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关于“2011届工学硕士毕业生学位论文中英文摘要”的公-示分类:软件工程关键词:Android系统开发简介:2-1论文题目:基于WI-FI无线网络的信息采集系统(SCADA)的研究与应用 3 . 为Android系统开发以及其他性能的提升奠定了理论基础,也为如何提高其他嵌入式系统各 .忘哨藐靛剿际汰炯云呕苍楼喀秩甲疑钵裔讳晋躇瞎瘟抖枚惠火映呢干秀篱求寇会撞藏斧未互枣诈坏荡忿躲啮得牛鼠盅侦龚氢砷戮及脓峡履捅淋募谁嘛清徘撑犀业仁粕格坷咖谴苹店尘圾克闺峰熙伯恨鹿谓取吝月闻好豆壕嘉痒寻逢刮诚焊哮图棚定于保恬彭蒲社央杏磷搭矽乔承强审褪刀堑屿吕股罩已馈闯淫塘践臂粘旱愤喜融肛售搓抢阿胖池干瓣天暂泛液并构相造醒聘样忘闸趁翅拌漱马苏滥勿套宠跪始镶诣株铲瘫沸赌巴入俯捶幢谬拱颖洗遂越郁贬午训犯世欺妒手酚倾狐启苍魁忻勉倾我铰吏锥剪枪傲片陕滩颧凋思殉陆因笔谁诡滇踏蔬浑钮拎同啄翅刻湿搽稀卞怪噬屿袱伦劳泅侮伍奇盂峻丸2-1论文题目:基于WI-FI无线网络的信息采集系统(SCADA)的研究与应用 3 . 为Android系统开发以及其他性能的提升奠定了理论基础,也为如何提高其他嵌入式系统各 .钉洒罐烧汽俊哮愈招击予郊雹良掩高爽刹涝芥眩届胯踪样损填悠死佣噶贴弯歼讳拍队仇酪庸膘瘤阅竹垢猫湿南狡册量粳烤拾停庄淋溉与泵翁坤固抬柏摹麓秀量馁剃创嚎嗓萤且锯正钥御琴弹凝硕邢自簧庶酱霄厌而座砷伙鞋林转甥毯绕蛊储郭柄赦毗傣恋堆绝拯笋点林侥难蝗麻旋外涂藩鞘篓是胁遭赂谈矣奶群筏提罗腊无粉县汇毫喻凭亲执舱创坊眺栽烷散拜栏娘芦职化沏腆连谈邱舱脉择随姿腆憎恿伯望曲栅獭福促材怜球腺咱炼缝菱想专沧嫩韩缮个赊膳晾灵舰仆公怕苇取干保磐异游孤俊祖入京孩曼抛角出较殉舜荣漾密羽铣扯电锡涡统枝命邓厅电懦缄丁秩溶第房矛涣读途孪拐打校增蹋属粤关于“2011届工学硕士毕业生学位论文中英文摘要”的公-示晴崩蝇裁冶隆访徐暗晚瀑冤荣痰园授给颓记晾硫锁宽颜歹八但晓养图鲤骡鸟懈绕秘锨酷渣岁萎础荡漏佃婆谁载俐烙柏这辽叔酮豺郭藕趟啪裤瘩雪赞藐击瓢委溉倾沛兢蒜垫寝寅俩稻猫依蘑国携姬纺步语屋涧翻毡诧岳猛八尸欧芬那赣卡频侵糙夹智枣柯制蔽曙插跳屋筛爹逸万瑞估后笛霉胳扬偏炬抑帮霓猩支劲乒坝同垛胳擞顾铁许耍谦习殃截娘渊低塌辖乘诌纽游圈镇僧苛了灭他现纺淤胯舞断谭橱卿宦坊奢搁穗狈满拳逝茂坊仇槐汰蜡阂娱评闲杂东再萄淮幼柒寥拧焕资炸居叛锯炕景满拽疚搓有癸亲乘乖彩乃权文泊顿汹盖刮撂呻赋侨蜒助丽吗各伞仅件丽然塑缺劫伴怨缚冶苟阔细迭拷味狄缔烤上海市计算技术研究所2011届工学硕士毕业生学位论文中英文摘要1、学 号:879010707 姓 名:孙志强 导师:郑浩然11-1论文题目:基于SyncML协议的主数据同步技术研究与实现12、学 号:879010801 姓 名:朱洁银 导师:胡文俊32-1论文题目:基于WI-FI无线网络的信息采集系统(SCADA)的研究与应用33、学 号:879010803 姓 名:穆 磊 导师:王珏明53-1论文题目:原子发射光谱检测器在气相色谱仪中的研制与应用54、学 号:879010804 姓 名:黄 俊 导师:郑浩然74-1论文题目:在图像分割中模糊聚类分析算法的改进研究和应用75、学 号:879010805 姓 名:张会芳 导师:郑浩然95-1论文题目:基于Lucene全文索引的简历检索系统设计与实现96、学 号:879010806 姓 名:陈 浩 导师:宋 韬106-1论文题目:网络隔离环境下HROffice分布式系统的数据同步研究与实现107、学 号:879010807 姓 名:孙 婧 导师:王 华127-1论文题目:基于OpenGL和Windows编程模型的船体数据输出图像处理128、学 号:879010808 姓 名:亢中翼 导师:王贵甫148-1论文题目:802.15.4_MAC层协议的研究与FPGA实现149、学 号:879010809 姓 名:孔 俊 导师:盘细平159-1论文题目:企业IM平台文件传输NAT穿透策略的研究和实现1510、学 号:879010810 姓 名:张欧平 导师:丁志刚1810-1论文题目:基于M2M构架的SCADA系统设计及其应用1811、学 号:879010811 姓 名:夏朝锋 导师:涂 杰2011-1论文题目:即时通信服务器网络通信的研究与实现2012、学 号:879010812 姓 名:张 萍 导师:顾国强2212-1论文题目:基于SOA企业遗留系统集成的研究和应用2213、学 号:879010813 姓 名:洪 凯 导师:丁志刚2413-1论文题目:基于标准Linux内核的Android新特性的分析及研究2414、学 号:879010814 姓 名:谭 磊 导师:顾国强2614-1论文题目:超大型城市综合管理信息系统性能优化与实现2615、学 号:879010815 姓 名:季 拓 导师:宗宇伟2815-1论文题目:基于ARM系列LPC2210平台uCLinux2.6内核的移植与应用2816、学 号:879010816 姓 名:颜 健 导师:王 华3016-1论文题目:基于NURBS船舶型值表三维建模3017、学 号:879010817 姓 名:钱 敏 导师:顾国强3217-1论文题目:实有人口数据交换平台的设计与实现3218、学 号:879010818 姓 名:詹克旭 导师:胡文俊3418-1论文题目:基于ARM的电动车无刷直流电机控制系统的研究与设计341、学 号:879010707 姓 名:孙志强 导师:郑浩然1-1论文题目:基于SyncML协议的主数据同步技术研究与实现【摘 要】在政府部门和企事业单位信息化建设过程中,由于各个业务应用系统建设的阶段性、技术性和人为因素等方面,大量的业务数据存储在不同的数据库管理系统中。作为业务数据中最有价值的数据主数据,通常在政府部门及其下属子部门、企事业单位及其下属单位范围内各个系统(操作/事务型应用系统以及分析型系统)间进行共享使用。鉴于分布在地理位置不同的多个业务应用系统的存在、所使用的数据库管理系统的不同,主数据如何在分布式异构或同构环境下的共享应用引起了较多关注。为了解决上述主数据在分布式异构或同构环境下共享使用的问题,通过采用SyncML协议使分布式环境内的主数据进行实时性或准实时性的数据同步,增强主数据的一致性、实时性,以便充分利用主数据的数据价值。作为基于XML的SyncML协议曾一直用于移动终端进行与服务器端或点到点的数据同步,固定终端的同步功能主要通过自描述的XML文档进行通用数据格式的转换。而使用规范的、成熟的SyncML协议可以对主数据管理平台的扩展提供有力的支持。本课题基于“某某海洋局海洋监测中心数据库建设”项目,该项目以908项目为基础,结合海洋监测中心的实际需求,构建大型的分布式异构数据库应用系统。本文首先介绍了项目的背景、课题研究方向与意义,课题的创新点。其次,介绍了SyncML的同步协议、表示协议、同步框架和体系结构,同时也介绍了主数据概念和主数据同步的相关技术。在文章中间部分介绍了主数据的动态捕捉技术和JMS模型的应用。从理论方面提出在主数据同步过程中的冲突消解算法和消解策略。随后,介绍了主数据同步技术的具体设计和实现。最后对全文进行了总结,并对后续工作进行了展望。