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专题复习动词时态及语态在高考英语中,动词的时态和语态是重中之重,试题在考查固定句式中的时态和语态的同时,也注重在上下文语境中考查时态和语态。要了解几种时态的一些常规规则,答题时要 研读题干,搜索出尽可能多的“时间参照信息”,尤其要注意时态的呼应情况。时态主动语态形式被动语态形式一般现在时am/is/are/do/doesam/is/are done一般过去时was/were/didwas/were done现在完成时has/have donehas/have bee n done现在完成进行时has/have bee n doing/现在进行时am/is/are doingam/is/are being done过去进行时was/were doingwas/were being done过去完成时had donehad bee n done将来完成时will/shall have donewill /shall have bee n done一般将来时will /shall do am/is/are going to do am/is/are comi ng/leavi ng am/is/are to do am/is/are about to dowill /shall be done am/is/are to be done过去将来时would dowas going to do was comi ng/leavi ng was to dowas about to dowould be done was/were to be done将来进行时will /shall be doing/1 一般现在时一般现在时表示动作的经常性或真理;表示现状、性质、状态时多用系动词或状态动词;在条件、时间、让步状语从句中用一般现在时或现在完成时表示将来;表示预计或规定;方 位副词或介词短语放在句首,主语是名词,且全部倒装时,用一般现在时表示正在发生的动 作;还可使用于文学作品和文学评论中。用所给词的适当形式填空: ni go there after I(fini sh) my work. The water will be further polluted uni ess some measures(take). My train(leave) at 6 : 30. A snow(expect) to come n ext week. On the wall(hang) a picture. This kind of cloth(wash) well. Dont take it away. It(bel ong) to me. He said water(boil) at 100 C .2 般过去时和现在完成时一般过去时(标志词:yesterday, just now, last year, the other day等)表示动作发生在过 去,和现在毫无关系。现在完成时 (标志词:since, in the past/last years, just, recent(ly), lately , so far= up to now =up until now = by now , already, yet, several/many/.times)则强调的是对现在的影响和 结果,动作到现在刚完成或还在继续。请区别下列几组句子: He has lived in London for three years.( 现在还住在伦敦 )He lived in London for three years.(现在不在伦敦了 ) Its two years si nee he smoked.(他不抽烟已两年了 )Its two years since he bega n to smoke.(他抽烟已有两年了 ) This is_ the first/sec on d/.time (that) I have_visited the school.This was the first/second/.time I had visited the school. He was writing a book last year.(去年他在写一本书 )He wrote a book last year.(去年他写了一本书 ) I thought he was an American.(我原以为他是美国人 )I think he is an American.(我想他是美国人)用所给词的适当形式填空: 一I have nt see n you for ages. Havent you graduated from college?Yes. I(study) En glish for four years in Nanjing Uni versity. Whereyou(put) my book? I cant find it any where. Although he has lived with us for years , he(not leave) us much impression. My brother is an actor. He(appear) in several films in the past few years. 一Li Pin may not come tonight.But he(promise).3 过去完成时和将来完成时过去完成时表示一件事情发生在过去,而另一件事情先于它发生(即表示“过去的过去”)。常用的时间状语有:by then, by that time , by the end of, before 2000, by the time ,hardly/scarcely/rarely.when.和 no sooner.than.。注表示原打算做但未做的几种表达: I had hoped/expected/meant/intended/. to do. , but.=I hoped/expected/. to have done., but.=I would like/love to have done. , but.=I was to have done., but.=I was going to do. , but.=I would have done. , but. I was comin g/leavi ng/arriv in g/., but.将来完成时表示到将来某一时间,某一动作将会完成,常用的时间状语为“by +将来的某个时间”。如:They will have completed the project by the end of n ext year.用所给词的适当形式填空: Helen (leave) her keys in the office so she had to wait until her husband(come) home. I(hope) to meet Mr. Thomps on this morning, but I found n obody left in the room. By the time he(retur n) home, the work had bee n fini shed.By the time he retur ns home, the work(fini sh). We pla n to reach the North Pole in mid July, and by the n we(walk) for six weeks.4 现在进行时,过去进行时,现在完成进行时和将来进行时现在进行时表示现在正在进行的情况,计划、安排要做的事,还可以表示反复出现的动 作,往往含有赞赏、厌恶、遗憾等情绪,常与always,continually, constantly连用;过去进行时表示过去某一刻或一段时间内正在进行的动作,还可以表示过去的将来动 作;现在完成进行时表示动作的未完成性和暂时性,还可以表示感情色彩; 将来进行时表示将来某个时候或某段时间正在进行的动作。用所给词的适当形式填空: 一Have you moved into the new house?Not yet. The rooms(paint). My father(fall) while he(ride) his bicycle and(hurt) himself. 