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E m o t i o nrelease my pressure; refresh/ease my mind; cheer me up; lift my spirit;recharge myself; escape from reality/concret jungles( 水泥丛林 ); get awayfrom boring ;find my inner peace;healthkeep fit; burn calories/fat; work out/build my body; stretch out; keep agood shape; lose weight; avoid sedentary lifestyle; release pain from my back;person to personboost bonds; expand social circle; follow someones footstepsscareerpromising; highly-demanded; well-paid job; decent salaryefficiencytime-saving; labor-saving; handyquality提高: boost; foster; improve; enhance; promote; hone;美学) taste能 力 : creativity and imagination; hands-on ability; problem-solving; leadership; interpersonal communication skill; cultivate/develop teamwork spirit; independence; survival skill; eye-hand coordination; sense of beauty; broaden horizons; acquire knowledge; enrich life experience; absorb information; body coordination; artistic and aestheticsafetylead a stable life; hygienic and sanitary; trustworthy; reliable; dependable1. Through, .be able to Through visiting M ,chidren s creativities and imagination can be greatlyinspired/enlightened.Through cycling, we are able to burn calories and work out our body.2. .can be taken/treated/viewed/considered/regarded as a way/chance/an opportunity for to .Studying abroad can be taken as a chance of fostering(hone) their independence and survival skills.Listening to music can be taken as a chance of finding inner peace.3. It provides with./offers a cha nee to Travelling provides us with a chance to escape from the concrete jungles.4. doing is beneficial/rewarding for to do Playing toys is rather rewarding for children to foster their creativities and imagination1. Through cycling, we are able to burn calories and save time.2. Getting around in the park can be treated as an opportunity of boosting bonds with family.3. In China, RenRen is viewed as a local version of Facebook.4. Visiting museumcan offer students an opportunity of acquiring knowledge and absorbing information.5. Painting is beneficial for kids to cultivate creativity and imagination/sense of beauty.6. Studying abroad provides students with a chance of honing their survival skills and independence.7. Cooking training can lead to the fostering of hands-on ability for children.8. Math is considered as a foundation of learning other subjects, like accounting and finance.9. I consider Beijing to be a city where we can relish delicacies( 品尝美 味 ) from all over the world.、10. Playing toys can lead to the cultivation of hands-on ability and eye-hand coordination for kids.11. Without animal protection, they would be extinct; towards the end, our planet would be doomed.12. Parks provides us with a chance to work out our body and get close to nature.13. Only with a touch of fingertips, we are able to buy anything we want.14. The trip to Qingdao won t be complete without the taste of beer.15. Nanjing is an ideal spot for relaxaction, romance and entertainment.16. Today s people tend to leave a sedentary lifestyle.17. Hearing is one thing, yet seeing it unfrontis a different story.18. SHY is a typically residential building that can commonly be found throughout China.19. SHY is like an oasis in the middle of concrete jungles.20. We can sit back and take in the en dless views and colourful sun set.结构:surely can be a good thingSince first of all, it can provide us with a cha nee to do-Additi on ally, through/by,we are able to one more to add, it can be take n as a way of doingDo you prefer .or .?Mostly/frankly/personally/basically(根本上说)/honestly speaking解释特别是because/s ince;It is especiallytrue when it comes to simply because/ma inly because;It is especiallythe case for This is due to the fact that;Especially/Particularlyin other wordsSin gularly反证效果on the other hand;As a resultin steadAccord in glyif ,would be As a consequeneewithout ,would not beThereforecon verselyHencealter nativelyThuson the con trary举例对比for example;Compared with for in sta nee;SimilarlyThe most support ingexample is that ;Likewise in this case;Unlike , tends to beas an illustrati onis ,while -isAddi ngillustrateemphasiscause and effectandfor exampleabove allbecausealsosuch asin particularsoas well asfor in sta neeespeciallythereforemoreoverin the case ofsig ni fica ntlythustooas revealedin deedcon seque ntlyfurthermorebyno tablyhenceadditi on allyillustrated bysequeneecomparequalifycon trastfirst,sec ond,similarlybutwhereasthirdlikewisehoweverin stead offin allyas withalthoughalter nativelyn extlikeuni essotherwisemea nwhileequallyexceptun likeafterin the same