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附录A辊式破碎机、冲击式破碎机和锤式破碎机的发展概况辊式破碎机、冲击式破碎机和锤式破碎机的应用范围非常广泛,能对各种不同硬度的、粘度和湿度都较大的物料进行粗碎、中碎和细碎。特别值得指出的是这几种破碎机的破碎效率高,能耗小。目前的辊式破碎机、冲击式破碎机和锤式破碎机在设计、制造和应用上都取得了一些新的进展。英国Babbitless(GB)公司制造了一种破碎比高、能耗低的Dragon冲击式破碎机。该机的系列产品有:PS10.05(转子为1 0.5),PS10.10(11),PS12.13(1.21.3)三种规格。该公司制造的这种冲击式破碎机可用于破碎白云石、硅质石灰岩等矿石,但不能破碎湿度和粘性都很大的物料。给料粒度为65150。实际上,该机最适合破碎块状物料,不适合破碎片状物料。破碎产品粒度在40以下,生产能力为15150。该公司还制造了13种可逆转的冲击式破碎机。允许的给料粒度达380,生产能力超过600。该公司还生产了6种规格的辊式破碎机,生产能力为35195,产品粒度为650。英国Groft Barmac公司制造的Rotopactor破碎机, 是一种具有独特形式的三级冲击式破碎机。破碎作业时,物料以一定的加速度进入破碎腔内转子与侧壁之间,从而产生冲击破碎。物料的输送是从料斗经中央分配器送到破碎腔内快速旋转的转子上的。破碎产品落入排料槽内。破碎腔的磨损很小,但对破碎区域还是要进行专门的耐磨保护。转子的通路要衬装碳化钨导向板,从而破碎腔的上部和底部要安装铸造衬板。转子的表面硬度要求极高。这种破碎机的转子,可用2个或3个部件组成两种型式的转子。该公司生产的这种破碎机系列有五种规格。驱动功率为75500马力,生产能力可高达250。这种破碎机的驱动机可以进行改型,机器的结构形式分为闭式和开式。Groft公司最近安装使用的一台M型破碎机,装有双驱动装置和两台200马力的电动机,其生产率超过200。M型破碎机是一种小型破碎机,生产率为50。美国Eagle公司制造的Maxim多笼式破碎机,用于破碎混合物料。在每种多笼式破碎机中,都有以相反方向旋转的(沿直线和中心给料点)2、4或6个同心笼室。每个笼室都有一排冲击破碎棒。破碎产品的粒度从20到200网目。这种破碎机有三种规格,破碎生产率为730、1560和30110。英国GEC公司制造的Dyad双转子摆动锤式破碎机,生产能力高达1000。西德Hazemag公司制造的Hazemag型冲击破碎机。由英国Peabody Holmes公司销售到整个英国的采石场。APP2030型粗碎机和APKM1630型中碎机是两种大型的冲击式破碎机,现已交付英国采石场使用。两台设备的合同价格是125英镑(合同中包括供给的电力驱动装置、专用的速度控制设备和能量回收装置)。目前已有数百台Hazemag冲击式破碎机在石灰石和其他矿山上使用。其中大多数破碎生产能力都超过了500。美国Hewitt-Robins公司正在生产双辊式和三辊式破碎机、冲击式破碎机及锤式破碎机。双辊式破碎机用于处理量大的作业,其生产能力超过810,该机采用了液压破碎辊装置、过载保护弹簧和橡胶轮驱动方式。该公司生产的24英寸48英寸三辊两端洗煤用破碎机,具有较小的破碎辊液压装置和皮带轮驱动装置。生产能力(破碎产品粒度为2英寸时)可达320。Hewitt-Robins冲击式破碎机,是一种效率高、破碎比大的冲击式破碎机。其规格分别为36英寸54英寸和48英寸66英寸。该机的生产能力取决于格筛的通孔的尺寸,当格筛通孔尺寸为3.5英寸时,其生产能力可达900。该公司还制造两种规格的锤式破碎机,即:36英寸32英寸和48英寸32英寸,其格筛的格条和间距都是可调的。这种锤式破碎机的生产能力可达190,转数为1350。而特殊高速大型锤式破碎机的转数为1800。西德KHD Humboldt Wedag AG公司制造多种型号的冲击式破碎机。PEG型冲击式破碎机是用来粗碎像石灰石和石膏之类的矿物。该机有9种规格,其生产能力可达1650,给料粒度可达1.6,产品粒度为015。该公司制造的PEF型冲击式破碎机的给料粒度很小,可达0.75,产品粒度为044。该公司还制造了用于碎煤作业的PEK型冲击式破碎机,还有10中规格,最大生产能力达2000,给料粒度达0.75。KHD公司制造的WB25型双辊破碎机,适用于破碎中等硬度物料。该机装有与机架相连接的双曲柄(肘板)装置,从而保证了破碎力的合理分布。这种破碎机直径为1.25,宽度为3,能破碎中等硬度的物料,其给料粒度为250,产品粒度为75,生产能力为2223。破碎机格筛的间隙可以通过机械方式调节,并装有过载保护装置。苏联Machinoexport公司生产的冲击式破碎机,用于破碎中等硬度的耐磨矿石。这种破碎机需要的驱动功率小,但破碎比大。该公司还制造用于粗碎、中碎和细碎多种型式的转子式破碎机,有SMD-85A和SMD-86A;SMD-75和SMD-94A.这两种转子式破碎机都是单转子破碎机。液压装置是用来释放不可破碎的物料和在破碎腔堵塞时进行卸载的。该公司制造的DDZW-1512型双齿辊破碎机,用于破碎强度高达200的物料,其破碎生产能力为50150。齿辊可以是钝刃型或者是平缓的椎体型,钝刃型齿辊的允许给料粒度大。该机装有间隙调节装置和辊子弹性保护装置。美国Mclanahan公司最近生产了标准型、中型和特大型二段三辊破碎机。一台二段三辊破碎机能代替两台独立的破碎机所能完成的破碎作业。这种破碎机可将原煤或其他物料破碎到15以下。该公司制造的单辊破碎机,用于破碎岩石、矿石、碎石、煤和硬油母页岩特别有效。对于粘性高或湿度大的物料,其产品粒度比冲击式破碎机的产品粒度还要细。二段三辊破碎机的破碎辊在标准速度下,生产能力为75600。