九年级英语 Unit3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose (period 15) (ppt)

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Unit 3一、教材解析(一、教材解析(Material Interpretation)中心话题中心话题:谈论规定规则。谈论规定规则。语言目标:谈论你允许做的和不允许做的事情及表达同意语言目标:谈论你允许做的和不允许做的事情及表达同意 和不同意。和不同意。 语言结构:含情态动词的被动语态语言结构:含情态动词的被动语态 should be allowed to should be allowed to 及及I think +I think +宾语从句的肯定和否定的情况。宾语从句的肯定和否定的情况。 能力项目:能力项目:Listening , Speaking , Reading& Writing. 拓展项目:让学生辩论一些学校规章制度,例如学生是否拓展项目:让学生辩论一些学校规章制度,例如学生是否应该在学校使用手机、学生是否应该穿校服等。应该在学校使用手机、学生是否应该穿校服等。三、三、 教学理念:任务型语言教学教学理念:任务型语言教学情境真实性原则情境真实性原则(The authenticity principle)(The authenticity principle)语言运用和功能相结合的原则语言运用和功能相结合的原则(The form-function (The form-function principle)principle)阶梯型任务原则阶梯型任务原则(The task dependency principle)(The task dependency principle)在做中学原则在做中学原则(Learning by doing)(Learning by doing)合作交际原则合作交际原则(The communication principle)principle) 四、教材的处理的方法四、教材的处理的方法改改: 对教材内容和方式的修改。对教材内容和方式的修改。换:将更适合学生的内容和方式替换教材换:将更适合学生的内容和方式替换教材 中原有的内容和方式。中原有的内容和方式。舍:可以舍弃不贴切或不适合学生的实践内舍:可以舍弃不贴切或不适合学生的实践内 容和手段。容和手段。加:可以根据需要增加其它教学资源或者实加:可以根据需要增加其它教学资源或者实 践方式。践方式。 Period 1: Section A 1a 2c Period 2: Section A: 3a 4 Period 3: Section B 1a 2c and Selfcheck 2 Period 4: Section B:3a 4 Self check1 Period 5: Reading 五、五、 教学设计教学设计1、课时设计(Time Allocation)Period 1Section A1a-2cPlay a gameThats me!I like reading books, tooI like to go out with friends.Thats me!Rules:Listen to the teachers sentences, if you have the same situations as teachers. Please stand and say “Thats me! .” . Task 1: Make a list of things teenagers should and should not be allowed to do. Discuss your list with your partner. You can use the words below.Too wild not serious enoughToo young not old enoughToo silly not calm enough .A: I dont think teenagers should be allowed to get their ears pierced.B: I agree. Its too silly to wear earrings in the school.YOU DID VERY WELL!2.Anna wants to get her ears . TFTDoes Ann agree with her mother?Listen and circle “T” (for true) or “F” (for false).She think teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.1.Why isnt Ann allowed to go to the mall with John?Sixteen-year- olds should not be allowed to drive.2.What does her mother think of Gabys getting her ears pierced?Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced. They might be sorry later.3.What does Ann say about choosing clothes? Listen and answerBefore listening, introduce the picture and get information:19:30Listen and check what Kathy thinks. Circle : Agree” “disagree” or “Doesnt know” to show what Molly thinks.KathyMolly1. Sixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to work at night. Agrees Disagrees Doesnt know2. Larry shouldnt work every night. Agrees Disagrees Doesnt know3. He should cut his hair. Agrees Disagrees Doesnt know4. He should stop wearing that silly earring. Agrees Disagrees Doesnt know5. He doesnt seem to have many friends. Agrees Disagrees Doesnt know 6. He shouldnt work on weekends. Agrees Disagrees Doesnt know It looks cool. Young people need to sleep. He needs to spend time with friends. He needs time to do homework. It doesnt look clean.4 1 5 2 3Listen again. What are Kathys and Mollys reasons?Number their reasons in the correct order. Make a dialogue using the information in the listeningget a part-time jobhave long hairwear earrings Challenging the school rules:What do you think you should be allowed to do or shouldnt be allowed to do?I think students should be allowed to do homework with friends.I disagree. They talk instead of doing homework.Sixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to drive.I agree. They arent serious enough at that age.Do you think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to work at night?No, I dont.HOMEWORK: Write a short passage about what students should or shouldnt be allowed to do at school.Period 2Section A 3a-4Family Rules: I cant I have to I am not allowed todrive a carstudy with friendsgo shopping alonehave a birthday partystay up latesurf the internet get ear pieced take mobile phonego out at nightA: What rules do you have at home?B: Well, Im not allowed to. How about you?A: Im not allowed to But I can /I am allowed toWrite Sun Feis and Wu Yus rules in the chart. Use “Dont” and “You can”. Sun FeiWu YuDont go out on school nights.Dont go out on school nights.You can study at a friends house.Dont get back home after 10:00 pm.You can go shopping with friends on Saturday afternoonsYou can choose your own clothes.Dont get your ears pierced.You can go to the movies with friends on Friday nights.You can go to the movies with friends on Friday nights.Who do you think has more freedom at home? Why?Talk to other students in the class and find three people who have to follow these rules. Write their names in the chart.Find someone whonamenamenamehas to go home after schoolis allowed to stay up until 11:00 pmhas to stay at home on school nights.is allowed to watch TV every nighthas to clean up his or her room every morningLets see who has the most freedom at home.GuessWhy is she so unhappy ?1.Dont go out or play with friends.2. Dont study at friends house.3.You cant watch TY on school nights. 