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GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANYWASTE MANAGEMENT WORK PLAN FOR COUNTRYeAugust 20, 1996TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION .1TAB 1 - INVENTORY OF WASTES .3TABLE 1 - International Waste Management Codes.5FORM 1-1 - Quarterly Waste Inventory Summary for Hazardous Wastes.7FORM 1-2 - Quarterly Waste Inventory Summary for Non-Hazardous Wastes.8FORM 1-3 - Waste Profile Sheet.10FORM 1-4 - Checklist for Inventory of Wastes.11TAB 2 - LOCAL REGULATORY WASTE MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS IN COUNTRY12TAB 3 - WASTE MANAGEMENT PERMITS, LICENSES AND AUTHORIZATIONS.13FORM 3-1 - Permit/License/Authorization.14FORM 3-2 - Permit/License/Authorization Modification.15FORM 3-3 - Hazardous Waste Management Activities/Units Exempt From Permits/Authorizations.16FORM 3-4 - Checklist for the Inventory of Hazardous Waste Management Permits/Licenses/Authorizations17TAB 4 - ON-SITE WASTE MANAGEMENT .18FORM 4-1 - Documentation of On-site Waste Management Units .26FORM 4-2 - Hazardous Waste Container Storage Area Inspection Form .27FORM 4-3 - Hazardous Waste Tank Inspection Form.28FORM 4-4 - Landfill Inspection Form .29FORM 4-5 - Surface Impoundment Inspection Form .30FORM 4-6 - Waste Pile Inspection Form.31FORM 4-7 - Thermal Combustion Devices Inspection Form.32FORM 4-8 - Physical/Chemical Treatment Inspection Form.33FORM 4-9 - Checklist for On-site Waste Management.34TAB 5 - SHIPMENTS OF HAZARDOUS WASTE .35FORM 5-1 - Preparation of Hazardous Material Shipping Papers .40FORM 5-2 - Hazardous Waste Shipping Paper Tracking Form .41FORM 5-3 - Notification of Intent to Export Hazardous Waste.42FORM 5-4 - Annual Hazardous Waste Export Report Form .43FORM 5-5 - Checklist for Tracking Shipments of Hazardous Materials.44TAB 6 - EQUIPMENT DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES.45FORM 6-1 - Equipment Decontamination Form.46FORM 6-2 - Checklist for Equipment Decontamination Activities .48TAB 7 - EMERGENCY PLANNING.49FORM 7-1 - Emergency Spill Reporting Summary and Phone Log.51FORM 7-2 - Local Authority and Community Contact List for Reporting Emergency Spills.52TAB 8 - RISK MANAGEMENT .53FORM 8-1 - Risk Management.54TAB 9 - HAZARDOUS WASTE TRAINING PROGRAM AND RECORDKEEPING .55FORM 9-1 - Training Form .57FORM 9-2 - Employee Training Schedule.58TAB 10 - CORRESPONDENCE LOG .59FORM 10-1 - Written Correspondence Record.60FORM 10-2 - Phone Conversation Record .61TAB 11 - WASTE MANAGEMENT SELF ASSESSMENT .62TAB 12 - WASTE MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN.68FORM 12-1 - Waste Management Action Plan .69TAB 13 - GLOSSARY.70APPENDIX A - SAMPLE FORMS .73SAMPLE FORM 1-1 - Quarterly Waste Inventory Summary for Hazardous Wastes .1SAMPLE FORM 1-2 - Quarterly Waste Inventory Summary for Non-Hazardous Wastes .2SAMPLE FORM 1-3 - Waste Profile Sheet (Sample No. 1).3SAMPLE FORM 1-3 - Waste Profile Sheet (Sample No. 2).4SAMPLE FORM 3-1 - Permit/License/Authorization Status.5SAMPLE FORM 3-2 - Permit/License/Authorization Modification.6SAMPLE FORM 3-3 - Hazardous Waste Management Activities/Units Exempt From Permits/Authorizations7SAMPLE FORM 4-1 - Documentation of On-site Waste Management Units.8SAMPLE FORM 5-1 - Preparation of Hazardous Material Shipping Papers.9SAMPLE FORM 5-2 - Hazardous Waste Shipping Paper Tracking Form.10SAMPLE FORM 5-4 - Annual Hazardous Waste Export Report Format.11SAMPLE FORM 6-1- Equipment Decontamination Form.12APPENDIX B - COPIES OF LOCAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS.1APPENDIX C - GE INTERNATIONAL WASTE EXPORT POLICY.2APPENDIX D - BASEL CONVENTION .1APPENDIX E - APPROVED VENDOR PROGRAM.1APPENDIX F - GLOBAL WASTE SITE QUALIFICATION AUDIT PROTOCOL .2APPENDIX G - BUSINESS WASTE MANAGEMENT CONTACTS.13INTRODUCTIONThe GE Global Waste Management Work Plan has two purposes (1) to assist Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Coordinators and plant personnel understand the key elements of an effective waste management system; and (2) to assist EHS Coordinators and plant personnel achieve Company or Business-level environmental goals through sound waste management practices. Completion of this work plan will help ensure compliance with requirements imposed by regulatory agencies in countries around the world and with GE policies.Key ConceptsTo satisfy the goals of this work plan, you must be able to answer the following basic questions regarding wastes produced at your facility: What wastes are generated?How should each waste generated be classified? Which management requirements apply to each waste?Does the waste management activity require a permit or other similar authorization from a regulatory agency? Are wastes properly managed on-site?Are wastes that are shipped off-site properly packaged and labeled and are the correct shipping papers completed? Have waste transporters and off-site waste management firms been audited to ensure they comply with all applicable regulations and best practices?Do your facilitys records