way apart fromon the other handthe nas long ascon verselysubseque ntlyifP11. study2) well, there are several reas ons. Si nee first of all, through lear ningcomputer scienee, I m able to fulfill my potential to a large extend.Additi on ally,this major has a promis ing prospect and I firmly believe thatit can provide me with decent and comfortable work in the coming future.3) sure!Interest is the best teacher. I show great interestin cloudcomputi ng and big data. Moreover, lear ning program ming can be take n as anopport unityto foster my eye-ha nd coord in ati onand problem-solvi ng ability.5) actually not.And I think that s why I decide to continue my studyandI hope to acquire more knowledge as well as cultivatinga spirit ofin depe ndence duri ng my futher study.6) I d rather study in the mornings tha n in the after noon s. I m not thatkind of morning person. I feel sleepy in the mornings but energetic in theafter noons.2. sleepi ng2)I suppose so. In China, many students are burdened with plenty of assignments and adults always face mountains of tasks everyday. So naps can be beneficial for them to escape from tiredness and be more efficient intheir following work.4.hometown3)My hometown, Nanjing, is located in the South-east of China. It is amarvelous place.(Tobegin with,the cityscape ismagnificent/gorgeous/breathing.Lawns and stylish skyscrapers abound in the city; parks and museumsare filled with people and tourists from all around world;) It is a time-honored city, which used to be capitals of 6 dynasties during history. and there are even buildings left from old days.5)Sure. It is where I was born and grew up, I have so many memories here.Since first of all, the transportation here does benefits to our daily lives. It only takes about 30 minutes for me to get to the city center by subway.Additionally, people in my hometown are mostly simple, friendly and hospitable. If you ask anyone for help, they will always try to help you or find someone else to help you.7) My favorite place in my hometown is the city museumbuilt on the historic site of the capital of the ancient Ming Dynasty. It houses plenty of unearthed objects that remember the old past. There are bronze objects, pottery and jewel. I like this place because it gives me a sense of honour that I was born in a great city with long history.8) yeah, I d like to saysomething about traffic. The main streets in thecenter of the city are always very congested. To be honest, we always have a bumper-to-bumper situation in the rush hours.5reading books1) Well, I used to. But now, I dont spend a lot of time reading. I usedto read novels as it can provide me a chance of acquiring knowledge and enriching my life. Now, I just do some light reading, like newspapers and magazines.2) I m into historical stuff. Im really curious about what happened inthe past. It always fas cinated me. Moreover, I m really to fantasy novels, like harry porter. These novels can make my life colourful and I always feel I m in a different world.3) when I was a child, I loved cartoon books because the vivid illustrations could always make mefeel that the stories were alive in front of me. I still remember the book mymumbought mewhen I was five. It s called the powerful king. I still remember all the details in that book.6)well, reading books is rather a good thing. Since first of all, throughreading books, children are able to cultivate their creativity and imagination. Additionally, it is taken as an opportunity to absorb information and acquiring knowledge. One more to add, compared with toys and snacks, books seem to be more long-lasting friends inspiring people at any stage in their lives, let alone children.6.teachers( 金子深 26)1) My favorite teacher is my English teacher. Instead of cramming knowledgeinto my brain, he inspired me to study hard and explained tricky and complicated grammars in an easy and interesting way.2) My English teacher really helped me a lot. Since first of all, when I madesome silly mistakes, he was always of enough patience and never ignore such simple questions and get bored. Whats more, in an attempt to cultivatemyinterest in learning English, he also told plenty of stories and cultures of European countries.3) To be a teacher has always been my dream. I feel that teacher is a noble profession and it s cool and fulfilling to pass on knowledge to new generation. For me, a good teacher should have a good commandof specialized knowledge of some subject to give better guidance. Additionally, the long holiday of being a teacher is super attractive.


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