一Why are her eyes red? She(cry). He(fly) over the Atla ntic at this time tomorrow. Youalways(watch) TV . Why not do something more active? 一Did you find the missing couple in the mountain yesterday?No, but we(try) to get in touch with them ever si nee.5 一般将来时注意区另U will do , be going to do , be about to do, be doing , be to do: will do表示事物的固有属性或必然趋势,此外,还表示临时决定; be going to do表示计划、打算要做某事,还表示根据现在的迹象,对未来进行推断; be about to do表示立即的将来,因此,不与表示将来的具体时间状语连用; 有些动词如 come, go, arrive, leave, begin等,其一般现在时、现在进行时亦可表 示按计划或安排将来要发生的动作或状态; be to do表示按计划或安排要做的事,意为应该;想,打算;注定会”。 用所给词的适当形式填空: Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your safety belt. The plane(take) off. Look at the timetable. Flight 4026(take) off at 18 : 20. If you(succeed), you should work hard. Look at the dark clouds. It(rain). 一The light is still on.Sorry. I(go) and turn it off.6 get +过去分词“get+过去分词”可以表示被动,此结构比较口语化。用所给词的适当形式填空: The patie nt(treat) once a week. He fell off the building and(kill).7 主动形式表示被动意义需用主动形式表示被动意义的情况: 当系动词 feel, look , smell, taste, sou nd, prove, rema in, stay 等后面接形容词时; 当 cut, read, sell, wear, write 等词有状语 easily, well 等修饰时; measure, weigh , add up to 后接数字时; 在“ be+形容词+ to do”中,不定式的逻辑宾语是句子的主语,用主动形式表示被动意义。如: The problem is easy to solve. need, want, require , deserve后接动名词主动形式,相当于to be done。如:The watch n eeds repairi ng.He deserves prais ing. be worth后接动名词主动形式表示被动意义。如:The book is well worth buying. 固定短语 be to blame, be to let。 The watercool whe n I jumped into the pool for morning exercise.A. was felt B. was to feel C. felt D. was to be felt I feel it is your husba nd whofor the spoiled child.A. is to blame B. is going to blame C. is to be blamed D. should blame Doctors and medical supplies to the scene of the accident soon after the coalmine explosi on.A. had rushed B. were rushed C. were rush ing D. rushed The mome nt the 28th Olympic Gamesope n, the whole world cheered.A. declared B. have bee n declared C. have declared D. were declared 一Why did you leave that positi on?Ia better position at IBM.A. offer B. offered C. am offered D. was offered 一How are the team playing?They are play ing well, but one of themhurt.A. got B. gets C. were D. is I want to buy that kind of cloth because Ithe clothwell.A. have told; washesB. have bee n told; washesC. was told; was washedD. have bee n told; is washed8 感官动词和使役动词的被动语态感官动词和使役动词的宾补是动词原形,改成被动语态时要加to。将下列句子改为被动语态:I saw him fall dow n.He was seen. I made him wash the dishes.He was made.9 “据说/据报道/”的表达Somebody/Something is(was)said/reported/believed/thought/knownto.意为“据说 /据报道/大家认为/众所周之/人们认为”。此时,动词不定式有三种形式,即to do, to bedoing和to have done。到底用哪种形式,可用下面的方法来辨别: 把不定式的动作发生的时间和谓语的动作发生的时间相比较: 动词不定式动作先于谓语动作发生:用to have don e;动词不定式动作与谓语动作同时发生:用to be doing ;动词不定式动作发生在谓语动作之后或同为经常性:用to do。 The bank is reported in the local n ewspaperin broad daylight yesterday.A. being robbed B. havi ng bee n robbed C. to have bee n robbed D. robbed Wang Ming is saidabroad, but I am not sure which country it was.A. to study B. to have studied C. to be study ing D. to have bee n study ing Linda is thoughtin Africa, but I really dont know what country shes work ing in.A. to have worked B. to work C. to be worki ng D. worki ng10 不用被动语态的动词或动词短语appear, disappear, occur, ben efit, end, begi n, happe n, last, spread, break out, take place, belong to, come about, suffer from等。用所给词的适当形式填空: The place caught fire three times in the last century, and little of the original building (remai n) now. The medicine(prove) vital for reducing fever and helping stop pain.11. 判断用并列谓语还是非谓语时态和语态的语法概念是针对谓语动词的,有时要区分用谓语还是非谓语(-ing, -ed和to do/be形式)。有时现在分词作状语,表伴随动作和谓语动词的动作同时进行。并 列谓语之间有and,用在最后一个谓语前,构成A and B,或A、B and C;否则,要把其中一个变为非谓语。 