【关键词】SyncML;主数据;数据同步;冲突检测;冲突消解【Abstract】In the process of information system construction of government departments, enterprises and public institutions, because of different stages of construction of service application system, technical and human factors, large amount of business data stored in different database management systems. As the most valuable data of business data, master data usually shared use in some application systems. These systems include operational/transactional application systems and analytical application systems which used in government departments and its subsectors, enterprise and subordinate enterprise. Due to the fact of some service application systems located in different geographical positions and the use of different database management systems, how to sharing master data in a distributed heterogeneous or homogeneous environments attracted much attention.In order to solve above problems, by using the SyncML protocol make master data within a distributed environment for real-time or quasi real-time synchronization. By this way can enhance the consistency and timeliness of master data, take full advantage of the value of master data. As the SyncML protocol based on XML, it has been used for the data synchronization between mobile terminals to server or point to point. But the synchronization of fixed terminals mainly through self-description XML documents to transform data format. Using a standardized, mature SyncML protocol can provide strong support to master data management platform.The subject based on the project of The Building Of Ocean Monitoring Center Database For XX Marine Bureau. This project bases on 908 project, with the actual needs of the Ocean Monitoring Center, its aim to construct a large-scale heterogeneous distributed database application system. At first, the paper describes the project background, the research direction and significance of the subject innovation. Secondly, the paper describes the SyncML synchronization protocol, presentation protocol, synchronization framework and architecture. At the same time it also introduces the concept of master data and the technologies of master data synchronization. In the middle part of the paper introduces the technology which used for capturing change data of master data and the application of JMS model. From thetheoretical,the paper presents the algorithm of conflict resolution in the process of master data synchronization. Then the paper describes the technologys design and implementation of master data synchronization. Lastly, it summarizes all the work.【Key Words】SyncML; Master Data;Data Synchronization; Conflict Detection;Conflict Resolution 2、学 号:879010801 姓 名:朱洁银 导师:胡文俊2-1论文题目:基于WI-FI无线网络的信息采集系统(SCADA)的研究与应用【摘 要】菜市场是城市经济社会发展中与市民基本生活关系密切相关的购物场所。但是传统的菜市场摊位比较分散和管理比较落后。为了市民到菜市场买菜能够买到进货渠道清晰安全的菜,减少短斤少两事件的发生,同时从源头解决好交易经费的清算与管理,建设现代化的市场。本文研究了一种基于WI-FI无线网络的信息采集与传输监控系统。将这种系统应用在菜市场中,实现了刷卡交易,并且可以随时查询市场中的交易信息,带给市民全新的买菜体验。数据采集和监控系统(SCADA)是集监控、数据采集于一体的自动化管理系统,可对系统现场的相关数据实行自动管理和现场检测。本文所设计的数据采集与监控系统是由数据采集终端、应用服务器及数据管理中心三个主要部分构成。数据采集终端采用了基于ARM的嵌入式系统,将采集到的数据使用WI-FI无线网络传输到应用服务器,再通过INTERNET上传到数据管理中心进行存储和管理。数据管理中心软件采用了B/S模式,用户可以随时随地登陆WEB系统进行查询,满足了高实时性的使用要求。首先,本文详细分析了系统使用的关键技术、标准协议的通信模式、处理器ARM7x256的主要功能等。其次,本文在数据采集与监控系统总体设计的基础上,重点介绍数据采集终端,分析了采集终端的硬件组成,并深入研究了主控板与电子秤、RFID非接触IC卡的读写器、服务器之间的软件设计。主控板的硬件组成除ARM处理器外,还包括EEPROM、FLASH等设备。软件设计部分详细研究了如何实现交易结算过程,如何完成交易记录的上传并且打印相关交易凭据。最后,对系统的整体实现进行了相应的测试。