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U!大学英语四级考试模拟试卷13Part I Writing1、Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying To choose time is to save time.1 You can cite examples to illustrate the importance of time management. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.Part II Listening ComprehensionSection A2、A. 62.B. 64.C. 60.D. Unknown.3、A. The better-off.B. Financial institutions.C. Ordinary people.D. Government.4、A. GCSE science exams.B. New Diplomas.C. Constant change in qualification system.D. Improved specifications.5、A. Support. B. Objective. C. Uncertainly. D. Skeptical.6、A. To enable learners to update their skills.B. To increase the steadiness of the system.C. To update their qaulitifications.D. Do not mention it.7、A. A Large number of immigrants.B. High levels of unemployment.C. Increased police pressure on criminalsRiots in the neighborhood of Stockholm.8、A. Sweden could not accept refugees any more.B. There was not a safety problem in Sweden.C. Swedes should pay attention to the crime issue.D. The immigrants in Sweden caused an increase in crime.Section B9、A. The quality of goods and services has improved.B. Most people are reducing their consumption.C. Complaint channels are too limited.D. Many people dont bother to complain.10、A. Electrical appliances.B. Travel agencies.C. Photographic and sound equipment.D. Clothing.11、A. They account for the largest proportion.B. 90 per cent of them are reasonable.C. Most of them are for delayed air tickets.D. Few of them are for poor accommdation.12、A. Two weeks.B. Less than two weeks.C. Two to three weeks.D. More than three weeks.13、A. A car wash plan.B. A promotion plan.C. How to spend Thanksgiving Day.way you can get the message out to the entire campus.M: Uh-oh, that means I had better come up with an article pretty quickly. How about if I write it up and Ill let you be the first to read it? How about after English class tomorrow?W: Sounds like a plan. Ill see you then.M: Youre the greatest. I dont think I would have known what to do without your help.What are the speakers talking about?解析男士在第一句就交代了谈话主题:如何能说服每个人相信洗车计划是为感恩节晚会筹钱的 最好方式,町见讲话者在讨论洗车计划的推广方案。14、B听力原文Why are the two speakers in need of money?解析对话中提到,筹集资金是为了举办感恩节晚会。15、D听力原文What will the woman do to attract students attention?解析对话中女士提到她认识学校印刷店的人,并且这个人能得到做大横幅的材料,如果能再学 生中心前悬挂大横幅将会吸引学生地注意。由此可见,女士将要在学生中心前挂大横幅。16、B听力原文What does the man think of the woman?解析对话中女士阐述了一个很详细的洗车计划的推广方案后,男士夸奖她是最棒的,并补充说 没有她的帮忙自己不知道该如何做。Section C17、B听力原文British police say a second man has been arrested in connection with failed bomb attacks Thursday on the London transport system. Officials say the man was arrested Friday in the same south London area where police arrested another suspect earlier in the day. Also Friday police shot and killed a man at an underground train station in the same area. Officials say the shooting was linked to the investigation. Police have released pictures of four men suspected of attempting to explode bombs on subway trains and a bus.An earthquake hit parts of Japan near Tokyo Saturday. The earthquake injured at least 18 people. At least one building in the Japanese capital was damaged. The Haneda and Narita airports closed temporarily to check for damage. Officials stopped some of the Japanese high-speed trains after the earthquake. Japanese officials say the earthquake did not cause any tsunamis.North Korea says it does not need to meet directly with Japan during 6-party nuclear talks next week. The official North Korean news agency reported a North Korean objection to Japans demands that the talks include North Koreas kidnapping of Japanese citizens during the Cold War period that followed World War H. A South Korean diplomat said Friday that the talks would involve only nuclear disarmament and not other issues. He said the countries taking part in the talks have agreed that North Koreas human rights record should not be discussed.How many suspects have been arrested related to failed bomb attacks Thursday in London?