4.You cant listen to music at night.5.Go to bed early and get up early.6.Stay at home and read books on weekends.7.Clean up your room every day.8.Drink milk every morning and every evening.Family Rules:Read the rules and discuss if you agreeor disagreeLets help herHelp to write a letter to her parents.Role changing: Period 3Section B 1a-2c Self check 24) Dont fight.5) Dont talk in class. Do you ever get to school late? Do you ever study with friends? Do you ever finish test early? Do you ever worry youll fail a test? S SNAPAIRWORKcea bdRead the following statements. Then discuss them with your group.1. Peter should be allowed to take the test later.2. Students need strict rules.3.Parents should not be too strict with teenagers.A: I think Peter shouldB: I dont agree.C: I think Reading Helping and learning At our school, we sometimes have a special day to help others. Last year we went to an old peoples home and sang songs and performed a play for them. The old people were very happy. We should be allowed to take time to do things like that more often. For example, we should visit primary schools and help teach young students. I want to be a teacher when Im older so it would be a great experience for me. Other students would like to do other jobs. old peoples home 敬老院敬老院For example, my friend Tian Ge wants to write for a newspaper. She should be allowed to volunteer at the newspaper office once a week. On Friday afternoons, many students are sleepy after a long week of classes. Some students should be allowed to have Friday afternoons off to volunteer and help others.sleepy adj. 困倦的困倦的;不活跃的不活跃的1. What did they volunteer to do last year?2. What does he want to do as a volunteer?3. Why does he think they should have Friday afternoons off?4. What do you think of the idea?1.Do you often volunteer to help other people?2. Who do you often help?3. What do you want to do for them? Lets enjoy being a volunteer.Period 4Section B 3a-4 Self Check 1 Do you like to wear uniforms?Why or why not?DiscussionStudents should wear uniforms? Do you agree? 3a Read the article and answer:What rules did they talk about in the What rules did they talk about in the article?article?3a Read the article and answer:What rules did they talk about?What rules did they talk about? school uniforms, studying in groups during the evening, school vacations READING 1. What do the students in this article think about the school uniforms? The students think the uniforms are ugly.2. What kind of clothes do they usually want to wear? Why ?They usually want to wear their own clothes or they want to be allowed to design their own uniforms.3. How do they like to study? They like to study in groups during the evening.4. What are their ideas about vacations? They think that vacations should be good for volunteers .5. Why are they good for volunteers? (Why is it good to volunteer ?) Because longer vacations would give volunteers much more time to have a good experience.3a Read the article and fill in the blank.Students idea like (why) Dislike (why)Wear uniformsStudy in groups during the eveningHave long vacationsugly,not comfortablelearn a lot from each otherwould give us time to do things like volunteeringA: What school rules do you think should be changed?B: I think we should be allowed to wear our own clothes.A: Whats the reason?B: we would feel more comfortable and that is good for studying.A: How about you?C: I dont think so. I think we should go to school in uniform.A:Make a dialogue using the information in 3a: say out your reasons what rules in your school do you want to change?You and your friends are starting an English club on Friday afternoon. Make a list of rules about what should do and should not be allowed. Rules for Friday English Club 1. Members are allowed to use English dictionaries.2. 1. Members are allowed to work with a group. 2. Members are allowed listen to English.3. Members are allowed play games with their classmates.4. Members are allowed sing English songs.5. Members are allowed to write letters and emails.6. Members are allowed act out simple dialogues.7. Members are allowed to write simple sentences.Write a short passage about your ideas about your school uniforms.Period 5Reading Discuss: 1. Is a teenager an adult? 