人教版高中英语必修一 Unit3UsingLanguage阅读训练 课文理解 Word版含答案

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人教版高中英语必修一 Unit3UsingLanguage阅读训练 课文理解 Word版含答案_第1页
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人教版高中英语必修一 Unit3UsingLanguage阅读训练 课文理解 Word版含答案_第2页
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精品资料课文理解-Unit3 Using Language阅读训练一、阅读理解(根据课文内容选择正确答案)1. Whats the text about?A. The text is about what they saw in the mountains.B. The text is about their journey to Dali.C. The text is about their meeting with Dao Wei and Yu Hang.D. The text is about the changes of the weather in the Tibetan mountains.2. What does this sentence “Have you ever seen snowmen ride bicycles?” mean?A. The snow in Tibet was very heavy, so they looked like snowmen.B. They acted as snowmen.C. They saw real snowmen riding bicycles.D. Snowmen in Tibet can ride bicycles.3. Where will they meet their cousins? A. In Qinghai.C. In Dali.B. In Tibet.D. In Kunming. 4. Why did they change their clothes for T-shirts and shorts?A. Because they were tired.B. Because the temperature in the valley was much higher.C. Because they wanted to sleep.D. Because they found it was not convenient (方便的) to ride a bike.5. “We can hardly wait to see them!” means “_”.A. We really dont want to see them!B. We can hardly see them!C. We want to see them eagerly!D. We can easily see them!参考答案:一、1-5 BACBC


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