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“西乡街道小学英语教师个人命题能力竞赛”参赛作品第十二册英语第一单元测试卷作者:张凝2012-04-202011-2012学年第二学期宝安区西乡街道第一单元试卷六年级英语2012.04(时间:70分钟)听力测试(40%)i .听录音,选出你所听到的词组或句子。(共5小题,每小题1分)(5%)()1. A hug peopleBtalkto themC answer thephone()2. A put outBgetoutC go out()3. A You should shakehands.B You should line up.C You should wave hands.()4. A. Did you hear the news?B Did you hear a loud noise?C Did you hear the fire alarm?()5. A .What should we do when we meet new people?B What should we do when there is a fire?C How should we do when we wait for the bus?听力材料: 1. answer the phone 2. get out 3 You should wave hands. 4. Did you hear the news? 5 What should we do when there is a fire?参考答案:1-5 CBAAB设计意图:考察学生对unit1与unit2重点短语以及重点句子的掌握情况。ii .听录音,选择合适的图片。(共5小题,每小题1分)(5%)()9. A听力材料: 6. When the bus is coming, I line up and wait.7. When you hear the firm alarm, you should get up quickly.8. When there was a fire, you should walk down the stairs quickly.9. When we meet old people, we should let old sit down first.10. When the family is not at home, I should answer the phone and take a message.参考答案:6-10 ACAAC设计意图:考察学生对图片的判断能力以及对含有When的从句等重点句子的掌握情况。iii.听录音,选出与你所听到的句子意思最相近的选项。(共5题,每小题1分)(5%)( )11. A You are welcome!B Thank you very much.( )12. A You shouldn be nice to other people.B We should be friendly to other people.( )13. A We never work 8 hours a day.B We usually work 8 hours a day.( )14. A It, s dangerous to play with fire.B It / s not safe to play with candles.( )15. A Tim left his room with nothing.B Tim left his room and took his things.听力材料:11、Thanks a lot.12、You should be nice to other people .13、We often work 8 hours a day.14、 You can7 t play with fire. It / s dangerous.15、When you left the room, you shouldn take anything.参考答案:11-15 BBBAA设计意图:考察学生对交际语言以及对否定词的应用,判断及理解。比如:not, never等。iv.听录音,根据问句选择最佳答语。(共5题,每小题1分)(5%)()16. A I take a message.()17. A I turn on heaters.()18.A You shouldn t pushnd runC You should be noisy.()19. A Say,“Thank you.”()20.A Yes, you can.B I hug themC I shake hands.B I turn off lights.C I turn on the lights.B You should line up and wait.B Say, Pardon?C Say, Say againB. Yes, you could.C No, you can / t.听力材料:16. What should you do when you answer the phone?17. What should you do when you leave the room?18. What should you do when you walk on busy streets?19. What should you do when you don / t hear something?20. Can you take the things when there is a fire?参考答案:16-20 ABABC设计意图:考察学生对一二单元重点短语及句子的识记能力,还有考察日常生活中的交际 用语以及解决这类的答题技巧。V .听录音,根据对话内容,选择最佳答案。(共5小题,每小题1分)(5%)()21. What does the man like?A .He likes reading stories. B. He likes reading English books.C. He likes listening.)22. What is he going to do this afternoon?A. play football B. listen to music)23. What is his favorite fruit?A .bananasB. apples)24. Which subject is Lily interested inA. ChineseB. Maths)25. Does she often buy the CDs?A .Yes, she does. B. Not mention.C. go shoppingC. orange?C. EnglishC. No, she doesn . t听力材料:21. M: Do you like reading story books? Kate?W: Yes, I do, I enjoy reading funny stories.22. M: What are you going to do this afternoon, Linda?W: Im going to listen to music.23. W: What s your favofiteit?M: Bananas. What about you?W: I love apples.24. M: Which subject are you interested in, Lily?W: Well, I like Chinese very much. What about you?M: I like math.25. M: Do you have any hobbies, Alice?W: I have a lot of CDs. I hat s a kind of hobby, I guess, collecting them.M: Oh! How many do you have?W: About 200. Nearly half of them are pop songs.M: They must cost you a lot.W: Well, not really. Actually I got most of them from presents. I mean I dont often go out and buy them.参考答案:21-25: ABBAC设计意图:考察学生对情景对话的理解能力,使学生意识到英语学习在日常交际中的重要性。vi.听录音,根据短文内容判断正误,对的写 A,错的写Bo (共5小题,每小题1 分)(5%)()26. Zhang Tao is 25 years old. He comes from Sichuan province.()27. He works at an English fast food restaurant.()28. In the morning, I sweep the floor, clean the windows and set the tables.()29. In the afternoon, it is our busiest time.()30. Sometimes, He goes shopping with his friends after work.参考答案:ABABA听力材料: Hello! I m Zhang Tao, I m 25 years old. I come from Sichuan province.I work at a Chinese fast food restaurant. Iiter. Eveiydaya work from 9:00am to 10:00pm.In the morning, I sweep the floor, clean the windows and set the tables.All the waiters are busy in the afternoon, but in the evening, it is our busiest time. At this time, a lot of people come to have dinner. We must work time by time.After work, I stay at home and watch TV or surf the Internet. Sometimes, I go shopping with my friends. I m so busy, but I live happily.