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PEP 2 Unit4 Do you like pears? A Lets learn张美娟Teaching Aims知识目标能够听、说、认读A部分lets Learn中的水果的单词:pear,orange,peach,apple,watermelon,能力目标能在具体情境中运用句型Do you like-?互相询问喜欢的水果,并能做出相应的回答:Yes,I do. No,I dont.情感目标积极运用所学英语进行交流,在学习中渗透多吃水果的健康饮食观念,以及团结协作的合作精神。教学难点单词watermelon的发音,句型Do you like-?的读法。Learning Strategies将所学内容放在故事中学习,前后浑然一体。Teaching AidsCAI课件、本课学生用水果图片Teaching procedures:教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图. Warm-up1. Enjoy a song : Apple song.2. T:Good morning!Nice to see you again!Today I have a story for you。Its funny!Lets have a look!1. Listen and try to sing.2. Listen and anwser。Good morning! How are you? Whats your name? Where are you from!Nice to meet you!让学生回答或呼应故事中人物的话。这是个热身环节,句子很简单,只是拉近学生与故事人物的距离,使他们比较快的进入情景学习。.Presentation and practiceLearn the new words。1. T:One day, they go to the foot of a mountain, they feel hungry. What are they saying? They want to some food。2.T: So Mr Sun goes to look for food .What can Mr Sun see?1)出示简笔画watermelon 2)出示简笔画orange .2)出示截图pearT::Hi, Im Pear. Nice to meet you. I have many friends。3)出示猜谜引入peach:A: T: Its pink. Monkey likes it very much. C. 示图,变化桃子数量.4)上图桃子中变化出苹果学习apple。3. 总结。T:They are fruits。I like _. I dont like_.Learn the new sentence。1.描述故事进展:T:Fruit is healthy food, so Mr Sun takes a lot of fruit.。But Just then, a monster coming. She turns into a beautiful girl.She brings some fruits.2.教学妖怪和沙僧对话。3. 妖怪和八戒对话。1)教师扮演八戒,由八戒的贪吃引出Yes,I do.I like it very much!等句子。4.妖怪和唐僧对话。Share the fruit。1.描述故事进展: T: Just then, Mr Sun comes back. He kills the monster. Then, they begin to share the fruits.2. 读范文片段( 师生-生生 )。Mr Sun: Do you like _s? Mr Tang: No , I dont . Mr Sun : Do you like _s? Mr Tang : Yes, I do. Mr Sun : Ok, here you are. Have some_s.Mr Tang : Oh! Thank you!3描述故事结尾:T: So they begin to taste the fruits. After a while , Mr Zhu says:“Oh,Im so full!” Mr Tang says:“Ok!Lets go! ” 1复习练说:I like _. Have some_.2.Guess the fruits.1)看简笔画猜watermelonA. listen and readB. 图文各比较one watermelon,some watermelonsC.说练:I like watermelons.I like watermelons,too. D.品尝说练:OK. Have Some watermelons .A.看简笔画猜出orange:a.listen and readb.说练:This is a red a green an orange orange. 2)看截图猜出pearA发音比较:pear bearB看图练说。a. This is my friend, _pear. b. What do you like? I like the _ pear.3)猜谜语peach:A.发音比较:peach teaB.图文比较:one peach ,two peaches C.看图,练说 How many peaches can you see?I can see _ peaches。4)看图,练说 How many apples can you see?I can see _apples。3. 练说:I like _. I dont like_.1)逐句听音跟说Do you like pearsorangespeachs? No,I dont. 2)扮演角色,两人操练。3)尝试说说其它句子Do you like _s? No,I dont.1)学生用刚学的句子扮演妖怪提问Do you like _s?2)生生练习。1)同桌两人扮演角色互相问答。Do you like _s? Yes,I do. No,I dont.2)反馈,指名学说。1. 读范文2.同桌模仿编故事。3.Say “Bye ”to them。由唐僧师徒四人饿了,孙悟空去寻找食物引出新课,对新旧知识的连接起到承上启下的过渡作用。I like _. Have some_.是对旧知知识的复习,也是下文的铺垫。由猜水果树导入课文学习,设置学习悬念,吸引学生的学习注意力。水果单词呈现方式上力求多变。同样是猜水果呈现,分为看简笔画猜,看截图猜,读谜语猜,以及从桃子中变化出苹果等,尽量不重复。每个单词,设计了不同的旧句型进行滚动练习。妖怪和沙僧八戒唐僧的对话是雷同的,因而力求操练形式有变化。妖怪和沙僧的对话是首次引出新句型,采取逐句听音跟说,并扮演角色,两人操练,一步步,细细读练。妖怪和八戒的对话,由扶到放。教师扮演八戒,学生用刚学的句子学妖怪试着提问Do you like _s?然后生生练习。妖怪和唐僧的对话则放手先让学生们自己练说,教师只是巡查后做个反馈。这样一方面同样的对话操练中也不觉得枯燥,另一方面由扶到放,具有连贯性,层次性。通过范读和生生读,检查学生对短文的理解情况,也是下文的模仿练说的必要准备。考察学生对单词的掌握情况,综合了前两个语篇训练的重点单词和句子的有机整合,让学生自编对话,进行全面的运用与输出,是语言内化的过程。.Make a dialogueT: We have studied the fruit words: apple, pear,peach,orange,watermelon. Let us use them to make a dialogue.1. Make a dialouge with the words: pear,orange,peach,apple,watermelon。2. show the dialogue。学以致用,由故事回到现实,让学生使用学过的单词自由编一个对话。这是个开放的环节,不限句型,不限情景,自由想象,培养学生对单词在具体情景中的运用能力,同时训练学生思维的发散能力。. Assessment Homework.。1. Go to the supermarket, and say out their names. 2. Make a salad with your parents.


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