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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上怎么会有人知道你的信用卡号码Howd someone get a hold of your credit card number?我也不知道 你看他们花了多少钱I have no idea. But Look how much they spent.莫妮卡 冷静点好吗Monica, would you calm down?信用卡部员说The credit card people said that你只须为你买的东西付款you only have to pay for the stuff that you bought.我知道 只是他们花钱如流水I know, its just such reckless spending.我想那小偷偷去你的信用卡时I think when someone steals your credit card早就忘了要小心谨慎吧.theyve kind of already thrown caution to the wind.真是个呆瓜 花了69.95元买神奇拖把Wow, what a geek. They spent $69. 95 on a Wonder Mop.我买的Thats me.讨厌 罗斯 他又这么干了Oh, yuck. Ross, hes doing it again.马塞尔 别再侵犯那盏灯了Marcel, stop humping the lamp.别蹭了 停下 马塞尔 过来 马塞尔Stop humping. Now, Marcel, come back, Come here, Marcel.不 别到我房里 我去抓他出来Oh, no. Not in my room. Ill get him.罗斯 你得想办法别让他发春了Ross. Youve got to do something about the humping.怎么了 这只是暂时的What? Its just a phase.我们当时也是这么说乔伊的Well, thats what we said about Joey.你们冷静点行吗 这又没什么大不了Would you all relax? Its not that big a deal.-马塞尔 停 坏猴子 -又怎么了- Marcel, stop it. Marcel. Bad monkey. - What?只能说 我的好奇乔治娃娃不再好奇了Lets just say my Curious George doll is no longer curious.莫妮卡 你不是还在纠结吧Monica, you are not still going over that thing.-这女人过着我的生活 -什么- This womans living my life. - What?她过着我的生活 而且过得比我好Shes living my life, and shes doing it better than me.看 她买的戏票是我一直想看的戏Look at this. Look. She buys tickets to plays I wanna see.她买衣服的那家店She, she buys clothes from stores我一直被售货员冷眼相待that Im intimidated by the sales people.她花了300块买艺术用品She spent $300 on art supplies.你又不是艺术家Youre not an artist.要是有这些 我或许已是艺术家了I might be if I had the supplies.我本可以过这样的生活 我却没有I mean, I could do all this stuff. Only I dont.莫妮卡 别泄气 你活得很精彩Oh, Monica, come on. You do cool things.真的吗 那我们来比一比好吗Really? Lets compare, shall we?现在说好吗太晚了吧Oh, its so late for shall we.我到过公园骑马吗Do I horseback ride in the park?-我在新学校上过课吗 -没有- Do I take classes at the New School? - No.太不公平了 她拥有我想要的一切This is so unfair! Shes got everything I want,而且她没有我那样的妈and she doesnt have my mother.乔伊帕波尼如何How about Joey Paponi?不好 还是太民族了No, still too ethnic.我的经纪人认为我该取个中立点的名字My agent thinks I should have a name thats more neutral.乔伊瑞士如何Joey Switzerland?an3fs16bord0fn微软雅黑fad(0,0)b0pos(374,247)瑞士是著名中立国还有 我觉得自己应该叫乔Plus, you know, I think it should be Joe.乔伊让我感觉.像个小不点you know, Joey makes me sound like Im this bigan8joey有小动物的意思可我不是which Im not.乔 乔 乔斯大林如何Joe, Joe, Joe Stalin?斯大林 斯大林Stalin. Stalin.我听过这名字吗 听起来好熟悉Do I know that name? It sounds familiar.反正我没什么印象Well, it does not ring a bell with me.乔斯大林Joe Stalin.这名字太霸气了You know, thats pretty good.或许你愿意叫约瑟夫You might wanna try Joseph.约瑟夫斯大林Joseph Stalin.an3fs16bord0fn微软雅黑fad(0,0)b0pos(374,247)前苏联领导人-这名字多好记 -没错- I think youd remember that. - Yes.再见小鸟由约瑟夫斯大林主演Bye Bye Birdie, starring Joseph Stalin.约瑟夫斯大林参演屋顶上的提琴手Joseph Stalin is the Fiddler on the Roof.嗨 对 我是莫妮卡盖勒Hi. Yes, this is Monica Geller.我记得我有在你们那里上课I believe Im taking some classes with you,我想知道是哪些课and I was wondering what they were.-你在干什么 -好的 太棒了- What are you doing? - All right, great.