【人教版】七年级下册:Unit 1 Can you play the guitar讲义含解析

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【人教版】七年级下册:Unit 1 Can you play the guitar讲义含解析_第1页
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精品资料Unit1 Can you play the guitar重难点精讲Unit 1 Talk about abilitiesKey words:musical instrumentsabilitiesclubs Sentences: talk about abilitiesPassage:an ad. ( wanted) for help;Join clubsplay chessplay basketball play volleyball play soccer play tennis play the guitarspeak Englishtell storiesclubsswimming clubmusic clubchess clubbasketball clubdancing clubart clubEnglish clubsinging club-Can you/he/she play the guitar?-Yes, I /he /she can. -No, I/ he/ she cant. - What can you do?- I can dance ./ I cant sing.- What club do you want to join?- I want to join the chess club.You are very good at telling stories. You can join the story telling club. Talk about abilities谈论能力 重要词组 be good atmake friendshelp sb. with sth.Grammar情态动词can的用法play + the + 乐器play + 运动器材Writing 假如你是Lily, 你们学校需要招聘音乐志愿者教师去帮助小学生,请你写一篇招聘广告,以吸引更多的志愿者加入。参考词汇:be good at; like doing sth. ; enjoy doing sth.; be good with ; help sb. with sth.; Music Volunteer Teachers Wanted Do you like music? Are you good at singing? Do you enjoy playing the violin, the piano or the guitar? Are you interested in dancing? Are you good with children? We need some music volunteer teachers to help children with singing after school. Its relaxing and meaningful. Please call Lily at 88687688, or send Lily an email 12356 . 题一:I want to _(加入)the music club.He can _(游泳), but I cant.He is in the _(象棋)club.Can you play the _(钢琴 )?Can you d_ some pictures for me?I hope we can m_ friends.Are you g_ with old people?Mike likes d_ Chinese Kongfu.Can you help kids with _(dance)?They want _(join) the basketball club.Can he _(sing)?I think he is _(England).Do you know that famous _(music)?题二:I like playing _ football while my sister likes playing _ piano.A. the;/ B. /; the C. the; the D. /;/Its an English class. Please try not to _ Chinese.A. Say B. talk C. tell D. speak题三:-Can you paint?-_. But I can sing.A. Yes, I do. B. No, I dontC. Yes, I can D. No, I cantDo you like singing? Please come and join _.A. we B. our C. us D. they题四:My mother is a nurse and she is good _ kids.A. to B. for C. with D. atI like drawing very much, and I am good _ it, too.A. to B. for C. with D. at题五:I cant sing _ dance.A. and B. or C. but D. /Please call me _ 898-9763.A. in B. at C. about D. with题六:我想加入游泳俱乐部。-你能写故事吗?-不,我不能。但是我能讲故事。你能帮助孩子们学习游泳吗? 让我们放学后踢足球吧!我擅长唱歌,所以我想加入音乐俱乐部。我们需要帮助去教音乐。 题七:Tom and Kate are brother and sister. They like music. Kate can play the piano. But she cant play the violin. Tom cant play the piano, but he can play the violin. Today they want to carry a piano to Kates bedroom. The piano is big. They cant carry it. Kate and Toms parents arent at home. They cant help them to carry the piano. But they have two cousin sisters here today. They ask them to help them.Tom and Kate are _.Kate can play the _._can play the violin.Their _ help them carry the piano.Why do their parents not help them carry the piano?Unit1 Can you play the guitar讲义参考答案题一:join; swim; chess; piano; draw; make; good; doing; dancing; to join; sing; English; musician题二:BD题三:DC题四:CD题五:BB题六:1. I want to join the swimming club.2. Can you write stories? No, I cant. But I can tell stories.3. Can you help the children learn to swim?4. Lets play football after school.5. I m good at singing, so I want to join the music club.6. We need help teach music.题七:brother and sister; piano; Tom; two cousin sisters; Because they arent at home.


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