解析第1则新闻开始就说:“英国警方说,又一个涉嫌与星期四伦敦交通系统未遂炸弹袭击案 有关的男人被捕。”可见一共抓了两个人,故B正确。数字题,需要明白短文中相关数字的含义,然后 根据问题来作答。18、D听力原文What was not the result of the earthquake in Japan?解析第2则新闻末尾说:“日本官员说,该地震没有导致海啸。”故D正确。对于问“何者不正 确”的题目,必须一个个选项加以判断。19、D听力原文What would be the key subject of the 6-party talks?解析第3则新闻称:一位韩国外交官星期五说,会谈只讨论解除核武器的问题,没有别的议 题。六方会谈的核心议题是D,即朝鲜半岛的核问题。四个选项均为名词词组,由选项中的关键词(尤 其是专有名词)来看,本题可能问六国共同关注的问题。短文中虽提到A,但它不是key subject,故可 排除A。由短文中的用词only. and not other issues可以断定语义重心,从而得出答彖。20、A听力原文What is Japans demand for the 6-party talks?解析第3则新闻提到,“朝鲜官方新闻机构报道,朝鲜反对日本提出的把二战结束后的冷战期 间朝鲜绑架日本公民的问题列入会谈议题的要求。”换言之,日本要求会谈讨论绑架人质问题,而朝 鲜表示反对,故选A。新闻题多与背景有关。多了解时事,有助于答题。21、A听力原文Cattle have served humanity since prehistoric days as beasts of burden and as suppliers of leather, meat, and milk. Some of the earliest written records concern the sale of cattle. These valuable animals are unusual in that they do not have front teeth in their upper jaw. Instead they chew with their rear teeth and gums. Cows swallow their food quickly and store it in the paunch or rumen, the first of the four compartments in their stomachs. Later the food passes into the second stomach or reticulum where it is rolled into little balls or cuds. While resting, cows cough up these cuds and chew them more thoroughly. This time the food passes into the third and then into the fourth stomach, where digestion takes place. Bacteria in cows stomachs aid in digesting the cellulose in stems of grass or hay.Over one hundred million head of cattle are raised in the United States. Dairy cattle produce more than fifteen and one-half billion gallons of milk every year. Although dairy cattle are bred primarily to produce milk, about half the beef used in the United States comes from dairy breeds. This is because when dry (no longer producing milk) they fatten quickly and produce high-quality beef.According to the passage, what is the rumen?解析信息明示题。短文中指出the paunch or rumen, the first of the four compartments in their stomachSo故可知rumen是牛四个胃中的第一个。所以选A。22、D听力原文What is the cows second stomach used primarily for?解析信息明示题。短文中指出Later the food passes into the second stomach or reticulum where it is rolled into little balls or cuds.故可知第二个胃用来形成反刍的食物。故选D。23、C听力原文Which of the following is essential in the digestion of cellulose in the cows stomach?解析信息明示题。根据短文中Bacteria in cows stomachs aid in digesting the cellulose in stems of grass or hay.可知牛胃里的细菌帮助消化纤维素。故正确答案为C。24、B听力原文American schoolchildren often wear uniforms if they attend religious or other private schools. Most public schools do not require uniforms. But over the last ten years or so, more of them have moved in that direction, including high schools. Students may have to wear a specially purchased uniform. Or they may just have to dress alike for example, white shirts and dark colored pants or skirts. Even schools that do not require uniforms generally have a dress code or other rules about what they consider acceptable. Policies commonly ban clothing that shows offensive images or words, or simply too much skin. Items like hats may be restricted because, for example, different colors may be connected with violent gangs. Some parents like the idea of uniforms. Some say it means they do not have to spend as much on clothing for their kids. Others, though, argue that uniforms represent an unnecessary cost. There are also debates about whether uniforms or other dress policies violate civil rights. Students