太棒了 非常感谢 我要去上踢踏舞课Great. Thanks a lot. Im going to tap class.怎么 你要和偷你信用卡的女人What, what, so that you can dance with the woman一起跳踢踏吗that stole your credit card?这女人偷走了我的生活 This womans got my life.我得看看她长啥样I should get to see who she is.去邮局看啊 她的照片一定挂在墙上Go to the post office, Im sure her pictures up.莫妮卡 你知道吗 你有点失控了Okay, Monica, you know what, honey, youre kinda losing it here!你现在执着得有点诡异了I mean, this is really becoming like a weird obsession thing.这是疯狂 我跟你说 这叫做疯狂This is madness, its madness, I tell you.上帝保佑 莫妮卡 别这么做For the love of God, Monica, dont do it.谢谢Thank you.-你想什么呢 -百感交集- What do you think? - Lots of things.-你认为哪个是她 -有什么能效劳的吗- Which one do you think she is? - May I help you?不必了 谢谢 我们是来参观的No, thanks. Were just here to observe.舞蹈课怎么能参观 你们要来参与You dont observe a dance class. You dance a dance class.那儿有没人穿的舞鞋Spare shoes are over there.什么意思What does she mean?我想她是叫我们参与到舞蹈课中I think she means You dance a dance class.-来吧 来吧 来吧 -真的吗- Come on, come on, come on. - Really?有看见哪个人像我的分身吗Do you see anybody you think could be me?各位 上回有人在教室留下空酸奶瓶Last time there were yogurt containers lying around after class.-下不为例 -说不定是她- Lets not have that happen again. - She could be you.开始吧Lets get started.五 六 五六七八Five, six. Five, six, seven, eight.-我毫无头绪 -我完全融入- Okay, Im not getting this. - Im totally getting it.你可曾觉得Did you ever feel like sometimes自己有时候毫无协调感you are just so unbelievably uncoordinated?怎么了 他们踢你跟着踢就是了What? You just click when they click.好了 各位 每个人找个舞伴All right, people, now everyone grab a partner.我的亡母说就是你 我跟瑞秋All right. And my dead mother says you are it. Im with Rachel.这下好 体育课的旧事又重演了Great, its gym class all over again.没关系 你过来到前面和我一起跳Well thats all right, You can come up to the front and dance with me.我何不脱下衣服 来场恶梦Why dont I just take off my clothes and have a nightmare?没关系 没关系 我来了Its okay, its okay. Im here, Im here.抱歉我迟到了Im so sorry Im late.我来了 这个紧张的新人是谁Okay, here I am. So whos the new tense girl?-你的舞伴 -嗨 我叫莫妮卡- Shes your partner. - Hi, Im Monica.莫妮卡啊Oh, Monica.嗨 我叫莫.Hi, Im Mon-.娜娜 -莫娜娜- Nana. - Monana.-是荷兰语 -你在开玩笑吧- Its Dutch. - Youre kidding.我在阿姆斯特丹住了三年I spent three years in Amsterdam.我是德裔宾夕法尼亚州人Pennsylvania Dutch.开始吧 五六七八And were dancing. Five, six, seven, eight.嗨Hi.-你上哪儿去了 -我刚从兽医那回来- Hey. Where have you been? - I just got back from the vet.她没叫你戴那种塑料大圆锥吧Shes not gonna make you wear a big plastic cone, is she?她说马塞尔发情不是暂时的She says Marcels humping thing is not a phase.显然他已性成熟了Apparently, hes reached sexual maturity.哇 比你早哎Hey, he beat you.她说随着时间的推移She says, as time goes on,他会越来越暴力 侵略性越来越强hes gonna start getting agressive and violent.这代表什么So, what does this mean?我们不能再养他了I have to give him up.我真不敢相信 罗斯 这太扯了I cant believe it, Ross. This sucks.我不懂 你也就刚养他I dont get it, I mean, You just got him.他怎会突然成熟了How could he be an adult already?我知道 他曾经就是个小不点I know. One day hes this little thing.不知不觉中 这小不点抱住我大腿不撒手and before you know it, hes this little thing I cant get off my leg.你没什么办法继续养着他吗Isnt there any way to keep him?没有 兽医说除非有个地方No. The vet said that unless hes in a place.让他能通过正常渠道.where he has regular access.