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P571不用匆匆忙忙的了,比赛已经取消了。 There was no rush, the game was_ _.72你空闲时间干什么? What do you do in your _ _.73别再做这样的事了,这是我最后一句话。 Dont do that again, this is my _ _.74他经常收到他女儿的来信。 He often _ _ her daughter.75他们相互微笑并握手。They smiled at each other and _ _.P1171为保护野生大熊猫,政府正修建自然公园。 The government is _ _ nature parks to protect pandas in the wild.72他在一个离家很远的公司上班。 He works in a company _ _ his house.73他告诉我说他妈妈会亲自来。 He tells me that his mother will come _ _.74昨天张老师指出了我家庭作业中的一些错误。 Mr Zhang _ _ some mistakes in my homework yesterday.75虽然他很年轻,但他能够独自生活。 Although he was young, he could live _ his _.P1771学生们正在静静地听老师讲课。 The students are listening to the teacher _ _.72昨天,我从自行车上摔了下来,摔伤了胳膊。 I _ _ my bike and hurt my arm yesterday.73踢球时要小心你的眼镜。 Be _ _ your glasses when you play football.74我好几个月没有收到女儿的来信了。 I havent _ _ my daughter for months.75上周老师和他们一起参加了训练。 The teacher _ _ in the training with them last week.P2371她喜欢编造荒诞不经的故事。 She enjoys _ _ tall tales.72妈妈正在打扫房间,收拾东西。 My mum is cleaning the house and _ things _.73上周日人们给他们最喜爱的运动员喝彩加油。 People _ their favourite players _ last Sunday.74拉森先生认为太危险,我同意他的看法。 Mr Larsen thinks its too risky and I _ _.75感觉好像他们不是在和广大听众说话,而是在亲自和我说话。 It seemed that they were speaking not to lots of listeners but to me _ _.P2971我们将在下一站下车。 Well _ _ at the next bus stop.72美国人遇见陌生人时不总是握手。 American people do not always _ _ when they meet strangers.73我真的希望人类和动物能和平共处。 I really hope humans and animals can live _ _.74成功与否取决于你的努力和能力。 Success _ _ your efforts and ability.75为了驱赶苍蝇,他们必须带着特殊的帽子。 They must wear the special hats to _ the flies _.P3571快点!露西和大明在公共汽车站等你呢。 Hurry up! Lucy and Daming are _ _ you at the bus stop.72我们有太多的作业要做。 We have got _ _ homework to do.73托尼一直在担心他的语文。 Tony is always _ _ his Chinese.74也许在空中会有交通堵塞。 Maybe therell be _ _ in the air.75中国人都为刘翔感到自豪。 Chinese are all very _ _ Liu Xiang.P4171这张桌子占据了太多的空间,所以我把它搬走了。 This table _ _ too much room, so I moved it away.72母亲节时我要亲自为妈妈做顿饭。 I will cook a delicious meal for Mum _ _ on Mothers Day.73我们的校园真美,鲜花遍地、绿树成荫。 Our school is so beautiful with flowers and green trees _ _ the schoolyard.74她乐于助人,难怪人人都喜欢她。 _ _ everyone likes her as she is very helpful.75举行派对的地点要看来宾的人数而定。 The place to hold the party _ _ the number of the guests.P4771.收到你的来信真是太好了。 Its great to _ _ you.72去年他在英国读书时交了许多朋友。 When he studied in England last year he _ a lot of _.73人们初次见面的时候通常是握手。 People usually _ _ the first time they meet.74想起大熊猫和其他濒危动物来,真让人伤心。 Its sad to think of pandas and other animals _ _.75托尼非常兴奋,因为他终于登上长城了。 Tony was very excited because he got to the Great Wall _ _.P5371看到他们的时候我就忍不住发笑! I _ _ laughing when I watch them!72她亲自去纽约领奖了。 She went to New York to receive the award _ _.73HAS 代表什么? What does HAS _ _?74他再也不能在任何地方找到这些文件! He could _ _ find the documents anywhere!75在我们出发之前,我要给你们讲几条规定和建议。 