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新概念一册90-120课测试题得分姓名一. 单项选择1. Is this car ?A. yourB. yoursC. himD.you2. These booksto_him. They are mine.A. isn belongB. doesn belong C. aren belongD.do nbel ong3. -Let me this letter for you.-Thank you very much,A. typeB. typesC. typingD.typed.4. What is your mother doing?-She _a_meal in the kitche n.A. cookB. cooksC. cookingD. iscook ing5. Youd better _home now, or your mother will be angry.A. goingB. to goC. went D. go6. I m sure that you need _X-ray, Lucy.A. /B. anC. the.D. a7. My mother says that sheback tomorrow.A. came B. will comeC. comes D. has come8. Jimmy doesnsay very much, ?A. does heB. doesn he C. is he D. isn he9. Whatdoes he say ?A. otherB. elseC. ano therD.the other10. Speak up , Penny. Im afraid I can _you.A. liste nB. hearC.seeD. look11. The questi ons were too difficult me.A. toB. forC. atD. on12. Cheer up! Perhaps we did ndo too _.A. badB. badlyC. good D. well.13. Here is a little prese ntyou.A. toB. forC. asD. ofaga in.14. This letter full of mistakes. I want youit_A. typingB. typeC. typedD. totype15. Short skirts arefashi on now.A. onB. atC. offD. in16. The blue dress is tha n the gree n one.C. more prettierA. prettierB. more prettyD.themost pretty.17. Jack is _of_the three.A. tallB. tallerC. more tallerD.the tallest.18. -would you like_this_dress ?OKC. triedD.C. someD.A. to tryB. tryi ngfor tryi ng19. -Shall I makecoffee_,Ja neThat a good idea.A. anyB. fewmany20. Whe n you ask your friend that if she want some tea , youcan say ?A. Shall I make some tea for you ?B. would youlike some tea ?C. Do you want any teaD. ABC二. 阅读理解My n ame is Billy . Im a boy . I am eleve n . Im in Chi nanow . My father isa doctor and my mother is a teacher . I likeChinese food , but my parents dont. They like bread . I have a nice room . There s a bed , a desk and a chair in it . There remany books on the desk . I like books . I often read books in the evening .D. A,B)1. Billy isA. a boy B. eleven C.in Chinaand C)2. Billys father isA. a teacher B. a doctor C. Chinese D.worker)3. Billy likesD.A. Chinese B. Chinese food C. breadEnglish( )4. Billy has aroom .A. nice B. big C. small D. good( )5. Billy often reads booksA. at home B. after class C. in the evening D.at schooHello, I m Liu Ying. I m a student. There are five people in myfamily. They are myparents, my brother Liu Tao, mysister Liu Hong, and I. My father and mother are all doctors. On Saturdays and Sundays they are free, then we often go to the park with our little dog Bobby. My father like swimming, but my mother can t. My mother can play table tennis. I can play the table tennis, too, Sometimes we play it at Blue Apple Sports Hall. Mybrother likes playing football very much. I dont like football. My sister Liu Hong is 4. But she can play football, swim, play table tennis, play the violin. And she likes eating and drinking very much, ha ha!( ) 1. Liu Yings parents work in the hospital.( ) 2. Liu Ying has two brothers.( ) 3. Theres a dog in Liu Yings home.( ) 4. Liu Ying and Liu Tao like playing football( ) 5. Liu Yings mother can t swimming.CThere is a small shop in our school. It sellsa lot of things. From the shop we can buy someschool things, like pencils, ball pens, rulers, pencil boxes and exercise books. Wecan aslo buy somefood and drink, like apples, pears, bananas, milk, oranges and cakes. The things in this shop aren t dear.They are cheap.The students like going there to buy some school things, and sometimes they go there to have a drink. The shop assistantsthere are friendly. We like them and they like us, too.( ) 1. Whats in our school?A. A cinema. B. A big shop. C. A small shop.( ) 2. From the shop we cantbuy any .A. PensB. Toy cars C. Oranges( ) 3. The things in the shop are .A. dear B. nice C. cheap( ) 4. We like the shop.A. dontB. all C. cant( ) 5. Where is the small shop?A. In our school. B. Behind our school. C. Near our school.三、选词填空。1. He has never to Netherland.(been/gone)2. To you the truth, I havent finished the work yet.(say/ tell)3. The dentist a look at Mr. Croft s teeth. (looked/ had)4. A car hit 撞 my bicycle. Can you it for me? (repair/ try)6. Can I have aticket to Paris, please? (return/ go)7. The trainfor Rome leaves from Six.(station/platform)8. Do you want to the next train? You must hurry! (miss/catch)9. There isn un der the chair.(somethi ng/a ny thi ng)10. When does the next trainfor Bristol? (live/ leave)四、根据括号里的动词的适当形式填空1. My uncle(be) in this city for many years.2. She(not play) football these days.3. How longyou uncle(live) in Beiji ng?3. Why not(go) to the park with me tomorrow?4. Look! The children(play) in the park.5. Yesterday I(go) to(see) a film.6. Mymother asked me(help) her(clean) theroom.We(talk) a lot.We(be) very happy.五、英汉互译1. return ticket 2.had better3.stand up 4. 太不能5. full of mistakes 6.继续睡7. 流行 8.9.寻找10.六、词形转换A、写出下列单词的复数形式1.ma n 2. knife 3.dress与一样好立刻,马上,立即4.thief 5boxB、写出以下不规则动词的过去式1.eat2.go3.be5.do6.see7.swim9.hear10.get11.tell13.have14.meet15.buy过去分词。e8eave12.make16.speak欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议, 策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求


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