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2012-2013学年丘明中学第二次质量检测一、单项选择(每题1分,共30分)1Can I use your tape recorder for a while? Yes, _.A. go aheadB. its up to youC. thats all rightD. not at all2It wont be quite a long time _ your son is back, so dont be worried. A. that B. since C. before D. until3Li Ming went abroad in 2000. No wonder. I _ him ever since.A. dont seeB. hadnt seenC. didnt seeD. havent seen4Is there a shop around _ I can get some stamps and envelops?A. whichB. whereC. thatD. how5Remember _ the book when you have finished it.A. putting back B. having put back C. to put back D. to have put back6Although my parents are very busy, they still _ a lot of time to us.A. offerB. devoteC. spendD. provide7Do you rememberhe came?Yes, of course. He came by train.A. thatB. whenC. whereD. how8Good morning. Can I help you? Id like to have this package _.A. be weighedB. to be weighedC. to weighD. weighed9Its unfair that he _ cheating because hes a famous author.A. makes use ofB. gets away withC. gets rid ofD. ends up with10John _ such a thing about you. He never speaks ill of you behind your back.A. can t have said B. might not say C. couldn t say D. mustn t have said11The police came in _ the thief attempted to rush out of the store.A. at the moment B. the moment C. for the moment D. at any moment12After the class was over, the student apologized _ the teacher _ his coming late.A. for; to B. to; with C. with; to D. to; for13Although difficult, she finished the job on time. So I think she certainly deserved_. A. being praised B. to be praised C. to praise D. having praised14_I want to know is _I can master English in the shortest time. A. What; how B. How; what C. Which; what D. What; what15Was it in the village _we used to live in _the accident happened? A. where; that B. which; that C. that; where D. where; which16So _ had he been in watching the car passing by that he didnt notice his friends.A. disturbed B. surprised C. excited D. absorbed17No sooner _ the news than they rushed out into the street.A. they heard B. they had heard C. did they hear D. had they heard18_ his scientific work, he has no time to care for his family affairs, which his wife always complains about.A. Devoting to B. Devoted to C. Being devoted with D. Devoted with19There is no doubt _ she will be able to repay the money on time.A. that B. which C. whether D. why20Many difficulties have _ as a result of the overuse of coalA. risen B. arisen C. raised D. arose21My grandfather is too old to care for himself, so my aunt is looking for someone to _ him.A. treat B. cure C. attend D. examine22Dont say any more; we all believe the facts than your words. What you have explained doesnt make _. A. sense B. fun C. use D. meaning23As soon as she entered her own room, she caught sight of the gift _ by her father.A. buying B. bought C. was bought D. being bought24Come and see me whenever _.A. you are convenient B. you will be convenient C. it is convenient to you D. it will be convenient to you25_ being too large, the color and the style of the dress suit me well.A. Apart from B. As well as C. Besides D. Instead of26To understand the grammar of the sentence you must break it_ into parts.A. down B. up C. off D. out27Officials believe that more than one person _ for the big fire.A. is to be blamed B. should blame C. should be blaming D. is to blame28Having never met with such a _ problem, he felt _ and didnt know how to solve it.A. puzzling; puzzled B. puzzled; puzzling C. puzzling; puzzling D. puzzled; puzzled29Many people agree that_ knowledge of English is a must in _international trade today.A. a; 不填 B. the; an C. the; the D.不填; the30The number of the people who _ cars _ increasing in China.A. own, areB. owns, isC. own, isD. owns, are二、完型填空(每空1分,共20分)In this modern world, we rush around all day, doing things, talking, sending and reading messages. We are always on, always connected, always thinking, always talking. There is no 36 for stillness.And when we are 37 to be still because were in line for something, or waiting at a doctors appointment, or on a bus or train, we often 38 something to do. Some will play with mobile devices, other will read something. Being still isnt something were 39.This comes at a 40 : we lose that time for 41 , for observing and listening. We lose peace.And 42 yet: sometimes too much action is worse than no action at all. You can run around crazily, but get 43 done.Take a moment to think about 44 you spend your days. Are you constantly rushing around? Are you constantly reading and answering 45 checking on the news and the latest stream of information? Are you always 46 through your schedule?Is this how you want to spend your 47 ? If so, peace be with you. If not, take a moment to be 48 . Dont think about what you have to do, or what youve done already. 49 be in the moment.Then after a minute or two of doing that, consider your life, and how youd 50 it to be. See your life with less move anent, less doing, less rushing. See it with more stillness, more consideration, more 51 .Then be that vision.Its pretty simple: all you have to do is sit still for a little bit each day. 52 youre gotten used to that, try doing less each day. Breathe when you feel yourself moving too 53 . slow down. Be present. Find happiness now, in this moment, instead of 54 for it.31AplaceBchanceCfreedom Dtime32AforcedBordered Cinvited Dtold33AhaveBfindCbuyDget34Afamiliar with Bcurious about Cused to Dinterested in35AcostBriskCmomentDdanger36AplayBfoodCsleepDconsideration37AfurtherBworse Cfarther Ddeeper38Aeverything Banything Cnothing Dsomething39AhowBwhere CwhyDwhether40Aquestions Bproblems Cphones Dmessages41Awalking Brushing Cstepping Dgoing42AschoolByouth CworkDlife43AsilentBpatient CstillDquiet44ANearlyBEverCJustDAlready45AlikeBdecide Cchoose Dneed46AactivityBresearch Cstudy Dpeace47ABecause BUntil COnce DUnless48AfrequentlyBslowly Cfast Dquickly49AaskingBsending Ccalling Dwaiting50AValueBMissCOwe DHold三、阅读理解(每题2分,共40分)AKnowing the best way to study will help you to