外研版 英语初三阅读

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Reading TestName:_ Grade:_ Saturday,5th JuneDear Estelle, I hope youre well and not working too hard! Ive been preparing for my exams now for the last two weeksThats why I havent written for such a long timeSince the beginning of this year weve been doing a project called “World Class”Have you heard of it? Not everyone in the class could take part,but luckily I couldThe school chose a “twin school” in a different area of the worldOur head teacher chose a school in Uganda, a country in AfricaThey gave us someone to write to from that schoolFor three months,Ive written to a girl called Louisa,who is the same age as meIts been so interesting to hear about her lifeShes told me all about her school and described her daily lifeI cant believe that her school doesnt have any electricityShe goes to school from eight oclock in the morning until six oclock in the eveningI cant believe how lucky we are here! I love it because its the first time Ive thought about what life must be like somewhere elseI cant believe people miss classes here when everything is so easy for usI think more people should help out with projects like thisAt the weekend were going to have a sports day to help raise money to send to the schoolPerhaps one day Ill be able to go to Uganda and meet Louisa myself who knows?Lots of love,Suzanne50Suzanne hasnt written to Estelle for long because she is _ Awriting to a girl Bpreparing for her exams Cbusy doing a project Dchoosing a “twin school”51Suzanne felt _ to take part in the Project “World Class” Astrange Bsurprised Cthankful Dlucky52Suzanne and her classmates will _ to help their twin school this weekend. Awrite letters Bsend clothes Craise money Dgo to AfricaCharlie was about to climb into bed when he found there was a light on in his garden shed (工棚). Then he noticed some people who were busy stealing (偷) his things.He called the police right away. The policeman asked: “Are there any thieves (小偷)in your house?”Charlie replied “no” and explained what was happening.The police said: “All patrol cars (巡逻车) have gone out, and a policeman will go to your house when one is free.”Charlie hung up, waited 30 seconds, and then called the police again. “Hello, I just called a short while ago because there were people stealing things from my shed. I want to let you know that theyre not a problem anymore because Ive just shot every one of them.”Charlie then hung up the phone. In five minutes, three patrol cars, dozens of policeman and an ambulance arrived at his house. Of course, the police caught the thieves.One policeman said: “I thought you said that you shot every one of them!”Charlie replied: “I thought you said there were no patrol cars free!” 50.What did Charlie notice before he climbed into bed? A. A police car. B. Some policemen. C. Some thieves. D. Some boys. 51. How many patrol cars came to Charlies house in the end? A. Three. B. Five. C. Dozens of cars. D. No cars. 52. What happened to the thieves at last? A. They were shot dead. B. They were caught. C. They ran away. D. They looked shocked.“Will you give my kite a lift?” asked my nephew to his sister. Lucy took it up and threw it into the air, but her brother didnt pay attention and ran off, so the kite fell down. “Try again, children,” I said.Lucy once more took up the kite. But John ran off so suddenly that the kite flew out of her hand and it fell flat as before. “Try again,” said I.They did, and with more care, but a side wind came suddenly. As Lucy let go the kite, it was blown against some bushes and the tail was caught. Meanwhile, I went to the kites assistance and set the tail free from the bushes. I told them to find a more open area and then try again. We found an open area. I threw the kite up as John ran off. It rose up and promised a high flight. But John was so pleased that he stopped short to look upward. The string became loose. The kite shook and came down to the ground. “I wont try anymore. The kite wont fly. ” said he angrily. I replied, “A few disappointments are not supposed to discourage us. And now try again.” And he tried and succeeded, for the kite was carried upward on the breeze as lightly as a feather. After enjoying the sight as long as he excited, John began to roll up the string slowly. “Shall we come out tomorrow and try again.”I smiled, “Yes, dear children. I wish to teach you the value of keeping trying. Whenever you fail, remember TRY AGAIN!” 