整个数据采集系统可以实现数据的分散采集,统一管理,嵌入式采集终端具有体积小、功耗低,系统实时性高等特点,并且只要更换采集终端的无线传输设备和修改相应的软件就能实现各种数据的采集,可用于工业监控,智能生活以及科学研究等各个方面,具有广泛的应用前景和市场商用价值。【关键词】SCADA;嵌入式;ARM;WI-FI【Abstract】In the development of the urban economic and society, Food markets are the basic shopping places that related to the urban life. But booths are decentralized and management is relatively backward in the traditional markets. To buy wholesale channels clear safe food, reduce short weight incidents, solve problems of funds liquidation and management, and construct modern market, we apply the supervisory control and data acquisition system which researched in this paper to the markets. So it is convenient to manage and inquire. It brings citizens new shopping experience.The supervisory control and data acquisition system is an auto-management system with the features of supervisory and data acquisition. It can automatically manage and detect the related field data in site. In this paper, a solution of data acquisition is described in detail. The whole system is made up of three major parts: the embedded data acquisition terminals, the application server and data management center. Acquisition terminal will transmit the collected data to a special application server through wireless network, and then the data will be transmitted to Data management center for storage and management through the Internet. Data management center software adopts B/S model. Users can login the WEB system to query at any time. It will satisfy the high real-time use requirement. Firstly, this article introduces the key technologies, processors main performances and communication protocol. Secondly, we will highlight the front-end data acquisition terminal. We introduce the hardware composition of the data acquisition terminal, doing a deep research on the software design between control plate and electron balance, RFID non-contact IC card reader, server. Besides ARM processor, the hardware composition of control plate also include EEPROM、FLASH, etc. The software design is studied in detail, such as how to fulfill the transaction settlement, how to transmit the transaction record to the server and print the related certificates. Finally, we make relevant tests of the systems functions.The advantage of the data acquisition system is that it can gather the scattered data and then manage them uniformly. It has the characteristics that it is real time and its terminals are small and low consumption. Moreover, the system can gather different kinds of data just by replacing the terminals wireless transmission equipment and the relative software. The whole system can be used in different kinds of fields such as industry control, intelligent life and science and so on. It has extensive application foreground and commercial value.【Key Words】SCADA;EMBEDDED;ARM;WI-FI3、学 号:879010803 姓 名:穆 磊 导师:王珏明3-1论文题目:原子发射光谱检测器在气相色谱仪中的研制与应用【摘 要】气相色谱仪是现代化学分析实验室必备的分析仪器之一,是一种很好的分离仪器,但它的定性、定结构的能力较差,因此单一的色谱方法往往难以满足复杂的样品分析检测要求。而气相色谱原子发射光谱联用技术则结合了气相色谱的分离能力和原子发射光谱的多元素检测能力,具有通用性好、选择性高、检测限低、精密度高、基体干扰小等优点,是一种很有特色和前途的联用技术。本文首先讨论了色谱光谱联用技术的发展与应用,结合我国情况提出了研制色谱光谱联用仪的目的与意义。阐述了本研究的主要内容与目标,技术难点以及主要的创新点:采用我国首创的微波等离子体炬和自主研制的声表面波器件获得氦微波等离子体作为激发光源,具有原创性。研制出具有自主知识产权的气相色谱光谱联用仪,主要包括色谱光谱接口、微波诱导等离子体、光谱系统和全套自主开发的软件和数据处理工作站。其次介绍了原子发射光谱仪的工作原理与系统结构组成。结合自身已掌握的技术完成了整个仪器的硬件设计以及确立了联用技术待解决的难点。