and parents have taken legal action against school dress requirements. Just last week, a judge blocked a middle school in Napa, California, from enforcing a dress code unless families have a way out of it. The American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California brought the case for the families of several students who were punished. Most attention centered on a girl who wore socks with the Tiger character from Winnie the Pooh. The school said its clothing policy, including no pictures of any kind, was needed to control a growing problem with gangs. The families argued that the policy violated free speech rights as guaranteed by the United States and California Constitutions.What happened to most public schools in the past decade?解析短文开始提到,大部分公立学校不要求学生校服,但近十年来,包括一高中在内,更多的 学校开始向这个方向发展。由此可知,公立学校渐渐要求学生在学校校服。25、A听力原文What do schools that do not require uniforms demand for students?解析短文中提到,即使那没有要求校服的学校也会有一着装方面的规定,之后举例说明了不同 的规定。即不要求校服的学校也有应该或不该什么衣服的着装规定。26、D听力原文Whats the parents opinion on school uniforms?解析短文中提到,有的家长赞成校服,因为这样他们就不用花很多钱给孩子们买衣服了;但是 另外一家长表示反对,他们认为买校服是不必要的花费,而且校服或者其他的着装规定违背了公民的 权利。由此可知,家长对校服的态度存在争议。27、A听力原文Whats the schools* opinion on clothing policy?解析短文最后提到,学校认为校服政策有利于控制日益增加的帮派问题。Part JU Reading ComprehensionSection A28、29、30、31、32、33、34、35、36、37、Section B38、解析本题涉及环保科技转移,根据the process of green technology transfer可以定位到D段最 后一句,原文提到尽管生态材料(eco-material)更难进入市场,但环保科技转化(green technology transfer)的过程正在不断进步,eco-material属于green technology的一种,因此可以推断green technology transfer过程也面临着困难,题目中的improving对应原文making progress,故确定D为答 案。39、解析本题涉及竹子没能通过绿色材料评估的原因,全文提到竹子作为绿色材料的只有J段。该 段最后两句提到,竹子本身是不错的绿色纤维材料,但进一步的研究表明“将竹子转化为纤维的过程 是有毒的”,与本题意思完全相符。40、解析根据Yulex和guayule可以将范缩小至B、C两段,再根据research及at its height可以进一 步定位到B段第3句。该句提到,对银胶菊的研究在二战时达到顶峰,之后就被搁置了(shelved),第4 句则说Yulex是在2000年重新开始对其的研究工作,可见本题是对该部分的概括。41、解析本题涉及福特的案例,原文中只有F、G两段提到福特,而根据cost and performance benefits和ten years ago可准确定位至F段第3句。该句提到在I,年前,工程师对绿宜材料的性价比 效益并不信任,该句中的a decade ago对应题中的ten years ago,而distrustful of和green materials 则分别对应题中的didnt trust和alternative,本题是对F段第3句的同义转述。42、解析本题涉及Interface公司,原文提到Interface的只有H、I两段,再dj 1990sof迅速锁定H段 首句。该句中As引导的从句提SiInterface从20世纪90年代开始就要回收并利用废II地毯的材料。原 文中的recover and re-use waste materials对应题中的using recycled materials, 原文的take root in the 1990s对应题中的started in the 1990s,木题是对该句的同义转述。43、解析本题涉及美国的建筑,全文只有E段提到相关内容,再根据commercial and institutional construction可以进一步确定本题来自E段。该段最后一句话提到“环保建筑占了44%”,题目中的nearly half对应原文的44%,文中的account for意为“占据”,本题表达之意与原文相符。44、解析本题涉及大多数客户对可持续设计的看法。根据most clients, sustainable design和same products等信息可定位到K段。该段首句提到大多数客户认为可持续设计不过是将既有材料换成更环 保的新材料而已。该说法与本题that从句的内容一致,原文该句又提到该说法是错误的(thatswrong on many grounds),本题所述与此一致,故K为本题答案。45、解析本题涉及福特,原文中只有F、G两段提到相关内容。而根据risk, additional cost和 bio-plastics program可以准确定位至G段。该段第2、3句提到一位技术人员的回忆,说当年在推动 bio-based plastics项目时几乎被踢出会议室(kicked out of the conference room),因为工程师们只看 到采用生物材料的风险和额外成本(they saw only risk and additional cost),接下来第4句继续讲述幸 好有Bill Ford的护持,项目才得以进行下去,题中nearly get.rejected(差点遭到拒绝)与文意相符, 故本题是对G段的归纳。46、解析本题涉及到Patagonia公司新潜水服的发布。根据Patagonia, newly wetsuitfnthis autumn 可以定位到C段首句。该句的when从句所述与本题一致,主句的时间状语this fall也与本题的this autumn对应,故确定C为本题答案。47、解析本题与地毯相关,全文提到地毯的只有Interface公司的例子,即H、I两段,而根据glue carpets down和recovery stage可以准确定位至I段第3句。该句提到安装人员一贯会把地毯粘在地上, 而这种做法会对材料造态损害,不利于回收,题目中的bring negative effects on materials对应原文 中的damages the material 0故本题答案为I。Section CPassage One48、考点文章细节解析根据题干可以将该题定位至文章第一段。题干明确表明According to environment campaigners,因此与environment campaigners无关的就不是答案。第一段第一句指出:Trawling the seabed for fish is an environmental disaster; it wrecks ecosystems, destroys fish stocks and leaves behind a marine desert. Right? Environment campaigners say so.因此可以对A、B和C选项进行排 除。49、考点原因解析根据题干可以将该句定位至文章第二段。