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BOOK 4 Module 1 Life in the FutureI教学内容分析本模块以Life in the Future为话题,介绍人们对于未来生活的展望与畅想,旨在通过模块教学,使学生运用所学知识描绘自己理想的未来生活以及自己对于未来的规划。通过本模块学习,学生要学会选用恰当的表达形式描述将来的事情。Introduction部分通过展示未来的房子的相关图片,激发学生对于本模块所谈话题的兴趣。并引导学生学习与建筑材料有关的词汇,为本模块后面的学习奠定基础。Reading and Vocabulary部分通过阅读Life in the Future,让学生熟悉课文内容,学会使用与课文相关的词汇,引导学生从学生的视角描绘未来的城市生活;并结合对课文的了解进行相关的预测活动、词汇练习、以及进行以课文内容为依托的问答练习等。Listening and Speaking部分是阅读文章后所展开的一项活动,要求学生能够模仿其内容来谈论自己理想中的房子,引导学生对于未来的房子展开想象。并听取专业人员建筑设计师对于未来房子的设想。Grammar部分通过观察课文提供的Listening and Speaking中采访中的例句,要求学生能够识别“将来进行时”,并对其基本结构、句型变化、基本含义有所了解。Function通过阅读节选自The City of the Future的内容以及回答下面的问题,让学生了解具有交际功能的“谈论将来”的语句。并通过例句和下面相关练习题体会表示“将来”和“预测”的区别。Everyday English该部分介绍了五个日常用语。要求学生通过补全对话的形式熟练掌握这几个表达。Pronunciation部分提供了句子重音的练习。要求学生先判断句子中哪些词应该重读,然后通过听录音进行校对并且进行朗读练习。Writing部分通过阅读四个青年对未来的规划,要求学生借鉴别人对未来的打算,借助于文章所用的句式和词汇,写一篇120词左右的文章,展望自己10年后的生活。 Cultural Corner部分介绍二十世纪的人们对于二十一世纪生活所作的一些今天看来比较“荒谬”的预言。让学生通过阅读这些预言,判断出最有趣的预测。鼓励学生结合自己对现实生活的了解以及对未来生活的展望,模仿前人,对今后人们的生活作一些预测。Task部分是对本模块的一个复习与应用,要求学生小组活动,利用本模块所学的词汇进行房屋设计。学生可以通过查阅相关书籍、网页结合人们现实生活中对于房屋的布局中存在的问题,大胆设想,并且充分调动学生的积极性,可以搞一个专项的房屋设计大赛,图文并茂的展示出这些未来的主人理想中的房屋。Module File部分有助于学生对本模块学习内容进行归纳,对自己的学习进行总结和检验。II教学重点和难点1. 教学重点掌握一些与未来生活有关的词汇。引导学生结合所学内容表达自己对未来生活的设想;学习将来时的不同的表达方式,及其表达内涵;学习将来进行时。2. 教学难点正确理解新学词汇的含义,并借助于所学的词汇表达个人观点看法,并且引导学生对未来的生活进行思考。 让学生体会到可持续发展的必要性和紧迫性,并培养乐观的生活态度;正确“一般将来时”和“将来进行时”;(3) 学会从位置、环境、布局和功能等方面来介绍自己所设计的“理想中”的房子。III教学计划本单元分五个课时:第一课时:Introduction, Cultural Corner第二课时:Reading and Vocabulary 第三课时:Listening and speaking, Pronunciation, Everyday English, Listening and speaking(Workbook);第四课时:Function, Grammar 第五课时:Writing, Task, Module fileIV教学步骤Period 1 Introduction, Cultural CornerTeaching Goals: 1. To arouse Ss interest in learning about the future life;2. To get Ss to learn some words related to the building materials;3. To get Ss to know something about the predictions about the future life. Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Introduction1. Ask Ss to look at the picture on page 1 and introduce the topic of this module. Ask Ss to discuss the questions in Activity 1 and then call back the answers in a whole-class situation.Suggested Answers:(1) It is a (special) house.(2) it may lie on a farm.(3) open. 2. Introduce some types of the houses in the future and help Ss to think of the building materials of the future.草原秸秆温馨小屋浪漫飞行家园现代都市楼房原始心灵港湾梦幻童话城堡神秘水晶殿堂3. Ask Ss to read through the words in the box in Activity 2. Make sure they know what all the materials. Then choose the building material to complete the sentences.3. Ask Ss to discuss the building materials of the school and make a listFor your reference:The glass is made from sand.The wall is made of bricks and stones.Step 2. Cultural Corner1. Leading-inAsk Ss the following questions to introduce something about predictions. Let Ss talk about the predictions they heard of. Q: Do you know some predictions people made about the future life? Will all the predictions come true?2. Ask Ss to read the predictions on page 9 to themselves, decide the ones which they find most amusing, then talk about it with their partners.3. Ask Ss to Write 5-7 sentences about life in China in the future and share their ideas with a partner. Then call back ideas from the whole class and make a list on the board and have a discussion on the predictions that they have made.4. Give Ss some explanations about the difficult points of the passage. (1) Difficult sentences With the first moon colonies predicted for the 1970s, work is now in progress on the types of building required for men to stay in when they are on the moon. 二十世纪七十年代第一批月球移民的预言现在进展到为居住在月球上的人设计住宅楼的样式。 