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Unit7 Films知识点归纳一、词组、短语归纳 1. 1. in your dreams 你做梦,你妄想2. Tomorrows TV superstar 明日电视超级明星3. an action film 一部动作片4. like horror films 喜欢恐怖片 5. a number of romantic films 大量的爱情片6. watch a science fiction film 看科幻片7. be suitable for doing sth. 适合做某事8. enter the film industry 进入电影业9. sothat/ suchthat 如此以致10. such a good storyteller 如此棒的一个故事讲述者11. write exciting scripts 写很棒的剧本12. in the film industry 在电影界13. like acting 喜欢表演14. would rather be a director 想做个导演15. one of Hollywoods all-time greatest actresses 好莱坞最棒的女演员之一16. die in 1993 死于1993年17. feel very sorry about 对感到十分难受18. the loss of a great beauty 一位伟大美女的丧失19. a great humanitarian 一位伟大的人道主义者20. dream of becoming a successful ballet dancer梦想成为一名成功的芭蕾者21. after World War II 二战之后22. move to sp. with sb. 和某人搬去某地23. work as a model 作为一个模特工作24. catch ones attention 吸引某人的注意25. insist on sth. / insist on doing sth. / insist that坚持某事/做某事26. the perfect girl for the lead role 演主角的最佳女孩27. a play based on the novel 源于小说的一个剧本28. play some major roles 扮演一些主角29. mark the beginning of ones successful career 标志某人成功生涯的开始30. her beauty and charm 她的美与魅力31. play the lead role of a young princess. 扮演一个年轻公主的主角32. be chosen to play sb. 被选作演某个角色33. become world-famous 闻名全世界 34. win the Oscar for Best Actress for 因获得奥斯卡最佳女演员奖35. during ones lifetime 在她的一生中36. have four more Oscar nominations 有另外四次奥斯卡提名奖37. make ones final appearance 最后一次露面38. play the role of an angel 扮演天使的角色39. go beyond the film industry 超越电影业40. work for UNICEF 为联合国儿童基金会工作41. in the 1950s 在20世纪50年代42. the last few years of her life 在她生命的最后几年43. work closely with 与亲密合作44. because of her efforts in this area 因为她在这个领域的努力45. put ones effort into sth (effort 精力 不可数)将某人精力投入到46. make efforts to do sth (effort 努力 可数名词)努力做某事47. have cancer 得了癌症 48. pass away peacefully 平静地辞世49. have an attractive quality 有迷人的气质50. Its unknown that 是不为人知的.51. As we all know that =Its well-known that .是众所周知的.52. avoid the rush hour 避免拥堵的时刻53. find a place to park the car 找到一个地方停车54. be amazed by ones beauty 惊讶于某人的美丽55. mistake her for a real princess 误认为她是真正的公主56. have a day off 请一天假57. read the exciting script through without stopping通读令人兴奋的解说词而不停顿58. introduce Chinese kung fu to sb. 向某人介绍中国功夫59. act very well in the film. 在那部电影中表演得非常好60. be remembered as sb. 被作为某人记住61. attend a course on 参加一个关于.的课程62. throughout ones acting years 在某人的演艺生涯中63. ones favourite actor in Chinese action films 在中国动作片里某人最喜欢的演员64. remind sb. of (使某人想起) 65. remind sb. to do sth. (提醒某人做某事)66. be suitable for all ages 适合于各个年龄67. be of ones age 与.人同龄68. show a film called 1942 放映一部叫1942的电影69. fall in love with sb. 爱上某人70. bring dinosaurs alive on screen 将恐龙的鲜活形象搬上荧屏71. a special offer 特价72. offer a special offer to sb 给某人提供一个特价 73. cancel the order 取消预订74. Neither do I. 我也不。75. be full of mysteries 充满神秘故事76. be covered with sth. 被书覆盖着77. open the book at page 15 打开书到15页78. something terrible 恐怖的事79. be excited about/at +sth./doing sth. 对感到兴奋80. the one-and-a-half-hour film 一个半小时的电影81. be quite stupid 相当愚蠢82. work as a stuntman 当替身演员83. a talented actress 一个有天赋的演员 84. acting skills 演技85. set up 创立、建立86. do charity work 做慈善工作87. be considered as 被认为Useful sentences:1. Who do you think would be suitable for entering the film industry?你认为谁适合进入电影界。2. Millie is such a good storyteller that she can write exciting scripts.