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房地产论文:南京“江佑铂庭”项目营销策划研究【中文摘要】新中国的房地产业正式启动自1980年国家推行住房商品化改革开始,经过了近30年的发展,房地产业已逐渐成长为国内经济主要的支柱产业之一。但在我国房地产业的发展过程中,由于起步较晚,市场成熟度差,消费者的住房观念落后且成长较慢,房地产市场曾一度呈现出供不应求的局面,如此使得开发商对于房地产营销策划的理念接受度较低。随着国家宏观调控政策的加强,国内的房地产行业渐渐规范起来,消费者的住房需求也在慢慢提高,同时行业竞争的不断加剧,开发商也开始重视起营销策划来,但整体水平仍处于起步阶段,导致许多开发产品无法满足市场需求,形成了空置或烂尾。在目前的市场环境下,开发商对于项营销策划能力已上升为企业的核心竞争力,直接影响企业的盈利水平高低甚或生存能力。本文主要是结合南京“江佑铂庭”项营销策划课题,对房地产营销策划过程的基本内容和具体操作进行阐述,通过对项市场调研、营销环境分析、项目SWOT分析、市场定位、营销策略的研究构建出房地产项营销策划操作流程和整体框架。针对南京“江佑铂庭”项目实例,本文首先介绍了项具体情况,然后通过对项市场调研、综合分析,最终确定项市场定位,并制定出相应的营销策略。与目前实际操作中开发商只注重销售阶段的市场推广不同,本文强调了项目全程营销的理念,即从项目获取土地开始就引入营销策划,在项需求调查、市场定位、规划设计、物业管理、市场推广等各个开发阶段全面进行营销策划管理,以使得营销策划在房地产项目开发过程中发挥其最大作用,为开发商和消费者带来“双赢”结果。【英文摘要】The real estate industry of new China formally initiated since 1980 the state promotes housing commercialization reform began, after nearly 30 years development, real estate has gradually grow into domestic economy mainly one of the pillar industries. But in the real estate industry of our countrys development process, because startting evening, market maturity is poor, consumers housing concepts backward and grow slower, the real estate market was once showing demand situation, thus makes the developers for real estate marketing planning concept acceptance is relatively low. With the macro-control policies strengthened, and the domestic real estate industry gradually standard rise, the housing needs of consumers in slowly increase, and industry competition unceasingly intensifies, developers are increasingly up marketing planning, but overall level is still in the initial stage, causing many products developed to meet the market demand, formed the vacancy or rotten tail. In the current market environment, developers to project marketing plan ability has risen for enterprises core competitiveness, which directly influences the enterprises profit horizontal discretion or survival ability.This paper is mainly in nanjing “JiangYou platinum court” project marketing planning issues, for real estate marketing planning process of the basic content and specific operation is expounded, through the analysis of the market research, the marketing environment analysis, project of SWOT analysis, the market localization, the marketing strategies of real estate project construct the marketing operation flow and the overall framework. Aiming at nanjing “JiangYou platinum court” project examples, this paper firstly introduces the actual conditions of a project, and through the analysis of the market survey, comprehensive analysis, the final project market position, and formulate the corresponding marketing strategy.Currently with the actual operation of developers only paying attention to sales stage of marketing is different, this paper emphasizes that the project full marketing concept, namely from project acquire land start introducing marketing planning, in the project requirement investigation, market positioning, planning and design, property management, marketing and other various development phase sweeping marketing planning and management to make marketing planning in real estate projects in the development process, maximize our role for developers and consumers with “win-win” result.【关键词】房地产 营销策划 研究【英文关键词】Real estate Marketing planning research【目录】南京“江佑铂庭”项目营销策划研究摘要10-11ABSTRACT11-12第一章 绪论13-201.1 研究背景13-171.1.1 国外房地产业发展现状13-141.1.2 国际房地产营销发展现状14-151.1.3 国内房地产业发展现状15-171.1.4 国内房地产营销发展现状171.2 研究意义17-181.3 研究内容、框架及方法18-201.3.1 研究内容及框架18-191.3.2 研究方法19-20第二章 相关理论综述20-252.1 市场营销理论概述202.1.1 房地产营销策划202.1.2 全程营销内涵202.2 研究理论工具20-232.2.1 SWOT分析方法20-212.2.2 4P和4C理论21-232.3 房地产营销策划的特点及内容23-252.3.1 房地产营销策划的特点23-242.3.2 房地产营销策划的内容24-25第三章 “江佑铂庭”项目营销环境分析25-433.1 “江佑铂庭”项目简介25-263.1.1 开发商背景简介253.1.2 “江佑铂庭”项目简介25-263.2 项目市场环境分析26-403.2.1 宏观环境分析26-353.2.2 南京市房地产市场环境分析35-373.2.3 项目所在区域房地产市场环境分析37-403.3 项目SWOT分析40-433.3.1 项目优势分析40-413.3.2 项目劣势分析413.3.3 项目机会分析41-423.3.4 项目威胁分析423.3.5 SWOT分析结论42-43第四章 “江佑铂庭”项目市场定位研究43-524.1 市场细分与目标市场确定43-474.1.1 市场细分43-464.1.2 目标市场确定46-474.2 目标市场的特征分析47-514.2.1 消费者行为以及消费者需求调研47-504.2.2 项目目标市场选择504.2.3 目标市场特征分析50-514.3 项目的市场定位51-52第五章 “江佑铂庭”项目营销策略52-715.1 产品营销策略52-615.1.1 产品分析52-545.1.2 推案原则54-555.1.3 推案思路55-585.1.4 推案节奏58-605.1.5 推案配合事宜60-615.2 价格营销策略61-655.2.1 房地产价格制定影响因素615.2.2 房地产价格制定遵循原则61-625.2.3 房地产项目定价策略62-645.2.4 房地产项目定价方法645.2.5 本项目定价参考64-655.3 渠道营销策略65-675.3.1 营销渠道选择65-665.3.2 渠道营销策略66-675.4 促销策略67-715.4.1 广告营销67-685.4.2 形象推广685.4.3 媒介促销68-695.4.4 人员促销69-71第六章 “江佑铂庭”项目营销策略执行控制71-756.1 项目营销执行控制71-746.2 研究局限与建议74-75参考文献75-78致谢78-79学位论文评阅及答辩情况表79


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