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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上第十七章 代名词(92-100)第一节:人稱代名词第二节:指示代名词第三节:不定代名词代名词92-99代名词的种类1. 人称代名词 I, you2. 指示代名词 this, that3. 不定(数量)代名词 some, anyone4. 疑问代名词 who, what5. 关系代名词 who, which一、 人称代名词1)2) 人称代名词的顺序1. You and I had better start at once.2. I and Bob were arrested for speeding. 遇到不好的事端,可先说I3) we, you, they的特殊用法1. We should try to learn from our mistakes. 包含说话者本身2. You cant get a drivers license till youre eighteen. 听者3. They say that she will marry. 不包含说话者和听者, 据说注意We live on rice in Taiwan. 台湾人说我们以米食为生You live on rice in Taiwan. 你们台湾人以米食为生They live on rice in Taiwan. 他们台湾人以米食为生People live on rice in Taiwan. 通用4) it的用法a. 表 时间, 天气, 距离, 天色情况 等1. My brother has been married for three years.It has been three years since my brother got married. 时间It is three years since my brother got married. 表一种事实is 2. The weather gets hot and humid in summerIt gets hot and humid in summer. 天气3. It is about two kilometers to the town from here / from here to the town. 距离4. It gets dark early at this time of the year. 老天爷5. How is it going at school? 事情进行的如何在学校6. How do you like here? here为副词How do you like it here? I like it (here) very much.How do you like it?What do you like?b. 形式主词it1. It is important to keep a promise.2. It is not easy to get out of a bad habit.3. It is no use crying over spilt milk.4. It is important that you obey the rules.5. It makes no difference how you do it. 你怎么做都没有差别c. 形式受词1. Air tank make it possible for divers to breathe underwater.2. I found (that) it was surprising that she didnt know who Michael Jordan was.I found it surprising that she didnt know who Michael Jordan was.find, think, consider, believe, make + it + O.C.(受词补语) + that子句d. It be that 的强调句 (参照特殊构句部分)e. 其他重要表现1. It cost thirty dollars to fix the computer. cost只能花钱2. It takes two hours to get to the airport. take只能花时间3. I take it for granted that they got divorced. 视为理所当然5) 所有代名词所有代名词=所有格+名词myminehishisherhersitsits(1) 一般用法1. My cost is brown, and his is black.2. Your bike is so different from mine.(2) 双重所有格由于 a, this, that, some, her, his等不可同时出现故用 a, this, that, some等 + 名词 + of + 所有代名词her a book a book of hers (a book of her books)1. I happened to meet a friend of mine / one of my friends at the station.2. I really like that charming smile of hers. 更强调是某人的I really like her charming smile.(3) 惯用表现1. Yours sincerely (truly, faithfully).敬上2. With best wishes to you and yours.竭诚祝福你和你的家人6) 反身代名词(1)1. You should accustom yourself to your new surroundings.2. I have never been to Paris myself, but I hear its nice.I myself have never been to Paris, but I hear its nice3. Lisas mom looked at her in the mirror. Lisa妈看LisaLisas mom looked at herself in the mirror. Lisa妈看自己(2) 惯用表现1. Help yourself to(prep.) the food. 自行取用食物2. Take care of yourself.Take care.3. Please make yourself at home. 请不要拘束Take it easy. 放松4. I couldnt make myself understood in English.5. Did you tie yours shoelaces by yourself / alone?6. Look up the word in the dictionary for yourself?look up the word in the dictionary / consult the dictionary for the word注意talk to oneselfdress oneselfbehave oneselfenjoy oneselfhurt oneselfintroduce oneselfseat oneself 坐下beside oneself 忘形come to oneself 恢复知觉垦丁, 台湾地名1. Please allow me to introduce myself.2. She was beside herself with joy. 他高兴得忘了形beside 为介系词, 不可置于名词后3. He soon came to himself.二、 指示代名词1) this (these), that(those)a. 一般用法1. This is my son, and that is my daughter.2. This is not the dessert I ordered.3. Lots of people go abroad these days. 最近b. 电话用语1. Who is this/it, please? This is David (speaking).You have a wrong number. 你打错了c. this, this 表前述句子1. To be or not to be that is the question.生或死? 那是问题所在2. We have the right to express our opinions freely. That is called freedom of speech. 言论自由d. this指后续的句子1. Ill just say this you should follow your fathers advice.2. He told me to call her this I did at once.e. this (these)表后者, that(those)表前者1. Work and play are both necessary to health; this gives us rest and that gives us energy.先提到的远(that)前者, 后提到的近(this)后者2. Tobacco and alcohol are both injurious; but this / the latter is less injurious than that / the former.f. that(those)可避免名词重复, 无this1. Our climate (in our country) is milder than that(the climate) of India.代替名词one=a/an+Nit=the+NN+修饰语=that2. Smokers lungs are more likely to get cancer than those of nonsmokers.g. this/that的惯用法1. She went to this doctor and that. 