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( )1.There is _“e”and _“g”in the word engineer. A.a,a B.an,an C.a,an D.an,a ( )2.Does your father decide_a new car,Tom?Yes,he does.A.to buy B.buy C.buys D.bought ( )3.There is _with your eyes.Dont worry. A.something serious B.serious something C.nothing serious D.serious nothing( )4.The apples taste_.So they sell_. A.badly, bad B.well,well C.good,good D.good,well( )5.He is _to buy a big house for his family.But he uses the money to help others. A.poor enough B.rich enough C.enough poor D.enough rich( )6.This story is not as_as that one,I think. A.best B.better C.well D.good( )7.He is quite_,I like him very much. A.funny B.funniest C.funnier D.unfriendly( )8._do you go swimming?Every day.I think its good for us. A.How long B.How soon C.How often D.How far( )9.Yesterday,my uncle_Canada two hours later. A.arrived in B.arrived at C.gets to D.reaches( )10._it is raining heavily,_they go to school late. A.Although,but B,Because,so C.Although,/ D.Because,/( )11.Your shoes are more beautiful than_. A.my B.her C.his D.their( )12.Tom is_than Tony,he often smiles A.a little outgoing B.much serious C.more serious D.more outgoing( )13.Our English teacher is nice.She often makes us_an English song in class. A.sing B.sings C.to sing D.singing( )14.Which do you like_,tea,coffee or milk? A.well B.better C.best D.good( )15.My home_to a school. A.is close B.closes C.is near D.is closed( )16.What do young people think_these TV programs,do you know? A.to B.over C.of D.out( )17.I want to watch an_tonight,it is so exciting. A.news B.sports show C.action movie D.comedy( )18.How do you like a game show?_.I like it very much. A.Scary B.Boring C.Sad D.Interesting( )19.The news is very boring,I_it. A.love B.dont like C.dont mind D.cant stand( )20.Andy wants to be a movie star,he wants to become_A. rich B.famous C.successful D.All of the above( )21._do you exercise? Three times a week. A.How long B.How often C.How far D.How many( )22.Thanks a lot for_me _your dancing party. A.ask,for B.ask,to C.asking,for D.asking ,to( )23.Im_heavier than my brother. A.a few B.few C.a little D.little( )24.Lucy isnt _at sports_her sister. A.as good,than B.as better,as C.as well,than D.as good,as( )25.She wants to go to the movies_this Sunday. A.on B.at C.for D./( )26.Little Bob eats_food,so he is_fat. A.much too;too much B.much too;too many C.too much;much too D.too much;too many( )27.I think a good friend makes me_. A.laughs B.to laugh C.laughing D.laugh( )28.My best friend is _as me in some ways.We are both quiet. A.same B.the same C.different D.the different( )29.Boys and girls,Im sorry to say that I have _to tell you. A.something interesting B.nothing interesting C.anything interesting D.interesting nothing( )30.Her grandmother was ill so she had to_her. A.look for B.look at C.look after D.look like( )31._many children like sugar, _I think they had better try not to eat it too often. A.Although;/ B.Though;but C.Because;/ D.If;/( )32.The film was so_that soon all the children in the cinema began feeling_of it and they went out one by one. A.bored;boring B.boring;boring C.bored;bored D.boring;bored( )33.My mother is very_ because she hardly ever exercises. A.health B.healthily C.heathy D.unhealthy( )34.I live in school,so I often go home_Friday afternoon. A.in B.at C.on D.to( )35._is your school from your home?About two miles. A.How long B.How far C.How often D.How soon( )36.Mr.Bean enjoys_ jokes and always makes us happy. A.to make B.makes C.making D.make( )37.Its difficult _the work in one month. A.to finish B.finished C.finishing D.finishes( )38.Which do you like_,coffee,tea,milk? A.better B.the better C.best D.good( )39._do you _this film?Very interesting. A.How ,think of B.What,think of C.What,like D.How,/( )40.How do you like news?_.I like it very much. A.Scary B.Boring C.Sad D.Educational ( )41.I have _umbrella and _umbrella is very nice. A.an;an B.an ;the C.a;the D.a;a( )42.My home is much larger than_. A.yours B.your C.you D.yours( )43.They are having a _about the talk show. A.discussion B.cartoon C.culture D.talent( )44._ he was ill,_ he went to school. A.Because,so B.Although,but C.Although,/ D.Because,/( )45.Now the train service is very good.The train are_ on time.A. hardly B.always C.never D.sometimes( )46.Steamboat Willie is the first cartoon_sound and music. A.have B.with C.of D.of( )47._vegetables_our health. A.Eating;is good for B.Eating; are good for C.Eat;is good at D.Eating; are good with( )48.Its difficult_the work in one month. A.to finish B.finished C.finishing D.finishes( )49.That book is not so_ as this one.I will take it. A.interesting B.more