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教 案 二级学院:外语学院课程名称:英语国家概况任课教师:朱莹授课班级:2010级 班授课时间:2011 2012 学年第 一 学期北京科技职业学院教务处制教案编写说明一、编写原则1.教案编写要依据教学大纲和教材,从学生实际情况出发,精心设计。一般要符合以下要求:(1)明确地制订教学目的,具体规定传授基础知识、培养基本技能、发展能力以及思想政治教育的任务。(2)合理组织教材,突出重点,解决难点,便于学生理解并掌握系统的知识。(3)恰当地选择和运用教学方法,调动学生学习的积极性,面向大多数学生,同时注意培养优秀学生和提高后进生,使全体学生得到发展。2.教师应提前一周备课,并在每次授课时携带教案授课。 3.教案按每次授课单元填写,一般以24学时为宜。二、编写说明1.“授课时间”、“章节名称”必须填写。 2. “教学目的”:依照教学大纲要求,本课程学生应掌握、熟悉、了解的要点。“教材版本”包括教材系列、教材名称、主编、出版社、版本及出版时间。 3. “教学重点”是依据教学目标,在对教材进行科学分析的基础上而确定的最基本、最核心的教学内容,一般是一门学科所阐述的最重要的原理、规律,是学科思想或学科特色的集中体现。它的突破是一节课必须要达到的目标,也是教学设计的重要内容。4. “教学难点”是指学生不易理解的知识,或不易掌握的技能技巧。难点不一定是重点,也有些内容既是难点又是重点。5“教学方法”是教师和学生为了实现共同的教学目标,完成共同的教学任务,在教学过程中运用的方式与手段,包括讲授法、现场演示法、讨论法、练习法、案例分析法等。6.“课程资源准备”:包括教室条件说明、教具准备、多媒体或电子教案准备、教学参考资料等内容。7.“教学设计”:主要包括本次授课的主要教学内容(板书设计)、时间分配、教学模式(如理论教学、实践教学、讨论式教学等)、教学方法等设计内容。教 案授课时间 2011 年 9 月 6 日 星期 2,3 & 4,5 第 1-4 节课章节名称 第 0 章第 节 题目:Subject introduction and warm up教学目的1) To enable Ss to master some key vocabularies.2) To help Ss to practice listening and reading skills.教学重点1) Vocabulary: pop words in 20112) Speaking: introduce ones winter holidays.3) Listening: movie appreciation教学难点1) Listening: how to take notes ASAP.2) Grammar:pausing, intonation and stress教学方法Group discussion; Role-play课程资源准备Textbook; PPT; MP3 listening; 教 学 设 计备注 The first classStep : Warm-up: (15m) Greetings: welcome back and Happy new year! Share some interesting and cute thing during the winter holiday. Travel; family reunion; skiing; sightseeing; shopping;playing gamesStep Vocabulary learning (30m) 1. Gelivable 给力2. 3s ladies : Single; Seventies; Stuck 剩女3. Group buying:团购4. Strawberry generation:草莓族5. HOHAS: 乐活族Step Reading (25m) 教 学 设 计备注 健康、快乐,环保、可持续 Do good、Feel good、Look good (做好事,心情好,有活力)Step Movie appreciation (45m) BRAVE HEART BOOKIS NOTAVAILABLE.思考题(讨论题)及作业Listening to the tape on movie “brave heart” and retell it.教 学 设 计备注 The second classBloggers edit their real lives导读:近年来微博大热,更是衍生出一批晒客博主们为搏出位(standing out),传照片、晒幸福。而在网络制造频繁发生的今天,我们不禁要猜测这些晒客背后的究竟是真实还是虚幻?Whenever you refresh your mini blog, it is quite often you are dazzled by new images of someone posing in a mirror in their newly bought clothes, standing in front of a place of historical interest, or tucking into an array of delicious dishes. 无论何时刷新微博页面,你总是会被各式各样的照片弄得眼花缭乱:有人穿着新衣服对镜自拍,有人站在历史名胜前留影,有人尽情享受美味佳肴。Its easy to accept such colorful life stories if the mini blog belongs to a star. When Barbie Hsu blogged about her sweet, whirlwind engagement, fans said wow, but then calmly accepted the situation.如果换做是明星的微博,你便会轻易地接受他们拥有如此多彩的生活。尽管当大S徐熙媛在博客上大晒甜蜜,自曝闪电订婚时,粉丝一片哗然,但稍后也都平静地接受这一事实。Often, though, the blog in question belongs to the person living in the dorm next to yours.然而,人们常常会质疑那些就可能就住在隔壁的平凡人的博客。 教 学 设 计备注The feelings of disenchantment grow when you read posts on your campus BBS or other online communities. Other peoples lives seem so fascinating that you begin to feel your own life is lacking in some way.浏览校园BBS或其他在线社区的帖子,人们愈发变得觉醒起来。别人的生活看上去如此妙不可言,以至于你开始感觉自己的生活好像缺少了什么。注:BBS电子布告栏系统Bulletin Board SystemZTE中兴通讯股份有限公司Zhongxing Telecom Equipmenttelecommunication 电信思考题(讨论题)及作业Read the information on page 23 and write a memo to all the staff in your company. 40-50 words only. 教 案授课时间 2011 年 3月 1 日 星期 2,3 & 4 第 1-4 节课章节名称 第 一 章第 节 题目:Ways of working & Making contacts教学目的1) To enable Ss to master the key vocabularies.2) To help Ss to practice listening and reading skills.3) To guide Ss write business correspondence.教学重点1) Vocabulary: different ways of working.2) Speaking: a mini presentation about working.3) Writing: business correspondence.4) Listening: working from home.教学难点1) Writing: how to write correspondence.2) Grammar:Present tenses.教学方法Explanation; Group discussion; Role-play课程资源准备Textbook; PPT; MP3 listening; 教 学 设 计备注 The first classStep : warm-up: (15m) 1) Question: How do you study English most effectively? By studying - at the same time every day /at different times of the day? - early in the morning / late at night? - on your own / with others? - at home / at school? How do you work most effectively? By working - regular hours / flexible hours? - for a boss / as your own boss? - in a team / on your own? - from home / in an office? 