该公司制造的Mclanahan旋转碎煤机,装有钻孔筛板,用于破碎软煤饿中等硬度的煤,生产能力非常大。该机的特点是驱动轮和筒体间具有非常精确的同心度。筒体内装有耐磨衬板,筒体两端为无阻力的给料端头和卸料端头。该机能在一次运转作业中同时完成破碎和筛分两个作业。美国Mcnally Pittsburg公司制造专门用于破碎块煤的碎煤机“Gearmatic”双辊破碎机、重型双辊破碎机、旋转破碎机、二段四辊Gearmatic破碎机和单辊破碎机。Gearmatic破碎机的结构特点是:采用Mcnally公司研制的抗拉强度很高的齿轮传动装置,为防尘而采用了良好的密封装置。当破碎机运行时,可改变动辊的位置来调节产品的粒度。该公司制造的二段四辊破碎机是由两台双辊破碎机组装而成的。卢森堡Mecan-Arbed公司制造的大型Arbed齿辊破碎机,用于粗碎或中碎作业,破碎脆性或中硬物料(且含湿度大和粘性高的物料)。该公司制造的齿辊破碎机共有13种规格,最小型的齿辊破碎机,驱动功率为237,其生产能力为150200,产品粒度为50;最大型齿辊破碎机,驱动功率为2600,生产能力为24003000,产品粒度为300400。西德QK公司制造的Mammut破碎机,是一种单转子锤式破碎机,适用于单辊粗碎中硬到坚硬的石灰石和水泥原料。这种破碎机共有12种规格:给料粒度为025,驱动功率为1003500。该公司制造的Titan破碎机,所能破碎的物料类似于Mammut型破碎机,但给料粒度为12002300,生产能力为2201200,驱动功率为21702900。该公司制造的冲击式破碎机,有18种规格。最大给料粒度为4001600,生产能力为201800,破碎产品粒度为0150,驱动功率为222000。该公司制造的HBK型锤式破碎机,主要用于破碎筑路工程需要的碎石(中硬到坚硬)。QK公司制造的中碎锤式破碎机,有10种规格,用于破碎软到中硬物料或粗碎水泥原料,电动机功率为30400,破碎生产率为20280。捷克Pragoinvest公司制造8种规格的OKD型冲击式锤式破碎机,用于破碎生产率高,破碎比也大。OKD破碎机结构的特点是,在大型转子上面具有巨大的破碎腔。通过破碎锤的旋转,将物料抛射到破碎腔壁上,使其受冲击而破碎。未被破碎的大块物料落入出料口处的格筛上,再次受冲击而破碎。这种破碎机采用了液压控制系统,在破碎机的后部排料口处装有格筛和用于拆卸与安装破碎锤的液压装置。西德PHB-Weserhutte(PWH)公司制造的单辊和双辊破碎机,其破碎辊可以是平滑的光辊,或是在碎辊上刻槽,并装有破碎齿。这种破碎机用于破碎中硬或是软物料。该公司制造的PWH单转子锤式破碎机,也是用于破碎软到中硬物料的,并且有很高的破碎比,可使破碎产品的粒度小于3。澳大利亚Voest-Alpine公司制造两种型式的双辊破碎机。一种装有调节破碎辊间隙的机械装置和弹性卸载辊。两种型式的破碎机都可以根据不同的需要,分别安装上平辊、波纹辊和齿形辊。第一种机型用于破碎石灰石、石膏、珍珠岩等物料;第二种机型用于破碎硬的铁矿石、烧结石、炉渣和焦炭等物料。该公司制造的Sand破碎机适用于破碎比大的场合。该公司还制造了重型中碎机,用于破碎卵石或难碎的岩石。Voest-Alpine公司还制造了一种Centro破碎机,该机装有高速透平式转子。用于细粒砾石的破碎,产品粒度为50。该机由上部集中给料,物料向刚性破碎腔壁方向运动。转子具有磨损量最小的结构和最佳的破碎效果。生产能力约为50,这种破碎机,适用于破碎05粒级占80%的砂石。该机有两种规格:12501250和16001600,驱动功率为5575。破碎与破碎机械本文主要论述了破碎的基本概念,介绍了常用的破碎机械的原理和技术、破碎机械的使用范围和选择,对双辊式破碎机作了详细的叙述,并介绍了破碎机的使用。1 破碎、破碎比和破碎流程1) 破碎在外力作用下,使物料颗粒分裂成更小颗粒的过程,称为破碎或者粉碎。2) 破碎比衡量破碎机的破碎效果,常用破碎比这个概念。破碎机的破碎比就是原料粒度与破碎后产品精度之比。它表示破碎后原料减小的程度。破碎比有下列几种计算方法。 用破碎前物料的最大粒度与破碎后产品最大粒度之比计算 式中 破碎前物料的最大粒度; 破碎后物料的最大粒度。由于各国的习惯不同,最大粒度取值方法不同。英美以物料80能通过筛孔的筛孔宽度为最大粒度直径,原苏联以物料的95能通过筛孔的筛孔宽度为最大粒度的直径。 用破碎机给料口有效宽度和排料口宽度之比 式中 破碎机给料口宽度; 破碎机排料口宽度;0.8 保证破碎机咬住物料的有效宽度系料。排料口宽度的取值,粗破碎机取最大排料口宽度;中破碎机取最小排料口宽度。用该式计算破碎比很方便,因在生产中不可能经常对大批物料作筛分分析,但采用该式,只要知道破碎机给料口和排料口宽度,就可计算出破碎比。值得指出,某些破碎机、其排料粒度不是由排料口大小来决定的。 用平均粒度计算式中 破碎前物料的平均直径; 破碎后物料的平均直径。这种方法求得的破碎比,能较能真实地反映破碎程度,因而理论研究常采用它。3) 破碎流程原矿先进入棒条筛1进行预先筛分,这样可以把原矿中细粒级分出、从而减轻破碎机负荷。筛上物料进入旋回破碎机2里、经过破碎后,所得产品与1号筛下物料都落到振动筛3上,经筛分后,筛上物料进入中碎圆锥破碎机(简称中碎机),筛下物料落到振动筛5上。从中碎机4排出的产品也落到振动筛5上。经筛分后,筛上物料再进入细碎圆锥破碎机(简称细碎机)里。这样,振动筛5既是预先筛分又是检查筛分,检查筛分的作用,是破碎机排料进行筛分,其筛分尺寸大致等于预先筛分筛孔尺寸。筛上不合格的物料进入细碎机6,其产品返回到振动筛5,而筛下合格品落入料仓7里,然后进入球磨机8。振动筛5上的不合格物料再进入细碎机6。 这个流程中、细碎机为闭路破碎,旋回与中碎机斗式开路破碎。旋回破碎机为一段破碎(一次破碎)。