interesting C.most interesting D.the most interesting ( )50.Our math teacher is serious.No one can make him_ A.laugh B.laughs C.to laugh D.laughing( )51._do you see a film? Three or four times a month. A.How many times B.How often C.How soon D.How long( )52.I want to buy a pen,but I dont have_. Lucy is_.You can ask her to lend you some.A.enough money,enough rich B.money enough,rich enoughC.money enough,enough rich D.enough money,rich enough( )53.We were _that ninety percent of students_girls.A.surprised,are B.surprised,is C.surprising ,are D.surprising,is( )54.I think Gina is_person I know.A.the more talented B.most talented C.the most talented D.more talented( )55.He _make the soccer team because he wants to be a soccer player. A.going to B.is going to C.planned to D.plan to( )56.Can you sing this song again?It sounds so_.I love it. A.terrible B.beautifully C.beautiful D.delicious( )57.How difficult !She is standing with one foot and making the bed with_.A. the other B.another C.others D.other( )58.Please_each student has one dictionary.A. make sure B.be sure about C.making sure D.care about( )59.Im sorry.I didnt win the race.Bad luck!Well,you_win next time.A. cant B.must C.should D.mustnt( )60.You look so beautiful in the new dress._. A.Thanks for saying so B.Please dontsay so C.Oh,he did very badly D.You are welcome( )61._seat in the middle is_biggest one in this theater.A.A,the B.The,a C.The ,the D.a,a( )62.Lily is a very_girl.She always does homework_. A.careful,carefully B.carefully,carefully C.careful,careful D.carefully,careful( )63.I think Sun Cinema is very bad,but City Screen is much_.I dont want to go there. A.better B.worse C.good D.worst( )64.You dont need to worry about the result_you work hard.A.as long as B.so long as C.but D.only( )65._he is very tired;_he doesnt stop for a rest. A.Although,/ B.Although,but C.But,although D.But,/( )66._do you go shopping?Once a week.A.How often B.How long C.How soon C.How far( )67._the bad weather,I didnt go shopping yesterday.A. Because B.So C.Because of D.And( )68.The program is too_,so everyone is_. A.bored,boring B.boring,bored C.bored,bored D.boring,boring( )69._did you go on vacation?Hong Kong. A.When B.How C.What D.Where( )70.He stayed at home and_to relax himself.He enjoys reading story books best. A.do some rending B.read some books C.listened to music D.did housework( )71.I am so hungry,I want_to eat.A.something interesting B.something deliciousC.delicious something D.nothing delicious( )72.He _exercises,so he is unhealthy.A.often B.always C.usually D.hardly ever( )73.Thanks so much for telling me._.A.No problem B.I am happy C.No thank you D.It doesnt matter( )74.Her bag is much_than mine.Please help her carry it. A.lighter B.heavier C.more heavy D.light( )75.He decided_a present for her father bacause he doesnt have any money. A.to buy B.to make C.making D.buying( )76.I am too busy,so I only exercise_a week.A.one or twice times B.once or two times C.one or two times D.once or twice( )77.Dont_late.It is important to go to bed early. A.stays up B.sleep C.get up D.stay up( )78.He is _to buy the house for his family.A.rich enough B.enough rich C.tall enough D.strong enough( )79.Do you know the answer_the question?A.of B.for C.to D.at( )80.Albert is_magician in our city. A.most talented B.the most talented C.talented D.the most talented( )81.I have _umbrella and_umbrella is very nice. A.an,an B.an ,the C.a ,the D.a,a( )82.Do you decide_a new car,Tom?A.to buy B.buy C.buys D.bought( )83.Mr.Green seems_happy every day.A.is B.be C.was D.to be( )84.He is _to reach the book on the table.A. enough tall B.tall enough B.taller enough D.enough taller( )85.Its too difficult _the work in such a short time.A.to finish B.finished C.finishing D.finishes( )86.That book is not so_as this one.A.interesting B.more interesting C.most interestingD.the most interesting( )87.Last night my brother watched_educational comedy. He said he learnt a lot from_comedy. A.an;/ B.a;the C.the;the D.an;the( )88.Our school held a talent show_the beginning of the term.We really enjoy it. A.for B.in C.at D.with( )89.When I walked in the quiet forest,I_a bird and it was so relaxing.A.sound like B.feel like C.sounded like D.felt like( )90._you ready to make your dream come true? Yes,I am so excited about that.A.Do B.Is C.Are D.Does( )91.There is _outside .Please dont go out and make sure you are safe.A.nothing dangerous B.something interestingC.dangerous something D.something dangerous( )92.What do you think of the trip yesterday? _.Its raining all day and we couldnt do anything. A.I love it B.I dont mind it C.I cant stand it D.They are so boring( )93.Sara