【人教版】七年级下册:Unit 4 Don39;t eat in class讲义含解析

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精品资料Unit4 Dont eat in classUnit 4 Talk about rules Key words:school rules Sentences:talk about rules Passage:Talk about the rules (at home, at school, ) School rulesDont arrive late for class.Dont eat in the classroom.Dont talk in the class.Dont listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways.Dont fight.重难点精讲Grammar肯定祈使句Turn left.Eat outside. Open the windows.否定祈使句Dont turn left. Dont eat outside. Dont open the windows.Imperative sentences 祈使句 have to , can, must 的用法.I have to go.You can listen to music after class.You must finish your homework every day.Talk about rulesDont run in the hallways. We must be on time for class.-Can we eat in the classroom?- No, we cant, but we can eat in the dining hall. - Does he have to wear a uniform at school?- Yes, he does.- What do you have to do?- We have to be quiet in the library.重点词组 on timebe strict withthink abouthave to常见考点 keep + adj.be late formake +n. + adj.help sb. do sth.词汇大考查题一:首字母填空We must obey the school r_.Dont f_. You should help each other.Dont a_ late for class.Students have to wear u_ at school.Dont l_ to music in class.题二:选词完成句子swim; wash; cook;be; loud; speak;Mother often asks me to practice _ English.Dont _ in the lake!She often helps her mum _ dinner.Jack _ late for work yesterday.Aunt Li must do some _ on Sunday.You cant talk _ in the classroom. 题三:将下列句子改成祈使句.You cant play in the street.You cant take photos here.You cant talk in the library.You should listen carefully in class.You can sit here and enjoy your meal.题四:The students cant go out _ school nights, but they can _ weekends._ late for class again! Dont talk _ eat in the classroom! _ talking here. Please be quiet! -I cant watch TV after school.- I cant, _. 题五:When did you _ Beijing?A. arrive B. arrive at C. arrive inThere are _ rules in our school.A. too much B. much too C. too manyOur teacher often tells us _ in the hallways. A. dont run B. not run C. not to run题六:完成句子学生应该每天准时上学。Students should get to school _ _ every day.我们学校的规定太多了。We have _ _ _ in our school.周末她得帮助妈妈干家务。On weekends, she _ _help her mom _ some housework.上课不能迟到也不许打架。_ arrive _ _ class or _ in class. 题七:翻译句子她家的规定太多了。放学后我不能会见我的朋友,因为我必须先写作业。我吃完晚饭后不能看电视。禁止在走廊里大声喧哗。题八:能力提升与拓展I am a librarian and I work in a school _1_. There are many kinds of book in it. You _2_ read books or borrow books from it. But there are some _3_. You must obey them. You have to _4_ quiet. Dont talk loudly _5_make any noise. You _6_ eat or drink in the library. You can borrow books from the library, _7_ you cant lend them _8_ others. You _9_ return them on time. If the library books are lost, you have to _10_ for them. 1.A. shop B. library C. gym D. dining hall2.A. can B. must C. cant D. dont3.A. books B. rules C. questions D. things4.A. be B. / C. have D. are5.A. and B. but C. or D. because 6. A. can B. must C. cant D. dont7. A. and B. but C. or D. because 8. A. to B. from C. for D. at9. A. can B. must C. cant D. dont10.A. look B. pay C. think D. cryWriting 俗话说:“国有国法,家有家规”。 为了使子女身心健康,顺利成长,家庭和谐,每个家庭都会有这样或那样的家规。比如:必须按时回家,不准玩电脑游戏等。请你结合自己的实际情况,以 “ My Family Rules”为题, 写一篇短文。提示:1. 家里有哪些家规;2. 对家规的感受。Every family has different family rules. As for me, there are three important rules in my family. First of all, I have to go home on time. Besides, I cant go out or watch TV on school nights. Whats more, I must do some chores, such as doing the dishes, cleaning the floor and so on. It can make my parents happy to help them do some chores. In my point of view, its important for me to follow the family rules. It can help me get on well with my parents.Unit4 Dont eat in class题一:rules; fight; arrive; uniforms; listen题二:speaking; swim; cook; was; washing; loudly 题三:Dont play in the street.Dont take photos here.Dont talk in the library.Listen carefully in class.Sit here and enjoy your meal.题四:on; on; Dont be; or; No; either题五:CCC题六:on time; too many rules; has to.do/with; Dont.late for.fight题七:There are too many rules in her family.I cant see my friends because I have to do my homework first.I cant watch TV after supper.Dont talk loudly in the hallways.题八:BABACCBBBB


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