中碎机为二段破碎(二次破碎),细碎机为三段破碎(三次破碎)。整个流程也可称为粗碎段、中碎段、细碎段及模碎段。 2 破碎机械的主要工作原理由于物料颗粒的形状是不规则的,而且物料的物性不同,所以采用的粉碎方法也不同,利用机械力粉碎物料按施加外力不同有如下几种方法:1) 压碎 将物料置于两块工作面之间,施加压力后,物料因压应力达到其抗压强度而破碎,这种方法一般使用于破碎大块物料。2) 劈碎 将物料置于一个平面及一个带尖棱的工作平面之间,当带尖棱的工作平面对物料挤压时,物料将沿压力作用线的方向劈碎。劈裂的原因是由于劈裂平面上的拉应力达到或超过物料拉伸强度极限。物料的拉伸强度极限比抗压强度极限小很多。3) 折碎 物料受弯曲应力作用而破碎。被破碎物料承受集中载荷作用的二支点简支梁或多支点梁。当物料的弯曲应力达到物料的弯曲强度时,即被折断而破碎。4) 冲击破碎 物料受冲击力作用而破碎,由于其破碎力是瞬时作用的,其破碎效率高、破碎比大、能量消耗少,冲击破碎有如下几种情况: 运动的物体对物料的冲击; 高速运动的物料向固定工作面冲击; 高速运动的物料互相冲击; 高速运动的工作体向悬空的物料冲击。5) 磨碎(研磨)物料与运动的工作表面之间受一定的压力和剪切力作用后,其剪切应力达到物料的剪切强度极限时,物料便粉碎,或物料彼此之间摩擦时的剪切、磨削作用而使物料破碎。 3 破碎机的分类和使用范围破碎机的使用范围由于类别的不同而不同,根据破碎机作用的方式可以将破碎机粗略地分为两大类,破碎机和磨矿机。破碎机一般处理较大块的物料,产品粒度较粗,通常大于8。其构造特征是破碎件之间有一定间隙,不互相接触。破碎机又可分为粗碎机、中碎机和细碎机。一般来说磨矿机所处理的物料较细,产品粒度是细粒,可达0.074,甚至还要细些。其结构特征是破碎部件(或介质)互相接触,所采用的介质是钢球、钢棒、砾石或矿块等。但有的机械是同时兼有碎矿与磨矿作用,如自磨机。 米自磨机处理矿石粒度上限可达350400,产品细度达100200目的占40%左右。 根据破碎方式、机械的构造特征(动作原理)来划分的,破碎机械大体上分为六类。 (1) 鄂式破碎机(老虎口)破碎作用是靠可动鄂板周期性地压向固定鄂板,将夹在其中的矿块压碎。 (2) 圆锥破碎机矿块处于内外两圆锥之间,外圆锥固定,内圆锥作偏心摆动,将夹在其中的矿块压碎或折断。 (3) 辊式破碎机矿块在两个相向旋转的圆辊夹缝中,主要受到连续的压碎作用,但也带有磨剥作用,齿形辊面还有劈碎作用。 (4) 冲击式破碎机矿块受到快速回转的运动部件的冲击作用而被击碎。属于这一类的又可分为:锤碎机;笼式破碎机;反击式破碎机。 (5) 磨矿机矿石在旋转的圆筒内受到磨矿介质(钢球、钢棒、砾石或矿块)的冲击与研磨作用而被粉碎。 (6) 其他类型的破碎磨矿机 A、辊磨机:借转动的辊子将物料碾碎。 B、盘磨机:利用垂直轴或水平轴的圆盘转动作为破碎部件。 C、离心磨矿机:利用高速旋转部件和介质产生产离心力来完成破碎作用。 D、振动磨矿机:利用转轴产生高频率的振动,使介质与物料互相碰击而完成破碎作用。 各类破碎机破碎机有不同的规格,不同的使用范围。目前,选厂粗碎多用鄂式破碎机或旋回圆锥破碎机;中碎采用标准型圆锥破碎机;细碎采用短头型圆锥破碎机;粗磨用棒磨机、细磨用球磨机。 4 双辊破碎机的具体介绍双辊破碎机适用于在水泥、化工、电力、冶金、建材、耐火材料等工业部门破碎中等硬度的物料,如石灰石,炉渣 ,焦炭,煤等物料的中碎,细碎作业。该系列对双辊破碎机主要由辊轮、辊轮支撑轴承、压紧和调节装置以及驱动装置等部分组成。 双辊破碎机出料粒度的调节:两辊轮之间装有楔形或垫片调节装置,楔形装置的顶端装有调整螺栓,当调整螺栓将楔块向上拉起时,楔块将活动辊轮顶离固定轮,即两辊轮间隙变大,出料粒度变大,当楔块向下时,活动辊轮在压紧弹簧的作用下两轮间隙变小,出料粒度变小。垫片装置是通过增减垫片的数量或厚薄来调节出料粒度大小的,当增加垫片时两辊轮间隙变大,当减少垫片时两辊轮间隙变小,出料粒度变小。 5 破碎机的使用正确的使用与维护破碎机,对提高处理能力、延长其使用寿命是很重要的,也是安全生产所必须的。破碎机的类型及工作条件不尽相同,因而,使用时应注意一下几点:1) 破碎机的起动。首先应开动油泵与冷却系统,经过35分钟后,待右路畅通在启动破碎机电动机。因为破碎机是重载荷设备,所以无论何种类型,均应空载起动。对一些大型破碎机,有时还须借助外力起动。2) 破碎机的操作。对已起动的破碎机,应先空转几分钟,空转时可以检查基座、防护板链等,如无异常,开始给料。若是新安装的破碎机,应使其空转时间长一些,可空转两到三个工作班后再加料。破碎机的给料必须是连续均匀的,防止过载,而且在整个给料口宽度上给料量应一致,这样可使破碎机受到的磨碎均匀,相对地延长易磨损零件的寿命。对于干法破碎,入料水分不能过高,如锤式破碎机;湿法筛分时,则必须保持适当的水量,防止因冲水不足而堵塞,减低处理能力。还应防止坚硬物料如锤头及角铁之类落入机内。在操作时,应遵循操作规程,防止违章造成人机事故。3) 破碎机工作时的检查及看护。在破碎机工作时,应检查破碎产物粒度是否符合要求,如发现超过规定粒度的颗粒过多,应找出原因,如筛棒缝隙过大、排料口过宽、锤子、鄂板或齿辊等磨损过度或是保险装置松动等,并采取适当的措施加以消除。同时注意轴承温度不宜超过50,正常油温应在3035左右,为了保证润滑油的质量,应定期清洗油箱,排出污染物。如果是干油润滑,应定期检查并注入新油。4) 破碎机停车前,应先停止给料,将机中的物料排净,然后按顺序关闭主电动机及润滑电动机。如果带料停机,很容易造成机件损坏。万一出现事故停机,也应将机中物料清除后,才能重新启动。5) 破碎机的维护。破碎机停机时,要检查紧固螺栓是否牢固和易磨损部分的磨损程度,是否需要更换。