By the year 2000, housewives will probably have a robot shaped like a box with one large eye on the top, several arms and hands, and long narrow pads on the side for moving about. 到2000年,家庭主妇们会拥有盒子形状的机器人,这些机器人在顶部有一只大眼,有许多胳膊和手,两侧的又长又窄的脚用来移动。(2) with复合结构的构成上面两句话中都出现了With复合结构,这个句型具体有以下几种用法: with+宾语+名词He died with his daughter yet a school girl.他死的时候,他的女儿还是个学生. with+宾语+形容词He used to sleep with all the windows open.他过去常常开着窗子睡觉. with+宾语+副词The girl fell asleep with the light on.那位女孩睡着了,灯还亮着. with+宾语+不定式I cant go out with these clothes to wash.因为这些衣服要洗,我不能出去. with+宾语+介词短语He sat near the fire with his back to the door.他坐在炉子旁,背朝着房门. with+宾语+现在分词She lives in the room with the light burning.她住在亮着灯的那个房间里. with+宾语+过去分词With everything done, she went home.做完一切事情以后,她回家了.(3) Consolidation Ask Ss to finish the following exercises. With winter _ on, its time to wear warm clothes.( come) The boy likes to sleep with the light _(burn) I wont be able to go on holiday with my mother _ ill. (be) I went out with the light _ off. ( turn) The murderer was brought in, with his hands _ behind his back. (tie) He lay in bed, with his eyes _( stare) at the roof. He lay in bed, with his eyes _(fix) on the roof. He lay in bed, with the door _(open). He lay in bed, with the door _(close). We had our lessons, with a guest _ at the back of the classroom. (seat / sit)Suggested Answers: coming burning being turned tied staring fixed open closed seated/ sitting (4) Thirty years from now people will be wearing clothes made of paper which they will be able to throw away after wearing them two or three times. 30年后人们将穿着纸制的衣服,这种衣服人们穿两三次后就会扔掉。与 throw 有关的短语:throw about 到处扔;舞动手脚 throw ones money about 乱花钱 throw away 扔掉,抛弃,浪费金钱 throw back掷还;使向后 throw back ones shoulders挺胸throw down tools 扔下工具, 罢工 throw down 扔掉,扔下 throw off 匆匆脱掉,摆脱 Step 4. Homework1. Ask Ss to revise the words related to building materials.2. Ask Ss to practise describing the future life.3. Ask Ss to preview Reading and Vocabulary in the module.Period 2 Reading and VocabularyTeaching Goals:1. To let Ss master how to read a passage;2. To let Ss master some words and phrases related to “life in a future city”;3. To get Ss to think about the future city;4. To help Ss learn how to talk about future life.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Revision:Ask Ss to review what theyve learnt last period.Step 2. Leading-in1. Show some pictures about the city of the future and ask Ss to say something about it.City in the futureRobotsHolidays at homeCarFor your reference:Faced with so many problems, human being began to think of ways to live better. We design the city and the related aspects, which connected with the life of human being. Environment, safety, health, recreation, transportation, holiday have become focuses.Step 3. Reading1. Fast reading(1) Let Ss read the passage quickly and find out the topics mentioned in the passage. Suggested answers: Alternative energy (line 9, paragraph 1)Crime (batman net)Shopping (forget the malls)Environment ( line 5, paragraph 1)Entertainment (recreation)Public service (garbage)Traffic (cars)(2) Ask Ss to divide the whole passage into two parts: Suggested Answers: Part one: the first paragraphgeneral idea of the future city.Part two: paragraph 2-11 predictions for specific aspects of the future life.2. Intensive reading (1) Ask Ss to read the passage carefully and answer the questions in Activity 6 in pairs. (2) Ask Ss to find out the phrases and words of Activities 3 and 4 on page 3 in the passage. Then let them match the words and phrases in Activity 3 and match the words and phrases in Box A with those in Box B in