Before we _ _ there are a few rules and suggestions for you.P5971天色渐晚,但他们仍在工作。 Its getting dark, but they are still _ _.72昨天我回到家时发现我的一个玻璃杯碎了。 When I got home yesterday, I found one of my glasses was _ _.73我已经在字典里查过这个单词。 I have already _ _ the word in the dictionary.74看! 王老师正带领来访者参观我们的学校。 Look! Mr Wang is _ the visitors _ our school.75坏人通常要为他们的行为付出代价。 Bad people often _ _ their actions.P6571听音乐可以让你身心放松,迅速入睡。 Listening to music may help you relax enough to _.72但我不太了解攀岩,你给我们讲讲吧。 I dont know much about _ _, so youll have to educate us.73我们为她说了真话而感到骄傲。 We are so _ _ her for telling the truth.74昨天因为交通繁忙,他们上学迟到了。 They were late for school _ _ the heavy traffic yesterday.75我刚看到他正在过马路。 I _ him _ the road just now.P7171嘲笑他人是不礼貌的。 Its not polite to _ _ others.72他刚睡着,就有人使劲敲门。 He was just _ _ when there was a loud knock at the door.73大明,你业余时间通常做什么? Daming, what do you usually do in your _ _ ?74每天早上我爸爸都在家浏览报纸。 Every morning my father _ _ newspapers at home.75戒烟对你的身体健康有益。 Its good for your health to _ _ smoking.P7771HAS代表什么? What does HAS _ _?72警察来时小偷已经跑了。 The thief had _ _ when the policemen came.73如果你努力学习,你将通过这次考试。 If you study hard, you will _ the _.74昨天我的新书出版了,你想看吗? Yesterday my new book _ _, would you like to read it?75到目前为止,我已经学了大约60个英语单词。 _ _ , I have learnt about 60 English words.P8371汤姆经常编故事逗他的小弟弟。 Tom often _ _ stories to amuse his little brother.72我们将在大约十分钟后开始广播。 We will be _ _ in about ten minutes.73你的新房子和你的旧房子比起来怎样? How does your new house _ _ your old one?74让我们先做运动,热一下身。 Lets do some exercise to _ _ a bit.75我不知道他们是怎样进入伊拉克的。 I have _ _ how they got into Iraq.P8971我父亲已经戒烟了。 My father has_ _ smoking.72同学们正在为玲玲大声加油。 The students are _ Lingling _ loudly.73我们应该帮助处于困境中的人。 We should help the persons _ _.74每个人都为杨利伟而感到骄傲。 Everyone is _ _ Yang Liwei.75这个周末小丽打算在家里复习功课。 Xiao Li is going to _ _ her lessons at home this weekends.P9571当我父亲不在时,我们决定尝试一下戴维的游戏。 While my dad was out, we decided to _ _ Davids game.72玲玲将要在母亲节为她妈妈买什么? What is Lingling going to buy for her mother on _ _.73想起处在危险中的大熊猫和其他的动物就很悲伤。 Its sad to _ _ pandas and other animals in danger.74无论她做什么,她从不放弃。 Whatever she does, she never _ _.75周末他们通常在电视上观看足球比赛。 They usually watch football on television _ _.P10171你近来收到Tom的来信了吗? Have you _ _ Tom recently?72后来我们发现他是一个诚实的孩子。 Later we _ _ that he was an honest boy.73我自己抬不起这张桌子。 I cant _ _ this desk alone.74她静静地看着我,什么都没有说。 She looked at me _ _ and said nothing.75你们试过这个设想了吗? Have you _ _ this idea?P10771如果你老是做这些事情而不是你的功课,你就没时间学习了。 If you do all these things _ _ your homework, you wont have time to study.72你必须为你的行为付出代价。 You must _ _ your action.73我们决定试试大卫的游戏。 We decided to _ _ Davids game.74据当地人说,这是一个奇特而且有魔力的地方。 _ _ the local people, its a special and magic place.75摄影比赛的获奖者将在校园网上公布。 The winners of the photo competition will be _ _ on the school website.P11371上周陈华带我们参观了天塔。 Chen Hua _ us _ Tianjin TV Tower last week.72我参加了唱歌比赛并且获得了一等奖。 