2022年湖南中考英语一轮复习训练:人教版七年级上册 Units5—9

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2022年湖南中考英语一轮复习训练:人教版七年级上册 Units 59Units 5-9(七上) .单项填空(每小题 1 分;共 10 分) 1.-Happy birthday, Peter! Heres a giftyou.-Thank you, Dad.A.with B.in C.for 2.My daughter isyears old.Today is herbirthday.A.nine; nih B.nine; ninth C.ninth; nine 3.2022丹东改编I dont like Sun Cinemait has bad service.A.because B.although C.unless 4.Its not a good5.-What a fine day! Letsdo you like the Double Eleven Shopping Festival?-I dont like it.Because my mother often buys a lot of things we dont need.A.How B.Why C.When 7.If you wantto a good university in the future, you had better study hard from now on.A.go B.going C.to go8.-Can you tell how long youthe Huawei mobile phone, Mr Zheng?-Nearly a year.It works very well.A.will buy B.have had C.have bought 9.My father is a businessman.He is busyC.to interview10.-May I have a look at the magazine China Today? -Certainly. . A.Here you areB.Thank youC.Its a pity .2022宜宾改编完形填空(每小题 1 分;共 10 分)Zhang Jiacheng is a 13-year-old and one-armed basketball player.He is not11in the face of a taller, stronger, and older player.Often his skillful plays are followed by loud cheers from the crowd, showing great12for the young rising player.The young boy13his arm in an accident when he was 5 years old.14years later, basketball became his strong wish, which led him to make an effort to15the game, regardless of his physical condition.Encouraged by his own motto “Learn well and play well”, he16with the balance between studying and playing basketball.His being17on social media(媒体) has given him even more courage to work harder towards his great goal:18a professional basketball player.After only a year of19 , Zhang Jiacheng has improved his skills dramatically.Through patience, confidence and resolution, the young basketball player continues to get20to his life goal.11.A.scared B.e_cited C.tired 12.A.play B.support C.dream 13.A.hid B.raised C.lost 14.A.Thirteen B.Seven C.Five 15.A.teach B.know C.master 16.A.works B.fights C.deals 17.A.brave B.famous C.different 18.A.being B.calling C.finding 19.A.studying B.training C.growing 20.A.more B.less C.closer .2022南充改编阅读选择(每小题 2 分;共 10 分)One dollar and eighty-seven cents.That was all.Three times Della counted it.One dollar and eighty-seven cents.And the ne_t day would be Christmas.She could not afford a present, so she sat down and cried. Jim and Della had two possessions(财产) which they were both proud of.One was Jims gold watch that was from his father and his grandfather.The other was Dellas beautiful hair.It fell about her, and reached below her knee.Della put on her old brown jacket and her old brown hat.Then she went out of the door and down the stairs to the street. She stopped at a store.The sign in front of the store read “Hair Goods”.“Will you buy my hair?” asked Della.“Twenty dollars,” the woman said. Then Della searched through the stores looking for a present for Jim. She found it at last.It was a watch chain.The bill was twenty-one dollars.At seven oclock, the coffee was made and dinner was ready.Jim was never late.Della heard his steps on the stairs. The door opened and Jim walked in.He stopped inside the door.His eyes were fi_ed on Della, and there was an e_pression in them that she could not read. “Jim,” she cried, “dont look at me that way.I sold my hair to buy you a Christmas present.” Jim drew a bo_ from his pocket and put it on the table. Della opened it.There lay the set of bs(梳子) that she had always wanted.Now they were hers, but her hair was gone. She smiled and held out Jims present.“I hunted all over town to find it.Give me your watch.I want to see how it looks on it.”Instead of obeying(服从), Jim sat down, put his hands behind his head and smiled.“Della,” he said, “I sold the watch to get the money to buy your bs.” 21.Della counted her money three times because.A.she was not good at counting money B.she got different numbers each time she counted itC.she wished she could have more money 22.How could Jim feel when he fi_ed his eyes on Della? A.Shocked.B.E_cited.C.Embarrassed.23.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 10 refer to? A.The bo_.B.The watch.C.The watch chain.24.What can we infer(推断) from the passage? A.They lived a rich life.B.They loved each other deeply.C.Della didnt like her hair.25.Whats the best title for the passage? A.Beautiful HairB.Christmas GiftsC.Disappointing Christmas .