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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上中考英语阅读七选五专题 (枣庄中考)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入答题卡的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。As we know,there are differences between Western culture and Chinese culture.1._Lets look at some words about animals and plants.Most expressions in Chinese about the dog,for example,“a homelessdog”“a mad dog”“a running dog” and “a dog catching a mouse”,have bad meanings.2._In English,people use the dog to describe good actions.For example,“you are a lucky dog”means you are a lucky person.And“every dog has its day” means each person has good luck sometimes.To describe a persons serious illness,they say“sick as a dog”The word “dogtired”means very tired.3._But in Western culture,“cat”is often used to describe a woman whois unkind.There are many other examples of how “cat” is used differently as well.4_People think the rose stands for love,peace,courage and friendship.And the rose is the national flower of England,America and many othercountries.5_We can learn about many differences in cultures by comparing how some words are used.AHowever,Chinese love cats very much.BThe words about plants and animals are used in good or bad ways indifferent cultures.CWe can see differences when we pay attention to the way words are used.DHowever,westerners love cats very much.EWe can see similarities when we pay attention to the way words are used.FThe rose is regarded as a symbol of love inboth China and some Western countries.GBut in Western countries,dogs are considered to be honest and good friends of humans.真题汇编A(昆明中考)Many people are trying to save the earth with special days like“Meatout Day”“Earth day”and “ Buy Nothing Day”Meatout Day“Meatout Day”is on March 20th.1._ Join this day,and youll get healthier.Also,you can reduce greenhouse gases(减少温室气体) and save the earth.Earth Day2_ Many people all over the world try to do something green on this day.In Italy,people dont use plastic bags.In Canada and Norway,people ride bicycles and dont use their cars.In the USA,people dress up like plants and animals and dance in Times Square,New York.Buy Nothing Day“Buy Nothing Day”is usually on the fourth Friday in November.3._“Buy Nothing”means“make no rubbish”.4._Do you want to join them?5._AThis is Childrens Day.BWhen you make less rubbish,you can make a cleaner earth.CMany people around the world dont eat any meat for one day.DThen you can remember these special days and do something green.EWe have a national holiday.F“Earth Day”is on April 22nd.GOn this day,many people dont buy anything.B(江西中考)A problem is only a problem until there is a solution(解决办法)We find solutions bythinking creatively.1._In other words,we think outside the box.Sometimes,thinking outside the box solves not just one,but two problems.Amsterdam is one of the most crowded cities in Europe.As a result,housing is very expensive,especially for students.2_ However,finding this type of apartments was almost impossible until recently.While the colleges in Amsterdam were trying to solve the housing problem,thousands of shipping contains(集装箱) were lying quietly in ports(港口) around the world.These huge steel containers carry products from one country to another.The life of each container is about 10 years.3._Yet they cant recycle all of them because there are so many.Back in Amsterdam,a company came up with amazing idea.Why not reuse these shipping containers as student apartments?4._They are all the same size and fit together perfectly.The steel is strong.Moreover,these containers are so widely available that they are quite cheap to buy.For all these reasons,they can be used to build apartments quickly and cheaply.Building began in 2005,and after only a few weeks,hundreds of Amsterdam students had new homes.When students first heard about this idea,they thought the container apartments would be small,noisy,and cold.5._ Each container apartment has a kitchen,a bedroom with a study area,and a bathroom.The apartments are warm and quiet.They even have a highspeed Internet connection.Living in a shipping container has become popular.Today,over 3,000 Amsterdam students live in the container village.AStudents need lowcost apartments.BThe containers are great for building apartments.CIn fact,these apartments are not in good condition.DHowever,they were surprised when they saw them.ESteel companies recycle some of the old containers.FRecycling the steelcontainers has many advantages.GWe use our imagination and come up with creative ideas.C(云南中考)There is a seed(种子)He is so small that nobody wants to look at him.1._One day,a wind brings him to a field in the sun.He looks around and a spatter of rain comes to him.Then he grows up.Four years later,a man sits under him.The man says,“Thankyou for this.2._”“What are you talking about?”the seed asks.3._No one speaks to him like that.“Who is this?”the man asks.“Its me.Im a seed.”“A seed?”The man looks at the big tree.“4._You are a tree,a big tree!”“Really?”“Yes! People come here to have a rest under your shade(树荫)”Hearing this,the seed,now a tree,is very happy.“Oh!That means Im not a small seed anymore. 5._Wow! Everybody comes to me for my shade because I am a big tree now!AI can help people.BYou are not a seed.CThe man feels unhappy.DI really need some rest.EThe seed is planted in a field.FHe thinks the man is laughing at him.GSo the seed doesnt think he is important.D(曲靖中考)When the weather gets warm,people love to play in the water.Many like to swim in pools,lakes and rivers.1._But water can be dangerous.About 10 people die from drowning(溺水) each day in the USA.These simple rules may help you enjoy the water safely.2_ If you cant swim,dont go into the water.And take a swimming class.Swimming is much easier than you think.Classes are available at pools,schools and sports centers.Be careful.Choose to swim in areas with lifeguards(救生员)If you need help,the lifeguards can help you. 3._Dont swim alone.When you do swim,always swim with another person.4._If something happens,one of you can go and get help.5_ But when youre in a boat,wear a life jacket.Ifyou fall into the deep water,you will be safe.Enjoy the water,but remember safety comes first.ALearn to swim.BYou can take a shower.COthers like to swim in the ocean.DSwimming is more difficult than boating.EBoating is another way toenjoy the water.FThe two of you can watch out for each other.GWhen you play in the water,dont push or jump on others.E(成都中考改编)As time goes by,are you still the same person youwere? Many of you would think you are.1_You could be a completely different person when you get old.Psychologist(心理学家) at the UKs University of Edinburgh did the study on a group of Scottish people. 2_In 1950,a group of teachers gave over 1,200 14yearold students personality tests.3_They were selfconfidence,sense of responsibility,perseverance(耐心),strong wishes to win,creativity and moods(情绪)In 2012,researchers successfully found 174 of those 1,200 students and gave them a test similar to the one they had received before. 4_They were surprised to find great changes to all six personality traits of these people. 5._It was “as if the second test had been given to different people.” The study reported.In the past,personality was widely believed to be unchangeable.This new study may bring some fresh ideas to the world.AThey tested six basic personality traits.BThen they compared the thenandnow test results.CThey wanted to know if peoples personality was unchangeable.DBut according to a new study,your personality can change greatly.EThe younger and older self seemed to be totally different for each person.FThe research found almost everyones personality changed when they grew old.GThe research found people changed nothing.专心-专注-专业


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