2) Match the ways of working 1-8 on page 6 to definition A-I.Step Reading :How to job-share? (20m)1) Ask Ss to read the whole text before they put headings with the correct paragraphs.2)3)4)5) convince their employer that it is a good idea and mention the advantages. 6) Student B should be skeptical and mention disadvantages.7)Step Reading (25m) 教 学 设 计备注Put Ss into pairs. Students Student A wants to start job-sharing with another colleague. They must try toconvince their employer that it is a good idea and mention the advantages. Student B should be skeptical and mention disadvantages.Set a time limit of 3 minutes for each conversation.Step listening : working from home (20m) Pre-listening questions: 1) What does she say is important when working from home?2) What does she think are some of the advantages and disadvantages of home-working?3) How long has she been with her current employers?Step Grammar: present tense (15m) Present simple: a routine activity e.g. I always get up around seven. Present perfect simple: a state that started in the past and continues to the present. e.g. I have been with the same company since I left school.教 学 设 计备注Present continuous: an activity taking place at the same time of speaking.e.g. I am going to the office nearly everyday this week.Step Speaking: (15m) Work in pairs. Page. 9. Step Summary (5m)思考题(讨论题)及作业1) Finish the exercise on Page 9.2) Preview part B .教 学 设 计备注 The second classStep : review: (5m) Retell the ways of working and their English definitions.Step Reading :Life is all about making connections. (20m)1) Pre-reading question: Why is making connection, or networking an important part of many jobs?2) Language points: maximize ones potential; 放大某人的潜力run the net work; 经营,维护关系set up the network; 建立关系give sth. low priority. 对不重视Step listening (25m)1) Ss listen to the 4 people starting conversations. In each conversation decide where the speakers are making contact.Conversation 1: in someones officeConversation 2: at a conferenceConversation 3: on a training courseConversation 4: over dinner 教 学 设 计备注2) Ss match the expressions to the responses and then check by listening.Step Speaking : developing a conversation (20m) Give Ss 5mintues to study the flowchart and simulate conversation with the expressions. Step Writing: business correspondence (25m)1) Read the correspondence on Evelyns desk and answer the questions on page 12.2) Find the abbreviations: telephone number: TEL ; as soon as possible : ASAP ; at: 3) Write the letter.思考题(讨论题)及作业Complete the memo on page 13. 1) Refer to the previous meeting.2) Say when the new system will begin.3) Remind staff that their mangers need one months notice.教 案授课时间 2011 年 3 月 7 日 星期 3 & 4 第 1-4 节课章节名称 第 二 章第 节 题目:Company benefits & Presenting your company教学目的1) To enable Ss to master the key vocabularies.2) To help Ss to practice listening and reading skills.3) To guide Ss make a business presentation.教学重点1) Vocabulary: company terms2) Speaking: asking questions about jobs.3) Writing: how to write a memo.4) Listening: presentation教学难点1) Writing: how to write a memo.2) Grammar:pausing, intonation and stress教学方法Explanation; Group discussion; Role-play课程资源准备Textbook; PPT; MP3 listening; 教 学 设 计备注 The first classStep : warm-up: (10m) Question: what is most important to you when choosing a job? Rank the following in order of the importance from 1 to 10. _ an impressive job title _ a good salary _ flexible working hours _ opportunities for promotion _ days of and long holidays Step listening to five short recordings. Which of the benefits and incentives in exercise one is each person referring to? (10m) Speaker 1: a company car Speaker 2: flexible working hours Speaker 3: parental leave Speaker 4: an impressive job title Speaker 5: a pensionStep Reading (25m) 教 学 设 计备注1 Set Ss a time limit of about 3 minutes to answer the question: What benefits and incentives does the article mention for employees at Xerox?2 Read the article in much more detail to answer question 1-5 .3 Language points: 1) take sth. with a pinch of salt: not completely believe sth. Is true or likely. 2) regard as important: take seriously. 