发展一些猴类之爱.to some monkey loving.否则他会越来越残暴. hes just gonna get vicious.我得将他送到动物园I just gotta get him into a zoo.-如何把一只猴送进动物园 -我知道- How do you get a monkey into a zoo? - I know that one.不 那是如何让教皇进入大众汽车No, thats popes into a Vokswagen.我们要多方申请Were applying to a lot of them.当然大型州立动物园是首选Our first choice would be one of the bigger state zoos.比方说圣地亚哥动物园You know, like San Diego. Right?那可能只是痴人说梦But that may just be a pipe dream.因为他都不在州内Because you know, hes out-of-state.兽医说她有迈阿密的朋友 这是条路My vet knows someone at Miami, so thats a possibility.但那离海滩只有两个街区 环境太嘈杂But thats two blocks from the beach. Its a total party zoo.-我们找到她了 找到偷卡女了 -什么- We found her, We found the girl. - What?你们报警了吗Did you call the cops?没 我们和她一起吃了午餐No, we took her to lunch.用你们的方式给她治了罪Oh, your own brand of vigilante justice.你疯了 那女人偷了你的东西Are you insane? This woman stole from you.她偷东西 她是个小偷She stole. Shes a stealer.和这女人相处十分钟后After youre with this woman for like 10 minutes,你就会把这些全忘了you forget all that.她真是个振奋人心的奇女子I mean, shes this astounding person with this amazing spirit.是啊 指不定从某位啦啦队员那偷来的Yeah! Which she probably stole from some cheerleader.-脱下他们的帽子 -教皇塞进大众车- Take off their hats. - Popes in a Vokswagen.an3fs16bord0fn微软雅黑fad(0,0)b0pos(374,247)笑话:教皇摘下高帽子才能坐进大众车我喜欢这个笑话I love that joke.不可能 你绝不会这么做No way. No way did you do this.莫娜娜相当勇敢Monana was very brave.太疯狂了 我们自称是615房的冈德森姐妹It was so wild. We told them we were the Gundersons in room 615.结果波士顿凯尔特人队已包下整个六楼.only to find out the Boston Celtics had the entire six floor.当他们发现我们个子矮矮So once they caught on to the fact that were,还是女人的那一刻you know, short and have breasts.就把我们撵出来了 我居然被撵出饭店哎They threw us out. I was thrown out of a hotel. Me.干得好 莫娜娜Go, Monana.不光你们过着梦想中的生活You ladies are not the only ones living the dream.我得去给陌生人倒咖啡了 不用等我I get to go pour coffee for people I dont know. Dont wait up.对了Oh, by the way.明天我们要去参加百老汇的面试.tomorrow were auditioning for a Broadway show.-什么 -猫剧还有一个缺额- Excuse me? - Theres an open call for Cats.我想我们可以去唱回忆Im thinking we go down there, sing Memories.an3fs16bord0fn微软雅黑fad(0,0)b0pos(374,247)剧中名曲让自己大出洋相 你意下如何.and make complete fools of ourselves. What do you say?不不不 记住你在跟谁说话呢No, no ,no. Remember who youre dealing with here.我不像你I mean, Im not like you.我连站在踢踏舞教室前排都不敢I cant even stand in front of a tap class.那可能是因为你的门诺教派背景Thats probably because of your Amish background.-什么 -你不是德裔宾夕法尼亚州人吗- What? - Youre Pennsylvania Dutch, right?对 直到我买了吹风机 就被驱逐了Right. Till I bought a blow dryer. Then I was shunned.an3fs16bord0fn微软雅黑fad(0,0)b0pos(374,247)门诺教派后人远离科技产品过着农业生活我过去也和你一样I used to be just like you.直到有一天 我看了部改变我人生的电影And then, one day, I saw a movie that changed my life.你看过死亡诗社吗Did you ever see Dead Poets Society?我认为这电影实在是太.无聊了I thought that movie was so incredibly boring.那孩子在电影的结尾自杀了I mean, that thing at the end where the kid kills himself只因他无法演出话剧because he cant be in the play?这是为了什么 不就是What was that? Its like,孩子 再忍一年离开家Kid, wait a year. Leave home,到社区话剧团去do some community theater.走出电影院时我想I walked out of there and I thought,花在这部烂片上的两个小时再也回不来了Now thats two hours of my life that Im never getting back.