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外研版三年级英语下学期阅读理解专项竞赛题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据短文内容判断正误。Jack is not old, but he doesnt have much hair. His wife Alice has thick(厚的)and black hair.They have a daughter(女儿). Her name is Kitty. And Kitty is five years old. 0ne day, Jack is reading a book in his room. Kitty looks at her father for a long time and says to her mother,“Why does father have so little hair?”“He has little hair because(因为)he thinks a lot. He is a very clever(聪明的)man. ”Alice says with a smile(微笑).( )(1)Jack is an old man.( )(2)Alice doesnt have thick and black hair.( )(3)Kitty is Jacks daughter.( )(4)Alice is Jacks friend.( )(5)Alice is Kittys mother.2. 阅读短文,用“T”“F”判断Pandas faces look like cats, but their fat bodies and short tails are likebears. Pandas are very lovely and they are friendly to people. Peoplelikethem very much.Most Pandas live in China. Pandas like to climb trees. Theyusually live in the forests of high mountains, eat bamboo(竹子)and drinkspring water.( )1. Pandas has fat bodies and long tails.( )2. People like the pandas.( )3. Pandas can climb the trees.( )4. In China, we cant see the pandas.( )5. Pandas like eating bamboo.3. 看表格,判断正误。Jenny1个2个5个1个Danny3个3个6个2个Li Ming4个4个7个3个(1)Two hamburgers are six yuan.( )(2)Five donuts are twelve yuan.( )(3)Danny will take six donut.( )(4)Li Ming will take three apples. They are eighty yuan.( )(5)Jenny will take two ice cream.( )4. 阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。Here comes a monster(怪兽).Bobby: A monster! Dont eat me.The monster is drinking milk. Bobby: Dont drink my milk.The monster is eating a cake.Bobby: Dont eat my cake.Bobby wears(戴着)a mask(面具). Bobby: Hello! Tina! Dont run.Tina: Sam?!The monster is going away(逃跑).Bobby: Its my cake! Yummy, yummy!()1.The monster is Sam.()2.The monster is Tina.()3.Its Bobbys cake!()4.Bobby is drinking milk.()5.Tina is going away.5. 阅读理解。My name is Bruce. Im eleven years old. I study in Yangguang Primary School (阳光小学). I like watermelon. And I have a red pet (宠物). It has two long ears and red eyes. It is white, it likes grass very much. Can you guess what is it?(1)How old is Bruce?He is _ years old.A. 11 B.12 C. 13(2)What does Bruce like?He likes_.A. pineapple B. watermelon C. pear(3)Bruces pet (宠物) has two _ ears.It is _.A. small B. long C. short(4)What color are the pets (宠物的) eyes?( )A. blue B. yellow C. red(5)Can you guess what is Bruces pet? (你能猜猜Bruce的宠物是什么吗?)( )A. An elephant B. A rabbit C. A monkey6. 阅读理解。His name is Daming. He likes dogs and pandas. And he likes pears and oranges. His favourite food is rice and meat. His father likes basketball, but he doesnt like football. His mother likes skipping and swimming. She doesnt like noodles.(1)Does Daming like dogs and pandas?( )A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesnt. C. I dont know.(2)Whats Damings favourite food?( )A. Rice and meat. B. Noodles and rice. C. Meat and noodles.(3)Does Damings father like football?( )A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesnt. C. I dont know.(4)What does Damings father like?( )A. Table tennis. B. Football. C. Basketball.(5)What does Damings mother like?( )A. Swimming and skipping. B. Football. C. Basketball.7. 阅读判断。My names JohnToday is my birthdayIm nineI like animals(动物)I like pandasThey are funnyI like eating, tooI like fish and eggsI have a birthday cake and many giftsLets eat the birthday cake,OK?( )(1)John is ten today( )(2)John likes animals( )(3)John likes cats( )(4)John likes bread and eggs( )(5)John have a birthday cake8. 阅读判断。A dog has a piece(片) of meat in his mouth. He sees himself(他自己) in the water. He thinks it is another dog. That dog has a piece of meat in his mouth,too. He wants to get(得到) his meat. Then he can have two pieces. He opens his mouth to bark(吠叫) and his meat goes down into(在里面) the water.( )(1)The dog is very clever.( )(2)The dog has two pieces of meat.( )(3)The dog sees himself in the water.( )(4)The dogs meat goes down into the water.9. 根据短文内容,判断正确还是错误。My name is Peter. My family has four people. They are my father, my mother, my sister and I. My father is a doctor. He is good at running. He is forty years old. My mother is a teacher. She is an English teacher. She is thirty-nine years old. My sister is twelve. She is a student. She likes singing and dancing. But she doesnt like animals. Im a student, too. I like dancing, swimming, running and animals.( )(1)There are four people in Peters family.( )(2)Peters father is a worker.( )(3)Peters mother is 39 years old.( )(4)Peter likes animals.( )(5)Peters sister likes singing and dancing.10. 阅读对话,判断正误。On the farm( )(1)There are four hens on the farm.( )(2)There are two dog and two cats.( )(3)There are three white ducks.( )(4)There are ten small chicks.( )(5)There is a big pig.11. 阅读短文,判断正误。