设计意图:考察学生对短文的理解能力,并且培养学生对此类题型的信息筛选能力。vii.听录音,完成下列短文,每空一词。(共5小题,每小题2分)(10%)When we are nice to (31) people, they are usually nice to us, too. People like to work with, play with and talk to (32) people. When we (33) the phone, we should say “Hello When we meet an older (34) , we should shake hands. When the bus is coming, we should line up and wait. When we get on the bus, we should let old people sit down (35) .听力材料: When we are nice to other people, they are usually nice to us, too. People like towork with, play with and talk to polite people. When we answer the phone, we should say“ HelloWhen we meet an older person, we should shake hands. When the bus is coming, we should line up and wait. When we get on the bus, we should let old people sit down first.参考答案:31 other 32 polite 33 answer 34 person 35 first设计意图:考察学生对单词的拼写能力。笔试部分(60%)限单词辨音,找出划线部分发音不同的单词。(共4小题,每小题0.5分)(2%)()1. A giraffeB jumpC get()2. A yellowB youngC sorry()3. A sockB smallC tall()4. A hugB upC excuse参考答案:1-4 CCACj, d ?,?:,?以及?的掌握程度!设计意图:考察学生对音素m.选择最佳答案(共io小题,每小题i分)(10%)()1. You should be polite other people, then they will be nice you.A. at; toB. to; toC. to; at()2. The firemen came and the fire when it was small.A. put onB. put offC. put out()3. Don,t him, he will be fine soon.A. worry aboutB. be worriedC. worried about()4 I take anything with me I leave the room.A. When; should B. Would; when C. Should; when()5.When Tim young, he couldnt play with candles or matches.A. wasB. isC. were()6. Look at that bike. I dont like it. Its too small. I dont like it,.A. tooB. eitherC. both()7. When I answer the phone, I.A. say, Who are you ?B. say, What do you want?”C. say, Who is that speaking?()8. What walking on busy streets or taking the bus?A. aboutB. aboveC. at()9. My train 10:00 am tomorrow.A. arrivesB. will arriveC. arrives at()10. When you make a mistake, you should say,.A. SorryB. Thank youC. Good参考答案:1-5 BCACA6-10 BCABA设计意图:考察学生对一些短语的识记(例如:be polite to; be nice to; put out等)以及含有 when的句式的理解等重要知识点的考察。IV完形填空。(共5小题,每小题1分)(5%)A bus comes to the bus .An old man gets on the bus. But there (2) seat for him. The boy wi)l you his seat. The driver says to the old man. But the boy in theseat doesn up. The driver looks at him. The n he says to the old man again.The boywill be glad to give you his seat! ” This time, the boy hears it. His face goes. He gets up at once. The old man sits down and sits down and says to the boy. Thank you, my boy.()1 A stopB schoolC shop()2 A oneB noC two()3 A takeB giveC put()4 A standB getC jump()5 A whiteB greenC red参考答案:1-5 ABBAC设计意图:综合性地检查学生阅读理解能力与运用能力;同时使学生养成尊老爱幼的习惯。V阅读理解,(共15小题,每小题1分)(15%)i判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用 A表示;不符合的用B表示。The bus stops at the next the stop. A mother and her child get on the bus and sit down. The conductor comes to them for the tickets. The mother says, One tickets to the Children s Park. Thconductor looks small child, then says to him, “ Howold are you, little boy?” TheMother says I am four years olmother wants to speak, but the conductor stop her. The boy says,All theocpUhelaugh.at home and two on the bus.()1. A mother and her child get on the bus.()2. The conductor doesn t ask them for the tickets.()3. The mother wants to buy two tickets but she doesn t have enough money.()4. The little boy is only 4years old.()5. Nobody laugh at them.参考答案:1-5 abbab设计意图:考察学生对的文章的理解能力与解题技巧,培养学生的判断能力。ii根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。One day, Allan and his friend Henry went swimming in a river. It was very hot. How happy they were in the river! After they got out of the water, they played games in the sun for a while.On their way back, Henry saw some flowers. He liked flowers very much and ran into the green field to look at them. Now Allan was walking by himself.Then he heard Henry calling out,“A snake! Help! ”“What s wrong with you? ” asked Allan.“A snake bit咬)me in the leg. Come here! ”Allan ran over and saw a small red wound(伤口)on Henry s leg.“The snake was in the grass. I didn t see it. ”“Sit down quickly! ” Allan told Henry.Allan put his mouth at the little red wound and began to suck (吸)at it. In this way he savedHenry s life. Oh, Allan, it s very kind of you to help me.“That s all right. We are friends and we must always help each other.1. It was when Allan and Henry went out.A. hotB. coldC. raining2. After swimming, they played in the sun.A. the whole morning B. for 2 hoursC. for a while3. On their way home,got something wrong with hisA. Allan; legB. Allan; headC. Henry; leg4. Henry and Allan are.A. workersB. good friendsC. brothers5. Which of the following (下面的)is true?A. Henry went to look at the flowers with Allan.B. Allan saved Henry s life.C. Allan was bitten by the snake, too.iii根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。