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1专题二完型填空第 2 课时夹叙夹议类完形填空训练题组一体验真题Cloze 1体裁:夹叙夹议文话题:一位英雄的司机词数:253 时间:18(2016 全国卷I)A Heroic DriverLarry works with Tran sport Drivers .Inc.One morni ng in 2009, Larry was _1_along165 north after delivering to one of his_2_ . Suddenly , he saw a car with its bright lights on._3_he got closer , he found _4 vehicle upside down on the road.One morelook and he noticed_5_shooting out from under the_6 vehicle.Larry pulled over , set the brakeand_7_the fire ext in guisher (灭火器 ).Two good bursts from theext in guisher and the fire was put out.The man who had his bright lightson_8_and told Larry he had_9_an emergencycall.They_10_heard a woman s voice coming from the wrecked (毁坏的)vehicle._11_ hevehicle , they saw that a womanwas trying to get out of the brokenwindow.They told her to stay_1 _untilthe emergency personnel arrived , _13_shethought the car was going to_14_ _. Larry told her that he had already put out thefire and she should not move_15_she injured her n eck.Once fire and emergency people arrived , Larry and the other man_16_ d letthem go to work.Then , Larry asked the_17_ifhe was needed or _18_to go.They lethim and the other man go.One thing is_19_ Larry went above and beyond the call of duty by getting so close to theburning vehicle! His_20_ most likely saved the woman s life.【语篇解读】 这是一篇夹叙夹议文。短文讲述了货运司机拉里看到了一辆翻倒着火的汽车,不顾个人安危对伤者实施救助的故事。21. A.walkingB. touringC. travelingD. rushing答案 C 考查语境中动词的辨析。由下文的pulled over , set the brake 等词可知,拉里送完货物之后正在道路上行驶。因此答案选Co2 A.passengersC employers答案 D 考查语境中名词的辨析。 拉里是送货司机, 当然是将货物送到顾客 (customers) 手里。 3 A.SinceB AlthoughCAsDIf答案 C 考查语境中连词的辨析。 当拉里走近时才发现, 还有一辆车翻倒在路上。 since 既然;though 尽管;as 当.时候;if 如果。唯有 C 项符合语境。4A.eachB anotherCthatDhis答案 B 考查语境中代词的辨析。前文已经提到拉里看到了一辆开着大灯的车,这是 另一辆车,故答案选 B。 5A.flamesB smokeCwaterD steam答案 A 考查语境中名词的辨析。由本段最后一句中的“ the fire was put out ”可 以推断有火焰(flames) 从车里冒出来。 6 A.usedB disabledC removedDabandoned答案 B 考查语境中形容词的辨析。根据前文“ upside down ”一词及下一段“ the wreckedvehicle ”这一信息可知,这辆车已毁坏。 7 A.got hold ofB preparedC took charge ofDcontrolled答案 A 考查语境中短语动词的辨析。由语境可知,看到这种情况,拉里赶紧靠边停 车,拿起 (gethold of) 灭火器去实施救援。 8 A.came downB came throughC came inDcame over答案 D 考查语境中短语动词的辨析。根据语境可以推断,开着大灯的汽车司机走过来 (come over) 告诉拉里他已报警。 come down 下来; come through 传来; come in 进 来。均不符合句意。 9 A.returnedB receivedC madeDconfirmedB colleagues3答案 C 考查语境中动词的辨析。由上文内容可知, call the police ( 报警 )符合语 境。 4(approach) 救人。 可以推断他们告诉这个妇女要保持静止不动 (still) 。转折关系。故选 D。 set out 开始。均不符合语境。 10 A.thenB againC finallyDeven11答案 A 考查语境中副词的辨析。的声音。 again 又,再; finallyA.StartingC Passing答案 D 考查语境中动词的辨析。正当那人与拉里说话, 这时他们听到车里传来妇女最后; even 甚至。 BD根据常识,ParkingApproaching听到车里有人喊叫, 他们当然是走过去12A.quietB stillCawayDcalm答案 B 考查语境中形容词的辨析。由 15 空之前的shouldnotmove13A.forB soCandDbut答案 D 考查语境中连词的辨析。根据下文妇女所担心的事情,可知这里是逻辑上的14A.explodeB slip awayC fall apartD crash答案 A 考查语境中动词的辨析。前面提到这辆车在燃烧,依据常识,explode ( 爆炸)符合语境。 slip away 消失,消亡; fall apart 破碎; crash 撞毁。 