米莉是这样好的一个故事讲述者以至于她能写出令人激动的剧本。3. Though I like acting, Id rather be a director.虽然我喜欢表演,我还是宁愿做一个导演。4. As a child, she loved dancing and dreamt of becoming a successful ballet dancer.当她还是一个孩子是,她喜欢跳舞并且梦想成为一个成功的芭蕾舞者。5. She worked as a model before becoming an actress.她在成为一个女演员以前曾是一个模特。6. Her beauty and charm caught the writers attention.她的美貌和魅力吸引了作家的注意。7. She insisted that Hepburn was the perfect girl for the lead role in the play based on her novel.她坚持认为赫本是扮演她的小说改编的剧本中的主角的最完美的女孩。8. That event marked the beginning of her successful career.那事件标志着赫本成功生涯的开始。9. She was chosen to play the lead role of a young princess in Roman Holiday.她被选中扮演罗马假日中的女主角,一位年轻的公主。10. It was a big success and she soon became world-famous.这部电影非常成功,她很快变得世界闻名。11. She won the Oscar for Best Actress for her role in this film.她因这部电影中的角色赢得了奥斯卡最佳女主角。12. In 1989, she made her final appearance in the film Always.在1989年,赫本在她最后一部电影直到永远做最后亮相。13. Her achievements went beyond the film industry.她的成就远远超出了电影界。Her achievements are far more than that.14. She spent her last few years working closely with UNICEF so that she could help poor children in different parts of the world.她花费她生命的最后几年和联合国儿童节基金会紧密合作帮助世界不同地方的穷孩子。15. She won many awards because of her efforts in this area.由于她在这个领域的努力她被授予许多奖励。16. In 1991, she discovered that she had cancer.1991年,她发现自己得了癌症。17. She passed away peacefully in her sleep. 她安详地在睡眠中去世。18. Although I left early to avoid the rush hour, there was a lot of traffic in the streets.虽然我离开得很早想避开交通高峰期,但是街上车辆还是很多。19. I couldnt find a space to park my car, although the cinema had a big car park.虽然电影院有过大的停车场,但是我还是找不到一个地方停车。20. Although the film had already been on for 15 minutes, people kept coming.虽然电影已经开始了15分钟,人们还是在不停地进来。21. She was so beautiful that many people were amazed by her beauty.她是如此的漂亮以至于许多人被她的美貌惊呆了。22. She acted so well that some people mistook her for a real princess.她表演得如此好以至于一些人把她误认为是一个真正的公主。23. She was such a great actress that shell always be remembered.她是如此好的一个女演员以至于她将永远被人们所记得。24. I have many pictures of him in my room so that I can see him whenever I want.我房间的墙上有许多他的照片,这样的话无论我什么时候想看就能看到他。25. This weeks talk on films has been cancelled.这个星期的关于电影的报告已经被取消了。26. It is a documentary which is suitable for all ages. 它是一部老少皆宜的纪录片。27. It is an amazing film, which brings dinosaurs alive on screen. 它是一部惊人的电影,把恐龙栩栩如生地展现在屏幕上。28. It is about a woman who falls in love with a man when she travels on a ship, but something terrible happens when they start to plan their future together.电影是关于一个女人在乘船时爱上一男人,当他们一起计划未来时可怕的事情发生了。29. She dont like horror films. Neither do I.她不喜欢恐怖片。我也不喜欢。She likes horror films. So do I.She is a teacher. So am I.They arent playing football. Neither are we.You have been to Beijing. So has she.He hasnt been to Beijing. Neither have his parents.He has a sister. So do I.30. They seem to be full of mysteries, but in fact, theyre quite stupid.他们似乎充满了神秘,事实上,他们相当的愚蠢。31. He has spent many years doing charity work.他已经花了很多年做慈善工作。34. Jackie Chan is considered as / to be a superstar by many people, not only for his success in action films but also for his efforts in charity work. 成龙被许多人看成是一个超级巨星,不仅是因为他在动作片上的成就,而且因为他在慈善工作方面的努力。be considered as “被看作”,其主动形式consider sb./sth. (as) sb. 把某人 / 某物看作某人 / 某物。Kitty is considering going abroad.Mr. King is considered as one of the best teachers in our school.