这想法震惊了我And that thought scared me从此便不再惧怕尝试任何事了more than all the other crap I was afraid to do.那我强烈建议你别看窈窕奶爸Wow. Then I would definitely not recommend Mrs. Doubtfire.an3fs16bord0fn微软雅黑fad(0,0)b0pos(374,247)与死亡诗社主演同为罗宾威廉姆斯上帝Oh, God.我们进不了斯克兰顿了We didnt get into Scranton.那是我们保底的动物园That was, like, our safety zoo.他们连狗和牛都收They take, like, dogs and cows.我真不明白 我和他谁更难受一点See, I dont know who this is harder on, me or him.我想那椅子首当其冲Id say that chairs taking the brunt of it.马塞尔 马塞尔 马塞尔 不要Marcel. Marcel. Marcel, no.乖宝 怎么会没人要他Good boy. See? How can nobody want him?一定会有人的Somebody will.你知道吗 早就有人叫乔瑟夫斯大林了You know, there already is a Joseph Stalin.开什么玩笑Youre kidding.显然他是个嗜血如命的俄国独裁者Apparently, he was this Russian dictator who slaughtered people.我还以为你考虑得挺周全呢Youd think you wouldve known that.那是你想错了Youd think I wouldve.菲比 你认为我该取什么艺名登台Phoebe. What do you think a good stage name for me would be?火焰男孩Flame Boy.你的动物园具体在哪Where exactly is your zoo?严格而言 不算是个动物园Well, its technically not a zoo, per se.更像是种互动式野外体验Its more of an interactive wildlife experience.-我想请教你几个关于马塞尔的问题 -好- Let me ask you some questions about, is it, uh, Marcel. - Yes.他会和其他动物打架吗Does he, uh, fight with other animals?不会的 他非常温驯No, no. Hes very docile.就算被逼进角落也不会吗Even if he were cornered?我不知道 干嘛这么问Well, I dont know. Why?他掌控小东西的能力如何How is he at handling small objects?他会拿香蕉 如果你是这意思的话He can hold a banana, if thats what you mean.锤子或小刀呢What about a hammer or a small blade?他为何需要小刀Why would he need a blade?如果他要对抗的是狸猫或有角的动物Well, if hes up against a jungle cat or an animal with horns,你总得给这小家伙武器防身.you got to give the little guy something.否则就太残忍了Otherwise, its just cruel.-他能去圣地亚哥了 -什么- He got into San Diego. - What?我们散步回来 听见电话铃响We came back from our walk. The phone was ringing.他被录取了Hes in.听见没 马塞尔 圣地亚哥要你了Did you hear that, Marcel? San Diego. San Diego.你大错特错了 圣地亚哥环境良好没错Youre making a big mistake here. San Diegos all well and good.但如果你把他交给我but if you give him to me,我能训练他对抗瞎眼的兔子Ill start him off against a blind rabbit .而且给你百分之二十门票收入.and give you 20% of the gate.你到底跑哪儿去了Where the hellve you been?我和莫妮卡刚混进了大使馆的派对Monica and I just crashed an embassy party.-你喝醉了吗 -才没有呢- Are you drunk? - No.-骗你的 我醉醺醺的 -天哪- Im lying. I am so drunk. - Oh, God.莫妮卡 你该打电话回来的Right, Monica, you know what? You couldve called.我一直在家里担心你 莫妮卡I have been up here, Ive been worried.Monica.好过瘾Water rules.没错 没错Yes. Yes, it does.餐厅今天又来电话了Okay, look, the restaurant called.他们想知道你还要不要去上班They wanna know if youre gonna be showing up for work.不 我今天要去纽约马戏团Nope. Going to the Big Apple Circus today.莫妮卡 你在干什么Okay Monica, what are you doing?你会丢了工作的 你不是这样的人Youre gonna lose your job. This is not you.不 这正是我No, it is me.我并不只是那种必须拍松枕头Im not just the person who needs to fluff the pillows.帐单一来立刻去缴款的人and pay the bills as soon as they come in!和她在一起 我就超越了那种人You know, when Im with her, Im so much more than that.我是莫娜娜Im Monana.喂 对 她在 等等Hello? Yes, she is. Hold on a second please.莫娜娜 你的电话 信用卡公司打来的Monana, its for you. The credit card people.你好Hello.是吗Yes?天呐Oh, my God.-谢谢 -怎么啦- Thanks. - What?