2020年高二外研版选修八备课资料:Module 6 试题 单元测试 1 含答案

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2020年精编外研版英语资料Book 8 Module 6 The Tang Poems第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AYou dont have to be an adult to be an inventor. Look at some well-known and not-so-well-known people under the age of 20 whose inventions have contributed to our lives.WhenWhoWhat1824Louis Braille,at age 15To help blind people learn to read, Braille developed a system of printing raised dots (小圆点) on paper. The system, called braille, is now the standard form of writing and reading for blind people around the world.1862Thomas Edison,at age 15While working as a telegraph operator, Edison made his first important invention, an instrument that allowed messages to be sent over a second line without the presence of an operator.1865GeorgeWestinghouse,at age 19Westinghouse got a patent (专利) for a steam engine. A few years later, he invented the first air brake (空气制动器), which revolutionized the railroad industry. His invention made braking safer and allowed trains to travel at higher speeds.1930George Nissen,at age 16Just as he finished high school, Nissen used waste materials to build a steel frame with a piece of strong cloth over it. This became the trampoline (蹦床).2005Taylor Hernandez,at age 10Taylor won the Chester Award in 2005 for inventing Magic Sponge (海绵) Blocks, large building blocks made from sponge that can be piled high without having to worry about whether they might fall and hurt a child. The blocks contain magnets to hold them together, and they can be pressed flat like pancakes for easy storage.2009Jessica O.Matthews,at age 20Along with three other college students, Jessica invented a soccer ball that stores power inside the ball when it is played with. The balls are being given to children in areas without electricity so they can do schoolwork in the evening.21. George Westinghouses invention _.A. won him the Chester Award in 1865B. brought him in a large sum of moneyC. allowed high-speed trains to travel safely D. made trains the safest form of transportation22. What do we know about Magic Sponge Blocks?A. They are unsafe for kids.B. They are made of magnets.C. They are mainly intended for building industry.D. They can save a lot of storage space while not in use.23. Jessica O. Matthewss soccer ball was designed to _. A. be highly practical B. encourage students to exerciseC. help children with their homework D. improve childrens lives in poor areasBJosephine Smith (Ina Coolbrith) was born in Nauvoo, Illinois, on March 10, 1841, but she spent most of her childhood living in St. Louis, Missouri. When Josephine was 10 years old, her mother moved the family west to Los Angeles, California. The Smiths journey into the American West was a difficult one, and the difficulties the family faced along the way left a deep impression on young Josephine. Josephine attended school in what was then the small town of Los Angeles. She began writing poetry at a young age to express her feelings about the often rough, natural beauty of California in the 1800s. Later, she began publishing her poems in the local newspaper under her mothers maiden name (娘家姓), Ina Coolbrith. When Coolbrith was 17 years old, she married Robert B. Carsley, but the marriage lasted only three years. In 1862, she moved north to San Francisco where her reputation as a poet took off. She was extremely prolific during the years in San Francisco, publishing many poems at this period. By 1869, many writers had gone east to further their writing careers. Coolbrith chose to stay close to her family. She accepted a job as a librarian with the Oakland Library Association, a position that involved much work and consumed most of her waking life, leaving little time or energy for writing. Although she felt a sense of loss for being unable to pursue (追求) her writing career, she was proud of the fact that she was the first public librarian in California. In 1893, however, Coolbrith finally returned to writing and won back her reputation as a poet. In 1915, she was recognized as the first poet laureate (桂冠诗人) of the state of California. In 1923, she also received an honorary degree from Mills College. She is best remembered for her ability to describe the roughness of the West and for her tendency to “encourage others to practice and value the arts”.24. What do we know about Josephine Smith?A. She used the name Ina Coolbrith to attract attention.B. She moved to Los Angeles for her education.C. She showed her talent at an early age. D. She began to write poems at age 10.25. The underlined word “prolific” in Paragraph 3 probably means _.A. productive B. emotional C. curious D. careful26. We learn from Paragraph 4 that Ina Coolbrith _.A. was quite satisfied with her job as a public librarianB. kept a good balance between work and writing C. had mixed feelings about dreams and realityD. quit her job as a public librarian in the end27. We learn from the last sentence of the text that Ina Coolbrith was _.A. inspiring B. reliable C. brave D. humorousCModern Europeans came from three major groups of ancient humans, not two as was thought before, according to a study published on Wednesday.Until now, it was widely believed that Europeans evolved from two prehistoric groups. One was early farmers who moved into Europe from the Middle East about 7,500 years ago. The other was local hunter-gatherers who had lived in Europe for more than 40,000 years. But a new study in the journal Nature says there was a third group in the mix: people from northern Eurasia. They lived in todays Russia and northern Asia. The finding means that northern Eurasians contributed to the human genes both in Europe and North America. Their influence on the Americas has been proved by previous studies which showed that they reached modern-day Alaska in the US more than 15,000 years ago. They