第二段第二句说Greenpeace compares it to driving a huge bulldozer through a forest, leaving a flat, featureless desert on the seabed o Greenpeace之所以把trawling比作“开着庞大的推土机穿过森林”是因为推土机破坏了森林的植被,而 trawling让海床变成了海漠。因此答案为A选项。50、考点文章细节解析根据题干可以将该题定位至第三段。选项A对应着第三段的最后一句,但最后一句中描述 的是southern North Sea,选项使用的是North Sea, rT以排除。B选项指出trawling能增加鱼群种类 是普遍的现象,但是第三段指lBthere is growing evidence thatwhile far from universalthe phenomenon is real, 这并不是普遍现象”,所以也排除B。C选项是一种强加因果,第三段在讲述 shifting sands and gravels are stirred up by strong tidal currents时是对southern North Sea环境的描 述,并不是认为这有利于鱼类的增加。D选项是对第三段第一句的同义转述,因此答案为D。51、考点原因解析根据四个选项可以将该题定位至文章最后一段。第四段第二句The cause of this counter-intuitive finding has remained uncertain指出“原因仍不明确”。然后讲述了人们对原因的一些 猜测和研究。根据该段提到的三个原因可以将A、B、C三个选项排除,选出D选项。52、考点文章主旨解析文章对trawlingfnfish stocks的关系进行了探讨,指出trawling虽然对海床造成破坏,捕捞 了一些大型的甲壳类水生动物,但是小型的水生动物生存下来并大量繁殖,所以在一定程度上也有利 于鱼类增加。但文章最后一段明确指出这种关系并不明确。所以本题答案为C。Passage Two53、C解析主旨题。短文开篇就提出It is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times,故可知这篇文章是针对年轻人的。另外文中也多处提到young people,故选项C正确。54、A解析细节题。短文第一段的topic sentence即第一句It is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times and to blame them for most of the misunderstandings between them.艮年 轻人对父母持批评意见。故选项A正确。55、D解析细节题。根据短文第三段中Young people often irritate their parents with their choices in clothes and hairstyles. This is not their motive. They feel cut off from the adult world into which they have not yet been accepted. So they create a culture and society of their own.可知年轻人穿奇异旅 装并不是要激怒父母,而是感觉与并不接受他们的成人世界隔绝了,所以便要开创自己的文化和社会。 故选项D正确。56、A解析推断题。根据文章第四段可知年轻人叛逆、傲气,不想让父母赞同你做的事情,而出现这 种现象的原因是It is natural enough after long years of childhood, when you were completely under your parents control.由此可推出,年轻人是想竭力摆脱父母的控制,获得独立。故选项A正确。57、D解析细节题。短文最后一段第一句指出If you plan to control your life, co-operation can be part of that plan.即年轻人的合作是解决问题的办法。故选项D正确。Part IV Translation58、Tang poetry refers to the poetry created in Tang Dynasty. Tang poetry is the most precious culture heritage and has a great influence on the culture of the surrounding nations and countries. There are many poets in Tang Dynasty. Li Bai, Du Fu and Bai Juyi all are the world famous poets. The styles and forms of Tang poetry are diverse. It covers a wide range of topics, such as the natural phenomena, politics, laboring life, social customs and personal feelings. As for the creation method, it has the school of realism and the school of romanticism.D. How to write an article.14、 A. Theyre trying to win a school competition.B. Theyre hoping to finance a celebration.C. They need their car washed.D. They want to put up a large banner.15 A. Hang up posters on the bulletin boards.B. Send emails to her friends.C. Publish an article in the newspaper.D. Hang up a banner in front of the student center.16、A. She is competing with him.B. She is quite helpful.C. She is always against his ideas.D. She is impractical.Section C17、A. 1.B. 2.C. 3.D. 4.18、A. At least 18 people were injured.B. At least one building in the Japanese capital was damaged.C. Some of the high-speed trains were stopped.D. A series of tsunamis struck Tokyo.19、A. North Koreas kidnapping of Japanese citizens during the Cold War period.B. Measures to improve human rights in the six countries.C. Economic cooperation between the six countries.D. Korean Peninsula nuclear issue.20、A. The talks should include North Koreas kidnapping of Japanese citizens during the Cold War period.B. North Koreas human rights record should not be discussed.C. The last round of the talks should be held in Tokyo.D. Japans human rights record should not be discussed.21、A. The first stomach compartment.B. The name of the upper jaw.C. The stomach where digestion takes place.D. The name of the bacteria in the cows stomach22、A. Food