At last, we found ourselves in a pleasa nt park with trees providi ng shade anddow nto eat our pic nic lun ch.A. sitti ngB. havi ng satC. to sitD. sat As the light turned green, I stood for a moment, not , and asked myself what I wasgoing to do.A. moved B. moving C. to move D. being moved1. (2015 江苏卷)The real reason why prices , and still are, too high is complex,and no short discussi on can satisfactorily expla in this problem.A. were B. will be C. have bee n D. had bee n2. (2015 北京卷)一Did you have difficulty fin di ng Anns house?Not really.Sheus clear direct ions and we were able to find it easily.A. was to give B. had give nC. was givi ng D. would give3. (2015 陕西卷)At college, Barack Obama did nt kn ow that he the first blackpreside nt of the Un ited States of America.A. was to become B. becomes C. is to become D. became4. (2014 湖南卷)Whenever you a present, you should think about it from thereceivers point of view.A. bought B. have bought C. will buy D. buy5. (2014 江西卷)一Tony, why are your eyes red?Iup peppers for the last five minu tes.A. cutB. was cutt ingC. had cut D. have bee n cutt ing6. (2014 江苏卷)一How much do you know about the Youth Olympic Games to be held in Nanji ng?Well, the mediait in a variety of forms.A. cover B. will cover C. have covered D. covered7. (2014 重庆卷)James has just arrived, but I did nt know heun til yesterday.A. will come B. was coming C. had come D. came8. (2014 重庆卷)Youd better write down her phone number before youit.A. forget B. are forgett ingC. forgot D. will forget9. (2013 浙江卷)During the last three decades, the number of people participating in physicalfitn ess programmessharply.A. was in creas ingB. has in creasedC. had in creased D. will be in creas ing10. (2013 江苏卷)一Could I use your car tomorrow morning?Sure. Ia report at home.A. will be writi ng B. will have writte nC. have writte nD. have bee n writi ng1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、英语语法专项练习动词时态和语态(一)The new suspension bridgeby the end of last month.A. has been designedB. had been designedC. was designedD. would be designed-1ve heard Bobfrom his journey to Africa.-What about visiting him tonight?A. had come back B. coming back C. come back D. is back-Hello, Jim. Ito see you today. Sonia said you-Oh, I m OK.A. don expect; wereC. am not expecting; are-David and Vicky-For about three years. A. How long were; being C. How long have; beenill.B. haven expected; areD. didn expect; were_ married?B. How long have; gotD. How long did; getRainforestsand burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earthin the near future.A. cutB. are cutC. are being cutD. had been cutMy uncleuntil he was forty-five.A. marriedB. didn marry C. was not marryingD. would marry-Alice, Why didn you come yesterday?-I, but I had an unexpected visitor.A. hadB. wouldC. was going toD. didThe two boys argued and then hit each other, all the four parentsat one another.A. had arrived and shoutedB. arriving and shoutingC. arrived and shoutedD. arrived and shouting-my dictionary?-Yes. I put it in your desk just now.A. Do you see B. Have you seen C. Did you see D. Had you seen-Have you heard from Janet recently?-No, but Iher over Christmas.A. saw B. will be seeing C. have seen D. have been seeingWhen and where to go for the on-salary holidayyet?C. is not being decidedD. has not been decided12、 blood if you can and many lives will be saved.A. GivingB. GiveC. GivenD. To give13、Helenher key in the office so she had wait until her husbandhome.A. has left; comesB. left; had comeC. had left; cameD. had left; would come 14、-When did he go to America?-Oh, hethere since half a year ago.A. wentB. has beenC. has goneD. was 15、-Excuse me, Sir. Would you do me a favor?