clearly document compliance with waste management requirements?Is waste management equipment properly managed when it is taken out of service?This work plan will help you answer these questions and serve as a guide to properly manage these issues.Relationships with Other Work PlansThe Waste Management Work Plan relates to the following Work Plans:Chemical Management - The chemical inventory process described in the Chemical Management Work Plan provides input to the waste inventory. The proper management of chemicals overlaps with key concepts of waste management.Air Emissions Work Plan - Refer to the Air Emissions Work Plan to manage air emissions generated from waste management units.Water Work Plan - Refer to the Water Work Plan to manage wastewater discharges generated from waste management units and equipment decontamination.Pollution Prevention - The Waste Management Work Plan provides the Waste Inventory as input to the Pollution Prevention Work Plan. The reduction of wastes overlaps with key concepts of pollution prevention.Emergency Preparedness - Comprehensive emergency planning and preparedness procedures in response to the generation, storage, handling, treatment and/or disposal of hazardous waste are addressed in the Emergency Preparedness Work Plan.Health and Safety Framework - Steps to protect workers from exposure to hazardous waste are addressed in the Health and Safety Framework.Priority steps to implementing the Waste Management Work PlanBy implementing the following priority steps, the facility should achieve an effective Waste Management Program and compliance with local requirements.1.Inventory all wastes managed at the facility.Tab 12.Conduct a hazard determination for all wastes on the inventory.Tab 13.Verify compliance status of all waste management activities.Tab 34.Establish procedures for inspecting and maintaining on-site waste management units.Tab 45.Establish procedures for proper shipments of hazardous waste.Tab 56.Decontaminate waste management equipment.Tab 6TAB 1 - INVENTORY OF WASTESPurposeThe purpose of this section of the work plan is to provide guidance on how to (1) inventory all wastes managed at the facility, and (2) document the basis for how each waste is classified. This section also provides separate inventory forms for non-hazardous and hazardous industrial wastes generated at your facility.Key ConceptsIn many countries, facilities are required to submit information regarding the type and amount of waste generated (see regulatory summary Tab 2). Even when not required by law, it is a best practice to maintain an inventory of all the wastes produced. In addition to compiling an inventory of each hazardous waste generated, it is important to document how each waste is managed on-site. The primary focus of this work plan is on wastes that pose a substantial threat to human health or the environment if improperly managed. Throughout this work plan, these wastes will be referred to as hazardous wastes.1 As hazardous wastes generally are regulated more stringently than non-hazardous wastes, it is important that you determine whether each waste generated is hazardous or non-hazardous and document the basis for each determination.Unless otherwise prohibited by a regulatory agency, hazardous waste determinations may be performed by applying your knowledge of the waste based on the materials or processes used. In situations where you do not possess sufficient knowledge to determine whether a waste is hazardous, you should collect a representative sample of the waste and submit it for laboratory analysis. In some countries, the methods for laboratory analysis may need to be approved by the national environmental agency. Furthermore, hazardous waste determinations should be repeated whenever process changes are made that might significantly alter the hazardous nature of the waste.If you are not sure whether a waste is hazardous, but suspect that it might be, you should manage it as hazardous waste until analytical data is obtained that confirms the waste is not hazardous. This is a best practice because (1) a hazardous waste may be considered to be hazardous at the point of generation, not when laboratory data confirm that it is hazardous and (2) whatever risk the waste poses begins when it is first produced, not when you eventually determine the hazard is present. 