阅读短文,选择正确答案t want to look for food now. He often asks otherThere is an old tiger in the forest. He doesnanimals to get him something to eat.One day, h e sees a monkey and says,“I am hungry, monkey. Go to the village and get mesomething to eat.cain f do that now, tiger, the monkey says, “ There is another tiger over there.He will not let me get anything for you to eat. I am afraid of him.cries the o Id tig erWhat?“Take me to that tiger. I will talk to him.The monkey and the tiger get to the bridge over theriver. Now look down at the water. says the monkey. Do you see the tiger? ” Yes, I do, criesthe old tiger. I will eat him. ese worcW/ithehtiger jumps into the river.()6 An old tiger lives.A. in the zooB. in the garden C. in the forest()7 How many tigers and monkeys are there in the story?A. Two tigers and two monkeys. B. Two tigers and one monkey.C. One tiger and one monkey.()8 Why does the tiger ask the other animals to get him food? Because.A. they are afraid of himB. only they can look for some foodC they like to do so()9 The monkey.A. gets to the bridge with the tiger.B. knows there is another tiger.C tells the tiger to jump into the water.()10 Which of the following is right?A. The tiger is very clever.B. The tiger jumps into the waterC. The tiger eats another tiger.参考答案:1-5ACCBB 6-10 CCAAB设计意图:考察学生面对陌生的文章,陌生的单词的应对能力以及解题能力;同时培养学生的阅读能力。VI.根据情景选出最佳答案(共5小题,每小题1分)(5%)()1 When your family isn t at home, how should you answer the phone?A I should take a message. B I shouldn ;answer the phone. C I should say, This is Tim, who are you? ()2 When you lose a game of chess, what should you say?A I should say, I don t like it. B I should say, Good game.” C I should say nothing.()3 When we get on the bus, what should we do?A We run to the first seat.B We push people down.C let old people sit down first.()4 When you hear somebody is bad, what should you say?A I should say, Excuse me. B I should say, I m sorry to hear that.C I should say, That t great.”()5 When you are eating, what should you do?A I should tell jokes.B I should be quiet. C I should talk loudly.参考答案:ABCBB设计意图:考察学生对交际用语在日常生活中的应用能力。vn.补全对话。(共两篇,各5小题,每小题1分)(10%) i从给出的词组中选出合适的补全对话,并将答案写在横线上。left the room; shake hands; play with; took a message; worry about1. When somebody called, I.2. What did you do then? I and I didn t take my things.3. Today we don t have to people with gunsknides.4. When we meet new people, we should with them.5. When no adults are at home, we shouldn t candles or matches.参考答案 :1 took a message 2 left the room 3 worry about 4 shake hands 5 play with设计意图:考察学生对以上重点短语的识记以及运用能力。ii从下列方框中选出合适的句子完成对话,并将其字母编号填写在横线上。A. Where shall we meet? B. How can we get there? C. Nothing much.D. When shall we meet? E. This is David speaking.A: Hello, may I speak to David?B: (1).A: Hi, David! This is Lin Tao speaking.B: Hi, Lin Tao. What s up?A: What are you going to do next Sunday?B: (2). Do you have any ideas?A: Shall we go to the zoo? I hear there s a dolphin show there.B: A dolphin show? Good idea! (3)?A: By bike.B: (4)?A: At half past nine.B:?A: Let s meet outside the zoo gate.B: All right .See you then.参考答案:ECBDA设计意图:考察学生根据情景以及根据上下句推断出答案的能力。选词造句,没空一词,(共5小题,每小题1分)(5%)write down,out of ,put on ,from to ,What happened1 When you get the building, you call 119.2 Did you hear the news? No.?3 My train arrives at 10:00am tomorrow. Please it.4 We usually work 7am 7Pm.5 When I was young, I couldn - clothes lamps or heaters.参考答案:1 out of 2 What happened 3 write down 4 from to 5 put on设计意图:考察学生对一二课重点短语的识记以及培养学生运用知识的能力。IX.书面表达。(共2小题)(8% )1小作文:看图写话,不少于三句。(3分)参考答案:Look at the picture. There are two firemen. They are putting out the fire. They areyoung and brave. I like them.设计意图:培养学生的看图以及想象能力;同时考察学生是否能用第二课的重点短语及句子写作文。2大作文:请以 How to be a polite student?为题,写一篇英语小短文。(5分)要求:1、条理清晰,书写规范工整;2、60个单词左右。参考答案:How to be a polite student? I want to be a polite student. What shall I do? I should be polite. I should study hard. I should walk in the corridors. I should throw rubbish in the bin. When I was at the library, I should be quiet. When I meet new people, I should shake hands. When I walk on busy streets, I should say, Excuse me” .When I wait for bus, I should line up and wait. I shouldn t throw rubbish on the floor. I shouldn t run in the corridors. I shouldn t fight.How about you?设计意图:学生围绕“怎样才能做到一个有礼貌的学生”这个话题发散他们的思维能力,鞭 策他们做一个有礼貌的学生,同时学生可以运用我们第一单元的知识写作文。


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