I entered a singing competition and won the _ _.73好像他们不是在和听众说话,而是在亲自和我说话。 It seemed that they were speaking not to the listeners but to me _ _.74感谢你为我们指出北京的景点。 Thank you for _ _ the sights of Beijing for us.75所有这些花都是手工制作的。 All these flowers are made _ _.P11971如果你举手,这意味着你同意我的想法。 It means you _ _ my idea if you put up your hand.72因为大雨,我们不得不呆在家里。 We had to stay at home _ _ the heavy rain.73玲玲买了很多明信片,它们在学校的商店里有售。 Lingling bought a lot of postcards, they are _ _at the shop in our school.74同学们都在快乐地聊天,只有我静静地坐着。 My classmates were talking happily with their friends, but I sat _ _.75在开始课程之前,你们必须填表并提前一个月付款。 You must _ _ a form and pay at least one month before you start the course.P12571感觉好像他们不是在和广大听众说话,而是在亲自和我说话。 It seems that they were not speaking to lots of listeners but to me _ _.72你认为哪种爱好占用最少的时间? Which hobby do you think _ _ the least time?73他们大声地为我们欢呼加油,我们感到更有信心赢得比赛了。 They _ us _ loudly and we feel more confident to win the game.74莎士比亚的戏剧现在对于我们来说也很有意义。 Shakespeares plays _ _ to us today.75不要把那本旧杂志扔了。 Dont _ _ the old magazine.P13171我们中国人和陌生人第一次见面时通常握手。 We Chinese usually _ _ when we meet strangers for the first time.72我们尽可能早到以便我们有时间做热身活动。 We will arrive as early as we can so that we have time to _ _.73在我离开地日子他替我照顾我的小狗。 He _ _ my dog for me when I was away.74我的同学们在和朋友开心地交谈着,而我在一边安静地坐着。 My classmates were talking with their friends happily, but I sat there _ _.75白求恩来到中国帮助中国人并为他们而牺牲。 Norman Bethune came to China to help Chinese people and _ _ them.P13771那个小女孩在默默地哭泣,让我们去帮帮她吧。 A girls crying _ _ , let us help her.72我确实想出国度假,但现在已放弃了这个想法。 I did want a holiday abroad, but Ive _ _ the idea.73国庆节那天,我和我的朋友们一起去香山游玩。 My friends and I went to the Fragrant Mount on _ _.74我猜她这样做目的是为了能避免和她父母的麻烦。 I imagine that she did it _ _ she could avoid problems with her parents.75晚上我睡不着。 I cant _ _ in the evening.P14371你作为客人呆在一个美国人的家庭中并且参加他们的日常活动。 You stay as a guest with an American family and take part in their _ _.72托尼的妈妈想让他收拾他的房间。 Tonys mum wants him to _ _ his room.73确保他身上暖和,给他盖件外套。 _ _ hes warm. Cover him with a coat.74我过去曾在这家工厂工作过。 I _ _ work in this factory.75多亏了你的帮助,我赢得了比赛。 _ _ your help, I won the game.P14971开会时请关闭手机。 Please turn off your _ _ at the meeting.72为了保护野生熊猫,政府在2003年设立了自然保护区。 In order to protect wild pandas, the government _ _ a nature reserve in 2003.73PLA代表的是中国人民解放军。 PLA _ _ the Peoples Liberation Army.74我妈妈错把我的漫画书扔了。 My mother has _ _ my cartoon books by mistake.75我在下一站下车。 Im _ _ next stop.P15571你必须注意你的书写。 You must _ _ to your handwriting.72那个老人死于一场交通事故。 That old man _ _ a traffic accident.73她去上海出差时,拜访了他的启蒙老师。 When she went to Shanghai _ _, she visited her first teacher.74医生让他回家卧床休息至少三天。 The doctor asked him to go home and rest in bed for _ _ three days.75孩子们盼望着回家。 The children are _ _ to going home.P16171万物靠太阳生长。 All living things _ _ the sun for their growth.72我需要很多时间来完成这项工作。 