她四处求医2. We talk about this and that. 各种各样的东西We talk about this, that and the other.3. At this, she stood up. 听到这个,她就站了起来4. With this, he left the room. 这样说着就;说完这个就5. He yawned, and that very often.6. Its an idea; and a good one at that. 而且7. He told me about his trip and what he bought and all that. 诸如此类8. He kissed her and with that / and then he left. 于是;然后就h. this, that可当副词, 用以加强语气1. This fish I caught was this big.2. I didnt you were that tired.2) soa. 当动作的受词1. He told me to wait in line and I did so.2. Do you think it will be sunny tomorrow? I hope so. / I hope not.b. 当补语1. Is that so? 是那样吗?2. Do you still feel sick? If so(sick), you must see the doctor.You make me sick. 你使我恶心c. 当程度副词1. Dont talk so fast.2. I often donate money to charity, and so does my wife.The greatest gift we have is our health, and so it is.d. 惯用表现1. They sell apples, oranges, bananas, and so on.2. Its risky. May be. But even so, I have to do it. 即使如此3. He stayed here a year or so. 大约3) sucha. such+(a)+(形容词)+名词1. I dont know such a man. 这样的人2. I have never heard such nonsense in all my life. 这样荒谬的话b. all(any, few等)+such+名词1. Have you tasted any such food before? 任何这样的食物2. I like lions, tigers and some such wild animals. 一些这类的野兽c. 惯用表现1. I visited several European countries, such as / like France, Italy and Switzerland.For example / instance +子句2. I have never read books such as he mentioned.注意I dont like such fish as an eel. 我不喜欢鳗鱼之类的鱼3. He is a gentleman and must be treated as such. 以对待绅士的方式待他4. My income, such as it is, supports my family. 尽管不怎么好such as they are 复数时5. The news gave her such a shock (that) she nearly fainted.such有形容词的特性, so有副词的特性4) samea. 一般用法(当代名词, 形容词)1. I said it was a good buy and she said the same / so.2. I dont like to have the same food every day.b. the same as + 名词/子句the same that + 子句1. I want the same shoes as yours.2. He is the same man that I saw yesterday.He is the same man as I saw yesterday.the same 只能用thatc. 惯用表现1. His opinion about his plan is much the same as yours. 几乎一模一样His opinion about his plan is very different from yours.2. He is rude, but I like him all the same. 仍然3. Its all the same to me. 对说来都一样;无所谓It makes no difference to me. 对说来都一样;无所谓4. Happy New Year. (The) same to you.5. You may go today or tomorrow; it comes to the same thing. 反正结果都一样三、 不定代名词(表示不特定的人或物, 或不定数量的代名词)1) onea. one=a/an+单数名词 无限定(同类物品)the+名词=it 有限定(同一件物品)1. Id like to borrow a hammer if you have one.2. Did you bring the textbook?No, I didnt bring it.b. 加修饰语1. I lost my umbrella yesterday; I must buy a new one.2. These boots have worn out. I need to buy some new ones. 复数3. I like that picture I mean the third one from the left.4. The guitar is similar to the one I have.注意one 不可代替不可数名词He likes white wine better than red (wine).c. 惯用表现1. She is nurse and mother (all) in one to the orphans.2. They left by/in ones and twos. 三三两两3. They came, one and all, to welcome him. 全都;人人4. The teacher interviewed the students one by one.5. I, for one, do not agree. 就我个人来说2) both / alla. both两者, all三者上1. Both of my parents are happy about the result.Both of my parents are not happy about the result. 部分否定, 并非两者都Neither (None) of my parents are not happy about the result. 全部否定2. All (the) villagers knew of the accident. 形容词All of the villagers knew of the accident. 代名词The villagers all knew of the accident. 同位格know sth.亲眼所见 know about/of sth. 道听途说b. All + 单数名词 表全体1. It rained all afternoon.2. All the town / the whole town was destroyed.3. They jogged all the way.c. All+抽象名词/身体部位的复数1. The lady was all smiles. 这位女士满脸笑容2. She was all ears. 她专注地听3. His fingers are all thumbs. 满手都是大拇指(笨手笨脚)d. All的惯用表现1. There are 700 boys and girls in all. 总共,合计.2. He ate the meat, bone and all. 连一齐都他把肉连同骨头都吃光光3. We have all but / almost finished the work. 几乎,差一点注意at all above all 尤其是first of all 首先for all I know 就我所知all at once (all of a sudden) 突然for all 尽管1. The dress does not suit her at all.2. Did you fallow/take the doctors advice at all?3. If you learn English at all, learn it well.4. For all / in spite of her efforts, she failed.3) some / anya. 表示一些肯定句 some否定句,疑问句,条件句 any1. I need some coins. Have you got any?2. Please lend me some money if you have any.b. some 表某个any 表任何一个都1. How about having dinner at some good restaurant? restaurant单数2. Any of the magazines will do.c. Some用于疑问句表示邀请或请求的疑问句或当说话希望得到肯定的答案时1. Would you like some coffee?2. If you eat some cabbage, Ill take you to the park.d. some与any的副词用法some大约any 一点点也1. Some forty people were present at the party. 