二、知识点Welcome to the unit1.You are very lucky你很幸运(be+形容词) a lucky dog一个幸运儿 an unlucky number 一个不幸运的数字 Good luck to you.祝你好运 ( luck n. lucky 幸运的 luckily 幸运地) ( unlucky不幸运的 unluckily adv. 不幸的是)Luckily, we passed the exam. 幸运的是,我们通过了考试.2 . In your dream你做梦,你妄想 stop daydreaming. 停止做白日梦梦想某物 dream of / about sth. realize your dream 实现你的梦想3. Im so good that I should be in Holleywood instead.(1) so +形容词/副词+that如此。以至于(某人可以做/不能做)。He ran so fast that most of us couldnt follow him. He was so stupid that he made such a silly mistake. Many of our patients are so poor that the cant afford to travel to hospital. such that 用法such+名词短语 +that . 如此重要的工作 such an important job= so important a job (只有单数可数才好转换)如此好的消息such good news 对的 so good news错的 注意:如此多/少so+ many/much/little/few .+名词 如此小的绵羊 such little sheep So many birds eat so little food. 那么多的鸟儿吃如此少的食物So few people did so much work. 如此少的人做了如此多的工作.4. Who do you think would be suitable for entering the film industry?be suitable for (doing) sth 适合(做)某事 be more suitable for.更适合.5. Though I like acting , Id rather be a director. would rather do sth than do sth 宁可做.也不做. prefer doing sth to doing sth喜欢做.胜过做.Reading1. one of Hollywoods all-time greatest actresses 好莱坞有史以来最伟大的女演员之一2.The whole country felt very sad about the loss of a great scientist. feel sad about sth 为.感到悲伤 the loss of . .的丧失/损失Lose-lost -lost 失去 丢失 输 lose a chance 失去一个机会lose ones way=get lost 迷路 lose the match 输了比赛3.As a child, she dreamt of becoming a successful ballet dancer. 作为一个孩子,她梦想成为一个成功的芭蕾舞者 dream of doing4. She worked as a model before becoming an actress.在成为一名女演员之前她作为一名模特而工作 work as 作为而工作 作为,充当,担任 5. While acting in France, she met the French writer. 6. Her beauty and charm caught the writers attention.=The writers attention was caught by her beauty and charm. 她的美与魅力吸引了作家的注意力7. The director insisted that she was the perfect girl for the lead role of the film. 那个导演坚持认为她是那部电影主演的完美女孩. 坚持做某事 insist on doing perfect 完美的 Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧 the perfect world 完美世界a play based on/upon her novel 一部以她的小说为基础的剧 8. That event marked the beginning of her successful career.那件事标志着太的成功事业的开始 at the beginning of . 在.的开始 get full marks 得满分9. She was chosen to play the lead role of a young princess.她被选择去扮演一个年轻公主的主角choose-chose-chosen 选择 choose from .从.中选择 choose sb to be /as 选择某人去做/作为. choose sb to do sth 选择某人去做某事 choice Tom has no choice but to stay at home all day. 汤姆除了整天呆在家别无选择10. It was a big success.它是一个大的成功do.successfully=succeeded in doing sth11. She won an Oscar for Best Actress for her role in the film.她因为在电影中的角色赢得一个奥斯卡最佳女演员奖 win.for .因为.而获得.12. during her lifetime 在她的一生期间 13. She had four more nominations=She had another four nominations.她还获得4个提名奖14. In 1989, she made her final appearance in the film.在1989年,她最后一次在电影中露面(appear 出现.appearance n. disappear 消失v.disappearance n.)15. Her achievements went beyond the film industry. 她的成就超越了电影行业go beyond 超越/出. (achieve v.取得achievement n.成就 可数)As a nurse,her work goes beyond taking care of the patients.16. She spent her last few years working closely with her workmates. 她花了她的最后几年与她的同事密切合作 spend .doing sth 花时间/金钱做某事 work closely with sb 与某人密切合作17. He got up early so that he could catch the early bus. 他起得早以便他能赶上早班车.so that sb can/ could do .=.in order to do .以便某人能做.so that sb cant/ couldnt do .=.in order not to do .