15A.as ifB unlessCin caseD after答案 C 考查语境中连词的辨析。 根据常识,让这个妇女保持不动的原因就是防止脖子受伤害。 as if 好像; unless 除非; in case万一,以防;after 在. 之后。显然,C 项为正确答案。16A.stepped forwardBbacked offCmoved onDset out答案 B 考查语境中短语动词的辨析。消防队员和警方一到, 拉里和那个人自然退让(back off) 到一边,让他们进行专业救援。step forward 向前走; move on 继续前进;17 A.womanB policeCmanDdriver答案 B 考查语境中名词的辨析。 前面提到了那个人拨打了报警电话,现在消防员和警方赶到,因此拉里询问警察自己是否能帮忙或者没有安排什么事就离开。18 A.forbiddenB readyCasked D free答案 D 考查语境中形容词的辨析。见上一小题解析。5B. for considerationC. reportedD. checked答案 A 考查语境中介词短语的辨析。由前文所述,拉里超越自己的职责范围靠近燃烧的车辆去搭救别人,这件事是确定无疑的(for certain) 。patienee 耐心;skills 技巧;promise 诺言。均与语境不符。20. A.patieneeB. skillsC. effortsD. promise答案 C 考查语境中名词的辨析。正是拉里尽力(efforts) 搭救才让这个妇女幸存下来成为了可能。Cloze 2体裁:夹叙夹议文话题:不可以装置取人词数:264 时间:17(2016 全国卷n)Hundreds of people have formed impressions of you through thatlittle device(装置)on your desk.And they venever actually_1_you.Everything they know aboutyou_2_through this device away._3_they feel they can know you_4_from the sound of yourvoice.That s how powerful the_5_s.Powerful , yes, but not always_6_ . For years I dealt with my travel age nt onlyby phon e.Ra ni , my faceless age nt whomI d n ever met 7_, got merock bottom priceson airfares , cars , and hotels.But hercold voice really_8_me.I sometimes wished to_9_another age nt.One morning , I had to_10_an immediate flight home for a family emergency.lsympathetically jumped up.She gave me a 13 smile , nodded while listening patiently , and thenprinted out the_14 _immediately. “What a wonderful lady !”I thought.Rushing out _15_ I called out over my shoulder,“ By the way , what s yourn ame?” “ I m Ran i,” she said .I tur ned around and saw a_16 woma n with a bigsmile on her face wavi ng to wish me a safe trip .I was_17_ ! Why had I thought she wascold ? Rani was , well , so_1819. A.for certain,sometimes from hundreds of milesran into Rani s officeThe woma n sitt ing at the desk12 my madness,15 A.hopefullyB disappointedly6Sittingback in the car on the way to the airport , I figured it all out.Rani s_19_ her warm smile , her no ds, her I m here for you _20_were all sile nt signals thatdidn t travel through wires.【语篇解读】这是一篇夹叙夹议类的文章。主要讲述的是作者在与Rani 进行电话交流时发现她比较冷漠,但在后来的实际接触中却发现自己的看法完全是错误的,其实她非常友好。1. A.acceptedB. noticedC. heardD. met答案 D 考查语境中动词的辨析。根据第一句话可知,许多人只是通过电话了解你,在现实中从来都没见过面。meet 相见,符合语境。了解你。just 只是,符合语境。rather 相当地;also 也;already 已经,都与语境不符。答案 D 考查语境中形容词的辨析。空前的 but 说明上下文之间是转折关系,电话虽准确的。in person 与空前的 faceless 形成对应, Rani in pers2.A.cameB. movedC. ranD. developed答案 A考查语境中动词的辨析。因为你们之间距离遥远,所以他们对你的了解是来自电come from 来自。3.A.ThusB. YetC. Then D . Indeed4.答案 B考查语境中副词的辨析。上下文之间是转折关系,所以使用副词A.ratherB. also答案 C 考查语境中副词的辨析。虽然距离很远,但是他们可以通过你的声音了解你。yet。C. justD. already这里使用 just 表示强调,别人只要通过声音就可以5.A.teleph oneB. voiceC. connectionD. impression答案 A 考查语境中名词的辨析。根据上下文,特别是6 空后的 only by phone 可知,人们可以通过电话了解你。6.A.directB. usefulC. easyD. accurate然很强大,但是也并不是很准确。