天津市太平村中学高中英语 写作话题分解 学校生活课件 新人教版

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天津市太平村中学高中英语 写作话题分解 学校生活课件 新人教版_第1页
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天津市太平村中学高中英语 写作话题分解 学校生活课件 新人教版_第3页
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一、话题一、话题“基础基础”词汇词汇crazy着迷的,疯狂的着迷的,疯狂的masses of大量的大量的endless无穷尽无穷尽的的a variety of各种各样的各种各样的various 各种各样的各种各样的outofclass课外的课外的afterclass课后的课后的outdoor室外的室外的activity活动活动participate (in.)参加参加 take part in join in 参加参加(某活动某活动)come/rank (the) first获得第一名获得第一名make progress in在在取得进步取得进步midterm exam期中考试期中考试学.科.网endofterm examfinal exam 期末考试期末考试fail in the test考试考试不及格不及格extra额外的额外的hesitate犹豫,迟疑犹豫,迟疑opportunity机机遇遇be expert/skilled in擅长擅长be weak/poor in在某方面薄弱在某方面薄弱be tired of厌烦厌烦a knowledge of.方面的知识方面的知识broaden ones horizons拓宽视野拓宽视野major in主修主修weekly meeting每周每周例会例会spirit精神精神in high/low spirits情绪高昂情绪高昂/低落低落in good/bad mood心情好心情好/坏坏in no mood for/to do sth没心情没心情做做gain获得获得acquire获取获取employ利用,雇佣利用,雇佣determined有决心的有决心的determination决心决心persevere坚持;坚持;不屈不挠不屈不挠perseverance坚韧不拔坚韧不拔colorful多姿多彩的多姿多彩的entertainment娱乐娱乐(活动活动)recreation娱乐活动娱乐活动amusement消遣消遣(活动活动)picnic野餐野餐outing远足远足camp野野营营campsite野营地野营地accompany陪伴陪伴keep sb company陪伴某人陪伴某人entrance examination入学考试入学考试lay a good foundation in 打下良好的基础打下良好的基础a piece of cake很容易的事,很容易的事,小菜一碟小菜一碟school clinic学校诊所学校诊所get fully developed得到得到全面发展全面发展be wellbuilt身体强壮身体强壮make use of利用利用make the best/most of善用善用/充分利用充分利用get in touch with与与(某人某人)取得联系取得联系keep in touch with与与(某人某人)保持联系保持联系say goodbye to sb向某人道别向某人道别wave goodbye to sb向某向某人挥手道别人挥手道别 He is crazy aboutis crazy about English.NothingNothing delights him so delights him so much asmuch as reading English stories.他对英语很着迷。没有他对英语很着迷。没有什么能比读英语故事更让他高兴的了。什么能比读英语故事更让他高兴的了。We have masses of homework to do have masses of homework to do every day. 每天我们都有大量的作业要做。每天我们都有大量的作业要做。I found someone sitting found someone sitting on the seat I had occupied had occupied in advance.in advance.我发现有人坐在我占的位置上。我发现有人坐在我占的位置上。There are varieties of There are varieties of outofclassoutofclass activities activities in our school, which we can take part in after class.在我们学在我们学校有各种各样的课外活动,我们课后可以参加。校有各种各样的课外活动,我们课后可以参加。二、话题二、话题“提分提分”句型句型From this activity, I came to realize the significance/ came to realize the significance/ importance importance of study. 通过这次活动我逐渐认识到学习的重要性。通过这次活动我逐渐认识到学习的重要性。We have got to have extra lessons have got to have extra lessons during the holiday. 我们在这些假日里也要补课。我们在这些假日里也要补课。Recently we have had a heated discussion as to Recently we have had a heated discussion as to whether whether we should have term exams. 最近我们就是否应该进行学期考试进行了激烈的讨论。最近我们就是否应该进行学期考试进行了激烈的讨论。We learned to use knowledge gained in the classroom, gained in the classroom, solving problems by ourselves.solving problems by ourselves. 我们学会了使用我们在课堂上学到的知识,自己解决问题。我们学会了使用我们在课堂上学到的知识,自己解决问题。We must keep up our spirits keep up our spirits in class. 我们课堂上要振作精神。我们课堂上要振作精神。Only by reading widely can we gain more Only by reading widely can we gain more knowledge and broaden our horizons.knowledge and broaden our horizons. 只有博览群书我们才能增长知识开拓视野。只有博览群书我们才能增长知识开拓视野。We should employ every possible opportunity We should employ every possible opportunity to to acquire more useful knowledge and get fully developed. 我们应利用一切可以利用的机遇获取更多的有用的知识并我们应利用一切可以利用的机遇获取更多的有用的知识并得到全面的发展。得到全面的发展。We gatheredgathered at the school gate and started out and started out at seven oclock.We got a warm welcome upon our arrival. 我们在校门口集合,我们在校门口集合,7点出发。一到那儿就受到了热烈的点出发。一到那儿就受到了热烈的欢迎。欢迎。It takes years of hard work to It takes years of hard work to speak good English. 讲一口流利的英语需要多年的努力。讲一口流利的英语需要多年的努力。Im determined to Im determined to do well in my lessons so as not so as not to let my parents down.to let my parents down. 为了不让我的父母失望,我决心把功课学好。为了不让我的父母失望,我决心把功课学好。I accompaniedaccompanied him toto the school clinic. 我陪他去了校医务室。我陪他去了校医务室。 1他对数学很着迷,每天都要做大量的数学题。世上没他对数学很着迷,每天都要做大量的数学题。世上没 有什么能比做数学题更让他高兴的了。有什么能比做数学题更让他高兴的了。 _ _2老师鼓励我们积极参加各种各样的课外活动。老师鼓励我们积极参加各种各样的课外活动。 _ _3今天我过得很不容易。因为有太多的作业要做,我不今天我过得很不容易。因为有太多的作业要做,我不 得不一整天都待在家里。得不一整天都待在家里。 _ _三、话题三、话题“高分高分”仿写仿写4如果你学习上有什么困难,请尽管找我好了。如果你学习上有什么困难,请尽管找我好了。 _ _5我下定决心要博览群书,增长知识,拓宽视野,以不我下定决心要博览群书,增长知识,拓宽视野,以不 辜负父母的期望。辜负父母的期望。 _ _6. 我们应该尽最大的努力获取更多的知识并使自己得到全我们应该尽最大的努力获取更多的知识并使自己得到全 面的发展。面的发展。 _ _答案答案1He is crazy about maths, and does masses of maths problems every day.Nothing in the world can delight him so much as working out maths problems.2Our teachers encourage us to take an active part in outofclass activities.3Today is a tough day for me.With masses of homework to do, I have had to stay at home all day long.4Dont hesitate to turn to me if you have any difficulty with your studies.5Im determined to gain more knowledge and broaden my horizons by reading widely so as to live up to the expectations of my parents.6We are supposed to make every possible effort to acquire more knowledge and get ourselves fully developed.


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