Module 7 Great books( 教学案例 )

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Module 7 Great books(教学案例 )课题Unit 2 Its still read and loved.课型Reading and writing第 1 课时目标知识目标Key vocabulary.Key structure:Passvie voice and to get information from the reading passage about The Adventures of Tom Sawyear .水平目标情感目标We can teach the students to read more good books by learning it.内容分析重 点Key vocabulary and some teaching points Key structure:Passvie voice难 点Key structure: Passive voice关 键 点Key structure: Passive voice教法学法Interactive approachTask-based approach教具学具Tape recorder or computerA book called The Adventures of Tom Sawyear教学程序教材处理师生活动时间一:Warming up:The new words in Unit 21.Well learn the new words in Unit 2 by asking some questions by me and answering the questions by the students in order to learn the new words and consolidate them.2.I read them,the students read after me,then read together and learn them by themselves for a few minutes.Warming up :Activity 1 in Unit 2二:Reading:Activity 2(Well train the students can grasp the first or last sentence or the important words to guess the main idea of the passage)Read through the words in the box with the whole class,and have them repeat them chorally and individually.Pay particular attention to those words where the stress is not on the first syllable:adventure,behaviour,outsider.Studetns work in pairs to answer themCheck the answer at last.Activity 1(check how the students guessedthe story.)Ask the students to read the passage individually,then check their answers in their paris.Call b ack correct answers to Questions 3 and 4 in Activity 1 from the whole class.The answers:Question 3:Question 4:教学程序教材处理师生活动时间Activity 3 (We wonder if the students can catch the main information of the new passage.)Activity 2 (Correct the students pronunciation, learn some useful words and expressions and learn more about the present passive voice sentences and train the students reading skills.The students will read Activity 2 and complete the table,and check with a partner.Call back the answers from the whole class.Listen to the tape and the students will read after it.At the same time well learn the important teaching points.1:be/have to do with afraid of doingThe students will read after me,then read it together板书设计Module 7 Great BooksUnit 2 Its still read and loved.The Passive voice: be+p.p The teaching points:一般现在时的被动语态: 1:be/have to do with sbAm/is/are/+p.p afraid of doing课后反思1、本课力求通过一系列贴近中学生生活实际的生动活泼的教学设计,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生自主学习以及团结合作的能力,理解课文。2、教学过程中根据学生的特点,采用小组合作交流相结合的方法,同时积极鼓励学生进行情景交际,让学生在教师的指导下通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式完成阅读的目标。3、教学过程中注重环节与环节之间的有机联系,精心设计,努力导入自然,做到环环相扣,步步为营,使学生真正做到学以致用。


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