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主谓一致练习题1. Neither he nor I _ for the plan.a. were b. is c. are d. am2. My family as well as I _ glad to see you.a. was b. is c. are d. am3. My father, together with some of his old friends, _ there already.a. will be b. had been c. has been d. have been4. There are two roads and either _ to the station.a. is leading b. are leading c. lead d. leads5. Nine plus three _ twelve.a. are making b. is making c. make d. makes6. Twenty miles _ a long way to cover.a. seem to be b. is c. are d. were7. Very few _ his address in the town.a. has known b. are knowing c. know d. knows8. When and where this took place _ still unknown.a. has b. is c. were d. are9. I know that all _ getting on well with her.a. were b. are c. is d. was10. The rest of the novel _ very interesting.a. seem b. is c. are d. were11. Our family _ a happy one.a. are b. was c. are d. is12. The boy sitting by the window is the only one of the students who _ from the countryside in our school.a. was b. were c. is d. are13. More than one answer _ to the question.a. had given b. were given c. has been given d. have been given14. The students in our school each _ an English dictionary.a. are having b. had c. has d. have15. The pair of shoes _ worn out.a. had been b. have been c. were d. was16. A professor and a writer _ present at the meeting.a. had been b. were c. is d. was推荐精选17. Those who _ singing may join us.a. is fond of b. enjoy c. likes d. are liking18. There _ a knife and fork on the table.a. are b. is seeming to be c. seem to be d. seems to be19. Over 80 percent of the population _ workers.a. will be b. are c. is d. was20. The whole class _ greatly moved at his words.a. is b. had c. were d. was21. The wounded _ good care of here now.a. is taking b. are taking c. are being taken d. is taken22. Deer _ faster than dogs.a. will run b. are running c. runs d. run23. The police _ a prisoner.a. are searched for b. is searching c. are searching for d. is searching for24. It was reported that six _ including a boy.a. had killed b. was killing c. were killed d. was killed25. The United Nations _ in 1945.a. was found b. was founded c. were founded d. were found26. I, who _ your good friend, will share your joys and sorrows.a. was b. are c. is d. am27. Between the two buildings _ a monument.a. is standing b. standing c. stands d. stand28. Laying eggs _ the ant queens full-time job.a. have b. has c. are d. is29. Peter, perhaps John, _ playing with the little dog.a. seems b. were c. are d. is30. Many a student _ that mistake before.a. had made b. has been made c. have made d. has made31. The Arabian Nights _ well known to English lovers.a. is being b. are c. were d. is32. Your new clothes fit you, but mine _ me.a. dont fit for b. doesnt fit for c. dont fit d. doesnt fit33. Toms teacher and friend _ Mr Smith.a. has b. are being c. is d. are推荐精选34. All that can be eaten _ eaten up.a. have been b. had been c. has been d. are being35. Some person _ calling for you at the gate.a. will be b. is being c. is d. are36. On each side of the street _ a lot of trees.a. are grown b. is standing c. grow d. stands37. The number of the people who _ cars _ increasing.a. own.are b. ownis c. ownsis d. ownsare38. No one except Jack and Tom _ the answer.a. are knows b. is knowing c. knows d. know39. Nothing but cars _ in the shop.a. are going to sell b. were sold c. are sold d. is sold40. Here is a message of importance to every man and woman who _.a. votes b. vote c. voting d. are voting41. Politics _ one of the subjects that I study.a. are b. is c. were d. was42. _ already been interviewed.a. A number of applicants have b. A number of applicants hasc. The number of applicants have d. The number of applicants has43. _ is misused in the sentence.a. A word or two b. One or two words c. One and two words d. Many words44. There _ priceless jewellery on display at the exhibition hall.a. are b. have c. is d. has45. I am the one who_ wrong.a. am b. is c. are d. have been46. Each of the footballers _ over 150 pounds.a. weigh b. weighs c. weights d. were weighing47. There is _ rice.a. few b. a few c. many d. a great deal of48. Half of the material _ away.a. has been taken b. are taken c. have been taken d. were taken49. The manager or his assistant _ planning to go.a. was b. were c. be d. will50. There _ in this room.推荐精选a. are too many furnitures b. are too much furniturec. are too much furnitures d. is too much furniture51. His brother rather than his parents _.a. are to be blamed b. is to blame c. are to blame d. is to be blamed.52. What caused the accident and who was responsible for it _ a mystery to us.a. has been remained b. have been remained c. remain d. remains53. To know merely the main facts _ enough.a. are b. be c. being d. is54. Watering the flowers and looking after the children _ all I have to do every day.a. are b. is c. was d. were55. Each boy and each girl _ a new book.a. have gone b. has gone c. have got d. has got56. American and Dutch beer _ both much lighter than British.a. are b. is c. were d. was57. It is not I but you who _the first to run to the goal in that competition.a. is b. was c. are d. is going to58. Every means _ been tried since then.a. has b. have c. are d. is59. One and a half bananas _on the table.a. are left b. is left c. have left d. has left60. There _ in this room.a. are too many rooms b. are too much roomC. are plenty of rooms d .is plenty of room.