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八年级英语导学案Unit4 He said I was hard-working.( Section A 1a 2c )备课:张楼乡一中 赵振国 时间:2012年3月学习目标知识目标熟练掌握句型:1. I am mad at Marcia.2. What did Lana say?3. Lana said she was mad at Marcia.掌握下列词汇:mad, notanymore能力目标1. 能听懂有关直接引语和间接引语的听力材料。2. 学会使用间接引语来转述别人的话,并能灵活使用人称和相应的时态。情感目标让学生学会与同学之间的相互交流、相互关心,鼓励学生相互了解。重难难点直接引语变间接引语时人称和时态的变化正确使用间接引语转述别人的话【课前准备】 一、你还记得下列单词的过去式吗?请试着写写吧!1.call 2.report 3.happen 4.am/is 5.are 6.will 7.say 8.go 9.tell 10.can 11.think 12.do 二、查找相关资料,了解什么是直接引语,什么是间接引语? 三、了解肥皂剧的知识:肥皂剧(soap opera)是从英语传至中文的外来词汇,又叫泡沫剧。它是指“以家庭问题为题材的广播或电视连续剧”,通常比较冗长。由于最早的肥皂剧赞助商主要是日用清洁剂厂商,节目期间插播的广告也主要是肥皂广告,“肥皂剧”之名便由此诞生。想一想:你看过那些肥皂剧? 【课堂展示释疑】模块1 Before listening1.交流课前准备2. Pairwork: (1) A: Whats your name? B: My name is C: What did he/she say? A: She/He said her/his name was. (2)A: What are you doing on weekends? B: I am ing C: What did he/she say? A: She/He said she/he was ing听前快速浏览图画及上面的句子,准确捕捉有效信息模块2While listening 1.听1b录音,排列顺序。2. 观察与思考 Lana said, “I am mad at Marcia.” Lana said she was mad at Marcia Lana said, “I am not going to her house on Friday night.” Lana said she was not going to her house.上面的两组句子都是直接引语和相应的间接引语,观察并对比这两组句子,想一想在直接引语变间接引语的转述中:1.be动词发生了哪些变化? 2. 依据句意发生相应改变。2. Practice:Marcia said: “He is smart.” Marcia said Ben said: “She is swimming.” Ben said The cat said: “We are good friends.”The cat said The cat told the mouse They said: “They are swimming.” They said They told me They said: “They are brothers.” They said They told me 3. 听2a录音,选择合适的句子补全短文A. she wasnt mad at Marcia anymoreB. Marcia was going to have a surprise party for herC. she would go to Marcias house on Friday night after allD. she could bring some drinks and snacks to her house on Friday night不要力图听清每一句话,应当快速捕捉关键词E. she wasnt going to have the partyBoy: Did you see “Young lives” last night?Girl: No, what happened?Boy: Ben told Lana that .Girl: Really? What did Lana say?Boy: Lana was very excited. Lana told Ben that , and that .Girl: Oh, then what?Boy: Marcia called everyone and told them .Girl: Oh, no.Boy: Yeah, then Lana called Marcia and told her that .Boy: Oh wowand what did Marcia say?Girl: She told Lana she would be glad6.再听一遍,从下表中圈出答案。Ben told LanaMarcia (is /will) going to have a surprise party for you.Lana saidI (am /was) not mad at Marcia anymore.Lana saidI (will /would) go to Marcias house on Friday night.Marcia told everyoneI (am/was) not going to have the party.Lana saidI (will/would) bring some drinks and snacks to your house.你能转述他们说了些什么吗?Ben told Lana Lana said Lana said Marcia told everyone Lana said 7.观察与思考:请观察上面的句子,它们是间接引语,也是 。特点:转述时前后时态 。转述时前后人称 。8.模仿秀:跟读并模仿对话,注意语音语调。模块3 After listening1.Game Time请记住明星们所说的话,并用间接引语转述。2.Groupwork:假如你是一名记者,请在小组内采访。下面这些句子可以帮助你。Whats your name? What animals /sports do you like?What can you do?What will you do this weekend?What are you doing? Report:This is .He/She said he/she liked .He/She said he/she could . He/She told me he/she would this weekend. He/She told me he/she was .【课堂反思】1. 直接引语变间接引语应注意 和 的变化。2. 通过今天的学习,你收获了什么?你还有哪些疑惑? 【Homework】1. 采访你的同位他/她爸爸妈妈对他/她的爱好、性格学习等的评价,并回家转述给你的爸爸妈妈。2. 把上面的采访给爸爸妈妈转述以后试着写下来(选做题)。


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