对齿辊破碎机,还应该除掉齿牙间的木料。检查破碎机保险装置,使之保持良好状态。除去日常维护工作外,还应对破碎机及其附属设备如润滑冷却系统进行定期检修,例如小修、中修、大修等。除了以上的五点外,对破碎机的安装,既要保证牢固可靠,位置正确,又要注意防振要求,并把可调部位调至适当位置。这对延长破碎机的寿命是很重要的!6 粉碎技术的发展动态1) 设备日趋大型化,以简化设备和工艺流程。钢球磨机直径已达5.5以上,电功率达7000以上,台时产量300以上。水泥工业使用的最大管磨机为,电机功率达8700。立式磨系列中磨盘直径已达5以上,电机功率5000以上,台时产量500以上。2) 采用预烘干(或预破碎)形式组成烘干(破碎)粉磨联合机组。3) 磨机与新型高效分离设备和输送设备相匹配,组成各种新型干法闭路粉磨系统,以提高粉磨效率,增加粉磨功的有效利用。4) 采用电子定量喂料秤荧光分析仪电子计算机自动调节系统,控制原料配料,为入窑生料成分均匀稳定创造条件。磨机系统操作自动化,应用自动化调节回路及电子计算机控制生产,代替工人操作,力求生产稳定。当前,粉磨设备的发展,主要还在节能方面,力求降低粉磨电耗。同时,也在采取积极措施尽量降低磨损件的磨耗。近年来,国外对超细粉碎及分级设备、工艺、微细颗粒粒度测定等方面的研究十分活跃,这是由于复合材料、新型陶瓷、电子材料等许多尖端技术的迅速发展决定的。在先进的工业化国家,微米级超细粉碎设备已过渡了其发明时期,而进入成熟、配套、完善的阶段,设备研究朝着亚微米级超细粉碎和微米级精密分级的方向发展。粉碎技术的发展主要表现在产品微细化、微粉功能化、设备自动化、节能新工艺和设备及低污染高强度材料的应用等方面。附录BDevelopment survey of roller type breaker,impact type breaker and hammer type breakerThe roller type breaker, the impact type breaker and the hammer type breaker application scope is extremely widespread, can to each kind of different degree of hardness, the viscosity and the humidity all big material carries on thick garrulous, is garrulous and is in broken bits. This kind of crusher stave efficiency is especially high, the energy consumption is small. At present overseas in the roller type breaker, the impact type breaker and in the hammer type breaker design, the manufacture and the application has all made some new progress.English Babbitless (GB) Corporation has made one kind of stave scaled height of burst, the energy consumption low Dragon impact type breaker. This machine series product includes: PS10.05 (rotor is 10.5), PS10.10 (11), PS12.13 (1.21.3) three kinds of specifications.This company makes this kind of impact type breaker available in stave dolomite, ore and so on silicon nature limestone, but cannot break the humidity and the coherent all very big material. For the material granularity is 65150.In fact, this machine most suits the stave massive material, does not suit the stave laminated material. The stave product granularity below 40, productivity is 15150.This company has also made the impact type breaker which 13 kinds may reverse. The permission amounts to 380 for the material granularity, productivity surpasses for 600.This company also has produced 6 kinds of specifications type breaker, productivity is 35195, the product granularity is 650.English Groft Barmac Corporation makes the Rotopactor breaker, is one kind has the unique form three levels of impact type breaker. When stave