主谓一致练习题(1)1.Each of you _ responsible for the accident.a. am b. be c. is d. are2.Each man and woman _ the same rights.a. has b. have c. had d. is having3.Every means _ tried but without much result.a. has been b. have been c. are d. is4.There _ in this room.a. are too much furniture b. is too many furnituresc. are too much furnitures d. is too much furniture5.The manager or his assistant _ planning to go.推荐精选a. were b. are c. was d. be6.Not only I but also David and Iris _ fond of playing basketball.a. am b. is c. are d. was7.Neither Tom nor his parents _ at home.a. is b. are c. has d. was8.Either the dean or the principal _ the meeting.a. attends b. attend c. are attending d. have attended9._ was wrong.a. Not the teacher but the students b. Both the students and the teacherc. Neither the teacher not the students d. Not the students but the teacher10.“_ twenty dollars a big sum to her?”“I suppose so.”a. Will be b. Is c. Are d. Were11.Three hours _ enough for us to finish the task.a. are b. has c. is d. were12.Most of his savings _ in the Xin Hua Bank.a. has been kept b. is being kept c. have kept d. have been kept13.All that can be done _.a. has done b. has been done c. have done d. have been done14.One or perhaps more pages _.a. is missing b. has been missed c. are missing d. was missing15.More than one worker _ dismissed.a. have been b. are c. has been d. has16.Many a student _ the importance of learning a foreign language.a. have realized b. has realize c. have been realized d. has been realized17.The gas works _ near the city.a. is b. are c. were d. be18.The surroundings of his house _ clean now.a. is b. are c. was d. were19.The committee _ over the problem among themselves for two hours.a. has argued b. has been arguing c. have argued d. have been arguing20.The public _ generous in their contributions to the earthquake victims.a. is b. was c. are d. has been21.Cattle _ on the hillside.推荐精选a. grazes b. is grazing c. was grazing d. were grazing22.Her politics _ neither conservative nor liberal.a. is b. are c. was d. has been23.Measles _ a kind of infectious illness.a. is b. are c. were d. have been24.The Philippines _ to the south-east of China.a. lies b. lie c. lay d. lays25.Mary is one of the girls who _ always on time.a. is b. am c. are d. was26.Tom is the only one of the stall members who _ to be promoted.a. is going b. are going c. has been going d. have been going27.What caused the accident _ on the road.a. were stone b. were stones c. was stone d. was stones28. Wisky and soda _ his favorite drink.a. is b. are c. were d. have been29._ is to attend our evening.a. both the singer and the dancer b. Either the singer or dancersc. The singer or dancers d. The singer and dancer30.The Smiths _ their breakfast when the morning post came.a. had b. has been having c. are having d. were having31.No one except two students _ the meeting.a. has been late for b. have been late for c. was late for d. were later for32.All but him and me _ to the exhibition.a. am going b. is going c. are going d. was going33.Interest, as well as prospects, _ important when one looks for a job.a. are b. were c. is d. was34.The president, accompanied by his assistants, _.a. have arrived b. are arriving c. had arrived d. has arrived35.A number of cars _ in front of the parka. is parked b. was parked c. are parked d. has parked36.The number of articles published on smoking _ amazing.a. is b. are c. were d. have been37.The majority of doctors _ smoking is harmful to health.a. are believed b. had believed c. has believed d. believe推荐精选38.The majority of the damage _ easy to repair.a. is b. are c. were d. be39.Four-fifths of the crop _.a. are ruined b. was ruined c. were ruined d. have been ruined40.Three-fourths of the buildings _.a. was destroyed b. is destroyed c. were destroyed d. has been destroyed41.Early to bed and early to rise _ a man healthy, happy and wise.a. making b. to make c. make d. makes42.Mathematics _ the language of science.a. is b. has been c. are d. have been43.The young _ the vital forces in our society.a. is b. has been c. are d. have been44.Every man, woman and child _ some history, enough at least, to survive in the world.a. knows b. know c. is known d. are known45.None of them _ my friends.a. is b. are c. was d. has been46.Not only the whole nation, but the whole Europe , indeed the whole human society _ to alter its attitude to racial problems.a. need b. needs c. has a need d. have a need47.Getting to other planets or to the moon _ many problems.a. involve b. involves c. involving d. to involve48.In that country, the rich _ richer, the poor, poorer.a. become b. has become c. becomes d. is becoming49.The project requires more labor than _ because it is extremely difficult.a. has been put in b. have been put in c. being put in d. to be put in50.Not one in one hundred children exposed to the disease _ likely to develop it.a. should be b. must be c. is d. are主谓一致练习题(2)1. Neither of them _ going to the cinema. Both of them _ going to the cinema.A. is ; are B. is ; is C. are ; was D. are ; is2. All but one _ here just now. All that I want to say _ this.A. was; wereB. was; is C. were; is D. were; were3. A number of students _ gone for an outing. The number of the students _ increasing year.