50. How many times did they fly the kite? A. Five.B. Four.C. Three.D. Six.51. How did John feel when he finally flew the kite up? A. Angry.B. Hopeful.C. Excited.D. Worried52. The writer wants to tell us _. A. the ways of flying kites B. the pleasure of flying kites C. the cost of making mistakes D. the importance of keeping tryingA little boy was spending his Saturday morning playing in his sandbox. While he was building roads and house in the soft sand, he discovered a large stone in the middle of the sandbox. Determined, the little boy pushed and pulled, but every time he thought he had made some progress, the stone tipped and then fell back into the sandbox. The little boy tried his best, but his only reward(回报) was to have the stone roll back, hitting his fingers. Finally the boy cried. All that time the boys father watched him from his living room window. At the moment tears fell, his father came to the boy and the sandbox. Gently but surely he said,“Son, why didnt you use all the strength that you had? ”Sadly the boy cried back, “But I did, Daddy, I did! I use all the strength(力量) that I had!” “No, son,” corrected the father kindly. “You didnt use all the strength you had. You didnt ask me.” With that the father reached down, picked up the stone and removed it from the sandbox. Do you have “stones” in your life that need to be removed? Are you discovering that you arent strong enough to lift them? There is ONE who is always ready to give us the strength we need. Isnt it funny how we try so hard to do things ourselves?50. Who removed the stone?A. The little boy. B. The boys father. C. Both the boy and his father. D. Someone who passed by.51.The underline word “stones” in the passage means _in life.A. happiness B. work C. difficulties D. sadness52. The author wants to tell us that_.A. we cant do anything by ourselves B. we should learn to ask for help sometimesC. we shouldnt try our best to solve problems D. we should keep doing everything and never give upIt is reported that many middle school students are just not getting enough sleep, especially during the school week. The problems seem to get worse as they get older. Year 7 students sleep 8.4 hours on a school night, and year 9 students only 6.9 hours.It is also reported that not getting enough sleep can cause problems in a students life. Many students fall asleep in school or while doing their homework, so it is not surprising that they get lower grades than those who get enough sleep. Scientists suggest nine hours a night for middle school students. Of the students who feel unhappy and nervous, 73% dont get enough sleep at night. Why arent students getting enough sleep? Many students have one of the following things, like telephone, television, or computer, in their bedrooms, using them on a school night not only takes their time away from homework, but also makes it difficult for them to fall asleep. As a result, many students cant fall asleep before 11p.m., yet they must get up early to go to school.Scientists also suggest students should not do exciting activities for an hour before bedtime.51. According to the report, who might get the most sleep? A. Year 7 students.B. Year 8 students C. Year 9 students. D. Year 10 students.52. How many hours of sleep do middle students need each night? A .7 hours. B. 8 hours. C. 9 hours. D. 10 hours.53. Not getting enough sleep can cause the following problems except _. A. falling asleep in class B. getting lower grade C. getting fatter and fatter D. falling asleep while doing homeworkHow much do you know about animals in danger? Read the short passages below. 10 million reptiles are killed every year. Their skin is used to make fashion items, like handbags and shoes. The main reason whales are in danger is that man kills them for their meat and oils. Orangutans live in rainforests. They want to live in peace, but people are cutting down the trees for wood and farming. This is a big problem because the trees are the orangutans homes. They are very difficult to find and study because they are shy animals. They are also our cousins! There isnt enough bamboo for pandas to eat because man has cut down nearly half the bamboo forests. Research has shown that there are only about 600 giant pandas left in the wild in the world. Most of them live in China. Some people steal the turtles eggs to eat. The skin of the turtle is used to make some jewellery. In the Far East, rhinoceros horns are used to make medicines. They are also used to make ornaments. So what can you do to help protect them? Try not to buy jewellery made from animals. Try to keep the earth clean and free from pollution. Tell other people about what youve learned. 50. Reptiles skin is used to make _. A. fashion items B. oils C. some jewellery D. ornaments51. There are fewer homes for orangutans because _. A. their eggs are stolen B. their horns are cut C. trees in rain forests are cut down D. half the bamboo forests have been cut down52. “_” doesnt belong to protecting animals. A. Keeping the earth clean B. Eating wild animal meatC. Stopping pollution D. Telling others not to kill animalsNow students English handwriting gets worse and worse. That makes their teachers feel worried. Is your English handwriting beautiful? If not, here are four steps that really work! Use paper with linesUsing paper with lines can keep you writing straight instead of up or down when you write English words or sentences. Those lines on the paper can help you to write words in the right size. Be sure to fill the lined space completely. And make sure those