work, the material enters in the stave cavity by certain acceleration between the rotor and the sidewall, thus has the impact to be staving. The material transportation is delivers in the stave cavity from the hopper after the central divider on the fast revolving rotor. The stave product falls in the dump trough. The stave cavity attrition is very small, but must carry on the special wear-resisting protection to the stave region. The rotor circuit must lining the attire tungsten carbide guidance board, thus stave cavity upside and the base must install the casting backing. The rotor skin hardness request is extremely high. This kind of breaker rotor, available 2 or 3 parts compose two patterns the rotors.This company produces this kind of breaker series has five kinds of specifications. The actuation power is 75500 horsepower, productivity may reach as high as for 250. This kind of breaker drive may carry on the modification; the machine structural style divides into the enclosed type and the opens type.Croft Corporation recently installed the use the M breaker, which is loaded with the double drives and two 200 horsepower electric motors,its productivity surpasses for 200. The Mbreaker is one kind of small breaker, the productivity is 50.American Eagle Corporation makes the Maxim multi-cage type breaker, which is used in mixing the material stave. In each kind of cage type breaker, all has by reverse direction revolving (gives material along straight line and center) 2, 4 or 6 concentric cage rooms. Each cage room all has a row of impact stave stick. Stave product granularity from 20 to 200 meshes. This kind of breaker has three kinds of specifications, the stave productivity is 730 tons/hour, 1560 and 30110.English GEC Corporation makes the Dyad double rotors swinging hammer type breaker, productivity reaches as high as for 1000.West German Hazemag Corporation makes Hazemag impact breaker. Corporation sells the entire Englands quarry from English Peabody Holmes. The APP2030 bulldozer and the APKM1630 intermediate crusher are two kinds of large-scale impact type breakers, presently pays the English quarry use. Two equipment contract prices are 125 pounds (in contract including supplies electric drive equipment, special-purpose speed control equipment and energy recycling installment).At present several hundreds Hazemag impact type breakers have been used in the limestone and other mines. In which majority breakers