and Tina are twin sisters,but they have nothing_except their appearances.A.in difference B.in same C.in similar D.in common( )94._does your sister want to be an engineer?Because she like math best.A. What B.How C.Why D.Where( )95.Reading meaning books is a good habit.We should_it. A.keep on to do B.keep to do C.keep on do D.keep on doing( )96.After the English Speech Contest,student expected top get a good_.A.price B.prize C.competition D.exercise( )97.After finishing the concert in Beijing ,Justin Bieber_the Great wall.A.got B.arrived C.arrived in D.reached( )98._it is difficult for them to move this heavy box,_they try their best to make it.A. Although,but B.But,although C.Although,/ D.But,/( )99.Nowadays,magic shows are getting_. A.more and more popular B.popularer and popularer C.the more popular D.little popular( )100.Computers_an important role in peoples daily life.And we should use them more carefully. A.have B.play C.send D.give( )101.Its never old to_a hobby.Better late than never.A.take away B.take off C.take up D.take care of( )102.Everyone in going to make a New Years_for the coming year.But most of them cant keep it. A.discussion B.resolution C.relationship D.information( )103.To my surprise,he is_at the gift he got. A.surprise B.surprising C.surprised D.surprises( )104.I had a wonderful time in Harbin. Its one of the most beautiful cities in China. _. A.Its pleasure B.Good.Thank you C.Enjoy oneself D.Oh,Im glad to hear that( )105.He left home with_ uniform and _umbrella.A.a;a B.a;an C.an;an D.an;a( )106.Tom didnt have a bike last year,so he_ to school. A.walk B.is walking C.walks D.walked( )107.What does he usually do on Saturday?_. A.He studies for two hours every night. B.His life is different from yours. C.He usually uses the Internet D.he shops twice a week.( )108.Do you often eat anything_like vegetables and fruit?Yes,I think it is good for my_. A.health;healthy B.healthy;healthy C.healthy;health D.health;health( )109.Dale has bad eating habits_he sometimes drinks milk. A.although B.if C.when D.because( )110.I _the answer to the question just now.Oh,you are great.A.looked out B.looked for C.waited for D.found out( )111.Of the three boys,John sang_. A.more beautiful B.the most beautiful C.more beautifully D.the most beautifully( )112.Its dangerous_with the wild animals.A. for us to play B.of us playing C.for us playing D.of us to play( )113.If you go to visit London,dont forget your_because it rains a lot. A.ID card B.money C.map D.umbrella( )114.My cousin is a beautiful girl_big eyes and long hair. A.at B.in C.for D.with( )115.Can you show me your photos?_.Here you are. A.Really? B.Not really C.Sure D.Good idea.( )116.I dont like this color.Can you give me_one? A.other B.the other C.another D.others( )117.The actor has_to buy a_house fro his mother.A. enough money,enough comfortable B. B.money enough,comfortable enough C. C.enough money,comfortable enough D. D.money enough,enough comfortable( )118.My brother is_me.He likes math,but I like English. A.the same as B.different as C.the same to D.different from( )119.Did you buy_for your parents on the school trip? A.special something B.something special C.anything special D.special anything( )120.The two students _late yesterday. A.are all B.were all C.are both D.were both( )121.Do you think football is as_as basketball in America? A.the most popular B.more popular C.popular D.popularer( )122.One of my favorite programs_Animals World. A.am B.is C.are D.dont( )123.As middle school students,we should _the exams_. A.took;seriously B.take;serious C.take;seriously D.took;serious( )124.David wrote a story about animals,and it_as a book in 2012. A.went out B.came up C.grep up D.came out( )125.I f you want to be _you must take more_. A.healthy;exercise B.health;exercise C.healthy;exercises D.health exercise( )126.Mr.Bean enjoys _jokes and always makes his son_.A.to tell;to laugh B.tells;laughs C.telling;laugh D.telling;laughing( )127.There were quite_sheep on the hill and they were very strong. A.little B.a few C.a little D.few( )128.Its raining very_at the moment.I can_go home from school.A.hardly;hard B.hard;hardly C.hard;hard D.hardly;hardly( )129.Jean_the first prize in the game yesterday.She always_me in tennis. A.wins;beats B.win;beat C.won;beats D.won;beat( )130.The young man drives_than he did three months ago. A.much carefully B.much more careful C.much careful D.much more carefully( )131.We should and tell her the_news.I am sure she will be very_it.A.surprised;surprising in B.interested;interesting inC.interesting;interesting at D.surprising;surprised at 8


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