Hello. The day after tomorrow is Tree-planting Day. We are going to go for an outing this Sunday. In the morning, we are going to the hill. And we can plant some trees there. The boys are going to dig holes (挖洞).The girls are going to plant them and water them. We are going to have lunch after that on the hill. Then we are going to play games in the afternoon. I think we will have a good time.(1)Today is March 8th.( )(2)We are going to the park to plant some trees.( )(3)The boys are going to dig holes.( )(4)In the afternoon, we are going to play games.( )(5)We will have dinner on the hill.( )12. 根据短文内容判断对错。Hi, I am Amy. I am a student in Grade3. I have a happy family.there are five people in my family. My grandpa and my grandma are very old,They like watching TV very much .My father is a doctor ,My mother is a nurse.They work hard , I love my family!( )(1)There are three people in Amys family.( )(2)Amys father is a teacher.( )(3)Amys mother is a doctor.( )(4)Amys grandpa likes watching TV( )(5)Amy is a student in Grade three.13. 阅读短文,在相应的栏中打“”。Tom likes kites and robots. John likes toy trains and cars. Peter likes toy bears and bikes. Mary likes toy bears and kites. Bill likes balls and kites.14. 阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容一致。Ben, Alice and Sue are good friends. Ben is tall. Alice is thin. Sue is also thin. Alice has a nice dress. It is red. Ben has got a yellow toy car. He likes it very much. Sue is a beautiful girl. She has many dolls. She likes them very much. Look, she is playing with them. How happy she is!( )(1)Ben is not short.( )(2)Alice and Sue are fat.( )(3)Sue has got a red dress.( )(4)Sue likes dolls very much.( )(5)The girls are happy.15. 阅读理解,选择正确的答案。This is my new friend, Lily. She is a girl. She is 10 years old.She is from Canada. She is a good student.1I have a new.( )A.teacher B.friend2Lily is from.( )A.China B.Canada3Lily isyears old.( )A.ten B.nine4Lily is a good. ( )A.student B.teacher5My friend is a. ( )A.boy B.girl16. 我是小法官。Mike and John: Happy birthday to you, Sarah!Sarah: Thank you.Mike and John: How old are you?Sarah: Im ten.Mike and John: These are for you. A cake and two kites!Sarah: Thank you. Lets eat the cake.Mike and John: Great!阅读对话,判断对错。( )(1)Today is Sarahs birthday.( )(2)Sarah is 9.( )(3)Sarah has(有) 3 kites.( )(4)Sarah, Mike and John eat the cake.17. 阅读理解。Hello,everyone!Thisismybedroom.Thatismygreenbed.Itsverylovely.Isntit?Canyouseethepinkpillow?Itsmypillow.Ilikeitverymuch.Thedresserisbeside(在旁边)thebed.Itsbrown.Andaclockisonthedresser.Itspinkandpurple.Oh,thisismydesk.Itsblue.Thereisacomputeronthedesk.Iliketousethecomputerverymuch.Ioftenuseittodomyhomework.Mybooksareunderthedesk.Thedeskisbesidethechair.Mychairisblue,too.Ah,mybaseball!Itsonmychair.Ilikemybedroomverymuch!( )1.Whereisthedresser?A.Nextto(靠近)thebed. B.Behindthebed C.Nearthedesk.( )2.Istheclockonthedresser?A.No,itisnt. B.Yes,itis. C.Idontknow.( )3.Whatcoloristhedesk?A.Green. B.Red. C.Blue.( )4.Wherearethebooks?A.Underthedesk. B.Behindthedesk. C.Nearthedesk.( )5.Isthereabaseballintheroom?A. No, there isnt. B. Yes, there is. C. We dont know.18. 读一读,判断下列句子是否正确。Joe: I am a boy. I am ten. I am tall. I like apples. I like cats. I like spring.Helen: I am Joes mother. I am short and fat. My hair is black and long. My eyes are big. I dont like dogs.Edward: I am Joes father. I am tall and strong (强壮的). I dont like winter because (因为) it is too cold.Lily: I am Joes sister. I am eight. My face is round and big. My eyes are big. My nose is big. My mouth is big too.(1)Joe is a tall boy.( )(2)Helen is Joes sister. Her hair is black and long.( )(3)Edward likes winter because winter is cold.( )(4)Lily is eight.( )(5)Lilys face is round and small.( )19. 根据文章判断下列句子,正确的用T表示,错误的用F表示I am Billy. I am ten years old. I have a sister. Her name is Susan. She is eight years old. We go to school by bus. I like to play with my dog. Susan likes to play her doll. We live in Beijing. We live with our grandfather and grandmother. My father and my mother live in Shanghai.1Billy is ten years old and Susan is nine years old.(_)2Billy is Susans brother.(_)3Susan likes to play with her dog.(_)4They go to school by car.(_)5Their father and mother are in Shanghai.(_)20. 根据短文判断句子的正误。My name is Daming. Im eight years old. I like swimming and playing football, but I dont like skipping. My friend,Sam,likes playing basketball and skipping, but he doesnt like morning exercises. Oh, we both like riding bikes.( )(1)Daming is eight.( )(2)Daming likes football.( )(3)Sam likes morning exercises.( )(4)Sam is Damings friend.( )(5)Daming and Sam dont like riding bikes.21. 阅读理解。Look at the picture! Its a zoo.This is a giraffe. Its tall. Look at this bird! Wow,It has a small head and a short tail! The elephant is big. It has a long nose and a short tail. Oh,it is a panda! Its black and white.( )(1)The picture is about a zoo.( )(2)The giraffe is short.( )(3)The bird has a long tail.( )(4)The elephant has a short tail.( )(5)The panda is black and white.8 / 8


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