读王中年先生山水画的启示(The Enlightenment of reading Mr. Wang Zhongnian's landscape painting)

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读王中年先生山水画的启示(The Enlightenment of reading Mr. Wang Zhongnian's landscape painting)_第1页
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读王中年先生山水画的启示(The Enlightenment of reading Mr. Wang Zhongnian's landscape painting)_第2页
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读王中年先生山水画的启示(The Enlightenment of reading Mr. Wang Zhongnian's landscape painting)_第3页
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读王中年先生山水画的启示(The Enlightenment of reading Mr. Wang Zhongnians landscape painting)Popular and eternal - the Enlightenment of reading Mr. Wang Zhongnians landscape painting(Lin Ye)In 1997, the golden autumn of October, after I returned home, I met Mr. Wang Zhongnian, a famous landscape painter in Xiamen Xiangjiang garden. After that, I walked into his landscape painting unconsciously, intoxicated by his fresh, magnificent, simple and romantic landscape artistic conception. Later, I collected many of his paintings hanging at home, busy xunxi eye addiction, he painted the landscape like my childhood lived in the village park landscape, cordial and warm, like a mirage is full of magic, make me feel the motherland magnificent and colorful, forget the journey away from the motherland overseas when the sad. Now, his landscape painting has been branded with a deep imprint in my mind.Fifty years ago, the Chinese nation really ended the humiliating history of the past hundred years, and sounded the clarion call of national rejuvenation. The great changes of history often bring about many earthshaking progress. Culture and art are no exception. Mr. Wang Zhongnians landscape painting is also in this context, achievement style and become a school. Recently he edited, peoples Fine Arts Publishing House new Mustard Seed Garden painting Qianjiang landscapes in a book, proved his landscape painting with full of youthful spirit and exquisite and lively, easy to understand and unique style of the mainstream culture era.Like me, many overseas Chinese love Chinese landscape painting art, but because of a serious gap between overseas China landscape painting art development and domestic so many students each year had traveled to the domestic study of landscape painting. But for a long time the domestic landscape industry portal is numerous, traditional landscape painting and painters over the pursuit of personal inner feelings, so that young painters cannot fully experience old teachers are seeking emotion, the learning effect is not ideal. People call the painting to easy to understand in painting language, easy to understand the nature of the real landscape rich texture to represent, so that the painter and the readers mind to communicate, so that teaching can prove that learners can be. Mr. Wang Zhongnian was sensitive to this point many years ago, and he explored it silently and pursued it. Not seeking novelty, not unconventional, with the most common painting language, the direct description of the natural beauty of the simple. Now people understand his works and his inner feelings. Therefore, it is very popular. Many universities have his painting and drawing teaching for mining. It was generally believed that his landscape painting has formed a suck this combination of Chinese and western, North and South Laguna, merge, become an independent school style. For art lovers painting I deeply domestic landscape painting has such great progress and dance for joy. At the same time, the overseas Chinese who love Chinese landscape painting more than ever have the opportunity to understand the essence of Chinese landscape painting, and to carry forward the traditional art of the Chinese nation and to be full of confidence.Since the Dong Qichang landscape paintings and clear genre, and I do not know how many schools from behind. The painting is not a distinct, is a true portrayal of the art of landscape diversity. However, under a culture background, Chinese landscape painting has formed one mountain, big and small, which is a water tree home to the world situation. From the authentic and heresy argument, still exist, seriously affect the length of complementary and mutual fusion of art. Art is after all people to create and serve the people, its essence is consistent, is not inherently contradictory, but there is no need to artificially different schools of art are in opposition to each other, therefore, a real artist must learn to consciously abandon the portal region, consciously absorb the advanced scientific method School of art, and to blend together. In this way, the art of life can be eternal. Landscape painting shows that people love nature, and praise the idea of life is universal. Artists through their own hands, the heart of nature, life, love, positive and simple expression,It is the pursuit and responsibility of landscape painters to give people the hope of vigor and vitality, and thus move more people. Mr. Wang Zhongnian thinks so, and he does the same thing.The painter in the creation process accurately handle inner feelings and emotions are very important, because it directly influences the realization of the artistic effect and purpose. And the inner feeling and emotion are closely related to the attitude towards art. In exploring the long journey of art, if a painter closes all his heart away from society, his works will be far away from life and can not be understood. Conversely if it is completely open, the pursuit of social fashion, style changes often, work style is bound to lose and fall into the stereotypes. Perhaps half of the artists heart should be open, for the absorption of various artistic information and distinctive schools of mainstream ideas and techniques, for their own use. While the other half is closed, it is reserved integration of external information and internal thought process, is the artist life experience accumulation, this process is essential, it tends to dominate the painters artistic life. In his long artistic career, Mr. Wang Zhongnian skillfully and continuously opens and closes two different windows in his heart. From the opening to get the experience, the experience into the other half, combination digestion, enrich ascension. The continuous accumulation of this process is bound to produce qualitative leap. Therefore, now its artistic achievements, style unique, but also reasonable.I think, Mr. Wang Zhongnians landscape painting combines ancient and modern, Chinese and