3) take joint responsibility: 共同承担责任 4) due to: because of 5) VAT: Value Added TaxStep Speaking: asking questions about jobs. (15m) Tell Ss to imagine they were the journalist writing the article on Xerox. Guide them to ask basic questions about a job. e.g. How long have you been working for the company? What was your first job? What would you to do in the future?教 学 设 计备注Step Grammar exercise (25m) Ss do exercise on page 19 about past tense. Step Summary (5m)思考题(讨论题)及作业Read the advert for a job. Use the handwritten notes to write a letter of application (120-140 words). Page 19.教 学 设 计备注 The second classStep : Review: (10m)1) Retell the general information about Xerox.2) Give examples about the past tense.Step listening practice (20m)16,000,000,000: turnover978,000,000,000: final income112,000,000,000: total market1906: company founded Step Reading (25m) The traditional three-part structure for presentation: CPresenting the first partBExplaining the structure of the presentationAIntroducing the presentation DPresenting the second partFEnding the presentationEPresenting the final part Listen and match the expressions on page 21. 教 学 设 计备注Step : Speaking: giving presentation (15m) Ask Ss what kind of company they would like to run if they had the chance. Then Ss prepare a full- length presentation about a company.Step Writing: memo (15m) Ask Ss if they receive memo at work. What are they about? Who writes them? Possible answers: Memo1: display of new factory plans. Memo2: presentation on flexi time and home working. Memo3: Spanish classes.Step Summary (5m)思考题(讨论题)及作业Read the information on page 23 and write a memo to all the staff in your company. 40-50 words only. Tips: To help prepare, record yourself giving the presentation and listen to yourself afterwards. 教 案授课时间 2011 年 3 月 15 日 星期 2,3 & 4 第 1-4 节课章节名称 第 三 章第 节 题目:Starting a business & Leaving and taking messages教学目的1) To enable Ss to master the types of business2) To help Ss to practice listening and reading skills.3) To guide Ss plan a seminar.教学重点1) Vocabulary: business terms2) Speaking: leaving a voicemail message.3) Writing: taking notes and messages.4) Listening: leaving a message教学难点1) Writing: taking notes and messages.2) Grammar:will and the future tense教学方法Explanation; Group discussion; Role-play课程资源准备Textbook; PPT; MP3 listening; 教 学 设 计备注 The first classStep : warm-up: (15m) Question: can you list some ways to start a business? And what is the advantage and disadvantage for each approach? Sole trader: you are self-employed and set up the business on your own. n you take all the profit n if you bankrupt, you lose everythingpartnership: you are self-employed and set up the business with another person. You are equally liable.n share the pressuren you might disagree on strategy.Franchise: you buy a license to trade under the name of the franchisor and you benefit from the franchisors expertise. n less riskn part of the profit goes to the franchisor. Step Reading (25m) Ss read the passage and fill the blank on p.26Step listening to five short recordings. Which of the benefits and incentives in exercise one is each person referring to? (10m) Speaker 1: a company car Speaker 2: flexible working hours Speaker 3: parental leave Speaker 4: an impressive job title Speaker 5: a pensionStep Reading (25m) 教 学 设 计备注 Explanations: n Set up: build; establishn Its vital to: it is very important to n Branch out: touch a new areaStep listening (30m) 1. Pre-listening question: listen to a trainer doing a seminar on being an entrepreneur. What advice does the trainer give? 2. Listen again to the talk and write the missing expressions. 3. one-minute talk. What is important when setting up your own business?n a good idean knowing your customersn entrepreneurial spiritn Step Grammar exercise (15m) Future tenses: Will: - promise action: We will check that for you straight away.教 学 设 计备注n make a prediction about the future: n announce an unpleasant decision.Be going to: n state a pre-planned decision: n state an intention: I am going to apply for a job with them.Step Summary (5m)思考题(讨论题)及作业Discussing a schedule. On page. 29.