direct直接的;useful 有用的;easy 容易的;accurate7.A.i n personB.by myselfC. in publicD. on purpose答案 A 考查语境中介词短语的辨析。是代理人,但是我们从来没有见过面。7on 亲自; by myself 靠自己;in public15 A.hopefullyB disappointedly8当众; on purpose 故意地。 8 A.annoyedC discouraged声音很冷漠,这让我很不高兴,甚至想要换一个代理人。作者对她的声音很反感。 9 A.promoteB trainC findD know答案 C 考查语境中动词的辨析。 正是因为 Rani 的声音让作者很不舒服, 所以作者曾 经想过另外找一个代理人取代她。 promote 提拔; train 训练; find 寻找,找到; know 知道。 10 A.arrangeB postponeC confirmD book答案 D 考查语境中动词的辨析。 因为家庭中的急事作者要立刻预定回家的航班。 动 词 book 与flight 搭配,表示预定航班。 11 A.for the first timeB at any timeC from time to timeD in good time答案 A 考查语境中介词短语的辨析。因为情况紧急,所以作者第一次来到了 Rani 的办公室。 forthe first time第一次,符合语境。 12 A.expectingB seeingC testingD avoiding答案 B 考查语境中动词的辨析。 Rani 看到作者非常着急,深感同情,所以给了作 者以安慰的笑容 。 13 A.shyB comfortingC familiarD forced答案 B 考查语境中形容词的辨析。 根据上下文可知, 她看到作者很着急, 笑着安慰 作者。 shy害羞的; comforting 安慰的; familiar 熟悉的; forced 被迫的。 14 A.billB formC ticketD list答案 C 考查语境中名词的辨析。 根据上下文可知, 这里应该是机票。 作者预定回家 的航班机票, Rani 很快帮他把机票打印出来。 D regretfullyB interestedD confused答案 A 考查语境中形容词的辨析。根据前面的cold voice 可知, Rani 在电话里的C gratefully9答案 C 考查语境中副词的辨析。Rani 如此迅速地帮作者把机票打印出来,而且一直面带微笑,这让他心存感激。hopefully 充满希望地;disappoi ntedly感到失望地;gratefully感激地;regretfully 遗憾地。16. A.carefulB. seriousC. nervousD. pleasant答案 D 考查语境中形容词的辨析。现实生活中的 Rani 富有同情心,待人热情大方。 所以当作者转身时,看到的是与电话中完全不一样的人。careful 细心的;serious 严肃的,认真的;nervous 紧张的;pleasant 令人愉快的。17. A.amusedC. helplessD. speechless答案 D 考查语境中形容词的辨析。电话中得到的印象有时很不准确,作者现在真是无话可说。18. A.calmB. niceC. proudD. clever答案 B 考查语境中形容词的辨析。之前作者认为Rani 很冷漠,但却没有想到现实生活中的 Rani 是如此的友好善良。友好的态度并没有从电话线中传递过去。explanation 解释;attitude 态度;concept概念;behavior 行为。Cloze 3体裁:夹叙夹议话题:学习方式词数:230 时间:16(2015 全国卷n)Where do you go when you want to learn something friend ?A tutor ? These are all_1_ laces of learning.But it may well be that the learning you really want_2_somewhere else in stead .I had the_3_of see in g_thisfirst hand on a_4_B. worried19. A.forgivenessC. friendliness答案 C 考查语境中名词的辨析。现实中中的那种冷漠的感觉。frie ndli ness20.A.explanationC. conceptB. eagernessD. skillfulnessRani 对作者非常友好善良,完全没有电话友好,符合语境。B.D.答案 B 考查语境中名词的辨析。这里表示attitudebehaviorRani 接待作者的友好态度。Rani 的善良? School ? A15 A.hopefullyB disappointedly10My daughter plays on a recreati onal soccer team.They did very well this seas onand so_5_ a tournament , which normally was only for more skilled club teams.This led tosome_6_experie nceson Saturday as they playedaga instteams_7_trained.Throughthe first two games, her_8_did not get on serious shoton goal.As a pare nt ,1_9_seeing my daughter play ing her best ,_10_ stilldefeated.It seemed that something clicked with the_11_ between Saturday and Sunday.When they _12_for their Sun day game, they were _13_ differe nt.They had begu n tointegrate (融合)the kinds of play and teamwork they had _14= the day before intotheir _15_. They played aggressively and _16_ scored a goal.It _17_ me that playing against the other team was a great _18_ moment forall the girls on the team.I think it is a general principle._19_ is the best _ teacher.The less ons they learned may not be_20_what they would have gotte n in school , but are certainly more personal andmeaningful, because they had to workthem out on their own.