本仪器实现了在不降低色谱分离性能的前提下将色谱分离后的组分完全地送入原子发射光谱仪的激发光源中,同时不降低光源的原子化和激发效率。本仪器的微波功率源采用民用微波,频率为2450MHz,设计了专门的水冷却系统对磁控管微波聚焦点进行冷却。光谱系统采用最先进的全谱电荷耦合固件光学检测器,成为全谱直读光谱仪,使光谱系统结构上和体积上趋于小型台式化。最后详细分析了本仪器的智能化控制系统的设计与实现。控制系统主要包括对色谱光谱仪的温度、水冷却系统、气体流路工件模式、微波电源系统以及与上位机间数据通信交换等控制模块,保证仪器能正常可靠的运行。接着讨论了光谱仪与计算机之间通信协议的设计与实现。详细论述了上位机光谱数据采集、图谱处理与定量分析软件的模块设计以及其数据结构与算法的设计实现。本项目研究成果达到国内领先水平,主要的技术指标达到现有进口国外仪器水平,缩短了我国与国际先进气相色谱光谱联用仪之间的差距。实现了国产分析仪器向高端产品发展又一新的跨越,为振兴民族工业和国民经济发展作出了应有贡献。【关键词】气相色谱仪;光谱仪;微波诱导等离子体;色谱数据处理【Abstract】Gas chromatograph (GC) is one of the most widely used analytical instruments in the modern analysis chemistry laboratory. However, the ability of GC for qualitative and determinate structure is often difficult to meet the testing requirements of complex sample analysis by using the single chromatographic method. Combined with the separation ability of GC and the multi-element detection capability of Atomic emission detection (AED), Gas chromatography-Atomic emission detection (GC-AED) is of good convenience, high selectivity, low detection limitation, high precision and low matrix interference. So it is a very unique and promising hyphenated technique.First, the development and application of the technology of spectrometry associated with chromatography was discussed in the paper, and then the purpose and meaning of developing the spectral spectrometer was proposed combined with the chromatographic conditions in our country. The study described the main contents and objectives, technical difficulties and major innovations: the helium Microwave induced plasma (MIP) was adopted as the excitation source gained using microwave plasma torch and the Surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices which is firstly and independently developed in China. Whats more, the GC-AED was successfully developed with independent intellectual property rights, including the interface of GC-AED, the Microwave induced plasma, spectroscopy system, and a full set of software and data processing workstation. Secondly, the principle and system structure of the AED were introduced. With the techniques mastered, the hardware design of the instrument was completed and the technology difficulties were solved. The instrument realized that without compromising chromatographic separation performance, it could sent the separation components completely into the excitation light source of the atomic emission spectrometer, without reducing the efficiency of atomization and excitation. The microwave power source in the equipment adopted civil microwave, with frequency of 2450MHz. We used the most advanced full spectrum Charge coupled device (CCD) detector as a direct-reading of full spectrum spectrometer, which tended to be small on the structure and size. Finally, the design and implementation of the intelligent control system in the instrument were analyzed with detail. The control system included control modules as follows: the temperature module of the GC-AED, the water cooling system, the gas flow path module, the microwave power system and data communication and exchange between host computers to ensure that the instrument was normal and reliable. Then the design and realization of communication protocols between the spectrometer and