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中考词汇复习全收录 8A Unit 11. honest (adj.) - dishonest / an honest farmer 2. secret(s) / keep a secret3. teenage (adj.) - teenager(s) / teenagers problems4. read magazine(s)5. music (n.) - musical (adj.) / musician(s) (n.)6. be generous to sb. 7. be willing to do sth. / be ready to do sth.8. wonder (c.n.)奇迹wonder(s) (v.)疑惑=want to know -wonderful -wonderfully9. have a (good) sense of humour = be humourous10. bore (v.) - boring / bored (adj.)11. play a joke/ trick on sb.12. fit (vi) 被容纳 (v.)适合This pair of shoes fits me well. (adj.)合适的be fit for/ be fit to do sth. (adj.)健康的 = healthy13. advertise (vt.)- advertisement (n.)14. true (adj.)- truly (adv.) - truth (n.)15. cheer (v.)- cheerful (adj.)-cheerfully (adv.)16. high (adj.)-height (n.) long -length (n.) weigh (vt.)-weight (n.)17. competition(s)18. activity / after-school activities (pl.)19. solve problems / work out the problems20. in the future21. social 社会的 22. be famous for/ be famous as23. agree / disagree - agree with sb. / agree to sth.24. nervous25. comfortable / uncomfortable - uncomfortably (adv.)26. appear (v.)- appearance (n.) disappear - disappearance27. please (v.) - pleasant / pleased (adj.) - pleasure (n.) be pleased with sb. 29. correct (adj.) 正确的= right / correctly (adv.) (v.) 改正 correct a mistake8A Unit 21. British (adj.)英国的-English (英国的,英语) -Englishman / Englishmen -EnglandFrench (法国的,法语)- Frenchman / Frenchmen - France American - American(s) -AmericaCanadian - Canadian(s) -CanadaGerman -German(s) -GermanyItalian -Italian(s) -Italy2. a mixed school3. subject / lesson / course4. taste (v./ n.)-tasty (adj.) delicious / tasty / yummy5. practice / practise (n. / v.) - practical (adj.) Practice makes perfect. / practise doing sth.6. hero(es) / potato / tomato / mosquito / mango7. senior / junior8. close (adj.) 亲密的close friends /靠近的close to the village (v.) close the window / 关着的closed (adj.) 9. admire (vt.) 羡慕,钦佩10. geography 11. give a talk/ speech on Chinese history12. foreign language13. a useful tool / a useless tool a usual thing / an unusual thing14. at least / at most the least interesting / the most interesting less important / more important15. look like . / be alike / look the same16. have off 休息(时间)17. five kilometers (away) from the school - How far (away)?18. What good news / weather / information / work!19. support (vt.) -supporter (n.)20. pop music / popular music8A unit 31. greeting(s) / regard(s) / wish(es)2. president3. invite sb. to- be invited to / invitation (n.)4. at the beginning of / at the end of5. metal 金属/ medal 奖牌6. interest (n./ v.) -interesting/ interested 7. amaze -amazing/ amazed exciting / excited - excitedly (adv.)8. have (got) a stomach ache9. maple leaf (leaves)10. beauty - beautiful -beautifully11. decide (v.) to do sth. / make a decision to do sth./ make up ones mind to do sth.12. prepare (v.) / get ready to do sth.13. luck - lucky (adj.) - luckily (adv.) unlucky - unluckily14. win (won/ won) - winner lose (lost/ lost) -loser - loss (n.) win a game / matchbeat (beat /beaten) sb. / team15. receive / get a letter from sb. = hear (heard) from sb.16. look seriously / badly / terribly ill17. be sure to do sth. 肯定,一定 / 确保,务必make sure to do sth./ make sure that从句8A Unit 41. kangaroo(s) / radio / zoo / photo 2. sad (adj.)- sadly (adv.)- sadness (n.)3. hunt (vt.)-hunter(s)4. walk through the forest 5. have nowhere to live / have no pen to write with / have no paper to write on / The river is too deep to swim in.6. danger (n.)-dangerous (adj.)-dangerously (adv.)-endangered (adj.) 濒临灭绝的 safety (n.)-safe (adj.)-safely (adv.)7. follow (v.) follow sb./ sth. -following (adj.)8. take actions to do sth.9. encourage sb. to do sth.10. thick - thicker / thin - thinner11. live (vi.) 生活,居住 / (adj./ adv.)现场直播的- alive (adj.表语 /dead)- living (adj.定语)-lively (adj.活泼的)12. die (v.)-dead /dying (adj.)-death (n.)13. wolf -seven wolves 14. attack (v.)