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教学设计(教案)基本信息学 科英语年 级四年级教学形式教 师何陆敏单 位Zhuantang Primary School课题名称Long vowels学情分析n 教学内容:巩固元音字母a, e, i, o, u的两种发音,以及五个元音字母发字母名称音的规律:1. 以不发音-e结尾的单音节词(the word ended with silent -e): a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, e-e;2. 以单个元音组成的开音节单音节词(Lonely vowels at the end of the word): -e, -o。n 学生情况说明:本教学设计适合四年级学生。四年级的学生通过对三年级上册Letters and sounds和三年级下册Lets spell的学习,已经对字母名称和字母音,以及元音字母的短元音有了较多的感知和认识,并形成初步的拼读能力;学生进而通过本册前五个单元Lets spell版块的学习,对a, e, i, o, u的长元音发音的规律也有了初步的认识。本课旨在引导学生对不发音的-e结尾的单音节词以及-e结尾的开音节进行总结,并结合五个元音字母的短元音发音帮助学生融汇贯通。针对四年级学生思维活跃、积极参与、求知欲强的特点,教师应设计各种高效有趣的任务型活动,尽可能多地为学生搭建尝试的平台,同时也要注重引导学生在学习中学会不断地总结和发现,在体验拼读乐趣和成就感的同时学会发现规律,让自己的学习更加轻松。教学目标【知识目标】熟练掌握五个元音字母的短元音发音;能够掌握五个长元音的正确发音,以及两项比较明显的发音规律并能在具体例词中运用所学的拼读规则进行正确发音:不发音的-e结尾的词,前面的元音字母读其字母名称音(a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, e-e);包含单独元音并且以该元音结尾的词中的元音读其字母名称音(-e, -o);能够正确、流畅地念诵本课时的歌谣。【能力目标】能够在感知中总结并发现规律;能综合运用所学的拼读知识进行单词拼读。【情感目标及学习策略】引导学生乐于尝试,并在学习中学会不断地总结和发现,在体验拼读乐趣和成就感的同时学会发现规律,让自己的学习更加轻松。教学过程教学结构教师指导学生学习设计说明Step 1Warm upand revision1. Free talk.T: Peek a boo. Whos it?T: A says.( sticks five vowels on the board)2. Review the letters names and sounds.T: Lets chant with “Sounds Factory” and stick the letters on the board.E.g. T: Who can find /b/, /b/, /b/? Stick it on the board, please.S: Its A.S: /.Tell the following letters names and sounds: a, / e, /e/, i, /i/, o, /, u, /.Chant with “Sounds Factory”and try to get the chance to stick the right letter on the board. S sticks letter b on the board.通过轻松的聊天式互动帮助孩子们回忆五个元音字母的名称和字母音。该环节用一首节奏感极强的“Sounds Factory”让孩子们轻松地回顾字母名称和发音,学生通过听和念,在黑板中贴出所听到的字母,从而帮助学生将字母的音和形结合。为本课的大综合作充分铺垫。Step 2Presentationand practice1. Listen and stickT: Wow. You did a great job in sounds factory. Can you do a good job in words factory? T: Make the word: /i/, /t/, it.(Present and practice the words, milk, cat, got, red, cut and cup in above way.) Pairwork: Speak and spell.T: Now, take out your letter cards. Take turns to tell a word and ask your desk mate to spell the word. (Give Ss modeling if they cant understand.)T: Lets listen to the chant and underline the word with short vowel, / , /e/, /i/, / or /. T: Now let read the words we underlined. T: Can you group them on the book? Lets try it.2. Make the word to match the picture T presents cak and a picture of cake on the screen. T: /k/ / / /k/ /kk/. Is that /kk/? Whats missing? E /e/ /e/. Shall we say /keike/. So when there is a silent e, the vowel a can say its name /ei/.T: Can you try these words?T presents lik, like, cut, cute, ros and rose on the screen.T presents a clip of Leap Frog about spelling of the single syllable word ended with silent -e.Group work: Try to spell. (Show the word list and a picture.)T: Now take your sheet of word list and the picture. Please try to spell the words on the sheet.T: Now read the words correctly and you can come and click the words, youll see the object you read to be coloured. T asks each of student in a group to read one word4. Listen and spell T presents a short song of Lonely vowels.T: Look. He, we, me, So, go, no, they all ended with only one vowel: -e and -o. So -e and -o can say its own name /i:/ /h/i:/, /hi:/, /w/i:/, /wi:/.