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常见动词短语搭配1. break 短语:break away (from sb./sth.)(脱离,逃脱,甩掉);break one s word(食言);break out(爆发,突然开始,主语多为war,fire, quarrel等,不能用于被动语态);break down(机器、车辆等坏掉,使分解);break in(插话,强行进入);break into(强行闯入,突然开始);break up(粉碎,关系破裂,垮掉);break the rules(违反规定,相反含义的有 obey the rules);break the record(打破记录,相当于 set up a record, 相反含义的有 hold a record);break the silence(打破沉默)2. bring 短语:bring forth (生产);bring forward (将提前,提议);bring down(降低,打落);bring in(赚得,提出,引进);bring up(抚养,提出,呕吐).bring sb. convenience/trouble(给某人带来方便/麻烦 )3. call 短语:call at someplace(拜访某地,相当于 drop in at someplace);call on sb.(拜访某人,相当于 drop in sb .call for(需要,要求,接);call on/upon sb. to do sth.(请求某人做某事)4. get短语:get along/on with(与和睦相处,进展 );get down to sth,(开始做某事,如:get down to business 言归正传);get in(收割,买进);get on (进展,获得成功,对付);get off(下班,出发);get through(用完,顺利通过,接通电话);get to(到达,使烦恼);get up(起床,增强);get in touch with (与取得联系);get rid of(摆脱);get into trouble(惹麻烦)5. give 短语:give in(投降,让步);give up(放弃,投降);give out(散发,耗尽,如: My patie nee fin ally gave out:我终于忍无可忍了。);give off(发出光、热、气味等);give away(分发,送给)6. 护短语:go out(送出,熄灭);go with sth.(附属于,同意);go mad (发疯);go bad(变坏,变质);go against(违背);go on(继续)7. hold 短语:hold back(隐瞒,阻挡,抑制);hold on(坚持,等着。不要挂掉电话);hold up (耽搁,支持住);hold an important position(担任重要职位)& keep短语:keep back (保持距离,抑制感情等的流露,隐瞒);keep off(回避某话题,使不接近);keep away from(远离);keep up with sth.(熟悉,继续支付)keep up with sb.(与某人保持联系);keep on(继续);keep a record (保持记录);keep ones promise (遵守诺言);keep an eye on(照看,留神,留意 )9. look 短语:look after(照顾,照料);look at sth.(检查,考虑,看待);look around/round(环顾四周);look down on(看不起,鄙视);look for(期待);look out(小心);look through sth.(浏览,快速查看);look forward to sth./doing sth.(盼望,期待);look up(好转,抬头往上看,查阅 );look into(调查)10. make 短语:make up(化妆,组成,编造 );make up for(弥补);be made up of(由组肼构成);be made of(由做成,常指看得出原材料);be made from(由制造/做成,常指看不出原材料);be made, into (被做成);make out(理解,看清);make full/good use of(充分利用);make friends with (与交朋友); make fun of(取笑);make room for(给让出空间 );make an apology to(给道歉);make preparations for(为做准备 );make the bed(卡甫床);make a living(谋生);make money(赚钱);make peace (讲和);make tea(沏茶)11. put 短语:put away (把放回原处,积蓄);put up(提升,张贴,建立,投宿);put down(写下,放下,镇压);put out(生产,扑灭。出版);put off(取消,使反感);1put. on(穿上,浊演,增加体重);put up with sb . /sth.(容忍)12. set短语:set about(开始做,着手做,攻击);set out(动身。开始工作);set off(出发,使爆炸,引起);set up (建立)set fire to sth. /set sth. on fire(放火烧 );set an example to(为树立榜样 )13. turn 短语:turn to(翻到,向求助);turn in (上交,取得);turn on(打开,取决手,突然攻击);turn off(关掉,不再听);turn up (偶然出现,把声音调高);turn down(把声音每抵,拒绝);turn out(结果是,出席)14. take 短语:take away(带走,解除);take off(脱下,起飞,迅速流行);take on (雇用,呈现);take in (收留,欺骗,理解:包含) ;take down(写下,拆掉);take up(开始从事,占据)take part in(参加);take pride in (为感到骄傲);take place (发生);take the place of(替代);take care of(照顾);take action (采取行动take measures/steps采取措施)take an exam(参加考试);take on es advice(听 从劝告);take it for gran ted (that.)