【语篇解读】 这是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者女儿所在的球队因为这个赛季表现突出而入围锦标赛。虽然与强手角逐的前两场比赛中失利,但是善于吸取教训的孩子们在周日的比赛中进球了。通过这次经历,作者得出结论:学习的途径有许多,通过亲身实践得来的经验更加富 有意义。1.A.publicB. traditionalC. official D. special答案 B 考查语境中形容词的辨析。根据首句的意思及“School ?A friend? Atutor ?,再结合生活常识,不难看出,这些都是传统意义上的(traditi on al)学习途径。public 公共的;official 官方的,正式的;special 特别的。均不符合题意。2. A.passesB. worksC. liesD. ends答案 C 考查语境中动词的辨析。既然你想要的学习方式不是传统的:在学校里跟朋友交流或向导师求教,那么它很可能会存在于其他地方。lie (位于,存在于)符合语境。3.A.dreamB. ideaC. habitD. chanee答案 D 考查语境中名词的辨析。联系下文可知,“我”有机会亲自观看了女儿的一场足球赛并领悟到了这一点。dream 梦想;idea 主意;habit 习惯。均与句意不符。4.A.tripB. holidayC. weekendD. square11答案 C 考查语境中名词的辨析。作者下面叙述的几场比赛都是发生在周六和周日的,因此答案选 Co12答案 B 考查语境中动词的辨析。这个赛季女儿所在的球队表现出色而有资格参加锦 标赛。 win 赢;enter 进入; organize 组织; watch 观看。 6 A.painfulB strangeC commonD practical答案 A 考查语境中形容词的辨析。由于参加锦标赛的多是技术更加娴熟的俱乐部球 队,他们的球员训练有素 (well trained) ,技术过硬。女儿的球队艰难鏖战,还是没有 一次真正意义上的射门 (didnot get one serious shot on goal)。 painful 困难的,艰难的;strange 奇怪的;comm or 普通的;practical答案。 7A.lessB poorlyCnewlyDbetter答案 D 考查语境中副词的辨析。见上一小题解析。 8 A.fa n sB tutorsCclassDteam答案 D 考查语境中名词的辨析。联系上下文可知,女儿所在的球队在前两场比赛中未能进球得分。故答案选 D。 9. A imaginedBhatedC avoidedDmissed答案 B 考查语境中动词的辨析。作为父母,谁也不愿意看到竭尽全力踢球的孩子遭 受失败的结局。imagine 想像; hate 憎恨; avoid 避免; miss 错过。由语境可知 B 项最 能表达此意。 10 A.ifB orCbutD as答案 C 考查语境中连词的辨析。由空格前的 played her best 和 still defeated的语意逻辑,不难看出前后为转折关系。因此C 项为正确答案。11 A.girlsB parentsCcoachesD viewers答案 A 考查语境中名词的辨析。女儿所在的球队在接下来的比赛中有了很大的改 变。由此可以推断该句意思是: “周日比赛之前, 这群女孩子似乎突然间明白了什么。 ” 故 A 项正确。 12 A.dressedB showed upC made upD planned5 A.wonB enteredC organizedDwatched实用的。由句意可知 A 项为正确13答案 B 考查语境中短语动词的辨析。 由语境可知, 周六比赛失利, 女孩子们又出现 在周日的赛场上。 show up( 出现,露面 ) 与语境相吻合。 1413 A.slightlyC basically答案 D 考查语境中副词的辨析。根据下文所述,女孩子们的表现与上一场比赛迥然 不同。slightly稍微; hardly 几乎不; basically 基本上; completely 完全地。 14 A.seen B knownCheardDread答案 A 考查语境中动词的辨析。 她们的表现之所以有很大改观是因为善于总结经验 教训,将周六比赛中看到的对方团队协作的技术运用到自己的比赛中。由语境可知 A 项正确。 15 A.stylesB trainingC gameDrules答案 C 考查语境中名词的辨析。见上一小题解析。 16 A.evenB stillC seldomD again答案 A 考查语境中副词的辨析。 在强手面前, 孩子们努力拼搏,志在必得,甚至还 进了一个球。 even 甚至; still 仍然; seldom 很少; again 又,再。 说,这场比赛是一个学习的好机会。因此答案为D。 19. A ExperienceB IndependenceC CuriosityD Interest答案 A 考查语境中名词的辨析。 通过这场比赛, 孩子们学到了以前没有接触到的东 西,经历促使她们成长得更快,经历是最好的老师。experience 经历,经验;independence 独立; curiosity好奇心; interest 兴趣。 其余三项均与短文主旨无关。 20 A.harmful toB mixed withC different fromBhardly17 A.confusedC reminded答案 B 考查语境中动词的辨析。 突然想到的。 It strikes sb that.18. A touchingC encouraging答案 D 考查语境中动词的辨析。B struckD warned由作者接下来阐发的感想可知这是他从这场比赛中意为“使某人突然想到”。B thinkingD learning由前文对比赛的描述可知, 对于球队的每个孩子来D applied to15答案 C 考查语境中形容词的辨析。由后面 but 一词的转折意义可以推断本句的意 思:孩子们通过比赛总结的经验或许与课堂上学到的经验不同, 但从赛场上获取的经验16肯定会更有个性化,更加有意义。因为那是靠亲自实践得来的。 