(T points at the words and direct Ss to spell me, be, so, go and no.T: Can you read these words? Chant and group.T: Now lets read this chant together and try to underline the words with long vowels.T: Can you group these long vowels in the right group?T: Lets read and check.Ss are supposed to listen to the word and spell the word by sticking the letters on the board.S are supposed to stick letter i and letter t on the board.One S says a word and the other spells the word by using letter cards.Ss are suppose to listen to the chant and underline the words with short vowel, / , /e/, /i/, / or /. Ss: Cat, red, it, milk, got, cut and cup.Ss are supposed to group the words they underline on their text books.Ss: No. Its cake. -e.Ss are supposed to aware the silent e.S: /lik/.S: /laik/.S: /kt/.S: /kju:t/.S: /rs/.S: /rus/.Ss watch the clip and make sense of the rule: When a single syllable word ended with silent -e, the first vowel can say its name.Ss try to spell the words in groups.Each of student in a group is supposed to read one word, and is supposed to click the word on the screen if he or she spells a right word.Ss watch the flash of the song name Lonely vowels and try to make sense the rule: the single syllable word ended with single vowel and the vowel says its name.Ss: /m/i:/,/mi:/b/i:/, /bi:/s/ /u/, /su/, /g/ /u/, /gu/, /n/ /u/, /nu/Ss read the highlighted word in the chant together.Ss are supposed to chant with the record and underline the words with long vowels: /ei/, /i:/, /ai/, /u/ and /ju:/.Ss groups the words withlong vowels: /ei/, /i:/, /ai/, /u/ and /ju:/ in the right group. Ss read the words group by group.通过用字母磁性特组词的活动解决本课时的chant中所出现的短元音单音节词,同时帮助学生巩固了五个元音字母在单音节词中的短元音发音。在同桌说词拼词的互动活动中,学生的学习主动性和创造性被激发,促进学生熟练掌握五个元音字母在单音节词中短元音发音。第一遍听课本中的chant, 学生对此间的短元音单音节词耳熟能详,并通过归类让学生进一步感知其发音规律。通过在元音字母两种发音间的拼读和反复,进而引导学生关注单词中不发音的-e的作用并发现规律。通过形象生动的动画呈现形式帮助学生更进一步感知并形成改发音规律的认知。该拼读环节让学生在小组内先进行所以拼读规律的运用,再有小组成员到屏幕前读出并点击所读单词,既有利于学习比较慢的孩子跟进,也有利于激发学生的参与热情。通过一首滑稽形象的歌曲引发学生对该发音规律的思考,并进而延伸到运用。本课时的chant综合了元音在单音节词中的两种发音,特别是长元音的发音,所以在该课的设计中也多次被利用起来,引导学生关注,发现并运用拼读规则。 Step 3Consolidation and extension1. Chant and act. Group workT: Chant in your groups and try to chant beautifully. Show timeT: Now its your group show time.T asks several groups to present their chant and makes comment.Ss chant in their groups and try to chant beautifully.Ss are supposed to presents or watch the presentation of the chant.再次回归课本中的chant 帮助学生将本课设计到的规则进行融会贯通。除了课本中的chant,作业设计还融入了拓展的任务,为学生搭建自主拼读的练习平台。板书设计 Long Vowels Try to spell师生用字母磁性贴进行拼贴认读活动放置字母磁性贴a e i o ub c d f g h j k l m n o p q r s t v w x y z a-e cake i-e like -e we/he/me o-e rose -o go/no u-e cute 作业或预习2. Homework. Recite the chant on page 60 in the textbook. Try to read the sentences.自我评价设计亮点:1本节课非常注重对学生学习策略方面的指导,通过看相关动画视频、听相关歌曲动画、参与丰富的拼读活动等全方位的立体形式引导学生关注、发现并总结规律,进而运用规律。2语音教学过程中,再精巧的设计,都还是要给学生留足时间去进行拼读实践。所以从开始的复习环节到新知呈的现过程,学生都被给予了较多地拼读实践的机会,从而进一步帮助学生内化对元音字母两种发音规律的认知。本课的重点是五个元音字母长元音的发音,也就是读其字母名称音的发音,为了帮助学生更好地达到各项拼读规律的融会贯通,本课设计中体现从易到难,层层递进式地引领学生在一步步探索与发现五个元音字母在单音节词中的发音规律,并力求每个一个活动在紧密联系的同时调动学生的积极性与兴趣点。有待完善之处: 本节课从复习到呈现与操练环节,还是比较扎实的一环扣牢一环的带领学生进行口头操练。但是在拓展环节,考虑到时间关系,没有进行广度上的内容性延伸,只有一篇教材上的文本,没有拓展到故事性的篇章阅读。组长评议或同行评议(可选多人): 评议一单位: 姓名: 日期:


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