推荐精选A. have; hasB. is; have C. has; have D. have; is4. Some of the oranges _ turned bad. Some of the milk _ turned sour.A. have; hasB. have; have C. has; have D. have; is5. Each student _ got an English- Chinese dictionary. The students each _ a dictionary.A. have; hasB. has; have C. have; have D. has; has6. There _ a pen, an ink bottle, and some books on it. There _ some bowls, plates and a spoon on it.A. is; areB. are; are C. are; is D. is; is7. Either the judge or the lawyers _ wrong. Either you or he _ to blame.A. is; areB. are; is C. are; are D. is; is8. His family _ all very well. His family _ a “ five good” one.A. are; is B. is; is C. are; are D. is; are9. My blue trousers _ worn out. One pair of trousers _ not enough.A. is; are B. are; are C. is; is D. are; is10. Our League secretary and monitor _ the lead in everything. Our League secretary and the monitor _ good friends.A. take; are B. take; is C. takes; is D. takes; are11. The girl as well as his parents _ a bike. Not only the students but also the professor _ surprised at Marys answer.A. have; was B. have; were C. has; was D. has; were12. Who _ the girl singing in the next room? Who _ these people over there?A. are; are B. are; is C. is; are D. is; is13. Most of the students _ boys. Most of his money _ spent on books.A. are; is B. is ; is C. are; are D. is; are14. The policeman _ standing at the street corner. The police _ searching for him.A. are; is B. are; are C. is; are D. is; is15. The glasses _ mine. That pair of glasses _ my brothers.A. are; is B. are; are C. is; are D. is; is16. The news at six oclock _ not true. Those pieces of news _ to be broadcasted.A. are; is B. are; are C. is; are D. is; is17. Grandpa Wang and his two grandsons _ taking a walk in the park now. Grandpa Wang, together with his two grandsons, _ taking a walk in the park now.A. are; are B. is; are C. is; is D. are; is18. No one but Jane _ the secret. Nobody but Mary and I _ in the classroom at that time.推荐精选A. know; was B. knows; was C. know; were D. knows; were19. There _ nothing but two looms in the hall. There _ something wrong with the machine.A. was; is B. was; are C. were; is D. were; are20. He is one of the boys who _ never late for school. He is the only one of the boys who _ never late for school.A. is; are B. are; are C. are; is D. is; is21. What they have done _ of great use to us. What he says and what he does _ agree.A. is; not B. is; do not C. are; does not D. are; not22. Every picture except these two _. Everything around us _ matter.A. have been sold; is B. have been sold; areC. has been sold; is D. has been sold; are23. A woman with two children _ coming up to us. Mary, along with her parents, _ moved to Paris.A. is; has B. is; have C. are; have D. are; has24. one sixth of our classmates _ from peasant families. One fifth of her time _ devoted to writing.A. comes; is B. come; are C. come; is D. comes; are25. Only 10 percent of the students in the class _ League members. About 40% of Jims income _ to the rent (租金).A. are; goes B. are; go C. is; goes D. is; go26. It is this teacher who _ leaving for London. It is you who _ next.A. are; are B. is; are C. are; is D. is; is27. The population of the earth _ increasing fast. One third of the population here _ workers.A. is; are B. is; is C. are; is D. are; are28. This kind of snakes _ very dangerous. These kinds of metal _ hard to find.A. is; is B. are; is C. is; are D. are; are29. Half of the visitors _ from Europe. Half of the fruit _ bad.A. is; areB. is; is C. are; is D. are; are30. Every man worker and every woman worker _ free medical care. At Christmas each boy and each girl _ given a present.A. enjoy; is B. enjoy; are C. enjoys; is D. enjoys; are31. Many a man _ seen the wonderful film. Many men _ seen the wonderful film.A. has; has B. has; have C. have; has D. have; have推荐精选32. Going to bed early and getting up early _ a good habit. Singing and dancing _ two of the things that he likes best.A. is; is B. are; is C. is; are D. are; are33. Such _ Albert Einstein, a simple man of great achievements. Such _ her words.A. were; were B. was; were C. were; were D. was; was34. Besides Xiao Wang, Wiao Ma _ willing to do the work. The factory, including its machines _ burnt last night.A. was; is B. were; is C. was; are D. were; are35. If anybody _, ask him to wait. _ there anything I can do for you?A. come; Is B. come; Are C. comes; Ar


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