Activity 4.3. Post-reading(1) Ask Ss to fill in the blanks with the words or phrases learned from this class.I cant what schools will be like but I know for sure that great changes will take place then. Recently I have looked up information , and Id like to share some with you. First, will be quite different. Some new types, such as plastic, glass will be used. Second, the future schools will make full use of energy, and the temperature inside will be fixed, for the natural resources are , and we will alternative energy. Third, there will be no books at all. Every classroom will be to the advanced net system. Thats my opinion of the future school, how about yours?Suggested answers: predict in the future online building materials solar running out rely on attached(2) Ask Ss to try to write out the words of Activity 5 according to the meanings, and then let them to check the answers in pairs.(3) Ask Ss to make up an interview Imagine you are going through the Time Tunnel and now it is 2050, you meet an alien on the street from outer space, please describe our life (in 2050) to him, such as the cars, the recreation, holidays, travel, garbage, shopping, space travel. You can use the information from the text. Time TunnelYou may start your interview like (4) Give Ss a summary to encourage them to work hard.T: No matter what our future is like, what we can do now is to get well prepared for it, because a bright future can only be created by ourselves!Step 4. Language Points1. Ask Ss to discuss the important and difficult language points. Useful phrases:(1)肯定地, 确定地 (2)进行预测,做出预测 (3) (某物)用完了,没有了(4) (某人)用完,用尽 (5)依靠, 依赖 (6)除掉,处理掉 (7)用装载(卡车,火车等)(8) (卡车,火车等)满载 (9)在城市的范围之内 (10)在网上购物 (11)与某人定购某物 (12)免费地(13)打开/关掉开关 (14)残疾人 (15)把连接/贴/系到上(16)当心, 小心 (17)首先 (18)即将被淘汰,即将过时(19)呈现.形状 (20)出生的时候 (21)进行,执行, 完成(22)忙于做某事 (23)在进行中Suggested answers: (1) for sure (2) make predictions about, predict (3) run out ,give out, be used up (4) run out of , use up (5) rely on , depend on (6) get rid of(7) load (a truck, a train , etc.) with (8) be loaded with (9) within a citys limits (10) do shopping online (11) place/ give an order for sth. with sb. (12) free of charge(13) switch on/ off (14) people with disabilities, disabled people(15) attach/ tie to (16) look out ( for sth.) (17) for a start (18) on the way out(19) be shaped like (20) at birth (21) carry out (22) be busy doing, be busy with (23) in progress Difficult sentence Using high-tech cameras attached to their head.using = with 作方式状语。如:Please make a sentence using / with the structure.We will build a house using / with the stones attached together.2. Ask Ss to correct the following sentences.(1) The police is searching for the criminal.(2) We cant make predictions what will the city of the future look like.(3) Making predictions are a risky business.(4) In the future, care for the environment will become very important with earths natural resources run out. (5) My money has been run out. Suggested Answers:(1) is -are (2) what will the city of the future look like- what the city of the future will look like (3) are-is (4) with-as(5) My money has been run out.- My money has been run out of/ My money has run out.Step 5. Homework1. Ask Ss to imagine their life in the future and write an E-mail to themselves with the beginning sentence: Dear future me:2. Ask Ss to finish Reading Exercises in the Workbook on P6970.3. Ask Ss to prepare for the Listening class.Period 3 Listening and speaking, Pronunciation, Everyday English, Listening and speaking (Workbook)Teaching Goals: 1. To enable Ss to know some skills of listening;2. To study some daily expressions;3. To learn the stress word in sentences.