因此,答案非 C 莫属。Cloze 4体裁:夹叙夹议话题:不要做生活的“挑剔者”词数:302 时间:18(2015 福建卷)One of the easiest things in the world is to become a faultfinder.However , life can be _1_ when you are not busy finding fault with it.Several years ago I _2_ a letterfrom seventeen year old Kerry , who describedherself as a world class fault finder , almost always _3_ by things.People were always doingthings that annoyed her, and _4_ was ever good enough.She was highly self critical and alsofound fault with her frien ds.She became a really _5_pers on.Unfortunately , it took a horrible accident to change her _6_. Her best friend was seriously hurtin a car crash.What made it almost _7_ to deal with was that the day before the _8_, Kerry hadvisited her friend and had spent the whole time criticizing her _9_ of_boyfriends, the way shewas living, the way she relatedto her mother , and various other things she felt she needed to _10_ . It wasn tun til her friend was badly hurt that Kerry became _11_ her habit of find ingfault.Very quickly , she learned to appreciate life rather than to 12everything so harshly( 刻薄).She was able to transfer her new wisdom to other parts of her 3 一 aswell.Perhaps most of us aren t as extreme at faultfinding , _14_ when we rehonest , we can be sharply _15of the world .Im not suggesting you _16problems , or that you pretend things are _17than they are ,but simply that youlearn to allow things to be as they are18most of the time,and especiallywhen it s not a really big _19171. A.lonelyB. greatC. quietD. uneasy2 A.receivedB answeredC expected D rejected答案 A 考查动词辨析。几年前,我收到了一封来自十七岁的 Kerry 的信。收到来信用 receive ; answer a letter回信; expect 期待;预料; reject 拒绝。 3 A.threatenedB interruptedC botheredD spoiled答案 C 考查动词辨析。 Kerry 在信中描述自己是一个世界级的挑剔者,总是会受到别的事情的干扰。 bother 烦扰;操心; threat 威胁; interrupt 打断; spoil 溺爱。 4 A.anythingB everythingC somethingD nothing答案 D 考查代词。在 Kerry 看来,人们总是做一些让她烦恼的事情,什么事都不够好。只有 nothing 表示此处 Kerry 作为一个超级挑剔者的特点。 5 A.caringB boringC interestingD surprising答案 B 考查形容词辨析。 Kerry 不仅挑剔自己,也总是找别人的毛病,她真的变成 了一个 boring( 令人厌烦的 ) 人。 6 A.attitudeB planC measureD explanation答案 A 考查名词辨析。不幸的是,改变她的态度是以一场可怕的事故为代价的。measure 丈量;衡量; explanation 解释。 7 A.urgentB unnecessaryC certainD impossible答案 D 考查形容词辨析。 urgent 紧急的; unnecessary 不必要的; certain 肯定的; impossible不可能的。 8 A.occasionB eventTrain yourself tobite your ton gue”,and with a little _20,you ll getreally good at lettingthings go.And when you do, you llget back your enthusiasmand love for life.【语篇解读】 世界上最容易做的事情之一就是成为一个挑剔的人,但是,如果能改变一下的话,生活也许会是另外一个样子。答案 B 考查形容词辨析。如果能不忙着找别人的毛病,生活会十分棒。18C accidentD adventure答案 C 考查名词辨析。根据上文可知,在这场事故之前, Kerry 拜访了她的朋友。 9 A.memoryB noticeC evidenceD choice答案 D 考查名词辨析。 Kerry 拜访了她的朋友,不停地批评她朋友选择男朋友 ( 的问 题) 、她生活的方式问题、她和她父母相处的问题以及各种各样她觉得她需要表达的问19题。10 A.hearB contributeC expressDadmit答案 C 考查动词辨析。解析见上题。 11 A.aware ofB afraid ofC curious aboutD confused about答案 A 考查形容词短语的辨析。直到她朋友受了重伤之后,她才意识到自己的 ( 乱 挑剔)的习惯( 可能会给别人带来严重的后果 )。