袭击 - attacker (n.) / attract (v.)吸引 attract sb. to. - attractive15. spit (spitting/ spat / spat) in a public place16. step (stepped) on the grass / step by step17. poison (n.) / poisonous (adj.)18. character -characteristic(s)19. medicine (u.n.) / medical (adj.) medical care / take some medicine / pill(s) / traditional Chinese medicine20. continue to do sth. = continue doing sth. / go on with sth./ go on doing sth.21. suitable (adj.)/ fit22. sell (sold/ sold) sell sth. to sb. buy (bought / bought) buy sth. for / from sb. buy sth. for money23. train (v.) 训练-training (n.) - trainer (n.)24. mouse -mice (pl.)8A Unit 51. north (n.)/ northern (adj.) south-west / south-western2. in / to / on the north / northern part of China3. broad (adj.)宽大的 / board (n.)板 / abroad (adv.)在国外4. nature - natural (adj.)5. provide sth. for sb. / provide sb. with sth. protect / pollute the environment / protected areas / reserves - polluted (adj.) prevent / stop / keep sb. from doing sth.prevent / stop sth. to do sth. prevention (n.) 6. during his stay (n.) / stay healthy (v.) / stay for a long time / stay at the hotel7. rare (adj.)罕见的8. government 9. tour -tourist(s) visit (n.) go to for a visit / a visit to(v.) visit (a place) -visitor(s) travel (vi) travel to-travl(l)er(s)10. important -importance (n.)11. different -difference(s) (n.)12. litter (u.n.)(垃圾)/ little (小, 少) / letter (信)13. enter (vt.)= come into/ go into - enter for报名参加 -entrance / exit (n.)14. gentle -gently / terrible - terribly / possible - possibly15. anger 愤怒-angry -angrily She looked angrily at me. But I didnt know why she looked so angry.16. noise -noisy - noisily17. drop (dropping/ dropped) drop to 5 18. fall (fell/ fallen) down from= fall off从摔下来 /fall over向前摔倒 fall into跌进 feel (felt / felt)19. care -careful -carefully / careless - carelessly20. the reason why从句21. example / for example / take sth. as an example22. (fifty) per cent of 百分之(五十)的8A Unit 61. mop (mopped / mopping) mopup2. traffic accident natural disaster(s)3. body (bodies)4. run in all directions5. wide (adj.)宽的(adv.)眼、口张大地-widely (adv.)广泛地 / wild (adj.) -wildly (adv.)失去控制地6. calm down7. be trapped8. hurry (off) to do sth. / do sth. in a hurry 9. speak loudly / aloud10. fog - foggy / mist -misty / wind -windy / frost -frosty11. high / low temperature take ones temperature12. advice (u.n.) a piece of advice / some advice advise (vt.) advise sb. to do sth.13. warn (vt.) warn sb. not to do sth. / warning (n.)14. lock - locked /unlocked15. cover (n.) 封面、盖子 (vt) 覆盖cover with.- be covered with (vt.)涉及, 包括, (电视)报道16. arrive (vi) (at/ in)- arrival (n.)17. nearly / almost 几乎,将近 hardly 几乎不(表否定) 8B Unit 11. present 现在at present 礼物gift / presentation (n.)赠予仪式2. since last Thursday / since three days ago / since 1998 / since I came here.3. actually / in fact4. marry sb. / get (be) married to sb.5. at the dentists (clinic) / at Davids (home)6. land (vi.)/ take off (n.) on land7. a bit / a little +adj./ adv. a bit of +u.n.8. a few / few +可名复 a little / little +不可名 a few / a little (肯定) few / little (否定) / a little +单可名 “一个小” a little sheep9. lonely (adj.) 寂寞的,孤独的feel / be lonely a lonely island/ manalone (独自地) walk in the street alone / be aloneon ones own = (all) by oneself = alone10. own (adj.) my own book / a book of my own (vt.) =have / owner(s) (n.)11. health / fitness- healthy -healthily unhealthy - unhealthily12. polite -impolite / rude13. recent - recently14. serve (vt.) - service (n.)15. return (n.) / (vt.) return sth. to sb. = give sth. back to sb. / return to Nanjing = come/ go back to Nanjing16. describe (vt.) 描写,描述-description (n.)17. convenient (adj.) 方便- convenience (n.)8B Unit 21. souvenir(s)2. though / although 虽然 / even though 尽管,即使3. cute / lovely4. perform -performance(s) - performer (n.)5. shine - shiny6. help - helpful - helpless7. delight(n.) - delightful / joy -joyful8. mean (meant/ meant) - meaning (n.)