productivity has all surpassed for 500.American Hewitt-Robins Corporation is producing the double rolls type and three rolls type breaker, the impact type breaker and the hammer type breaker. The double rolls type breaker is used in the process load big work, its productivity surpasses for 810, this machine has used the hydraulic pressure crushing roller installment, and the over-load protection spring and the oak rubber tire drive type. This company produces 24 inches48 inches three rolls both sides coal washing used the breaker, and has the small crushing roller hydraulic unit and the belt pulley drive. Productivity (stave product granularity is when 2 inches) may amount to for 320 .The Hewitt-Robins impact type breaker is one kind of high efficiency, big the reduction ratio impact type breaker. Its specification respectively is 36 inches54 inches and 48 inches66 inches. This machine productivity is decided by the riddle through whole size. When the riddle clear size of opening is 3.5 inches, its productivity may amount to for 900.This company also makes two kinds of specifications the hammer type breakers, namely: 36 inches 32 inches and 48 inches32 inches, its riddle lattice bar and the spacing all are adjustable. This kind of hammer type breaker productivity may amount to for 190, the rotation is 1350. But the special high speed large-scale hammer type breaker rotation is 1800.West German KHD Humboldt Wedge AG Corporation makes many kinds of the impact type breakers. The PEG impact type breaker is used for the thick garrulous as like limestone, the gypsum and so on mineral. This machine has 9 kinds of specifications, and its productivity may up to 1650, may amount to 1.6 for the material granularity, the product granularity is 015. This company makes the PEF impact type breaker is very small for the material granularity, may amount to 0.75, and the product granularity is 044. This company also made the PEK impact type breaker used in the pulverized coal work, and some 10 specifications, biggest productivity amounted to for 2000, amounted to 0.75 for the material granularity. KHD Corporation makes the WB25 double rolls breaker, is suitable for the stave medium degree of hardness material. This machine is loaded with the double crank which connects with the rack (wrist plate) to install, thus has guaranteed the stave strength reasonable distribution. This kind of breaker diameter is 1.25, the width is 3, can