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Listening and speaking 1. Pre-listeningAsk Ss to think about their homes and describe their homes to their partners.2. While-listening(1) Ask Ss to listen to the tape and answer the questions in Activity 2 on page 5.(2) Ask Ss to listen again and finish Activity 4 according to what the architect says about.Step 1. Pronunciation and Everyday English1. Ask Ss to mark the stressed words in Activity 1 in Pronunciation individually and check with a partner.2. Ask Ss to listen to the tape and check the sentence stress. Then give them the correct answers. 3. Ask Ss to read through the sentences in Everyday English and complete them. If necessary, give them some explanation. Then check the answers.Step 2. Listening and speaking (Workbook) 1. Pre listening (1) Ask Ss to learn some new words:astronomer 天文学家 astronomy 天文学 surgeon 外科医师 architect 建筑师 economist 经济学家 genetics 遗传学 wildlife expert 野生生物专家advance 进步,进展 Mars 火星 ase 基地,大本营 manned 载人的vitally (important) 极其 (重要) individual 单独的,个人的 cure 药物,疗法 (2) Ask Ss to define the professions in Activity 11 and predict things the speakers may mention.Suggested Answers:Surgeon: A physician specializing in surgery.Architect: One who designs and supervises the construction of buildings or structures.Economist: A specialist in economics.Wildlife expert: a person cares much about the wildlife.Genetics scientist: a scientist who study genetics.(3) Ask Ss to match the statements in Activity 12 with the professions in Activity 11.2. While listening (1)Ask Ss to listen to part 1 of the tape and choose the best answers: Whats the mans profession? A. astronomer B. surgeon C. architect In the mans opinion, people will be living on the moon in the next _ years. A. 30 B. 20 C. 10 What will be most different about the world in 2020 according to the man ? A. Things will change a lot for ordinary people. B. People will learn some common sense. C. People wont progress a lot. Whats the mans attitude towards the future? A. optimistic B. pessimistic C. enthusiastic Suggested Answers: A B C B(2) Ask Ss to listen to Part 2 of the tape and decide if the following statements are true or false. There will be special clinics with telesurgery equipment in every village. Alternative energy research will be an important area of research. There will be fewer people on the earth. Environment problems will be solved. The interviewee is optimistic about the future.Suggested Answers: F T F F F(3) Ask Ss to listen to part 3 of the tape and get some information to fill in the blanks.HousingThere will be a lot more very big cities. Most people will be living in .Individual houses are .Medical scienceIt will .Scientists will find the cure for cancer and people will live lives.The mans attitude towards the futureHe is very about the future.Suggested Answers: high rise buildings on the way out make huge progress longer and healthier confident / optimistic 3. Post-listeningChoose another profession from activity 11 or other professions you like to prepare and role-play your interview.Questions: (1) What will be the most important advances in your area of science over the next 20 years?(2) Which area of science will be most important?(3) What do you think will be most different about the world in 2020? (4) Your own questions.Step 6. Homework1. Ask Ss to finish Vocabulary Exercises in the Workbook on P68.2. Ask Ss to preview Function & Grammar .Periods 4 Function, Grammar Teaching Goals: 1. To enable Ss to learn about the ways to talk about the future;2. To enable Ss to know about the future continuous.