(把看成是理所当然的事)take sb./sth seriously(严肃对待某人/某事:);take. for example(以为例)15. follow 短语:follow ones advice(听从某人的劝告 );follow ones example(仿效);.follow the fashion(追随时尚);follow your nose (凭直觉行事,一直向前);重点动词及动词词组辨析l. afford. cost, pay. spe nd. takeafford表示买得起,有时间做,可以指费用、时间等,常用于afford sth.和afford to do sth. 结构;其他四个词都有花费”之意,其中cost指需付费”:常用于cost sb. sth.结构;pay常指付多少钱”,常用于pay (sb.)for sth.结构;spend指花时间或钱”,常用于sb.+spend+ 时间/钱 +on sth./in doing sth.结构;take 常用于 It takes sb.+ 时间 +to do sth.结构。如:We cannot afford to pay such a price.我们付不起这个价钱。The new computer costs him around $l , 000. ( cost 的主语一般是物,且没有被动结构)这台新电脑花费了他将近1, 000美元。Who l pay for the meal?谁为这顿饭付账?Every day he spent twenty minutes (in) talking to the boy.他每天花 20分钟的时间跟这个男孩 谈话。It took us a lot of time to Fi nish the work.完成这项工作花了我们很多时间。,2. take part in, joi n in, joi n, atte nd这四个词都有参加”之意。 take part in意为参加,参与(某事或某活动)”;join in意为“参加”,后面接的宾语一般是表示竞赛、娱乐、游戏等活动的名词或动名词;join指“加入”某个团体、组织;attend强调“出席”,如: attend the meeting/concert, attend classes/school/a lecture等。如:It is useful to take an active part in after-school activities: 积极参加课外活动是有益的。Please join us and play together.加入我们一起玩吧!Last Saturday all of us attended his wedding.上星期六,我们都参加了他的婚礼。He never joined in the usual sports of the boys.他从不参加孩子们的一般活动。3. talk,speak, say. tell这四个词都有“说”的意思。talk与speak表示“交谈,说话”时常为不及物动词,要与介词连用,如:talk/speak with/to sb. about sth.;表示”讲什么语言”时,要用speak; say强调说话的内容;tell 着重“讲述,告诉”,常用的短语有 tell sb. sth., tell a lie(说谎),tell the difference between A and B (区别 A和B的不同),tell A from B (分辨A和B )。4. expect. wish . hope(1)expect:期望,预料as expected正如所料;expect a lot of/from sh.对某人期望很高;expect too much from/of sb.对某人期望过高expect sh. to do sth.期望某人做某事;expect to do sth.期望做某事rm expect ing a letter.我在等一圭寸信。They expect to finish the work by Friday.他们预期星期五之前可以完成这项工作。(2)hope :多指切合实际的“希望”hope for sth.希望某事发生;hope to do sth.希望做某事,而不能说hope sh. to do sth.。如:The boy hoped to see his father soo n.这个男孩希望不久能见到他的父亲。(3)wish:可以指不切合实际构“愿望”,也可.以指可以实现的“愿望”。(just)as you wish正如你希望的那样;wish sb. welt/all the best祝愿某人万事如意;wish sb. to do sth.希望某人做某事;wish to do sth.希望做某事;wish for sth.盼望某事wish可以用于虚拟语气,而上面两个近义词则不可以。如:How l wish I had time to attend the party!我多么希望我有时间参加这个晚会啊15. become. grow, get, turn(1) become:强调结果,即从一种状态变为另_种状态。如:That custom has now become a rule.那个习俗现在已经成为一种规则。(2) get:用法类似于become,也是侧重结果,但多用于口语中。如:They get wiser as they get older.随着年龄的增长,他们变得更加聪明:(3) grow:强调进程,含有逐渐.”的意思。如:The girl is growing to be more like her mother.这个女孩变得越来越像她妈妈了。(4) turn:强调状态的变化,既说明状态和以前完全不同,又含有“慢慢地变化”的意思。如:Anxiety turned her hair white.她的头发都愁白了。6. observe, see, watch, notice(1) observe:意思是“观察,仔细地看”,主要用于表示观察实验或研究现象等,后跟名 词或从句作宾语,可用于 observe sb. do/doing结构。如:The scientist has observed the stars all。his life,这位科学家一生都在观察星星。(2) see:强调结果,意思是“看见,看到”。