大约四十人2. I cant run any faster.I cant wait any longer.3. Its not any big for you.e. 惯用表现1. I hope to visit London some day.some day 未来式 one day 过去式;未来式2. Lets discuss it some other day. 改天3. Well call on him in any case. 无论如何call on+人 call at+地4. He was determined to finish the work at any lost. 不惜一切代价5. Correct mistakes, if any. 若有的话6. There is little water, if any. 即使有即使有水,也很少4) other / anthera. 一般用法1. I dont like this one; please show me the other. 只有两个I dont like this one; please show me another. 不止两个2. Would you like another piece of pie?b. 用于列举1. I have two sisters: one is married and the other is not.2. I have three sisters: one is sociable, but the others are too shy.注意数量为三时 one-another-and the other数量为四时 one-another-another-and the other数量为某时 one-the second-the third-.-and the lastI have three young friends: one is eight years old, another is ten, and the other is twelve.3. Some of the club members came on time, but the others were all late. 4. Some people are good at dancing, and others arent.5. She hung her raincoat on one hook and her umbrella on another.注意未列举完some, and some 可数; 不可数some, and others 可数列举完some, and the rest 可数; 不可数some, and the others 可数c. 惯用表现1. I have a black cat and a white one: the one / the former likes to play, and the other / the latter sleeps most of the day. 前者, 后者2. To know is one thing, and to teach is quite another.知道是一回事, 而教又是另一件事To say is one thing, and to do is quite another.3. They shouted at each other.4. We introduced one another at the welcoming party.5. The restaurant served dishes one after another. 陆续dishes 菜肴;餐具6. The two girls rowed the boat one after the other. 两个轮流7. On (the) one hand we look for excitement, but on the other (hand), we look for peace in mind.我们一方面寻求刺激, 另一方面寻求心灵平静5) each / everya.each, every强调个体, +单数名词+单数动词1. On each side of the street there were policemen. 只有二用each2. These hats cost 10 dollars each. 副词, 不可用every3. There are two books in his bag and each book is carefully wrapped in colorful paper. 4. Every student has his favorite subject. 不知性别用his5. Every dog and (every) cat has his likes and dislikes.b. every+抽象名词 (一切的)1. I have every reason to believe it. 充分理由2. She showed me every kindness.她尽其所能地对我非常亲切c. 每隔1. The Olympics are held every four years. 每四年The Olympics are held every fourth year. 每一个第四年每四年,每隔三年 2000 2001 2002 2003 20042. I come here every other week. 不用second用otherI come here every two weeks.每两周,每隔一周6) either / neithera. 皆用单数形neither 是一个否定字 not+eitherneither 不可和not同时出现1. Either of the two answers will do. 代名词性Any of the three answers will do.2. I can write with either hand. 形容词性不可用both我两手都能写字3. I dont like either of the man. 两个都不喜欢.I like neither of the man. 两个都不喜欢.4. We passed two gas stations, but neither of them was open. 两家都没开5. Neither of the titles is suitable for the essay. 两个都不适合b. either / neither 也不1. Bill didnt come to the party, and Jack didnt, either.Bill didnt come to the party, and neither did Jack.Bill came to the party, and Jack did, too.Bill came to the party, and so did Jack.2. If you do not go, neither will I.If you do not go, I wont, either.7) no / nonea. no + 单数名词/复数名词1. He has no money.He doesnt have any money.not any = no2. The policeman arrived in no time. 立刻重点not 表示不 ; no 表示绝非no = not a1. He is not a musician. 他不是音乐家2. I am no thief. 我绝不是小偷I am by no means a thief.b. none(无一) + 单数名词/复数名词1. None of us agree/agrees with you.2. None of us were/was against the proposal. against介词3. None of the information is useful. 不可用are, information不可数4. (Its) none of your business. 这不关你事8) somebody / somethinga. somebody +形容词1. Will somebody else be present?other + 名词else: 疑问词+else (what else, who else, ) somebody, everything,+elseb. 所有格 bodys1. Everybodys business is nobodys business.众人之事就是无人之事, 三个和尚没水喝c. 特殊表现1. He thinks he is somebody.他自以为是个了不起的人物2. If you want to be anybody, you must hard.如果想要成为大人物, 你必须努力工作d. 惯用表现1. He is a lawyer or something. 律师之类诸 如此类的什么Are you crazy or something?2. He would not go with me for anything. 无论如何(用于否定句中)3. Peter isnt called a playboy for nothing. He had one girlfriend after another.不是没有道理有道理Peter被称为花花公子是有道理的4. He did nothing but laugh. 他一味地笑5. I had nothing to do with the accident. 与无关I had much/little to do with the accident. 与有很大/一点点关系6. He is nothing but a fool. 只是个傻瓜罢了专心-专注-专业


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