storage.B. The production of milk.C. Digestion.D. The creation of cuds.23A. Cud.B. Reticulum.C. Bacteria.D. Grass.24 A. The students began to wear uniforms when attending religious schools.B. They gradually require uniforms at school.C. Their students have always had to wear uniforms at school.D. Their students have to wear specially purchased uniforms at school.25A. They have dress code about what should or should not wear.B. They ban clothing that shows images or words.C. They ban clothing that shows skin.D. They all ban hats because they are connected with violent gangs.26 A. Affirmative.B. Negative. C. Indifferent. D. Disputed.27、A. They think it can control the problem of gangs.B. They think its a violation of free speech rights.C. They dont want to enforce the dress code.D. They will punish those who dont follow the policy.Part DI Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Walking, if you do it vigorously enough, is the overall best exercise for regular physical activity. It requires no equipment, everyone knows how to do it and it carries the 28 risk of injury. The human body is designed to walk. You can walk in parks or along a river or in your neighborhood. To get 29 benefit from walking, aim for 45 minutes a day, an average of five days a week.Strength training is another important 30 of physical activity. Its purpose is to build and 31 bone and muscle mass, both of which shrink with age. In general, you will want to do strength training two or three days a week, 32 recovery days between sessions.Finally, flexibility and balance training are 33 important as the body ages. Aches and pains are high on the list of complaints in old age. The result of constant muscle tension and stiffness of joints, many of them are 34 , and simple flexibility training can 35 these by making muscles stronger and keeping joints lubricated (润滑).Some of this you do whenever you stretch. If you watch dogs and cats, youll get an idea of how natural it is. The general 36 is simple: whenever the body has been in one position for a while, it is good to 37 stretch it in an opposite position.B. avoidableF. helpingJ. maximumN. seriouslyC. briefly D. component G. increasinglyH. lowestK. preventL. principleO. topicA. allowingE. determinedI. maintainM. provokeSection BDirections: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet2.Designing for sustainability: what are the challenges behind green materials? A. Learning to surf in Californias icy breakers, Todd Copeland, a design master at the Patagonia clothing company, concluded that wetsuits 0替水月艮)werent cutting it. Sure, a traditional Neoprene (氯丁才象 胶)suit could keep him warm, but the suits material could be synthesised only from non-renewable, energy-intensive resources such as petroleum.B. In spring .2008, Copeland blogged about the need for a truly green alternative. And, later that summer, his cry found its way to Yulex, an Arizona-based company working to bring back a low-energy, low-poison recipe for rubber from guayule (银胶菊),a desert bush native to North America. Research on the plant peaked during the Second World War but was then shelved. Yulex had restarted the work around 2000 and was making hypo-allergenic (低过敏的)surgical gloves, but was seeking a new market. It saw Copelands post, and soon its representatives came knocking.C. Yulexs efforts are set to pay off later this fall, when Patagonia releases a full wetsuit made from a 60:40 blend of guayule and conventional Neoprene, five years after Copeland initiated the search. We hope to get that to 100% guayule, but it takes time to learn a new material, says Copeland, now Patagonias environmental produc


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