注意:see 一般不用手进行对态。如:He wrote dow n the word in order to see how to spell it.他把那个词写下来是为了看看它是如何拼写的。(3 )watch :强调所看到的事物的变化、移动和发展,一般不跟that从句。如:He watched the house for sig ns of activity.他注视着那房子里的动静。notice :意思是“注意到”,相当pay attention toI noticed them comi ng .我注意至 H他们进来了。7. hurt. wound .injure. destroy(1) hurt:表示“伤害”的一般用词,既可以指对肉体的伤害,也可以指对精神的伤害。如:He hurt his back when playing squash.他打壁球时背部受伤了。What he said at the meet ing hurt me.他在会议上说的话伤害了我。:(2) wound :常指外伤,特别指在战争、打斗中受到的伤害。如:He was wounded in the war in the left ann.他在战争中左胳膊受了伤。(3) injure:般指在意外事故中受伤。如:Three people were killed and five injured in the crash.撞车事故中有三人死亡,五人受伤。(4) destroy :一般指彻底损坏,常译成“毁坏,破坏” 。如:The school was destroyed completely by a big fire.学校被一场大火彻底烧毁了。8.i nspect .in vestigate, observe, exam ine(1) inspect:指为查找过失或缺陷而加以检查。如:The doctor inspected her teeth carefully.医生仔细地检查了她的牙齿。(2) investigate :指为求得案件等的事实而调查、研究。如:The police are investigating the cause of the fire.蔫骞丐嚣调查这次火灾的原因。observe:表示“观察到,注意到”。如:We observed that it had turned cloudy.我们发觉天已转阴。(4) examine:表示检查、,调查”。如:My bags were examined when I entered the country.入境时,我的包接受了检查。(1) ask:意为“要求,请求”。常用的搭配有:ask sb. to do sth.; ask sb. for sth.; ask for sth.。如:We asked our teacher for advice.我们向我们的老师征求意见。(2) beg :意为“乞求,恳求”,表示谦恭地恳请,希望能满足某种较为迫切的需求, 往往含有低声下气g 意思。常用的搭配有:beg sth. of/from sb. ; beg sb. to do sth.; beg to do sth.; beg sb. forsth.。如:The boy begged the teacher not to tell his mother the truths那个男孩恳求老师不要把真相告诉他的母亲。(3) dema nd:含有命令的意思。常用的搭配肴:dema nd sth.; dema nd to do sth.; dema ndthat.(从句中用虚拟语气)。如:The teacher dema nded that the stude nts (should) hand in the homework on time. 老师要求学生们按时交作业jrequire :意为“要求,规定”j通常可与den and互换,但语气较为缓和,在较正式的英语里常用被动吾态。常用的搭配有:require sth. ; require sb. to do sth. ; require that.(从句中用瘦拟语气)。如:All the passengers are required to show their tickets.所有的乘客都要出示车票。(5) request :意为“请求,要求”,常指正式或有礼貌地请求。常用的搭配有:requeststh.; request sb. To do sth.; request that.(从句中用虚拟语气)。如:He requested me to stay after class.他要求我下课后留下。主动语态表示被动含义的词1. want, need, require等动词后跟动名词表示被动的含义。如:His hair wants cutting.他的头发该理了。2 .在be worth doing结构中,用主动语态表示被动含义。如:The book is well worth reading.这本书很值得一读。,3 .有些动词后加某些副词时用主动语态表示被动禽义。、这些动词一般是表示主语的某些特征,主要有well, sell, clean, write , read, wash等?常用的副词有:easily,well , quickly , smoothly 等。女口:The cloth washes well.这种布很耐洗。4 .有些实义动词用作系动词,表示被动意义,不能用被动语态。常见的有:keep,feel, , look, smell, sound, stay, taste等。如:The cloth feels soft .这种布摸起来很柔软。5.主动语态表被动含义;的动词短语有:come up, give out (食物、燃料、力量等)用尽,用完” ,run out, come out等。如:The problem came up at the meeting yesterday .这个问题昨天在会议上被提出来。The new facts came out through the investigation.经过调查后,新的事实才为人所知。聚沙成塔集腋成裘慎子 知忠上有云:粹白之裘,盖非一狐之腋也。”集腋成裘”这个成语即由此而来。古往今来,凡杰出的人物都是从众人中吸取长处和依靠众人的力量来成就功业。刚刚步入高三的学生,开始的时候也是通过一点一滴的积累而最终逐渐丰富自己、壮大自己、成就自己。


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