- meaningful / meaningless9. discuss (v.) 讨论- discussion (n.) make a contribution to doing sth. 为做贡献make a decision to do sth. 决定做10. certainly / of course / sure11. tie - tying / tied / tied lie -lying / lay / lain die-dying / died / died12. shop assistant13. experience (n.) 经历,经验 / (v.) 经历 expensive (adj.)=dear / cheap experiment (实验)14. clear- clearly 8B Unit 31. on Channel Eight2. design (v./ n.) - designer (n.)3. program(me) 程序,节目- programmer 程序员 4. educate (vt.) - education (n.) - educational (adj.)5. sleep (n.)- sleeping (adj.)- sleepy (adj.)- asleep (adj.) get to sleep / fall asleep6. earn / make money7. play a role of8. know - knowledge (u.n.)/ have a good knowledge of cooking9. grammar10. mark (n.) / (v.) mark with11. walk past = pass12. type (v) (typing / typed)13. store (stored / stored) (vt.)14. move - moving/ moved - movable (adj.)15. plastic bag16. washing machine17. connect to/ with 18. day -daily (adj.) month - monthly 19. include (v.) / including (prep.)20. simple / easy (adj.)- simply (adv.)21. introduce (vt.) introduce sb. to sb. -introduction (n.) instruction(s) /congratulation(s) / produce (vt.) - producer (n.)8B Unit 41. wish (sb.) to do sth. / wish (that)+从句 / wish sb. sth.hope to do sth. / hope (that) +从句2. raise / collect money for sb. / donate money to sb. donation(s) (n.)3. organize (vt.) - organization - organizer 4. succeed (v) -success (n.) - successful (adj.)- successfully (adv.)5. busy - business - businessman / businessmen6. audience7. in a low/ loud/ weak voice / in low/ loud/ weak voices8. act - actor/ actress - action9. hang (hung/ hung) 悬挂10. pay (much) attention to sth./ sb.8B Unit 51. used to do sth. 过去经常 / be (get) used to (doing) sth.习惯于 / be used to do sth. / be used for doing sth.被用来做2. interview (vt.) sb. 采访,会见= have an interview (n.) with sb. interviewer (n.) / reporter / journalist 3. affect (vt) 影响/ effect 4. operate (v.) on sb. 做手术- operation(s) (n.)5. patient (adj.) 有耐心的-impatient/ (n.) sick person病人-patience (n.)耐心6. be grateful / thankful to sb.7. be proud of / be the pride of8. special - specially / especially (adv.)9. improve (vt.) - improvement (n.) / develop (v)- development (n) / prove (vt)证明,证实8B Unit 6 1. the blind / blindness2. able /unable / less able -ability/ abilities (n.) 能力 -disabled 丧失能力的 3. tough / different / hard 困难的 4. excellent / fluently / exact -exactly 5. chance / change / charge 6. team spirit / teamwork7. grow (grew/ grown) - growth (n.)8. perfect (adj.) Practice makes perfect.9. play the violin10. further information / study / education11. contact / call sb. on (number)9A Unit 11. divide .into / be divided into 2. be similar with3. energy (u.n.) - energetic (adj.)4. act (v.) - active / inactive (adj.) - action (n.) -actor/ actress (n.) 5. save (v.) 储蓄,节省, 挽救 save time / money save ones life6. cook (v.) - cooking (n.) -cooker (n.)灶 - cook (n.) 厨师7. modest - proud8. pay attention to sb. / sth.9. fair - unfair (adj.)10. argue with sb. about sth. quarrel with sb. about sth.11. forgive (forgave / forgiven) forgive one for ones fault(s)12. wise (adj.) - wiser / wisest - wisdom (n.) - wiser (n.) 智者13. imagine (v.) - imaginative (adj.) - imagination (n.)14. create (v.) - creative (adj.)15. probable (adj.) / probably (adv.)16. terrible / terribly possible / possibly17. match with / fit with18. explain sth. to sb.19. pack (vt.) - package (n.)20. celebrate (vt.) - celebration(s) (n.)21. recommend (vt.) recommend sth to sb. / recommend sb. for an award - recommendation (n.)22. mark (n.) 分数,记号 (v.) 做记号,打分数23. extra / more / another24. person(s) / people - personal (adj.)25. quality /qualities 9A Unit 21. would rather do sth. than do sth. / prefer to do rather than do sth.2. prefer (doing) sth. to (doing) sth. / like (doing) sth. better than (doing) sth.3. prefer to do sth.4. affect (vt.) - effect (n.) / influence 5. relax (vt.) - relaxing / relaxed (adj.)6. be satisfied / pleased / contented with7. climate / weather (u.n.)8. mind (n.) / (v.) mind (sb. / ones) doing / mind if 从句9. remind sb. of (doing) sth.10. strong (adj.)