western, from north and south of different schools and artistic characteristics, forming a unique style, is the process of reproduction and expression of landscape painting, from the following aspects as interpretation.First, the relationship between the potential, the form and the view:Landscape painting can not do without momentum, with momentum, the dignity of the mountain, water romance is active on the paper. Mr. Wang Zhongnian boldly uses splash techniques to achieve rally. He wants the ink spill on the Xuan paper, the seepage flow. Like clouds of elegant, such as the water of confusion; as if Kunlun Mountains barrier, but also like a mirage, let infinite reverie. Cleverly poured out the overall momentum of the picture. Only power and not style can not be painted yet. Therefore, he is very particular about the pack, which is written by the prospect of bright color nongmo fine stones, trees, water and cottage fingertips touch the scenery. Let the subtle scenery style is in the huge background potential, so that potential to highlight the prospects of rich and colorful scenery, the contrast is bright and beautiful, the picture effect is wonderful. This kind of potential and after painting style is different from the traditional trees after the forest approach, to grasp the overall situation, so as to realize the potential of picture of beauty and generous. At the same time, he believes that in the process of splash and stop, to pay special attention to the visual, because the comprehensive effect of the picture should be in line with the normal rules and requirements of peoples vision, to give people a sense of good to hear or see. In his works, the middle part of the scene is the most specific and clear, which is the point of view in the painting, and should be carefully described. The upper or lower parts can be drawn, just like the light of peoples eyes. It need not be crafted to avoid distracting. This is true and false, there may be a tool, the focus can be highlighted.Two, scatter, focus and shift point perspective:The scattered perspective of traditional landscape painting is a form of dynamic reflection, and the painters body and vision seem to be fluttering and fluttering with the change of emotion in the heart. Therefore, a fixed finite picture can arbitrarily overlap into numerous hills and streams, not poor. This may well reflect the artistic conception of ancient landscape painters when facing extremely, list of small hills, the heroic and colorful inner world and the integration of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism and all classes of authors of nature and life philosophy and emotion. But as the vast majority of readers, the artistic feeling of this picture seems to be too far away.Most readers have deep feelings for natural teachings, social life and so on, but they also like the art of landscape painting. What shall I do? Mr. Wang Zhongnian has made a useful attempt here. He absorbed the focus in Western painting techniques of perspective, the comparison with the visual habits of the shift of perspective, will be fixed within eyesight sight. The moving point perspective is the movement of the eye view, which is based on body immobility or parallel movement. The organic part of left, middle, right or upper, middle and lower in the painting is a separate perspective of focus. Through the transition of water, trees, clouds and other different scenery using light refraction principle, organically combined in a picture, independent and complete. After this treatment, the scenery of the picture can not only avoid the defects of scattered perspective, but also solve the problem that the focal point has been passed and the artistic conception is insufficient.The relationship between the three, color ink, and color with whiteThe light crimson landscape painting features in ink and space between laying the best color, in order to reflect the image of the natural phenomenon of spring and autumn and winter snow and rain, the first potential after the style painting method, to handle the whole ink and white space relationship. The ink should have a sense of hierarchy, the ancient saying that the ink is divided into five colors. Write to the white ink, with the traditional techniques of the white ink holdout is very exquisite, should inherit it. The blank screen is not too large or too small, too large which is not loose picture together, is a small accumulation of breath. In the use of color stippling the pursuit of Spring Awakening, summer, autumn bright, saturated winter silence mood. The Spring Awakening scene with light green and light reflected sunlight; moisture absorption in summer when the nature of things most full, full body, deep color. It should be saturated autumn Wanshan popular feeling. The golden red color will be completely in place, glorious and resplendent. When winter comes, snow ridge, deep black, with black and white contrast, can fully reflect the Northland ice thousands of miles, miles of magnificent scenery. Color must be used properly, not too, not owe, easy, easy to use ink blank space already existing artistic conception, owe can not reflect the natural phenomenon of the four seasons. How can the three mentioned above be reasonably coordinated and unified in a painting? We might as well read Mr. Wang Zhongnians works, and we can see the effect of seeing the leopard by seeing the spot.Four, rock, flowing water and the relationship between treesRocks, flowing water and trees are the most important scenes in landscape paintings. How to keep the artistic conception of the picture while fully reflecting the natural texture of the scenery in the painting? The difficulty is not small, Mr. Wang middle-aged in the viewfinder with a fine way to get China to find a breakthrough point. He thinks that the picture is too close, too fine, unfavorable to create potential, destroy the artistic conception. The scenery is too far away to focus, and it is not conducive to qualitative performance. Therefore, we should always pay close attention to the full expression of the Chinese scene in the paintings. In this way, the mountain town of Granville eight party, the water can be panoramic glance up very pretty and charming. Look at the stone, after thousands of years have been exposed to wind and rain very hard, Mr. Wang Zhongnian used moire method with the method behaved most incisive, has been described as he painted stone rich texture, pick hit sparks , but also. Water, however, is flowing. Mountain real