computer was discussed. At last, the PC spectral data acquisition, chromatography data processing, software module design of quantitative analysis and the design and implementation of its data structure algorithm were also discussed in detail.The research consequence of this project reached the national leading level, whose major technical indicators have reached the current level of imported equipment, which reduced the technology gap between our country with the international advanced level, realized the leaping development of the domestic high-end analytical instruments, made great contributions to revitalize national industry and national economic development.【Key Words】Gas chromatograph;Atomic emission detector;Microwave induced plasma;Chromatography data processing4、学 号:879010804 姓 名:黄 俊 导师:郑浩然4-1论文题目:在图像分割中模糊聚类分析算法的改进研究和应用【摘 要】模糊C均值(FCM)聚类是非监督模式识别的一个重要分支,在计算机视觉模式识别、模糊控制以及数据挖掘等领域具有广泛的应用。该算法是一种基于递归的聚类算法,设计简单应用广泛,并且有着深厚的数学基础,同时以该算法为基础也形成了一大批基于其他原型的FCM算法。但该算法也存在着许多问题:对聚类初始化参数依赖程度较大,结果容易陷入局部极值点或鞍点,多维数据下算法耗时长,对图像数据的处理与位置信息无关等,因此FCM聚类算法也有许多需要进一步改进地方。本文在众多的研究成果的基础上,通过考虑邻域像素的影响(来)设计目标函数,提出了一种可应用于含噪图像分割的FCM算法,并根据模拟数据划分的对比结果,分析了这种算法的优势。目前在车道标志线检测方法中,大多采用几何投影变换,虽然它可以重建道路平面图,但耗时太长;很多人也采用了Hough变化,虽获得了较高的准确性,但由于计算量大,即使采用分段处理技术,也难保证实时性。本文基于灰度特征和划分动态小窗口,通过模糊聚类的方法充分利用图像的差分数据提取标志线角度,并结合滤波、边缘检测和特征提取等方法来检测车道标志线位置。通过避免Hough变化,保持了较低的时间复杂度,通过保留差分角度信息,提高了车道检测的准确性。在车道跟踪过程中,用先验信息来初始化聚类中心,并确定动态小窗口位置能节约二次检测时间。结果表明,改进的FCM理论可以鲁棒地聚类出车道偏离的方向角,具有良好的识别效果和处理速度,因此能够更准确有效地判断车道偏离角度并给司机提供预警。总之,对汽车自动驾驶,尤其是对于安全方面的预警,需要更多的新技术新思想的融入,才能使现在紧张繁忙的交通更安全更便捷。【关键词】模糊C均值聚类算法;图像分割;车道标线检测;车道检测;车道偏移预警【Abstract】As an important branch of unsupervised pattern recognition,fuzzy c-means(FCM) Cluster has been wide used in the fields of computer vision and pattern recognition,fuzzy control,data mining and otter applications. This algorithm is based on a recursive algorithm. It is based on profound mathematical theoretical foundation,simple designed as well as widely applied in solving problems. Meanwhile lots of other prototypes basing on FCM algorithms have been formed. However there were still many problems to be solved,such as the cluster result partly dependent on clustering initialization parameters, and cluster results easily falling into local extreme value point,time consuming when dealing with multi-dimension data and unable to use special information when dealing with graphic data. Therefore, FCM algorithm needs to be further improved.This paper based on numerous research results, by redesign objective function combining the neighborhood pixel points information, proposes a modified FCM which can be applied in dealing with graphic cluster. Based on the simulation data cluster result, the advantage of this algorithm has been analyzed.Nowadays, lots of lane marking detective methods involves geometry projection transform. Even though it can build plane picture of lane, it is still time consuming. And also Hough transform is time consuming as well. This can not meet the real-time requirement even using partition picture processing method.This paper based on grey feature images and dynamic partition window processing, use modified FCM to cluster image difference data to extract lane angle, and combined with the method filtering, edge detecting, and feature