capital letters are written properly.Slow downIf your writing is hard to read, try slowing down a little. For some kids, going slower makes the handwriting clear. If you write too fast , its hard for you to stop where you should, and even worse, you may make more mistakes . Hold your pencil rightWhen you hold your pencil the correct way, writing is much easier. Some kids press down really hard when they write. That makes the handwriting not nice. Try to be relaxed and dont hold the pencil so hard. Let your writing appear nice and clean. If you do so, people will guess you are a student with a good habit. Draw more picturesDrawing can improve your handwriting. You need to use the skills to control your pencil better when you are drawing pictures. Even though you have no chance to draw at school, you can practice by yourself at home. Handwriting is very important. Imagine you are a world-famous movie star or a well-known sports player, what do you do when your fan run up to you? Give them your autographs, of course! 50. How many pieces of good advice does the passage give us? A. Only one. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six51. What does the underlined word “ autographs ”mean?A. 画册 B. 写真集 C. 书法作品 D. 亲笔签名52. What can be the best title for this article?A. Using Paper in Line B. Good Handwriting Needs a Good PencilC. No Handwriting without Drawing D. Making Your English Handwriting PerfectA new museum about laziness has opened in Colombias capital, Bogota. But, you have to hurry if you want to find out about being lazy because the show lasts for only one week. The unusual show has displays (展品) that include things, such as sofas, beds, and anything that lets you take the weight off your feet. There are also plenty of televisions for visitors to watch while they walk around in the museum. The museum opened soon after the holiday season. The idea is for people to think about laziness, and perhaps change their behavior and lifestyle throughout the rest of the year. The museums keeper, Marcela Arrieta, said she wanted people to have a rethink about laziness and decide whether it really is a bad thing. She added, “We always think about laziness as an enemy of work.” Ms. Arrieta may not be pushing for a shorter working week, but she could have a point in that we might require more free time than our jobs allow us. Avoiding the pressure (压力) of work and relaxing more may make us healthier and live longer. Try out her advice for yourself; take the weight off your feet, put your feet up, and think about being lazy.50. Visitors can _ in the Museum of Laziness. A. repair sofasB. watch TVC. buy bedsD. get a job51. What does the underlined part mean in Paragraph 2?A. Relax yourself.B. Become excited.C. Lose weight. D. Take off your shoes.52. The museums keeper thinks that _. A. museums are good places to visitB. work is a big enemy of lifeC. people should rethink about lazinessD. the unusual show is very successfulOur three-year-old daughter Becky wanted a dog. But we were too busy to buy one. One day, Becky ran in, shouting, “Mom! Come to see my dog!” Her face was red with excitement. I followed her to the bush and found a wolf! He was hurt. Seeing me, he stood up suddenly! I could see his teeth! God! My mouth felt dry. “Dont be afraid. Thats Mom. She loves you, too,” Becky said. Then he became friendly. It was unbelievable! I rushed to find my husband and told him about the wolf. We should have killed the wolf, but Becky loved him. Besides, he was gentle to Becky. So we called the vet finally. Becky named the wolf Ralph and she carried food to him every day. Later, Ralph got well. They played together in the daytime. At night, Ralph would return to the mountains. Sometimes he disappeared but came back several days later.On Beckys first day of school, we could see Ralphs sadness. After the school bus left, Ralph lay by the side of the road and waited. When Becky returned, he got happy again. This continued throughout Beckys school years.Twelve years passed. One day we heard that a wolf was killed. The other wolf was hurt and ran away. We were worried about Ralph. That night, Ralph returned with a wound(伤口). Becky held his head kindly and comforted him. We hope he could come through. However, he died.Becky cried. I noticed something strange in the bush-two little yellow eyes! Ralphs child! Before he died,Ralph brought his child to us! He knew he would be safe here, as he had been. Ralph, Ralph I was moved.“Dont be afraid, LittleRalphie. Thats Mom. She loves you, too.”50. When Becky first met Ralph, she was _ years old.A. three B. nine C. twelveD. fifteen 51. After Ralph got well, he _ at night. A. lived with Becky B. played with his child C. returned to the mountains D. stayed in the bush52. Ralph brought his child to Becky because _. A. his child had to be cared for at once B. he thought his child would be safe there C. someone wanted to kill his child D. he had to leave to look for food 4


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