water, water is along the mountain bypass. It is not enough to leave the texture of water alone. We should carefully observe the shape of water flowing through the rocks, and carefully depict it. Not only to draw the surface of water, but also to draw a deep underwater landscape, so that water is more in line with the natural and rich texture. In the formation of the waterfall, the water to show urgent, Xu Chan to slow movement, which falls plunge down, and then slowly around the rocks and whirling gap, finally converging into slow flow out of Tan xi. Urgent like drop from the clouds, slowly walk around the rocks, a trend which cannot be halted; when the splash, lively and cheerful; slow or upon outflow of micro wave light to turn, or clear,Very pleasing. Therefore, in describing the waterfall map, we must pay special attention to reflect the water rapids down the dense, fast and slow flow when the outflow of sparse, free strong contrast. The tree is auxiliary, stone water, trees or tall or Fu Yi, or along the cliff or the water, according to the picture of the rocks or the water circumstances, can not be planted, can not proceed. In the embodiment of the jungle, to be dense and not miscellaneous, miscellaneous and not disorderly, red leaves black branches, each has its own art. In addition, the cloud and fog, as well as rocks, trees, is reflected in the water break, Tibet, dew characteristics of one of the scenery, but also should study the use of. The above three effectively reflect each other, landscape painting can live also.Five, sketch, reproduction and performance of the relationshipMany painters are good at interior creation, but they can not start from the real nature before painting. The source of such interior art creation will be exhausted. Mr. Wang Zhongnian paid special attention to sketching on the spot, and emphasized the process of repeating sketching - creating, sketching and re creating. He walked through the mountains and rivers of 25 provinces in the north and south of the Yangtze River, willing to sketch without fatigue. In his long field sketching, he created many specific sketching techniques, such as moving view method, folding scenery painting method, the same field matching method and so on. He believes that sketching is the basis of reproduction of scenery and creative expression, while creative expression is the purpose of sketching. So he was very serious. He in the painting art of the optional multi angle observation, flexible choice, go. He was out of practice, not afraid of fatigue, each painting promptly after finishing runbi, painting materials catch inspiration, retain image. Then Qucuqujing, strive to be a reasonable representation of the scene from different angles in a painting. He thought that the process of sketching and reproducing scenery should be repeated consciously and constantly, and make the pen skilled. He was opposed to fly like painting or on photos after the creation of practice. He thinks it should get, personally, so that there is a real inspiration to write the real scenes of nature painting, written in your mind, write more life experience. The only real walk a thousand miles, painted mountains as cloud tree can reach the realm of writing if there is God, or any opportunistic superficial type of painting is not big.Art needs style. The artistic style and the painter is not innate or Ougan and. Any opportunistic or whim or achievement style are not new in order to be different. Mr. Wang Zhongnian is no exception, his artistic style is also gradually evolved. He graduated from Luxun Academy of Fine Arts in his early years, and went to Graduate School of Guangzhou Academy of fine arts for further studies. He has served as the domestic relevant departments of leading cadres, but in order to art he gave up a good working environment, all linger in between and never. He has written a song on my a poem: busy things scattered Wuchen party, won fame has lost spring, the late frost after the human feeling is like running water, covered with gold. Can be seen from his artistic style is after the frost was able to form. He believes that his interests, not vanity is the painter at least work accomplishment; love the landscape, diligent practice is the most important landscape painter working attitude; love the motherland landscape art, have passion to show the magnificent and beautiful mountains and rivers of the motherland, and landscape painters of the most basic moral consciousness. Forming of Wang Zhongnians landscape painting style and his inspiration such as springhead off the reel. The reason can be seen from his ideas and insights.Art is without borders. Man obsessed with real simple nature, obsessed with the beauty of the humanities Huan Royalton, this is nature, is the national common. To carry forward Chinese landscape painting and go out of the country, let other nations in the world share the beauty of our traditional art, improve the status of Chinese traditional art in the world. This is the responsibility of every patriotic, loving nation and art painter. In recent years, traditional Chinese folk music, martial arts, dance and other traditional arts have gone out of the country,It is proud to show the confidence and courage of the Chinese nation. Mr. Wang Zhongnian for a long time, many times at home and abroad to give lectures exhibitions, foreign exchange has accumulated rich experience, he diligently seek unique painting language and form with the progressive trend of the times, to enrich and develop the theory and techniques of landscape painting China, made a significant contribution to the field of landscape painting and Everbright go out of the country as soon as possible.Art is development and change. Changes in nature, changes in the times, the painters feelings will change. Therefore, the landscape painting art characterized by the combination of natural scenery and humanities is also developing and changing. To solve the problems of landscape painting in the change, the best strategy is that artists consciously plunge into nature, and come from nature to the nature. Thus, no matter how the times change, its artistic charm will never disappear. Chinese painting master GuanShanYue enthusiastically handwritten to five words the disciple of Mr. Wang Zhongnians mantra of learn from nature, for his painting style is hidden or pertinent comments of sincere words and earnest wishes to look forward to? Believe that the two are all.


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