I need _ _ time to finish the work.73当我有困难的时候,她会站在我这边。 She stood by me when I was _ _.74他们都参加了祖国60周年庆典活动。 All of them _ _ the celebration of Chinas 60th birthday.75在出门之前确保把所有的灯都关掉。 _ _ you turn off all the lights before you go out.P16771真希望我知道怎么开暖气。 I wish I knew how to _ _ the heating.72请发短信到此号码参加投票。 Send a _ _ to this number to vote.73我决定去隔壁那家要点吃的。 I decided to go to the next house and _ _ food.74与睡眠好的人相比,睡眠不好的人要花更长的时间才能入睡。 Poor sleepers take longer to _ _ than good sleepers.75他们担心自己晚年的生活保障问题。 They _ _ how they will support themselves in their old age.P17371把你的玩具玩完后放进柜子里去。 _ your toys _ in the cupboard when youve finished playing.72他当医生的愿望实现了。 His dream of being a doctor has _ _.73我的家乡以它的大学而文明。 My _ is especially famous for its university.74我通常醒得很早。 I usually _ _ early.75今晚,能来宣布本次摄影大赛的获奖名单我非常高兴。 Tonight I am more than happy to _ _ the winners of the photo competition.P17971为了纪念那次战役,我们建立了一座博物馆。 To remember that battle, we _ _ a museum.72他是你可以依赖的人。 He was the sort of person you could _ _.73我妹妹昨天从自行车上摔下来了。 My sister _ _ the bike yesterday.74PLA代表的是中国人民解放军。 PLA _ _ the Peoples Liberation Army.75请按时上交作业。 _ _ your homework on time.P18351小玲的梦想很快就会实现了。 Xiao Lings dream will _ _ soon.52每年冬天有几百只鸟飞到这。 _ _ birds fly here every winter.53你在找什么呢? What are you _ _?54请不要为我担心。 Dont _ _ me, please.55琳琳想试试那件红色的裙子。 Linlin would like to _ _ the red dress.56上个星期天孩子们在公园里玩得很高兴。 The children _ _ very much in the park last Sunday.57一名护士给这个小女孩量了体温。 A nurse _ the little girls _ right now.58许多孩子因为吃不健康食品而发胖。 Many children _ _ because of the unhealthy food.59胡萝卜对眼睛有好处。 Carrots are _ _ your eyes.60爷爷总是把我照顾得很好。 Grandpa always _ _ me very well.61我们可以在网上搜寻信息。 We can _ _ information on the Internet.62商店里正在出售新衬衣。 New shirts are _ _ at the shop.63快点儿。我们都在等你。 Hurry up. We are all _ _ you.64玲玲在周末上英语课。 Lingling has English classes _ _.65请把你的东西收拾好。 Please _ _ your things.66大明正在长城上拍照。 Daming is _ _ on the Great Wall.67因为天气恶劣,我们决定取消比赛。 We decided to _ _ the match because of the bad weather.68我们不应该过分依赖父母。 We shouldnt _ too much _ our parents.69校长亲自参加了他们的活动。 The head teacher took part in their activities _ _.70据天气预报说,明天会下雨。 _ _ the weather report, it will rain tomorrow.P18971这一地区正遭受水和电力供应短缺的问题。 The area is _ _ water and power shortages.72我们在路上碰到了一起交通堵塞。 We met a _ _ on the way.73他们将要张贴新的路标。 Theyll _ new street signs _ tomorrow.74你什么时候把安宁还给我们? When will you leave us _ _.75他昨天把旧沙发扔掉了。 He _ _ the old sofa yesterday.P19571请打开收音机,我们一起听音乐吧。 Please _ _ the radio. Lets listen to the music.72能告诉我去邮局怎么走吗? Can you tell me how to get to the _ _?73托尼的妈妈正在学校门口等他呢。 Tonys mother is _ _ him at the school gate.74我们的老师就是教练并且参加我们的训练。 Our teacher is the coach, and she also _ _ in the training with us.75汽车及时停了下来,但是那个男孩还是从自行车上摔了下来。 The car stopped just _ _, but the boy fell off his bike.


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