break the medium degree of hardness material, it gives the material granularity is 250, the product granularity is 75, productivity is 2223. The breaker riddle gap may through the mechanical way adjustment, and is loaded with the over-load protection.Soviet Machinoexport Corporation produces the impact type breaker, is used for the stave medium degree of hardness the wear-resisting ore. This kind of breaker needs the actuation power is small, but the reduction ratio is big. This company also makes many kinds of pattern rotor type breaker which is used in thick garrulous, garrulous and broken bits, having SMD-85A and SMD-86A; SMD-75 and the SMD-94A. These two kinds of rotor type breakers are both the single rotor breaker. The hydraulic unit is the material and when the stave cavity jamming which is used for to release cannot break carries on the unloading.The DDZW-1512 double pin rolls breaker is made by the company is used in the stave intensity reaching as high as 200 mega bars materials, and its stave productivity is 50150. The pin roll may be the obtuse edge or is the gentle centrums; the obtuse edge pin roll gives the material granularity to be big. This machine is loaded with the gap adjusting device and the roll abounds elasticity protective device.American Mclanahan Corporation has produced the standard type recently, medium and the extra large type two sections and three roller s breaker.A two sections of three rollers stave function replaces the stave work which two independent breakers can complete. This kind of breaker may break the raw coal or other materials down to 15. This company makes the single roll breaker which is used for the stave rock, the ore, the crushed stone, the coal and the hard oil shale is especially effective. For coherency high or humidity big material, its product fineness compared with impact type breaker product granularity must be thinner. Under the standard speed, the crushing roller of the two sections and three rollers breaker, of which productivity is 75600.This company makes the Mclanahan revolving coal breaker, which is loaded with the drill hole lamina crib Rosa, using in the stave apple coal hungry medium degree of hardness the coal, and the productivity is extremely big. This machine characteristic is the driving gear and the tube bodies have the extremely precise concentricity. Tube in vivo is loaded with the wear-resisting backing, and the tube body both sides give