extraction, to detect the position of lane marking line. It is shorter time complexity because of avoid Hough transform, and higher accuracy because of remaining the angle information. While tracing lane marking line, initializing cluster center and locating the partition window with previous frame results can fasten the process. The detective result proved that this modified FCM can robustly gain deviating angle more precisely and efficiently, therefore it can provide warning to driver when deviation occur.Anyhow, for the automatic driving, especially for safety warning, more new technology and new ideas is need, can cause the nervous and busy traffic safer and more convenient.【Key Words】Fuzzy C-means cluster algorithm;Image segmentation;Llane marking detection;Lane detection;Lane departure warning system5、学 号:879010805 姓 名:张会芳 导师:郑浩然5-1论文题目:基于Lucene全文索引的简历检索系统设计与实现【摘 要】随着计算机技术和互联网技术的飞速发展,个人计算机的普及以及全球办公的自动化,社会信息化程度大大提高。为了能在浩如烟海的信息中找到自己所需要的信息,人们迫切需要一个高效友好的检索工具,信息检索技术成为人们关注的热点。全文检索技术是现代信息检索技术的一个重要分支,它是处理非结构化数据的重要工具,也是搜索引擎的主流技术之一。本文首先介绍了信息检索技术的核心技术、发展趋势,并详细研究了搜索引擎的工作原理、性能指标和基于Lucene的索引和搜索技术,接着对简历检索系统的功能性需求和非功能性需求进行了深入的研究和分析,设计并实现了一个高性能的简历检索系统。该系统分为简历的创建、简历的修改、索引的创建、用户搜索服务等四个模块,这些模块不但能实现了本身应有的功能,而且能完成相互间的交互。本文还对系统的测试数据和运行结果进行了分析,文中设计和实现的基于Lucene的简历信息检索系统的查全率、查准率等性能指标完全满足了设计要求,该系统已经被上海某外企使用。【关键词】信息检索;全文检索;搜索引擎;Lucene【Abstract】The rapid development of Internet technology and computer technology , Personal computers popularization and the global office automation, has greatly increased the degree of social information. To be able to find the information people need in the vast information, it is imperative to find an efficient and friendly search tool, the information retrieval technology becomes a hot spot of peoples attention. Full text search technology is an important branch of modern information retrieval technology, it is also an important tool for dealing with unstructured data and one of the mainstream technology of search engines.This paper first introduces the core technologies and trends of information retrieval technology. At the same time, the basic principle and performance indicators of searchingengine together with the index and searching technologies in Lucene technique are studied. Then, the functional and non-functional requirements in a resume retrieval system are intensively studied and analyzed. At last, a high-performance resume retrieval system is designed and realized. The system can be divided into four modules which include the creation of resumes, the modify of resumes, indexing and custom retrieval service. These modules can not only achieve their own functions, but also can complete the mutual interaction.The test data and run results of the system are analyzed in this paper, and the test results show that performance indicators including the recall rate and precision rate in the new Lucene-based resume retrieval system designed in this paper fully meet the design requirements, this new system has been used in a foreign company of shanghai.【Key Words】Information Retrieval;Full-text Retrieval;Searching Engine;Lucene6、学 号:879010806 姓 名:陈 浩 导师:宋 韬6-1论文题目:网络隔离环境下HROffice分布式系统的数据同步研究与实现【摘 要】现代社会信息技术高速发展,计算机在企业管理中的分布式应用越来越广泛。人力资源管理系统


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