become aware of 意识到;be afraid of 害怕;be curiousabout 好奇; be confused about 困惑。 12 A.discussB realizeC judgeDsettle答案 C 考查动词辨析。 从那之后, 很快地, 她开始学着欣赏生活而不是刻薄地去评 判任何事。judge 判断,评判; discuss 讨论; realize 意识到; settle 解决。 13 A.familyB lifeC careerD education答案 B 考查名词辨析。她能够把她的新的智慧也传递到她的生活中的其他部分。 14 A.soB orCbutD for答案 C 考查连词。 也许我们大部分人都不是很挑剔, 但是诚实地说, 我们可能会对 这个世界十分的挑剔。此处表示转折关系。 15 A.proudB sureC hopefulD critical答案 D 考查形容词辨析。 critical 对应本文的线索词 fault finder 。 16 A.faceB createC solveDignore答案 D 考查动词辨析。 发现了问题, 我不是建议你去忽略这些问题。 或者假装这些 事比他们事实上好。 17 A.rarerB betterC strangerD worse答案 B 考查形容词辨析。解析见上题。 18 A.at leastB at lastCby farD so far答案 A 考查介词短语辨析。但是要至少大部分时间学会允许这些事情的存在。 19 A.taskB dealC resultD duty答案 B 考查名词辨析。特别是不是什么大事的时候。big deal 大事。 20 A.practiceB speechC restD pity,少说话,多这样做,你会真Cloze 5答案 A 考查名词辨析。训练自己“咬住自己的舌头” 的学会放手了。 practice 做法,实践。 20体裁:夹叙夹议话题:实现个人价值词数:334 时间:18(2015 浙江卷)Sinee finishing my studies at Harvard and Oxford, I ve watchedone friend after another land high ranking , high paying Wall Street jobs.Asexecutives ( 高级管理人员 )with banks , consulting firms, established law firms ,and major corporations, many are now _1_ on their way to impressive careers.Bysociety s _ 2 一, they seem to have it made.On the surface , these people seem to be very lucky in life.As they left student life behind,many had a _3_ drink at their cheap but friendly local bar, shookhands with Iongtime roommates , and _4- out of small apartments into high buildings.They madereservations at restaurantswhere the cost of a bottle of wine_5_ a college year s monthly rent.They replaced their beloved old cars withexpe nsive new sports cars.The thing is , a number of them have _6_ that despite their success , they aren thappy.Some _7_ of unfrien dly coworkers and feel sad for eight hour workweeksdevoted to tasks they _8_ _. Some do not respect the companies they work for andtalk of feeli ng tired and _9_ . However, in stead of devot ing themselves to theirwork, they find themselves working to support the0 一 to which they have so quicklybecome _11_ .People often speak of trying a more satisfying path, and _12_ in the end theidea of leav ing their jobs to work for someth ing they _13_ or fin di ng a positi on that would givethem more time with their families almost always leads them to the sameconclusion : it s _14 .Theyhave loans , bills ,a mortgage (抵押贷款)to _15 一, retirement to save fo r.They recognize there s something _16_ in their lives ,but it s _ 17_ to step off the track.In a society that tends to _18_ everyth ing in terms of dollars and cents,21we learn from a young age to consider the costs of our _19_ in financial terms.But what about thepers onal and social costs _20_ in pursu ing money over meaning?These are exactly the kinds of costs many of us tend to ignore and the very ones wen eed to con sider most.语篇解读】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。 