crossed an “ice bridge” that connected islands in the Bering Strait, a narrow passage of water between Asia and North America, at the time. Researchers collected genetic information in nine ancient humans bones. The remains were found in Sweden, Luxembourg and Germany. They were one farmer from about 7,000 years ago and eight hunter-gatherers who lived about 8,000 years ago, before the coming of agriculture.The researchers compared the information with the gene pool of 2,345 present-day people living all over the world. They found almost all Europeans have ancestry from all three of those ancient groups. The ancient northern Eurasians contributed up to 20% of the genetics of Europeans, although this was the smallest percentage among the three ancestral groups.People in northern Europe, especially the Baltic states, have the highest percentage of western European hunter-gatherer ancestry. Up to 50% of the DNA of Lithuanians of northeast Europe comes from this group. Southern Europeans had more of their genetic ancestry from the ancient farmers. Up to 90% of the DNA of Sardinians of Italy can be traced back to these early European immigrants (移民). Looking ahead, the researchers plan to find out when the ancient northern Eurasians arrived in Europe. 28. Ancient people from northern Eurasia _. A. brought agriculture into EuropeB. reached Europe about 7,000 years agoC. were hunter-gatherers in northern Asia D. were also ancestors of modern Europeans29. When did northern Eurasians arrive in America?A. About 7,500 years ago. B. About 8,000 years ago.C. More than 15,000 years ago. D. More than 40,000 years ago.30. How did the researchers conduct the study? A. By analysing genes. B. By visiting ancient sites.C. By doing medical experiments. D. By comparing studies in different periods.31. What do “these early European immigrants” refer to?A. Hunter-gatherers in western Europe.B. Hunter-gatherers in northern Europe.C. Ancient farmers from the Middle East.D. Ancient farmers from northern Eurasia.DWho decided that blue jeans and T-shirts are “cool” for kids to wear today? Who designs the clothes you see for sale in stores? All of these questions concern the world of fashion.Fashion refers to the styles of dress that are currently popular. Fashion goes beyond just clothes, though. Its important for some people to wear only the latest fashions and styles. For others, though, keeping up with trends isnt that important. The one thing that stays the same with fashion is this: it always changes!In the 1960s and 1970s, hippies made bell-bottomed blue jeans popular. In the 1980s, Michael Jackson made parachute pants all the fashion. Now try to find these items in todays clothing stores!Why do fashions change? The answer is probably as simple as the fact that people change. Over time, the new replaces the old. People are influenced greatly by popular culture, including athletes, musicians, movie stars, as well as popular films, television shows, books and music. We are also influenced by the fashion industrys advertising.The stars of popular culture are always searching for a new angle to maintain their popularity. Often these new angles come in the form of new clothing or hairstyles. When people see these new styles, they often want to imitate their favorite stars. To do so, they seek out the latest fashions to make themselves look like the people they want to imitate. In this way, fashions evolve and change over time.For years, clothes have been used to separate people into groups. Even today, brand-name clothing that is more expensive than other types of clothing can be used by some people to distinguish (区别) themselves from others.Unfortunately, this can often have the effect of distancing certain groups from others. Dont forget that its always OK to develop your own sense of style that is unique and separate from what the fashion world determines! Stay true to yourself and let your personality not your clothes speak for who you are!32. The examples of bell-bottomed blue jeans and parachute pants in Paragraph 3 suggest that _. A. fashion always changes B. stars are always influentialC. people have different dressing stylesD. hippies and Michael Jackson are good designers33. Fashions change mainly because _.A. advertisements change rapidlyB. popular culture influences peopleC. movie stars are changing over timeD. new films and shows replace the old34. In the last paragraph, the author mainly wants to stress _.A. the advantages of staying uniqueB. the bad effects of following fashionC. the good influences of popular stylesD. the importance of having ones own personality35. We can learn from the text that _.A. fashion is all about clothesB. the author has gone out of fashionC. clothes may separate and distance peopleD. people like imitating others dressing style第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How to overcome challenges in your lifeWe all face tough and difficult challenges in life. To overcome challenges you need to have that “never quit” attitude in life. If you develop it, youll overcome quite a bit.Motivate yourself. Say “YES, I CAN.” The challenge should bring out the best of you in this situation. Slow it down, and think that process through. 36 If you develop that mindset (心态), youll get it done.37 Remain calm when youre facing serious troubles and problems in life. You have to recollect yourself, and calm down. You cant solve problems when youre panicking. Take a deep breath, relax, and slow it down. Think things through calmly.Let failure and fear fuel you in a positive way. Everyone fails at times. If you fail the first, second, or third time, dont give up. 38 Learn what made you fail at overcoming these challenges.Simplify the challenge youre facing. Make the challenge easier than it is. 39 As you get through each step, you develop more confidence and you believe you can get it done, and then you will.Stay positive and confident. 