以便某人不能做18. She won many awards because of her efforts in this area put ones effort into sth (effort 精力 不可数) 将某人精力投入到19. She passed away peacefully in her sleep, she died of cancer.她在睡梦中平静地离开了人世,她死于癌症. in peace-peacefully 20. She has an attractive quality. 她有吸引人的品质/特征21. become world-famous .变得出名 be famous/ well-known for因.出名 be famous/ well-known as 作为出名Its well-known that .是众所周知的. Its unknown that是不为人知的.Grammar1. 为了避开高峰期我早早离开了 I left early to avoid the rush hour . avoid sth. / avoid doing sth. 避免做某事 交通高峰期 rush hour 2. in the last row in the corner 在角落中的最后一排 at the corner 在拐角3. They were told to keep quiet. 他们被告知保持安静. Tell sb (not) to do sth 告诉某人(不要)去做某事 tell-told-told告诉/讲述 tell stories 讲故事 tell lies 撒谎4. 一些人误将她当成了真的公主 Some people mistook her for a real princess . mistake for 把误认为 (mistakemistook mistaken ) by mistake错误地 make mistakes 5. be amazed by her beauty被她的美丽而惊叹 be amazed at her beauty 因为她的美而惊讶6. He acted very well in the film. 他在那部电影中表演得非常好7. She will be remembered as the most beautiful teacher. 她将被作为最美教师记住 remember to do sth 记得去做某事 remember doing sth. 记得做过某事8. attend a course on参加一个关于.的课程 take /have a course in DIY 上DIY课程 of course 当然 of course not 当然不Integrated skills, Study skills Task1. 适合所有的年龄be suitable for all ages 不同年龄层次的人people of all ages at the age of .在.岁时 be of ones age 与.人同龄2. Something terrible happens. 可怕的事情发生 terrible-terribly Sb happened to do sth. 某人碰巧做了某事 sth happened to sb. 某事发生在了某人身上 what happened?发生了什么? What is happening? 正在发生什么?3. fall in love with sb与某人落入爱河 fall-fell-fallen 4. bring dinosaurs alive on screen将恐龙的鲜活形象搬上荧屏 be still alive 依然活着 stay alive 保持活着(状态) 5. a special offer特价 offer a special offer to sb 给某人提供一个特价 6 . 出生日 date of birth 出生地 place of birth7. set up 建立 be set up 被建立 will be set up 将被建立 The school was set up in 1905.那所学校被建立于1905年8. The meeting has been cancelled because of the bad weather. 那个会议因为坏天气已经被 取消了 cancel the order 取消预订9. Jack likes listening to pop music, so do I. (Me too) 杰克喜欢听流行音乐,我也喜欢(事情相同-听流行音乐,人不同-Jack 与我)Your hometown has changed a lot, so has mine.Millie can play the guitar , so can Tom. 米莉会弹吉他,汤姆也会Toms mother didnt watch TV last night, neither did his father.You neednt stay here, neither/nor need I 事同人也同,不倒装,She likes swimming, so she does(确实如此)10. 成龙被很多人看成一个巨星 Jackie Chan is considered by many people as a superstar (1) 把看做 consider as/ to be consider him to be/as a superstar (2) 考虑做某事 consider doing sth. That film made her even more popular. 那部电影使得她更加受欢迎. even,much,a little , a bit far用 比较级,quite, very (so,as,too) 用原级His achievements is far more than that.他的成就远不止这个Do you know who I am7你知道我是谁吗? who I am是宾语从句,作know的宾语;宾语从句要用陈述句的顺序来表示,不能说成“who am I”。11.When he died in 1993, the world felt very sad about the loss of a great beauty, a great actress and a great humanitarian,当她在1993年去世时,世人对于这个伟大的美人,女演员,以及人文主义者的去世而伤心。 (1) the world代替全世界的人们。 (2)loss作名词,意为“丧失;损失;失败”。其动词形式为lose。 (3) beauty作名词,意为“美人;美丽”。其形容词形式为beautiful。(4) act, actor, actress, action, active和activity12. Hepburns beauty and charm caught the writers attention.赫本的美貌和魅力吸引了这位作家的注意。短语catch ones attention意思是“引起某人的注意”。13. Colette insisted that Hepburn was the perfect girl for the lead role in Gigi, a play based upon her novel, although Hepburn had never played any major roles before. 琪琪这部戏是根据科莱特的小说改编的,科莱特坚持认为赫本是该戏主角的完美人选,尽管赫本之前从未出演过任何主要角色。(1) insist作动词,意为“坚持认为;坚持”。 坚决要求;坚持要;一定要。常见短语为insist on,后接名词或者动名词。 