be a better student. By using your time properly, you can do your homework more quickly. Learning to study is not difficult.The first thing to remember is that you must be willing to learn. It doesnt mean that you must always like the subject. It does mean, however, that you must be wil1ing to do whatever is necessary to learn. Try to understand why it is important and how it will help you now and later to do and learn other things. Knowing mathematics facts will be useful in your whole life. Knowing how to spell makes any kind of writing easier. Sometimes the subject that you think is going to be uninteresting will be exciting when you begin to work at it and understand it more clearly. Learning things can be fun if you are willing to work with them.Heres some advice for you: have a certain time each day and a quiet place with good lighting for study, so that you can concentrate on your study without interruptions(中断); have everything ready before you sit down to study, a dictionary, paper, a pen and books; be sure you understand what you should learn before you start; read carefully and pay special attention to the most important things; when memorizing, first find out the main parts and then recite the whole thing; check your homework after you finish it; never forget the importance of review and preview. Dont try to spend a lot of time researching learning methods. There are many students who know many good learning methods but dont study well. They forget that the most useful learning method is to study hard.51 The main goal of the article is_A. to prove that learning is not difficult B. to make the readers be interested in studyC. to tell the importance of self teaching D. to tell the students how to study well52 The first thing to remember in studying is thatA. you must like the subject B. you must follow the teacherC. you must enjoy learning D. you must study hard53 We learn things because_A. our parents want us to learn B. every student learns at schoolC. we may use these things in the future D. we like the subjects54 Which of the following is NOT the advice given in the article?A. To put a pen, paper and books beside you before study.B. To study at any possible time and place.C. To review and previewD. To pay attention to the most important things.55 Which of the following statements is true? A. The more learning methods we have, the better we will study. B. Finding the best learning method is the most important in learning. C. If you dont work hard, though you have a good learning method, you cant be good at study. D. Once we have mastered a good learning method, we can improve our study greatly.BBEIJING, Oct. 8(Xinhua)There are ten times as many Chinese newspapers and magazines than there were 30 years ago. Thats when the country adopted the reform and opening-up policy.Figures from the General Administration of Press and Publication (GAPP)show there were 186 newspapers and 930 magazines in China in 1978. Today, the country has 2,081 newspapers and 9,363 different magazines.In the meantime, official figures show China has some 600 publishing houses producing nearly 300,000 kinds of books. Thats a dramatic increase from the 105 publishers of the past that produced only 10,000 different books.Rapid economic development and universal education since China adopted the reform has helped fuel the need for more information sources.Under the market economy, hundreds of publishing houses and newspapers have taken steps to restructure management systems into corporations listed on the stock market.The legal system overseeing the news and publishing industries in China has also changed over the last three decades. Since 1990 a law and five relevant(相关) regulations were adopted in 1990 to govern the sectors.Since it started in 1993, digital publishing has flourished. Its industrial volume amounted to 20 billion yuan (2.93 billion U.S. dollars) in 2006. More than 500,000 kinds of digital books were produced last year alone in China, which is more than any other country in the world.56Which of the following would be the best title for the text?A. Digital books take the place of common ones in China.B. China has more newspapers and magazines.C. More information sources are developing with the economy.D. A law should be adopted to govern the publishing industries.57There are ten times as many newspapers and magazines because _.A. the publishing houses want to make more money.B. there are more readers along with the bigger population.C. economic and education have developed under the policy.D. the legal system overseeing the publishing industries has changed.58Which is true according to this text?A. The development of publishing industry in the past was out of control.B. Hundreds of publishing houses have closed down and turned to stock market.C. China adopted the reform and opening-up policy about 20 years ago.D. China produces more digital books than any other country.59 The underlined word “flourished” in Paragraph 7 probably means _.A. first appearedB. fell downC. well developedD. successfully ended60 You will probably read this text in the _ column of XINHUA NET?A. culture and educationB. entertainmentC. science and technologyD. businessCIn only six days I lost seven pounds of weight. Two full inches in the first three days! These are the kinds of statements used in magazine, newspaper, radio and television ads, promising new shapes and new looks to those who buy the medicine or the device. The promoters of products say they can shape the legs, slim the face, smooth wrinkles, or in some other way to add to beauty or desirability. Often such products are nothing more than money-making things for their promoters. The results they produce are questionable and some are dangerous to health. To understand how these products can be legally promoted to the public, it is necessary to understand something of the laws covering their regulation. If the product is a drug, FDA(Food and Drug Administration )can require proof (证明) under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act that is safe and effective before it is put on the market. But if the product is a device, FDA has no authority to require premarketing proof of safety or effectiveness. If a product already on the market is a danger to health. FDA can request the producer or distributor to remove it from the market voluntarily, or it can take legal action, including seizure (查封) of the product. One notable case a few years ago involved an electrical device called the Relaxacisor, which had been sold for reducing the waistline. The Relaxacisor produced electrical shocks to the body through contact pads. FDA took legal action against the distributor to stop the sale of the device on the grounds that it was dangerous to health and life. Obviously, most of the devices on the market have never been the subject of court proceedings (法律诉讼),and new devices appear continually. Before buying, it is up to the consumer to judge the safety or effectiveness of such items.61. It can be inferred that the ads mentioned in the text are . A. objective B. costly C. unreliable D. illegal62. Which of the following is true according to the text? A. The court is in charge of removing dangerous products. B. New products are more likely to be questionable. C. The production of a device must be approved by FDA. D. The promoters usually just care about profits.63. FDA can ask for the proof of safety and effectiveness of a product . A. if it is a drug B. if it is a device C. if its consumers make complaints D. if its distributors challenge FDAs authority64. The Relaxacisor is mentioned as . A. a product which was designed to produce electricity B. a product whose distributor was involved in a legal case C. a successful advertisement of a beauty product D. an example of a quality beauty product65. The author intends to . A. make consumers aware of the promoters false promises B. show the weakness of the law on product safety C. give advice on how to keep young and beautiful D. introduce the organization of FDADForests have always been useful and important to man who make use of them in many ways. Every day trees are serving man everywhere. Trees supply man with fruits and building materials in the form of wood, without trees it would be impossible to build houses, boats, bridges and so on. Furniture such as desks, chairs and beds is made of wood, trees can stop man from terrible heat. Theyre also useful in preventing good and rich top soil from being washed away during heavy rains. If there were no trees, heavy rains would wash away the rich surface soil that is so important to plants. The result is that the land will become a desert. There are plenty of desert areas in the world. A long time ago these desert areas used to be very rich areas, but man in the past had no enough knowledge about science of nature, they cut down too many trees in the area where they lived and never planted new ones. By and by the rich surface soil was blown and washed away by strong winds and heavy rains. In the end the rich land changed into useless deserts where nothing could grow.66 . According to the passage,_. A. a long time ago, man didnt know how to make use of wood B. trees are not as useful as they were in the past C. trees were more found in the past than they are today D. people have always found trees useful67. Top soil means_and is . A. useless soil; of no use for plants B. soil on the surface of the earth; good for plants C. soil found under the earth; found under the roots of trees D. dry soil in the desert areas; bad for plants68. Some deserts were once_. A. very good lands B. covered by ice C. very cold D. dry and useless69. If there were no trees,_. A. the land would become better B. heavy rains would be very clean C. the rich soil couldnt be kept D. there wouldnt any plants70. From the passage, we know that man must_. A. do nothing to keep the balance of nature B. take his best to keep the balance of nature C. try his best to keep the balance of natureD. do his best to stop the balance of nature四、单词拼写(每题一分,共10分)单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1 分,满分 10 分)63 In all, 14 exhibitions were presented,_(吸引)8524 viewers in 2010.66We remember the day when Hong Kong came to our homeland_(永远).67 She close the door on her finger by mistake, and made it_(流血).68_(支票)have largely replaced money as a means of exchange.69 He was so_(残酷)he would have killed his own mother in cold blood.70 We should respect different life styles, religious belief and customs of different ethnic_(少数民族).71The policemen are running after a prisoner who_(逃跑)last night.72 If you put yourself in his place, you will not think that he is_(自私的).五、阅读表达(每题3分,共20分)If you are worried about things and are under a lot of stress at work or school, then you are probably not sleeping well. Worry can keep you awake, tossing and turning in bed until the early hours of the morning when you eventually fall asleep. When you wake up, you dont feel refreshed(精神振作), but tired and worn out and unable to face a new day.Dr. Henry Winkle, in a recent newspaper article entitled Stress and Sleep, indicates(暗示、表明) that . Dr. Winkle says, “The more we worry, the less we sleep, the more we are unable to deal with stress. If we can find a way to get a good nights sleep,” he adds, “we can often find the energy to deal with whats worrying us.”So, what is a good nights sleep? Research shows that the amount of sleep which people need in order to keep healthy varies a lot. Seven hours is about the average amount, though strangely enough, sleeping longer often gives you a headache instead of making you feel more refreshed.Dr. Winkle believes that preparing for sleeping is important. People who work late should try to give themselves a short break and do something restful before going to bed. This could be watching TV or listening to music. Doing some exercise earlier in the day should help you to feel physically as well as mentally tired. A bedtime


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