补全短文(每小题 2 分;共 10 分)There is something different in this weeks blog.Lets look at some birthday customs around the world.Harry Baker, Perth, AustraliaIts my birthday ne_t Wednesday.I will be 10 years old.26. My mums going to make me a huge plate of fairy bread.Its a snack.We make it with bread, butter, and colorful sugar called “Hundreds and Thousands”.Jim Di_on, Montego Bay, JamaicaI love birthdays! They are a lot of fun.Here in Jamaica, we have an old custom.27. Guess what we do? We throw flour(面粉) at our friends! Its my best friends birthday tomorrow.28. Im going to buy a lot of flour to throw at him.Victoria Smith, London, the UKMy grandmother will be 100 years old in June.Shes very e_cited because shes going to get a special letter from the Queen.The Queen sends a letter to every person who reaches 100.29. Jiang Li, Beijing, ChinaIn my country, we celebrate birthdays with a special type of food.Noodles are a sign of long life for us.This year, Im going to make some “long life noodles” for all my friends.30. A.Im going to the store soon.B.Im going to make a big cake.C.Its a tradition that makes people very happy.D.We like to surprise people on their birthdays.E.Were going to eat them together and have a great evening! F.We always eat fairy bread on our birthdays in my country.G.We have a good time at the party. .2022原创双向翻译 (每小题 2 分;共 10 分)Do you like eating chocolate chip cookies? Thanks to Ruth Wakefield, 31.在 1930 年,它们偶然发明出来了。Ruth and her husband owned a restaurant called the Toll House.As a manager and cook, Ruth kept very busy.One day in 1930, she was making some chocolate butter cookies.It was required that she should melt(融化) chocolate into the dough(面团).32.However, she found that she had run out of the bakers chocolate.So she had to break some semi-sweet chocolate(半甜巧克力) into small pieces and added them to the dough.33.She e_pected the chocolate to melt.After the cookies were baked(烤), to her surprise, the chocolate had not melted into the dough, and her cookies were not chocolate butter cookies.34.它们闻起来很美味。They tasted sweet and crispy.They were named Toll House cookies after Ruths restaurant.35.Today they are the most popular cookies in America.About seven billion chocolate chip cookies are eaten every year, and nearly half the cookies baked in American homes are chocolate chip cookies. 31._32._33._34._35._【参考答案】.1-5 CBABA 6-10 ACBBA .主旨大意 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了独臂篮球少年张家城身残志坚的故事。张家城 5 岁时因意外失去一只手臂后,并没有放弃对生活的热爱。在自己的座右铭“学得好,玩得好”的鼓舞下,仅仅经过一年的训练,张家城的技术就有了很大的提高。通过耐心、自信和决心,这位年轻的篮球运动员不断地接近他的人生目标:成为一名职业篮球运动员。11.A 考查形容词辨析。根据后句“Often his skillful plays are followed by loud cheers from the crowd.”可知,面对一个更高大、更强壮、更年长的运动员,他并不害怕。故选 A。12.B 考查名词辨析。根据句意“他的精彩表演经常会引来观众的热烈欢呼,表现出对这位年轻的新秀运动员的极大支持。”可知,support 符合语境。故选 B。13.C 考查动词辨析。根据上文“Zhang Jiacheng is a 13-year-old and one-armed basketball player.”可知,张家城是一名独臂篮球少年,由此可知,此处应表达“这个小男孩 5 岁时在一次事故中失去了胳膊。”故选 C。14.B 考查数词辨析。根据上文“Zhang Jiacheng is a 13-year-old and one-armed basketball player.”可知,张家城今年13岁了;由下文“After only a year of19 , Zhang Jiacheng has improved his skills dramatically.”可知,他12岁开始打篮球,也就是说,5 岁失去了一只胳膊,7 年后开始了他的梦想。故选 B。16.C 考查动词短语辨析。根据上文“Encouraged by his own motto .Learn well and play well”可知,他处理好了学习和打篮球之间的平衡问题。故选 C。.主旨大意 本文是一篇记叙文。文章通过主人公德拉和吉姆在圣诞节时相互为对方购买礼物的故事,道出了爱的真谛-给予而不是索取! 21.C 细节理解题。由第一段最后一句“She could not afford a present, so she sat down and cried.”可知,圣诞节前夕,德拉没有足够的钱买礼物,所以她一次又一次地数钱,希望钱能多一点儿。故选 C。22.A 推理判断题。由第七段最后一句“His eyes were fi_ed on Della, and there was an e_pression in them that she could not read.”可知,吉姆看到德拉的短发时感到非常震惊。故选 A。23.C 代词指代题。由第六段中的“She found it at last.It was a watch chain.”及倒数第二段中的“I hunted all over town to find it.Give me your watch.I want to see how it looks on it.”可知,德拉找遍整个城镇才买到礼物,她希望能和吉姆的金表相匹配,故 it 在此指的是“表链”。故选 C。24.B 推理判断题。通读全文可知,德拉深爱着丈夫吉姆,吉姆也爱着妻子德拉。故选 B。25.B 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,这是发生在圣诞节时的故事,彼此互送礼物表达深深的爱意,故选 B。.主旨大意 本文是一篇说明文。文中主要介绍了一些国家过生日的风俗习惯。澳大利亚的妈妈会为过生日的孩子做一种带有蜜饯的甜点;在牙买加有一种古老的风俗习惯,人们会向过生日的人撒面粉;在英国过 100 岁生日的人会收到来自女王的信;在中国过生日时会吃长寿面。26-30 FDACE .31.they were invented by accident in 1930 32.然而,她发现她已经用光了面包店的巧克力。33.她期盼着这些巧克力融化。34.They smelt delicious.35.如今,它们是美国最受欢迎的曲奇饼。第 13 页 共 13 页


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