-Of course. What is it?A. had wonderedC. would wonderB. was wonderingD. did wonder16、An awful accident, however, occur the other day.A. doesB. didC. has toD. had to17、-You e agreed to go, but why arenyou getting ready?-But Ithat youme to start at once.A. don realize; wantB. don realize; wantedC. didn realize; wantedD. haven realized; want18、-Put these glasses away before they.-OK. I ll put them in the cupboard.A. have broken B. are breakingC. get broken D. will be broken19、-What were you up to when she dropped in?-Ifor a while andsome reading.A. was playing; was going to doB. played; didC. had played; was going to doD. had played; did20、He will have learned English for eight years by the time hefrom the universitynext year.A. will graduateB、will have graduatedC、graduatesD. is to graduate21、 some of this juice -perhaps youll like it.A. TryingB. TryC. To tryD. Have tried22、W ill these flowers be watered?C. within a few hoursD. the other day23、Youthings about. Look, what mess in your room !A. always throwB. have always thrownC. are always throwingD. have always been throwing24、 At this time tomorrowover the Atlantic.A. we re going to flyB. we ll be flyingC. we ll flyD. we re to fly25、A new cinemahere. They hope to finish it next month.A. will be built B. is built C. has been builtD. is being built26、If a mansucceed, he must work as hard as he can.A. willB. is toC. is going toD. should27、It will be a long timeFrankback from abroad.A. before; comesB. since; has comeC. when; will come D. after; came28、-The telephone is ringing.-Ianswer it.A. willB. am going toC. am toD. am about29、Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technologysorapidly.A. is changingB. has changedC. will have changed D. will chang30、-Your phone number again? Iquite catch it.-Its 9568442.A. didn B. couldntC. dontD. can 31、It was until then that I came to know that knowledgeonly from practice.A. has come B. comes C. came D. had come32、-Have you moved into the new classroom?-Not yet. The classroom.A. is being paintedB. is paintingC. is paintedD. has been painted33、You neednthurry her; sheit by the time you are ready.A. will have finishedB. will finishC. will be finishingD. has finished34、T he little girlher heart out because sheher Teddy Bear and she wasn ever going to find it.A. had cried; lostB. cried; had lostC. has cried; has lostD. cries; has lost35、Shirleya book about China last year but I don know whether she has finished it.A. has writtenB. wroteC. had writtenD. was writing英语语法专项练习动词时态和语态(二)1、Heand was made to repeat it.A. didn understandB. didn be understoodC. wasn understandD. wasn understood2、-What do you think of my composition?-Itwella few spelling mistakes.A. reads; except forB. read; besidesC. is read; except for D. is read; besides3、 Hundreds of jobsif the factory closes.A. lose B. will be lost C. are lostD. will lose4、Mr. Smithin the school twenty years by July.A. has worked B. worked C. has been working D. will have worked5、-Look ! How longlike this?-Three weeks ! It usual here that rainwithout stopping these days of the year.A. has it rained; poursB. has it been raining; poursC. is it raining; is pouringD. does it rain; pours6、Itlong before wethe result of the experiment.A. will not be; will knowB. is will; knowC. will not be; knowD. is; know7、Ive brought my tennis things along in case wetime for a game tomorrow.A. shall haveB. haveC. will haveD. are going to have8、-Can I help you, Sir?-Yes, I bought this radio here yesterday, but it.A. didn work B. wonworkC. can work D. doesntwork9、-Did you come to the museum by bike yesterday?