints to the students.(1) deal with(2) for example/ such as older/ elder(3) refuse to do sth.(4) even though(5) not any longer= no longer(6) useuseless Sadsadness fairunfair happyunhappy3. The teacher asks thestudents to work in pairsand talk about how theydeal with sadness. 4. The teacher asks thestudents to answer thequestions by themselves:(1) Why did you feel sad?(2) How did you feel atfirst?(3) What did you do todeal with sadness?(4) How did you feel later?5. The teacher asks Member B of every pair to report the answers above.6. The teacher asks thestudents to write a short passage. Practice(10 minutes)1. The whole class work and individualwork.2. The whole class work and individualwork.3. Individualwork.4. The whole class work and individual work.5. Individualwork.1. Students read thesentences of the firstgrammar table andunderstand the usageof the adverbialclauses of reason.2. Students read thesentences of thesecond table andunderstand the usage ofas as and not as/so as structures. 3. Students finish theexercises alone.4. Students read thesentences of thefunction table toreview the usefulexpressions.5. Students finish theexercises on the screen.1. The teacher asks thestudents to read thesentences of the firstgrammar table to reviewthe adverbial clauses ofreason.2. The teacher asks thestudents to read thesentences of the secondtable to review the usageof the equal comparison.3. The teacher shows theexercises on the screen.Finish the followingsentences.(1) Lucy/ tall/ Lily(2)The red pencil / notlong/the yellow pencil4. The teacher asks thestudents to read thesentences of the function table to review the useful expressions. 5. The teacher shows theexercises on the screen.Complete the followingsentences:(1) What s_ to be the problem?(2) Im new here. Imreally upset and l_.(3) _ become my friend?Yes, Id like to. (4) My mother often _ (和我谈心) me.(5) How are you f_ today?Production(7 minutes)1. Group work.2. Group work. 3. Group work. 4. Individual work.5. The wholeclass work.6. Individualwork.1. Students ask theirclassmates about their problems.2. Students discuss theproblems in groups.3. Students write downtheir own suggestions.4. Students write downtheir own passages. 5. Students check eachothers passages.6. Students finish thehomework.1. No one can be happy allthe time. The teacher asks the students to ask their classmates about theirproblems.2. The teacher asks thestudents to discuss theproblems in groups andfind the ways to solvethem.3. The teacher asks thestudents to write downtheir own suggestions.4. The teacher asks twostudents to write downtheir passages, Dealingwith Sadness, using thelanguage theyve learnedon the blackboard. 5. The teacher checks thepassages with thestudents. Then thestudents change theirpapers and check otherspapers.6. The teacher assignshomework:(1) The teacher lets theStudents finish theessay Dealing withSadness after class.(2) The teacher asks the students to prepare the word cards to preview the vocabulary in Topic 3.Teaching ReflectionStudents are weak in giving advice to people in bad moods. The teacher should design more exercises about adjectives to describe feelings and emotions and verbs to give advice. The teacher should pay more attention to the writing teaching. Design the writing steps carefully. Blackboard designUnit 5 Feeling ExcitedTopic 2 Im feeling better now.Section D1. deal with2. for example/ such as older/ elder3. refuse to do sth.4. even though5. not any longer= no longer6. useuseless sadsadness fairunfair happyunhappy7Unit5. Topic2. Section D


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