1 The term hazardous waste, as it is used in this work plan, refers to a waste that, because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics, is subject to controls imposed by a regulatory agency. The regulatory agency in your country may use the term “toxic waste”, “dangerous waste”, “special waste”, or another term instead of the term hazardous waste.InstructionsPart 1 - Plant ProfilePlant profiles and process maps are tools used to identify every step of a process, from the beginning to the end of and operation, and to track where wastes are generated throughout a process. If available, insert a Plant Profile or Process Map behind this Tab. If a plant profile or process map is not available, create an action item in Tab 12 to collect this information. Process maps can be constructed by identifying the original inputs of each process and tracking those inputs to the end of a process (the map should include chemicals added, solid wastes generated, etc.). Plant profiles should indicate the waste stream generation points. This Tab should also be used to reference the location of the following plant diagrams:Any diagram prepared for the contingency plan and emergency procedures,Design drawings for waste management units (landfills, waste piles, etc.), and Waste management system flow diagrams.Part 2 - General DirectionsIf other than kilograms, please indicate the measurement units used when you complete the quantity section of the following forms. Also, please use the waste management codes in Table 1 to indicate how the wastes are managed on-site. Sample copies of all forms are behind Appendix A. 1.Complete Forms 1-1 and 1-2, Waste Inventory Summaries, for all wastes managed at the facility. Use Form 1-1 for hazardous wastes and Form 1-2 for non-hazardous wastes. Complete Form 1-3, Waste Profile Sheet, for each waste on the Waste Inventory. Include any obsolete or unwanted chemicals identified during the chemical sweep in the Waste Inventory. Refer to Tab 3 of the Chemical Management Work Plan for details on conducting a chemical sweep.2.The information compiled to develop the Waste Inventory and Profile Sheets can also be used in your Pollution Prevention Program (see the Pollution Prevention Work Plan).3.Follow your national or local requirements to determine whether wastes managed at the facility are hazardous wastes (see Tab 2).4.For each waste (hazardous and non-hazardous), use Form 1-3 contained within this Tab, to document the basis for your hazard determination. This is especially important if you classify a waste based on your knowledge rather than testing. The Chemical Identification and Tracking Form provided in Tab 5 of the Chemical Management Work Plan may be useful for the classification of chemical wastes.5.If your knowledge of the waste is not sufficient to properly classify the waste, you should prepare an action item in Tab 12 to have the waste analyzed for the physical and chemical properties you suspect it may have. Keep a file that contains all supporting analytical data for each waste stream.6.Assign a code to each waste managed at the facility (hazardous and non-hazardous). In many countries, waste codes are provided by the national environmental agency. In addition, waste stream categories are provided in the Basel Convention (see Appendix D of this work plan). If these options do not apply, use the following system to assign a plant-specific code to each waste stream.Model Waste Code System:-Three letter plant code (to be assigned by your Business),-“HW” or “NW”, for hazardous or non-hazardous wastes, and-Three digit number.7. Complete Form 1-4, the Checklist for Inventory of Wastes, to ensure that all requested informationhas been provided. Unless your country has established its own system of waste management codes, use the codes provided in Table 1 to describe waste management methods when completing Forms 1-1 and 1-2 (columns 4 and 6). The codes have been taken from the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal.Table 1International Waste Management CodesOperations which do not lead to the possibility of resource recovery, recycling, reclamation, direct re-use or alternative uses D1Deposit into or onto land (landfill, waste pile, etc.)D2Land treatment (biodegradation of liquid or sludgy discards in soils, etc.)D3Deep injection (injection of pumpable discards into wells, salt domes or naturally occurring repositories, etc.)D4Surface impoundment (placement of liquid or sludge discards into pits, ponds or lagoons, etc.)D5Specially engineered landfill (placement into lined discrete cells which are capped and isolated from one another and the environment, etc.)D6Release into water body except seas/oceansD7Release into seas/oceans including sea-bed insertionD8Biological treatment not specified elsewhere in this list which results in final compounds or mixtures which are discarded by means of any of the operations in Section A*D9Physico-chemical treatment not specified elsewhere in this list which results in final compounds or mixtures which are discarded by means of any of the operations in Section A*D10Incineration on landD11Incineration at seaD12Permanent storage (placement of containers in a mine, etc.) D13Blending or mixing prior to submission to any of the operations in Section A*D14Repackaging prior to submission to any of the operations in Section A*D15Storage pending any of the operations in Section A* Section A includes all disposal operations which occur in practice.Table 1, cont.International Waste Management CodesOperations which may lead to resource recovery, recycling, reclamation, direct re-use or alternative usesR1Use as a fuel (other than in direct incineration) or other means to generate