insist+宾语从句(从句中的谓语动词常用虚拟语气,即should+动词原形或省去should)。 The young men insisted that they( should) be sent to the front 那些年轻人坚持要求被派往前线去。(2)base base on“以为根据”,用法应是base A on B。 You should base your opinion on facts. 你的意见都要以事实为根据。 be based on“以为根据”;“根据”;“基于”用法是A be based on B。 What he said is based on fact.他所说的话是以事实为根据的。14. Two years later, Hepburn was chosen to play the lead role of a young princess in the Hollywood film Roman Holiday,两年之后,赫本被选中在好莱坞电影罗马假日中扮演女主角,一位年轻的公主。 be chosen to为被动语态,意为“被选中”。play the role of意为“扮演什么角色”。15. Hepburns achievements went beyond the film industry赫本取得的成就不仅仅在电影业。 句中的go beyond意思是“超出,除之外”。如:As a nurse, her work goes beyond taking care of the patients.作为护士,她的工作不仅仅是照顾病患。16. On 20 January 1993, she passed away peacefully in her sleep1993年1月20日她(赫本)在睡梦中安然辞世。 短语pass away是委婉语,表示“去世”。Some people mistook her for a real princess. 一些人把她误认为真的公主。 (1)mistake作动词,意为“误以为”。mistake的过去式为mistook。常见短语为mistake for“把误认为”。 (2) mistake作名词,意为“错误”。常见短语为make a mistake“犯错误”;by mistake“由于失误”。I took your pen by mistake.由于失误我拿了你的钢笔。17. Here is some information about the films now showing at the cinemas.这里是影院正在上映的影片信息。 句中的showing at the cinemas是现在分词短语作定语,修饰前面的films。show的意思是“上映,演出,展览”,可以用作及物动词或不及物动词。如: Tales of Old Beijing is now showing at Olympic Cinema.老北京的故事正在奥林匹克影院上映。18. Daniel, the talk on films has been canceled this Saturday丹尼尔,这周六关于电影的讲座取消了。 句中的has been canceled是现在完成时的被动语态。All the work has been done.所有的工作都做完了。19. Jackie Chan is considered by many people as a superstar, not only for his success in action films, but also for his efforts in charity work. 成龙被很多人认为是超级明星,不仅仅是在功夫电影上的成功,而且是他在慈善事业上的努力。 Not only Jacks friends but also his sister is interested in that film不仅杰克的朋友们喜欢那个电影而且他的妹妹也喜欢。三、核心语法A although和though的使用【一语击破】 A两词的共性 两词同义可换用,但although语气较重,通常放在句首并用于正式场合。如: Id quite like to go out,(al) though it is a bit late. 我很想外出,虽然为时稍晚。 B只用though不用although的情况 1用though时,可将强调的词前置,但although不能。如: Poor thoughas he is, he is happy. 虽然他穷,但过得很愉快。 2although只用作连词,而though除作连词外,还可用作副词,常置句末,句子较长时,也置于句中。如: Its hard work, I enjoy it though. 这是苦差事,可我干得颇有乐趣。 3. I though可用于even though,as though等结构,although则不能。如: You look as though(= as if) you know each other. 看起来你们好像彼此认识, 4though常用于省略句。如: Though( he is) alone, he is happy.虽然他一个人,他很开心。B so. that和such. that的使用so.that和such.that这两个结构中that引导的分句都是结果状语从句,意思都是“(如此)以至”。由于其前的so是副词,such是形容词,因此这两个句型在构成上也有一定的差异。 so. that用法 sothat引导三种不同的句子结构: 1so+形容词副词+that从句。如: He did so well in the examination that everyone praised him.他考得那么好,人人都称赞他。 2so+形容词+a(n)十单数名词+ that从句。如: It was so good an exhibition that l went to see it several times展览是那么好,结果我就去看了好几次。 3so+ many/much/few/little+名词+that从句。如: Ive had so many falls that Im black and blue all over.我跌了那么多跤,全身跌得青一块,紫一块的。 such. that用法 such.that引导两种不同的句子结构: 1such +a(n)+形容词+单数名词+that从句。如: It was such an interesting film that I saw it twice. 这是一部很有意思的电影,我看了两次。 2such+形容词+复数名词不可数名词+that从句。 so. that和such. that的转化 她非常诚实,大家都信赖她。 She is so honest that everybody trusts her. She is such an honest girl that everybody trusts her.She is so honest a girl that everybody trusts her.C so that的使用 目的从句表示动机(即一种可能性),并非事实,只是想要达到某个结果的意愿,因而从句中多用假定性的谓语动词。常有can,many,will,could,might,would,should等情态动词。情态动词本身并无词汇意义,只是一种虚拟用法。结果从句表示客观事实,所以用陈述语气的谓语动词,从句中常无情态动词。如: I always write so carefully that I may make my meaning clear我写作总是字斟句酌,是为了让人看懂我的意思。15


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