-No. Two meters of snow fell during the night. As a result, several main roads.A. piled snowB. had been closedC. were blockedD. covered with snow10、-What happened the priceless works of art?A. They are destroyed in the earthquakeB. The earthquake was destroyingC. They destroyed in the earthquakesD. The earthquake destroyed them11、Heto the lab than he set out to do the experiment.A. has no sooner gotB. no sooner gotC. will no sooner getD. had no sooner got12、I thought Jim would say something about his school report, but heit.A. doesntmentionB. hadn mentionedC. didn mentionD. hasnmention13、-Do you know anyone in Paris?-No, I tlmake friends once.A. I m settled B. I have settled C. I ll be settledD. Im settling14、By the end of last year, another new gymnasiumin Beijing.A. would be completedB. was being completeC. has been completedD. had been completed15、-Is this raincoat yours?-No, minethere behind the door.A. hangs B. has hung C. is hangingD. hung16、I dont really work here, Iuntil the new secretary arrives.A. just help outB. have just helped outC. am just helping outD. will just help out17、After everybody, the concert began.A. was seated B. seated C. is seated D. was sat18、 They said good-bye, little knowing that theyagain.A. were never metB. will never meetC. never metD. were never to meet佃、-How longat this job?-Since 佃 90.A. were you employedB. have you been employedC. had you been employed D. will you be employed20、 I don think Jim saw me; heinto space.A. just stared B. was just staring C. has just staredD. had just stared21、In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if they.A. have survived B. are to survive C. would survive D. will survive22、The thiefwhen he was stealing a wallet from a woman.A. happened to noticeC. was happened to be noticedB. was taken place to noticeD. happened to be noticed23、In I960, this was the longest bridge that.A. was ever builtB. had ever builtC. has ever been builtD. had ever been built24、-How are the team playing?-They e playing well, but one of themhurt.A. gotB. getsC. areD. were25、-Would you care for a cup of tea?-Ione. Think you just the same.A. have had B. hadC. would haveD. will have26、-Isn tit hard to drive downtown to work?-Yes, that why Ito work by train.A. have been going B. have gone C. was going D. will have gone27、 it with me and I ll see what I can do.A. When leftB. LeavingC. If you leaveD. Leave28、 -Look! It looks as if itgoing to rain. We must hurry.-OK.A. wasB. isC. wereD. will be29、Iping-pong quite well, but I haven had time to play since the new year.A. will playB. have played C. playedD. play30、-When will you come to see me, Dad?-I will go to see you when youthe training course.A. will have finishedB. will finish C. are finishingD. finish31、 -Don forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.A. I don B. I won C. I can D. I haven 32、-He promised to come to see you.-But he. I ve been alone.A. doesntB. didn C. won D. hasn 33、-You haven said a word about my new coat, Brenda, Do you like it?-Im sorry Ianything about it sooner. I certainly think it pretty on you.A. wasnsaying B. dontsay C. won tsay D. didn tsay34、-Ive bought a box of chocolates for our daughter.-Oh, how good a dad! But she doesntlike sweet things.that?A. Don you knowB. Haven you knownC. Didn you knowD. Hadn you known35、The reporter said that the UFOeast to west when he saw it.A. was traveling B. traveled C. had been traveling D. was to travel参考答案:1 5 BDDCC610BCCBB11 15DBCBB1620 BCCCC21 25BCCBD26 30BAAAA31 35 BAABD36 40DABDB41 45CBDCA46 50 DCADC51 55CADBB56 60BDDAA61 65 ADBDD66 70BDDCA


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