energyR2Solvent reclamation/regenerationR3Recycling/reclamation or organic substances which are not used as solventsR4Recycling/reclamation of metals and metal compoundsR5Recycling/reclamation of other inorganic materialsR6Regeneration of acids or basesR7Recovery of components used for pollution abatementR8Recovery of components from catalystsR9Used oil re-refining or other reuses of previously used oilR10Land treatment resulting in benefit to agriculture or ecological improvementR11Uses or residual materials obtained from any of the operations numbered R1-R10R12Exchange of wastes for submission to any of the operations numbered R1-R10R13Accumulation of material intended for any operation in Section B*Section B includes all operations with respect to materials legally defined as or considered to be hazardous wastes and which otherwise would have been destined for operations included in Section A.Other codes to describe on-site storage methods:CN - ContainerTK - TankOS - Other Storage (please specify)See Glossary and Tab 4 for definitions.FORM 1-1Quarterly Waste Inventory Summary for Hazardous Wastes(amend or replace, as appropriate, to accommodate local requirements)Plant Name: Inventory Month: Waste CodeWaste Name/Class/CategoryQuantity ofWaste Generated2On-Site Storage Method(use Table 1 codes)Quantity ofWaste ManagedOn-siteOn-site Waste Management Method(use Table 1 codes)Permit Required?Quarterly Total: EHS Coordinator Signature:Date:Page_ of_2 Include air emissions and wastewater discharges that are generated. Refer to the inventories in Air Emissions and Water Work Plans.FORM 1-2Quarterly Waste Inventory Summary for Non-Hazardous Wastes(amend or replace, as appropriate, to accommodate local requirements)Plant Name: Inventory Month: Waste CodeWaste Name/Class/CategoryQuantity ofWaste Generated3On-Site Storage Method(use Table 1 codes)Quantity ofWaste ManagedOn-siteOn-site Waste Management Method(use Table 1 codes)Permit Required?Quarterly Total: EHS Coordinator Signature:Date:Page_ of_.更多免费资料下载请进:http:/ 中国最大的免费课件资源库更多免费资料下载请进:http:/ 中国最大的免费课件资源库18FORM 1-3Waste Profile Sheet4(amend or replace, as appropriate, to accommodate local requirements)Waste Code (from Form 1-1 or 1-2):Waste Name/Class/Category (from Form 1-1 or 1-2): Waste Description (including source of waste):PHYSICAL PROPERTIES (at 70 F, 20 C) (circle): Liquid Solid Semi-Solid Slurry Sludge GaspH: Range_ to _Liquid Flash Point:_Color:_Specific Gravity:_CHEMICAL COMPOSITION (TOTAL COMPOSITION SHOULD EQUAL 100%):ConstituentsRangeUnitsHAZARD DETERMINATIONIs this material a hazardous waste? (Y/N) _ National waste code: Why? Explain your reasons for this decision, including national regulatory citations: HOW IS THE WASTE STREAM TYPICALLY MANAGED?On-site:Off-site:SHIPPING INFORMATION: Transportation Method (circle): Truck Rail Barge Other:_Packaging (circle): Bulk Solid Bulk Liquid Drum Type/size Other:_Proper Shipping name (refer to Tab 5 for additional information):4 Note: If available, refer to the Chemical Identification and Tracking Form provided in Tab 5 of the Chemical Management Work Plan to complete the waste profile sheet for obsolete/unwanted chemicals identified during the chemical sweep.更多免费资料下载请进:http:/ 中国最大的免费课件资源库更多免费资料下载请进:http:/ 中国最大的免费课件资源库19Date completed: Completed by:(or EHS Coordinator Signature)更多免费资料下载请进:http:/ 中国最大的免费课件资源库更多免费资料下载请进:http:/ 中国最大的免费课件资源库20FORM 1-4Checklist for Inventory of Wastes(amend, as appropriate, to accommodate local requirements)1. Have all wastes been included in the waste inventory summary forms? (Include unwanted chemicals identified during the chemical sweep.) Yes _ No _ 2. Are the units of measure provided for the quantities of hazardous waste identified on the various forms? Yes _ No _ 3. Has each waste (hazardous and non-hazardous) been assigned a waste code? Yes _ No _ 4. Have hazardous waste determinations (including hazard, class, sub-category) been made for each waste following the procedures required by your country? Yes _ No _ 5. Have hazardous waste determinations been documented on a waste profile sheet for every waste generated at your facility? Yes _ No _ 6. If process changes were made, was the hazardous waste determination repeated and documented? Yes _ No _7. If a hazardous waste determination has not yet been made for a particular waste, are you managing that waste as hazardous until analysis data indicate otherwise?Yes _ No _ 8. If the facility using approved methods of testing for hazardous waste?Yes _ No _9. Do your facilitys files contain all supporting analytical data? Yes _ No _ If the answer to any of these questions is no, include this activity as an action item in Form 12-1, the Waste Management Action Plan.更多免费资料下载请进:http:/ 中国最大的免费课件资源库更多免费资料下载请进:http:/ 中国最大的免费课件资源库21TAB 2 - LOCAL REGULATORY WASTE MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS IN COUNTRYCopies of referenced laws and regulations are behind Appendix B.更多免费资料下载请进:http:/ 中国最大的免费课件资源库更多免费资料下载请进:http:/ 中国最大的


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