- strength (u.n.) long - length true - truth warm - warmth11. difficult (adj.) - difficulty / difficulties (n.) have difficulty / difficulties doing sth.12. realize (v.)13. happy (adj.) / unhappy - (un)happiness (n.) 14. jog -jogging / go jogging15. diary / diaries - keep / write a diary16. seem (to be) adj. - It seems that 从句 -seem to do sth.There seems to be +n.17. discover / find / invent18. perhaps / maybe . probablyMaybe she is at home. = She may be at home.19. balance (n. / v.) keep a balance of20. decorate with9A Unit 31. achieve (v.) - achievement (n.)2. be strict with sb.in sth.3. offer (vt.) offer sb. sth./ offer to do sth./ offer sb. money to do sth.4. suggest (v.) - suggestion(s) (c.n.) / advice (u.n.)5. value - valuable 6. consider (vt.)7. prove (vt.) 证明 / improve (vt.)改善,提高8. rather / very / quite9. reply (n.) / answer - (vi.)reply to./ answer10. suffer from11. how to deal with / what to do with 怎样处理12. cause / reason / result the reason why . / the reason is that. as a result / as a result of9A Unit 41. far / far more enjoyable - further study / information / educationfar (away) from / five kilometers (away) from 2. broadcast (vt.) / be broadcast3. week - a three-week holiday / weekly magazines4. up-to-date / latest / new 5. enjoy the music at the concert6. murder (vt.) - murderer (n.)7. direct - director(s) - direction8. Asia - Asian9. disturb - Im sorry to disturb you so much.10. scene / view / scenery11. formal - informal12. series 13. price 价格/ prize 奖品 What s the price of? / How much is/ are ? / What does/ do cost? (high /low)14. end / finish / complete15. expert(s) (n.) 专家 except (prep.) 除了之外=but nothing except/ nobody exceptexpect (vt.) 期盼 expect sb. to do sth. / be expected to do sth.16. habit(s)17. throw (threw / thrown) - throw away / about18. sport(s) (n.) - sporty (adj.)19. competition(s)9A Unit 51. mourn (vt.) - mourning (n.)2. effort (n.) - put ones effort into .3. film industry4. insist5. be well-known for / as- be famous for / as.6. final (adj.) / (n.)决赛 -finally / at last / in the end7. throughout / all over / around (the world / China)8. protect / pollution the environment9. beyond10. devote toput ones heart into11. The president of the USA12. last (adj.) last year - (v) last a long time / last from January to February13. star (vt.)由主演 an action film starring by Jackie Chen14. review / revise9A Unit 61. suspect (vt.) (n.)2. neat / neatly - keep neat / be dressed neatly3. as a reward 4. victims bodies5. blood (n.) - bleed ( bled / bled) (v.)6. struggle / hit / beat7. obvious(adj.) - obviously (adv.)8. add9. enemy10. break (broke / broken) into11. several +可名复12. heavy - (snow / rain) heavily / hard (wind) strong / strongly13. breath (n.) - breathe (vi)14. thief / thieves (n.) - theft (n.) 15. complain sth. about sth.16. high (adj./ adv.) the high jump / jump highhighly - speak highly of17. import - export (n. / v.) 18. rob (robbed) - robber (n.) - robbery (n.) 9B Unit 11. form (n.形式 / v.形成,组成) / from (prep.)从,来自2. crowded (adj.)3. at the speed of4. science - scientist(s)5. develop (vt.) - development (n.) with the development of6. be (well) worth doing sth.9B Unit 21. virus(es)2. sweep (swept / swept) the floor3. in a mess4. exhibition (n.) / (be) on show5. order (n.) / (v.)9B Unit 31. unless 2. furniture (u.n.) - a piece of furniture 3. fill (v.) / be filled with - full (adj.) /be full of.4. consist of / be made up5. lie (v.)位于 / 平躺 lay / lain9B Unit 41. invent (vt.) / inventor (n.) / invention(s) (n.)discover (vt.) - discovery (n.)2. explore (vt.) - explorer (n.)3. fly (flew / flown) (v.) - flight (n.)4. select / choose (chose / chosen)5. citizen6. particular - particularly7. be absent / be not in8. couple / a couple of.


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