3.What are some of the rules that a teenager should obey?2. Do your parents allow you to practice your hobby as much as you want?1.Whats the problem with Liu Yu?2.What things do Liu Yus parents worry about him?3. Why does Liu Yu want to make his own decision?4. Guess whats the Chinese for realistic? while reading1 . get in the way of 2. be serious about3. spend time on4. as much as one wantsAfter you readMake your own original sentences:Parents PointsLiu Yus Points He wants to be a_. disagreements He is serious about _.runningHe just wants to do what he _ . He _himself.professional athleteThey worry about his_ at school. successenjoysThey think he should _ time on study.spendThey think he needs to be _.realisticThey think it is a very difficult dream to_. achievebelievesScan the reading to find more examples to place under each heading.Points show Yus parents care about him.Points show that Yu is unhappy with his parents.His parents worry about his success at school.His parents wont let him practice when he wants. Should Liu Yu be allowed to practice running?(using the information to help you) A: I think he should be allowed to becauseB: I disagree.I think he shouldnt be allowed to becausePros: (正方正方)Cons:(反方反方)With a partner, discuss the time you spend on schoolwork and on hobbies. Imagine you want to show your parents that you can make responsible decisions. Plan a schedule to balance the time needed for your schoolwork and your hobbies.timeactivitytimeactivityMonday TuesdayWednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Go for itAssessment(课堂学习评价课堂学习评价) 评价内容评价内容: 1.课前准备课前准备 2.参与课堂活动参与课堂活动情况情况 3.合作精神合作精神 4.兴趣、自信心、创兴趣、自信心、创造力造力 5.语音、语调及流畅程度语音、语调及流畅程度 6.新词新词汇的掌握、使用情况汇的掌握、使用情况 7.目标语言的掌握目标语言的掌握和使用情况和使用情况 8.各项任务的完成情况各项任务的完成情况.评价方式:学生自评,同伴互评,教师评价方式:学生自评,同伴互评,教师评价评价 5=Excellent 4=Very good 3=Good 2=Adequate 1=Need improvementChoose the best answer1.They should_ practice their hobbies.A. allowed to B. be allowed to C. are allowed2.Lius parents think he needs _ realistic.A. be B. to C. to be3.Liu Yu should spend time_ his homework. A. in B. with C. on 4.Liu Yu is serious _runningA. about B. in C. with5. They have taught me the _working hard.A. important of B. importance of C. of importanceBCCABFill in the blanks with the words.worry about achieve allow him to inteam get in the way of1. Parents might _their childs success at school.2.These hobbies can _schoolwork.3.Liu Yu is _his school running_.4.His parents wont_ train as much as he would like to.5.We want to see Liu Yu _his dreams. worry aboutget in the way ofin team allow him toachieveFill in the blanks with the words.worry about achieve allow him to inteam get in the way of1. Parents might _their childs success at school.2.These hobbies can _schoolwork.3.Liu Yu is _his school running_.4.His parents wont_ train as much as he would like to.5.We want to see Liu Yu _his dreams. worry aboutget in the way ofin team allow him toachieveLANGUAGE POINTS4.He needs to spend time on his homework.spend (time/money) on:在在上花时间上花时间/花钱花钱eg: I spent 40 yuan on my coat. 5. I should be allowed to make decisions.be allowed to do: 被允许做某事被允许做某事eg: We should be allowed to choose hobbies.LANGUAGE POINTS1.These hobbies can get in the way of schoolwork. eg: Computer games will get in the way of study.3. I running.am serious abouteg: All of students should know the importance of study.2. They taught me working hard.the importance ofeg: We must be serious about our homework.get in the way of :妨碍,阻碍妨碍,阻碍the importance of: 的重要性的重要性be serious about:对对热爱;热爱;严肃,认真严肃,认真LANGUAGE POINTS1.These hobbies can get in the way of schoolwork. eg: Computer games will get in the way of study.3. I running.am serious abouteg: All of students should know the importance of study.2. They taught me working hard.the importance ofeg: We must be serious about our homework.get in the way of :妨碍,阻碍妨碍,阻碍the importance of: 的重要性的重要性be serious about:对对热爱;热爱;严肃,认真严肃,认真Dear Editor, I would like to reply to the article “Helping and learning” in your last newsletter. I agree with most of your ideas. The article said that students should be allowed to take time to visitTask 4: Write a letter to the editor the old people, primary schools and help teach young students. I quite agree with you about this. As for having Friday afternoon off, I think its necessary for most students, because after a long week of classes, we are too tired.LANGUAGE POINTS4.He needs to spend time on his homework.spend (time/money) on:在在上花时间上花时间/花钱花钱eg: I spent 40 yuan on my coat. 5. I should be allowed to make decisions.be allowed to do: 被允许做某事被允许做某事eg: We should be allowed to choose hobbies.


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