教 学 设 计备注 The second classStep : Review: (10m)1) Retell the advantages and disadvantages of sole trader, partnership and franchise.2) Give examples about the future tense.Step listening practice (40m)1. listen to five voicemails for Vanessa at Business Circle conferencing. And decide what the speakers purpose is in each call.n to request informationn to changing a bookingn to confirm something is OK.n To complain about a mistaken To request help. 2. listen again and match the following expressions to stages 1-7 in exercise 2. Write the number of the correct stage of next to each expressions.3. Vanessa receives a call from Johan. Listen and take notes. Step Reading (25m)教 学 设 计备注Step : Speaking: Leaving a voicemail message (20m)1. Ss make the notes for leaving a message on a colleagues voicemail on p.31.2. Ss work in pairs. Take turns to leave your message. The partner notes down the key information on this form. Step Writing: memo (15m) Ask Ss if they receive memo at work. What are they about? Who writes them? Possible answers: Memo1: display of new factory plans. Memo2: presentation on flexi time and home working. Memo3: Spanish classes.Step Summary (5m)思考题(讨论题)及作业Work in pairs. Read the information on page 33 and make a voicemailCall. 教 案授课时间 2011 年 3 月 22 日 星期 2,3 & 4 第 1-4 节课章节名称 第 一 - 三 章第 节 题目:review教学目的1) To help Ss to review the key words.2) To help Ss to practice listening and reading skills.教学重点1) Vocabulary: key terms2) Speaking: practice speaking test skills.3) Writing: memo and business letters.4) Listening: practice listening skills.教学难点1) Writing: write memo and business letters.2) Grammar:review grammar 教学方法Explanation; Group discussion; Role-play课程资源准备Textbook; PPT; MP3 listening; 教 学 设 计备注 The first classStep : writing correction: (50m) 1) Present the wrong sentences appeared in the exercise and ask them to correct them. 1 I worked two years as receptionist and secretary in ABC company.2 I can speak Italian and Japanese, also English is my major.3 My name is xx from university for Science and technology in Beijing.4 I have been worked 2 years as receptionist and secretary. And I have been completed coursed at college.5 Please notice me if it have the opportunities for me.6 Please be contacted me as soon as possible. 7 I had lived in Rome summer 2006. 8 I also has completed course and college. 2) explain the letter.Step listening to five short recordings. Which of the benefits and incentives in exercise one is each person referring to? (10m) Speaker 1: a company car Speaker 2: flexible working hours Speaker 3: parental leave Speaker 4: an impressive job title Speaker 5: a pensionStep Reading (25m) 教 学 设 计备注Dear Sir or Madam,I saw your advert for the post of Personal Assistant to Overseas Sales Manger in yesterdays newspaper and I would like to apply for the position.As you can see from my attached CV, I have been working for a travel agency for the last six months, which I have really enjoyed. Before that I worked as a receptionist and secretary for two years.I have a good knowledge of English as I completed a course at college and I am also fluent in Italian having lived in Rome for the summer in 2006.Please note that my current manager has agreed to write me a reference. I look forward to hearing from you.Yours faithfullyxxP.s.: 写此类文章,学生容易犯语法错误,可见部分学生基本功较差, 故要注意引导学生背诵正确的句型,并且举一反三, 达到熟练的写作商务文本的效果。常见错误: present perfect tense: has/have + Ved Since & for Usages of articles 教 学 设 计备注Step writing exercises (35m) You are human resources manager for a large manufacturing firm. To offer staff better health insurance, the company has recently changed its insurance policy. A rep from the insurance company is visiting to present the new policy. In your memo, you should: n Say what has happen and whyn Announce the reps visitn Say when and where his presentation will take place.Step Summary (5m)思考题(讨论题)及作业Write a memo on page 25. 教 学 设 计备注 The second classStep : Check the answer of last class: (15m) To : all staff From: Nancy Date: 1st October Subject: Presentation of new insurance policy To offer staff a better health insurance policy, we are now working with a new insurance company. Please note therefore that a representative fro this company will present the new staff policy on 9th October at 2pm in the conference room. All staff are welcome to attend.Step Exam success (40m) Here are some phrases and sentences for writing email, letters and notes. Try to memorize them. Opening salutation: Dear/ Hi Give reason for writi


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