40 You have to find out all the ways you can use to overcome it, and put them to full use with all your effort. Its our own mental stability thats the difficult part. When you do it mentally, youll actually be able to do it. A. Stay calm and cool headed.B. Think the best, not the worst.C. Start by breaking it down into steps.D. To overcome a challenge, you have to believe you can really do it.E. Most people will avoid any challenge, because theyre scared of failing.F. Develop that confidence in saying theres no way youre going to fail at this.G. Pick yourself up, and learn from why youve failed, and move on in a positive direction.第三部分:语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。In my second year of high school, I met the anthropology (人类学) teacher, Mr. Croft. I didnt know anything about anthropology, so I never signed up for Mr. Crofts class. 41 , this didnt stop him from positively 42 my life. Mr. Croft was a 43 twenty-four hours a day after school, before school, and in and out of his 44 . Mr. Croft inspired and taught every student at East High, 45 me. He often 46 me to become all I could possibly be.How could I possibly 47 Mr. Croft?After I graduated from high school, I had an opportunity to 48 football for thirteen-year-olds. To get a feel for the boys 49 , I had each of them run out for a 50 . I wanted to see who could run, catch and throw so I could 51 a team in my mind.Two days into practice, a tall kid appeared on the field. He got in 52 , and when he ran out for a pass, I threw the ball. It hit him square in the 53 . He picked up the 54 and ran it back to me. It came time for his second pass and I 55 him in the head again. With his nose bleeding and his lip swelling, he 56 the ball, raced it back to me, and got back in line. Later I got to know that he was the son of my anthropology teacher, Tommy Croft. I was 57 . He said, “Im here because I want to play football. And I promise 58 youll help me, I know I can do it!”“Get back in line,” I told him. Here, at last, was my 59 to be a Mr. Croft to a Croft. Here was my chance to give something back. For the first time in my life, I 60 the meaning of “an educational system”. What goes around really does come around!41. A. Besides B. Otherwise C. However D. Therefore42. A. controlling B. influencingC. saving D. supporting43. A. teacher B. worker C. helper D. director44. A. office B. bedroom C. home D. classroom45. A. directly B. especially C. simply D. eventually46. A. encouraged B. asked C. persuaded D. reminded47. A. repay B. forget C. refuse D. respect48. A. play B. coach C. follow D. watch49. A. characters B. courageC. abilities D. success50. A. show B. test C. pass D. score51. A. join B. train C. manage D. organize52. A. way B. line C. team D. competition53. A. chest B. back C. arm D. head54. A. glove B. hat C. ball D. sweater55. A. kicked B. knocked C. beat D. hit56. A. threw away B. put aside C. picked up D. got back57. A. interested B. touched C. puzzled D. shocked58. A. when B. if C. because D. though59. A. aim B. dream C. part D. chance60. A. understood B. found C. conveyed D. interpreted第卷第三部分:语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。People who have been diagnosed with cancer are probably in need of some 61. _ (emotion) help. And writing poetry can provide that help. Here are two reasons. Writing poetry helps reduce stress.The first reason why writing poetry helps someone who is going through cancer 62. _ (treat) is that the simple process of writing poetry helps reduce stress. This 63. _ (test) in actual clinical (临床的) studies in recent years. In order to be helpful, the writing doesnt have to be particularly “good,” though you may be surprised by 64. _ youre able to create once you 65. _ (actual) start writing. Writing poetry helps express painful emotions.66. _ youre going to write in a journal or youre going to write straight poetry, you may find that experimenting with poetry is particularly helpful in 67. _ (express) painful emotions. After all, a lot of poetry is being written by 68. _ (depress) teenagers as they go through 69. _ pain of unrequited (单相思的) love. In fact, some very famous poetry, including some by the famous German poet Goethe, deals 70. _ that issue. So poetry helps pour out painful emotions.第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Last Monday, we have a class meeting to discuss about the “Chinese-style road crossing”. Everyone was involving in it and they finally came up with some bright ideas.The next day, we were divided into several group and decided do something to stop this bad behavior. One group used loudspeakers to raise peoples aware of this problem. Another group directed people to walking across the zebra crossing. We did all we could in the hope of improving traffic safety.Our efforts paid off, and people eventual realized the importance of following traffic rules. To our joy and surprise, Beijing Youth Daily reported that we did and praised us.第二节:书面表达(满分25分)假设你是李华,你的美国朋友Tom最近正在学习唐诗,想了解李白和杜甫的诗。请你根据所给提示信息,用英语给他写一封电子邮件。李白的诗多表达对自由的渴望,富有激情。杜甫的诗多反映社会现实,表达忧国忧民的思想。原因李白生活在盛唐,国家强盛,社会安定;杜甫生活在唐末期,战乱四起,民不聊生。注意:1. 词数100左右(开头已给出,但不计入总词数); 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Tom,Im glad that you are interested in Chinese poems in the Tang Dynasty. _ Yours, Li HuaBook 8 Module 6参考答案及部分解析参考答案21-25 CDACA26-30 CADCA 31-35 CABDC 36-40 FAGCD 41-45 CBADB 46-50 AABCC 51-55 DBDCD 56-60 CDBDA61. emotional 62. treatment 63. has been tested64. what 65. actually 66. Whether67. expressing 68. depressed 69. the 70. with短文改错:71. . have a class meeting . havehad72. . to discuss about . 去掉about73. Everyone was involving . involvinginvolved74. . they finally came up . theywe75. . into several group . groupgroups76. . and decided do . decided后加to77. . peoples aware of . awareawareness


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