他们逮到莫妮卡了Theyve arrested Monica.你好吗How are you?不太糟 幸好我喜欢蓝色Not too bad. Fortunately, blues my color.你怎会知道我在这儿How did you know I was here?因为我是莫妮卡盖勒Because Im Monica Geller.你用的是我的信用卡It was my credit card you were using.真是没想到That I was not expecting.我想让你知道 去报案的人不是我I want you to know, it wasnt me who turned you in.-谢谢你 -不 我要谢谢你- Thanks. - No, thank you.你教会我太多东西You have given me so much.如果不是你 我永远不可能.if it wasnt for you, I would never have gotten to sing在冬园剧院的舞台上演唱回忆. Memories on the stage at the Winter Garden Theater.老实说 你只开口唱了回而已Well, actually, you only got to sing Memo我不敢相信你会在这 失去你我该怎么办I cant believe youre here. What am I gonna do without you?谁陪我混进大使馆的派对Whos gonna crash the embassy parties with me?谁带我去纽约马戏团 Whos gonna take me to the Big Apple Circus?莫妮卡 我开始新一天的方式Monica, I started my day by是在25个女人面前尿尿peeing in front of 25 other women.你却担心没人带你去看纽约马戏团演出.and youre worried about wholl take you to the Big Apple circus?不是担心 只是迷惑Well, not worried, you know, just wondering.没什么好迷惑的 莫妮卡Theres nothing to wonder about, Monica.你继续做你自己Youre gonna go back to being exactly who you were,因为那才是真正的你because thats who you are.-没必要吧 -很有必要- Not necessarily. - Yes, necessarily.我不知道为什么 或许因为你是门诺教徒I dont know what it is. Maybe its the Amish thing.我其实不是门诺教徒Im not actually Amish.真的吗 那为何你那么怪Really? Then why are you like that?-门旁边那个 加不加入 -加入- You, by the door, in or out? - ln.后面的 你完全跳错了You in the back. Youre getting it all wrong.至少我在跳But at least Im doing it.这是飞往圣地亚哥67次航班的最后登机通知This is the final boarding call for Flight 67.登机口在42A. to San Diego boarding at gate 42A.再见 小猴子 这是我给你写的诗Okay, goodbye, little monkey guy. All right, I wrote you this poem.上飞机后才能吃Okay, but dont eat it till you get on the plane.谢谢你 菲比阿姨Thank you, Aunt Phoebe.再见了 棒小伙子Okay, bye, champ.我知道圣地亚哥那儿美女如云Now, I know theres gonna be a lot of babes in San Diego,但记得 要学习的还很多. but remember, theres also a lot to learn.我不知该说什么 罗斯 他是只猴子I dont know what to say, Ross. Its a monkey.说出你的感觉就成了 乔伊Just say what you feel, Joey.-马塞尔 我饿了 -这句不错- Marcel, Im hungry. - That was good.马塞尔 这是给你的Marcel, this is for you.你懂的 留给你在Its just, you know, something.飞机上无聊时玩.to do on the plane.如果不介意的话 我想和他独处一会儿If you dont mind, Id like to take a moment, just me and him.-当然可以 -去吧- Oh, sure. Absolutely. - Go ahead.马塞尔 过来 过来 过来Marcel, come here. Come here. Come here.小家伙Well, buddy.就这样了.this is it.我只想说几句话Just a couple of things I wanted to say.我会想你的Im really gonna miss you.我永远不会忘记你的You know, Im never gonna forget about you.在我心中 你不只是一只宠物Youve been more than just a pet to me.你更是.马塞尔Youve been more like a. Okay. Marcel.能放开我的腿吗Would you leave my leg alone?就不能有一秒钟别乱来吗Would you just stop humping me for two seconds?马塞尔.带他走好吗 带他走吧Marcel! Okay, would you just take him away? Just take him.希望我是你手上的手套Oh, that I were a glove upon that hand.这样我就能抚摸你的脸颊.that I might touch thy cheek.-好了 谢谢 -下一位- Thats fine. Thank you. - Next.我来试演马丘修角色的Ill be reading for the role of Mercutio.-名字 -侯登麦克葛罗尼- Name? - Holden McGroin.谐音holding my groin:握住我那里专心-专注-专业


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