the material reason and the ex-dinning reason for the non resistance. This function simultaneously completes breaks and sieves two parts in a revolution work.American Mcnally Pittsburg Corporation makes the stave lump coal specially the coal breaker “Geomantic” the double rolls breaker, the heavy double rolls breaker, the revolving breaker, two sections of four roller Geomantic breaker and the single roll breaker. The Geomantic breaker unique feature is: Using tensile strength very high gear which Mcnally Corporation develops, for dustproof has used the good packing assembly. When the breaker moves, can change the position of the action roller to adjust the product the granularity. This company makes two sections of four rollers breaker is made by two double rolls breaker assembly.Luxembourg Mecan-Arbed Corporation makes the large-scale Abed pin roll breaker, used in thick garrulous or the garrulous work, stave brittleness or hard material (also moisture content big and coherent high material).This company makes the pin roll breaker together with 13 kinds of specifications. The smallest pin roll breaker, of which actuation power is 237, and its productivity is 150200, the product granularity is 50. The actuation power of the largest-scale pin roll breaker is 2600, and productivity is 24003000, and the product granularity is 300400.The Mammoth breaker made by the West German QK Corporation is one kind of single rotor hammer type breaker, and is suitable in the single roll thick garrulous hardly to the hard limestone and cement raw material. This kind of breaker altogether has 12 kinds of specifications: For the material granularity is 025, the actuation power is 1003500. The Titan breaker made by this company, can break the material is similar to the Mammoth breaker, but gives the material granularity is 12002300, and productivity is 2201200, and the actuation power is 21702900.This company makes impact type breaker has 18 kinds of specifications. Giving the material granularity is most greatly 4001600, and productivity is 201800, and the stave product granularity is 0150, and the actuation power is 222000.The HBK hammer type breaker made by this company mainly is used in the crushed stone which the stave road building project needs (hardly to hard).QK Corporation makes the garrulous hammer type breaker have 10 kinds of specifications, using in stave as the ha


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