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Function1. Ask Ss to read the extract from The City of the Future and complete the Activity 1 individually and then check with a partner.2. Ask Ss to match the sentences AF with the meanings 16 in Activity 2. 3. Ask Ss to underline the most appropriate form of the verb in Activity 3.Step 2. Grammar 1. Leading-in(1) Ask Ss to read through sentences ac in Activity 1.(2) Ask Ss to tick the true statements individually. 2. Presentation Present the following grammatical points to Ss. (1) 将来进行时的构成:shall/will + be + 现在分词。Will you be using your bicycle this evening?今晚你用自行车吗?(2) 将来进行时的用法将来进行时的基本用法(a) 表示在将来某一时间正在进行的动作。They will be meeting us at the station.他们会在车站接我们的。(b) 在口语中代替will/shall do。Ill be seeing Mr. Smith tomorrow.我明天将见到史密斯先生。将来进行时的特殊用法(a) 表示原因、结果或猜测。Please come tomorrow afternoon. Tomorrow morning, Ill be having a meeting.请你明天下午来吧。我明天上午有个会。 (表原因)Stop the child or he will be falling over. 抓住那个孩子,要不他会掉下去的。 (表结果)You will be making a mistake. 你会出错的。(表推测)(b) 用在问句中,表示委婉礼貌。Will you be reading anything else?你还要看点儿什么吗?(c) 表示稍后一点儿的安排。The students are studying Unit 3 this week, and next week theyll be studying Unit 4.这周学生们学第三单元,下周他们将学第四单元。3. Consolidation (1) Ask Ss to translate the following sentences. 明天这时候我将在电视上看你进行比赛。 你今天晚上要在家吃饭吗?王博士下周同一时间将就这一课题再次做报告。 我的任务在7月结束,之后我会回上海。Suggested Answers: This time tomorrow Ill be watching you play on TV. Will you be having dinner at home this evening? Doctor Wang will be giving another talk on this subject at the same time next week. My duties will end in July and I will be returning to Shanghai.(2) Ask Ss to complete the sentences in Activity 2 on page 6 and Activity 3 on page 7 individually.Step 3. Homework 1. Ask Ss to review Grammar & function.2. Ask Ss to finish the grammar exercise in the workbook.2. Ask Ss to review the language points learned from this module. Period 5 Writing, Task, Module FileTeaching Goals: 1. To enable Ss to describe a house design.2. To help Ss review what they have learnt in this module;Teaching procedures:Step 1. Writing 1. Ask Ss to read the passage on page 8 and answer the questions of Activity 1.2. Ask Ss to write about what they will be doing in ten years in 100 words.One Possible Version:To be a teacher is my dream. In ten years, I will be working in a middle school. I know that I will devote all the time to helping my students and definitely I will feel happy because it is worthy. The students will be happy to have such a lovely friend as me and certainly some of them will have a little trouble if they are always breaking the rules in class.I am clear that the life of being a teacher will be rough as well as meaningful and colorful but still I will try my best to make the dream come true.Step 2. Task1. Ask Ss to design a house for the future with the help of the questions in Activity 1.2. Ask Ss to make a drawing of the outside of the house and a plan of the rooms inside. Then ask them to do a “show-and- tell” session to show their design to the rest of the class. Step 3. Module File Ask Ss to look at Module File on page 10 and try to recall what they have learnt in the module. Then tick the things they are sure that they know and put a question mark next to the points they are not sure of and a cross to what they dont know. Help Ss to share their ideas and deal with the difficult or confusing points.Ask Ss to read some articles or novels about sports to strengthen their reading skills and enlarge their vocabulary.Step 4. HomeworkGet a general impression of Module 2.友情提示:部分文档来自网络整理,供您参考!文档可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注!11 / 11


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