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中考英语专题练习-人称代词(含答案)一、选择题1、- Look at the photo. Is that your mother?-Yes.looked young at that time.A. SheB. HerC. HeD.His2、 Mr. Zhang teaches English. His classes are always interesting.A. ourB. usC. yourD. my3、 Whos that young man ?-Dont you know? Heis SongZhongji , a famous actor . ()A. himB. his C. her4、 Lily and Bill want to see it.A. theirselvesB. themselvesC. himselfD. themself5、 Thats not; it is. I made it.A. yours, mine, myselfB.your, mine, myselfC. yours, her, myselfD. yours, my, myself6、 Do you often help your cousin with his English?No. He learns English by.A.himselfB.yourselfC.herselfD. myself7、The boy always makes cry.B.A. sheherC. hers8、Weshould take good care of when we are in foreignA.usour oursD. ourselves9、The CD player isn t mine .It belongs to.A. her B. she C. hersD. herself10、My name is Thomas. Please call Tom.A. IB. memyD. mine11、 Biology is my favourite subject. Mr. Green teaches Biology, I guess. He teaches so wellA.yourB.you C.your D. yourself12、My sister is a clerk.works in a bank near here.A. She He I13、Can you help , please , Tom?Yes.A. me B. I C. my D. she14、Mary,please show your picture.A.myB.mineC.I D.me15、单项选择。-Do you know everyone from Class One?countries.B.C.C.B.C.D. YouA. theyB. theirC. theirsD. them- Er-, I know some of.16、Lily is 9 years old.is old enough to go to schoolA. She; sheB.She; herselfherselfD. Her; sheC. Her;17、My brother and his friends enjoyed party.on his birthdayA.myselfB.themselvesC.ourselvesD.himself18、John often teachesphysics in his free time.A.himB. heC.D.hishimself一Why19、Susan, go and join your sister in cleaning the yard.? John is sitting there doing nothing at all.A.B.meC.myselfD. mine20、The girl is my friend.Kate.is in Class 1.nameisA. He; HerB. She; MyC. She; HerD. She; Him21、This is Jack.That is Mary.are my cousins.A. HeB. ItC. SheD. They22、-Miss Li teaches(教)English this term.Yourelucky(幸运的).is agoodteacher.A. our; SheHeB. us; HeC. us; SheD.ours;23、“Helpto some apples!Jenny s mother said to us.A. ourselvesB. yourselfC. yourselvesD.herself24、-Jimmy is from England, what about Jhon?is from America.A. heB. IC. He25、That s Jim s bag .GivehimithimC. them himittoD. him them26、Please givemoney to her.A. meB. myC. mineD. ours27、What time is it now ?eight o clock .A. ItB. ItsC. It sD. Is28、Tom is my friend. I m in Class Three withA. herB. sheC. himD. he29、Are theseyour brother s books?Yes,are.A this theseBD theythat30、Is Nick your brother?No,is my cousin, my uncles son.A heitBD thisshe31、一 Boys, you can enjoyhere.一OK, Mr. Green.A.yoursyourC. yourselfD. yourselvesB.32、We foundso bad at the maths competition.A. usB. ourC. oursD.ourselves33、 Hi, guys. How was your party yesterday?Wonderful! We had a big meal and enjoyed.A. themselves B. myselfC. yourselvesD.ourselves34、- Who s that at the door, Tony?-is the postman, I think.A. HeB. ItC.ThisD. That35、Mrs. Smith often goes to visit those AIDS patients in hospitals to cheerup.A. herB.themC.himD. us36、Whose diamond necklace is this?It belongs toA. heB.hisC.himD. hers37 、- Who teaches you music?- Nobody. Iteach.A.meB.myC.myselfD. mine38、 Little Tom can mend the bike by. Really? How clever!A.B.hehimC.hisD. himself39、单项选择,选择最佳答案。 Nick and Sally, arereading English books?Yes,are.A. they; you B. you; we C. we; we D. you; they40、Daniel wants to play with today?A. us, heB. us, himC. we,heD. we, him一、选择题1、A2、B3、A4、B5、A6、A7、B8、D9、A10、B11、B 12、A 13、A14、D16、B17、B18、C19、B20、C21、D22、C23、C24、C25、B26、B27、C28、C29、D30、A31、D32、D33、D34、B35、B36、C37、C38、D39、B 40、B


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