作者通过讲述朋友大学毕业后的工作、心情、经历22告诉我们: 我们不应该为了高质量的生活只追求金钱, 个人价值和社会价值的实现才是最重 要的。1 A.muchB neverC seldomD well答案 D 考查副词词义辨析。根据后面的 they seem to have it made 可知,大学毕 业后,我观察到现在我的很多朋友们并没有创造出一番令人赞叹的事业。 2 A.policiesB standardsC experimentsD regulations答案 B 考查名词词义辨析。我认为他们没有,但按照社会的标准,他们似乎已经达 到了。standard标准,符合语境。 policy 政策; experiment 试验; regulation 规章, 规则。 3 A.lastB leastC secondD best答案 A 考查形容词词义辨析。根据前面的 as they left student life behind 可知, 当他们离开学校时,很多人在便宜且友好的当地酒吧喝完最后一杯酒。4 A.cycledB movedC slidD looked答案 B 考查动词词义辨析。离开狭小的学生公寓进入高楼大厦中。move out of搬离,符合语境。 5 A.sharedB paidC equaledD collected答案 C 考查动词词义辨析。 在饭店里一瓶酒的价格相当于大学一个月的租金。 equal 与相等或相同,符合语境。6 A.advertisedB witnessedC admittedD demanded答案 C 考查动词词义辨析。 实际情况是, 他们中的很多人承认尽管他们很成功, 但 并不快乐。 admit承认,符合语境。advertise 做广告;wit ness 目击;dema nd 要求。7 A.co m pla i nB dreamChearD approve答案 A 考查动词词义辨析。根据后面的 unfriendly coworkers and feel sad 可知, 一些人抱怨同事不友好。 complain of 抱怨,诉苦,符合语境。 8A.distributeB hateCapplaudD neglect语篇解读】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。 作者通过讲述朋友大学毕业后的工作、心情、经历23答案 B 考查动词词义辨析。完成他们不喜欢的工作任务他们才感到悲伤。9A.calmB guiltyCwarmDempty答案 D 考查形容词词义辨析。根据前面的 feeling tired and 可知, empty 空虚,答案 A 考查动词词义辨析。在一个倾向于用金钱来衡量一切的社会里。measure 衡24符合语境。 calm 镇静的; guilty 有罪的。 10 A.familyC lifestyle常,习惯于。 工作去从事自己喜爱的事情是不可能的。答案 D 考查动词短语辨析。因为他们有抵押贷款要偿还。合语境。 take off 取下,起飞; drop off 落下,减少; put off 推迟。 失踪的,找不到的,符合语境。B governmentD project答案 C 考查名词词义辨析。但他们并不专心于自己的工作,他们工作只是为了维持这种很快就习以为常的生活方式。lifestyle 生活方式,符合语境。11A.accustomedB appointedC uniqueD available答案 A 考查形容词词义辨析。固定表达 become accustomed to对变得习以为12A.yetB alsoCinsteadDrather13答案 A 考查副词词义辨析。根据上下文可知,这里表示转折关系,故要用yet 。A.let outBturn inC give upDbelieve in答案 D 考查动词短语辨析。离职去从事他们自己所信仰的事情。believe in 信奉,14信仰,符合语境。 let out 使出来,放出;A.fundamentalC impossible答案 C 考查形容词词义辨析。根据后面的turn in 上交,呈交;BDpracticalunforgettablethey have loans.give up 放弃。 可知,放弃现在的15A.take offBdrop offC putoffDpay offpay off付清,16A.missingB inspiringCsinkingDshining答案 A 考查形容词词义辨析。这时他们意识到生活中缺失了什么。missing 失掉的,17A.harmfulB hardC usefulDnormal答案 B 考查形容词词义辨析。但很难脱离现在的生活轨迹。18A.measureB sufferC digestDdeliver25量。19. A.disastersB. motivationsC. campaignsD. decisions答案 D考查名词词义辨析。从小时候我们就学会了从经济的角度来考虑所做出的决 定的代价。 20.A.assessedB. involvedC. coveredD.reduced答案 B 考查动词词义辨析。追求金钱所涉及的个人和社会代价呢?(be) in volvedin 牵涉,涉及,符合语境。Cloze 6体裁:记叙文话题:人生感悟词数:328 时间:18(2014 天津卷)One night , when I was eight , my mother gently asked mea questionI would never forget. “Sweetie , mycompany wants to _1_ me but needs meto work in Brazil.Thisis like your teacher telling you that you ve done _2_ andallowing you to skip a grade(跳级),but you ll have to _ 3_ your friends.Would you say yes to yourteacher ?” She gave me a hug and asked me to think about it.I was puzzled.The question keptme_4_ for the rest of the night.I had said “yes” but for the first time , I realized the _5_decisions adults had to make.For almost four year


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