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外研社小学英语三年级起点 重点句型、词组归纳第一册1、Hello. Hi.你好。2、Goodbye. Bye-bye.再见3、How are you? 你好吗? I am fine,thank you.我很好,谢谢。4、How are you? 你好吗? - I am fine. 我很好And how are you? 那么你好吗? -Im fine too.thank you. 我也很好,谢谢。5、Whats your name? 你叫什么名字? -Im xx. 我叫 -My name is xx.我的名字是。6、Stand up. 起立 Sit down.坐下7、Point to .指向。8、Its redblueyellowgreenblack.它是红色的/蓝色的/黄色的/绿色的/黑色的ts a red dogcat. 它是一只红色的狗(猫)10、How many?多少?1-1211、Whats this? 这是什么? -Its a deskchairbird.它是一张桌子(椅子、小鸟)12、Happy Birthday!生日快乐13、Here s your book.这是你的书。14、How old are you? 你多大了? -Im twelve.我12岁15、Look at. 看。16、Is it a cat? 它是一只猫吗?-Yes,Its a cat. 是的,它是一只猫。 -No, it isnt.不,它不是。 Its a dragon.它是一头龙。17、Wheres the book. 书在哪儿? -Its in the bag.它在包里。18、This is my motherfathergrandpagrandmasisterbrother.这是我的妈妈、父亲、爷爷、奶奶、姐妹、兄弟。 -ShesHes a doctorteacher.她是一个医生、老师。19、This is herhis headarmhandlegfootleg.这是她的(他的)头、胳膊、手、脚、腿。第二册1、 二十六个字母手写体2、 My favourite toy is a shipcarkitedollcomputer game.我最喜欢的玩具是船、小汽车、风筝、洋娃娃、电脑游戏。3、Whats this? 这是什么? -Its a tigerlionelephantmonkeypanda.它是一只老虎、狮子、大象、猴子、熊猫 Its bigsmall.它是大的(小的)4、What are they? 它们是什么? -They are tigerslionselephantsmonkeyspandas. 它们是一些老虎、狮子、大象、猴子、熊猫 They are bigsmall. 它们是大的(小的)5、The tree is tallshort. 这棵树是高的(矮的) This monkey is thinfat.这只猴子是瘦的(胖的)6、I like footballbasketballtable tennismorning exercises.我喜欢足球、篮球、乒乓球、做操。7、I dont like swimmingriding bikesskipping.我不喜欢游泳、骑车、跳绳。8、Do you like ricenoodlesmeatfishmile. 你喜欢米饭、面条、肉、鱼、牛奶吗? -Yes, I do.是 的,我喜欢 -No,I dont.不,我不喜欢。9、Does Daming like bananasorangesapples. 大明喜欢香蕉、桔子、苹果吗? -Yes, heshe does. 是的,他(她)喜欢。 -No, heshe doesnt. 不,他(她)不喜欢。10、I get up我起床go to school上学have lunch吃午饭go home回家watch TV看电视go to bed at . oclock.我在几点睡觉11、Whats the time? 几点了? -Its half past five.五点半12、I have breakfastdinner at . oclock.我在几点吃早饭(晚饭)13、What do you at .oclock in the morningafternoon?上午(下午)几点你在做什么? -I play football.我踢足球。14、At Spring Festival, we have a big family dinner.在春节,我们有一个大的家庭晏会。15、We have Christmas in England.在英国我们有圣诞节。16、What do you do in springsummerautumnwinter.春天(夏天、秋天、冬天)你做什么?17、Have you got a pen? 你有一支钢笔吗? -Yes, I have. 是的,我有 -No, I havent.不,我没有。18、HeShe has got a bike. 他(她)有一辆自行车。 HeShe goes to work by car.他(她)乘车去上班。19、The panda is inonunder the desk.熊猫在桌子里、(桌子上、桌子下)20、In springsummerautumnwinter.在春天、(在夏天、在秋天、在冬天)第三册Module 11、 Point to 13-20.2、 Have you got a tiger? -Yes,I have. -No,I havent.Module 21、 Excuse me. 对不起。Wheres the.,please?请问在哪儿?2、 Turn rightleft.向右转、向左转、 Go straight. 直走 Nextupdownnearat station.Module 31、What are you doing?你正在做什么?2、Shes Hes -writing a letter.她(他)正在写信 -taking pictures. -talking to her friend.和她的朋友交谈 -playing with a toy train.玩玩具火车3、Im listening to music.听音乐 -watching TV. 看电视 -reading a book!读书Module 41、 What are they doing?他们在做什么?2、 They are doing taijiquan. 打太极拳 -rowing a dragon boat.划龙舟 -drinking soybean milk.喝豆奶 -playing basketball. 打篮球 -playing table tennis. 打乒乓球、 -jumping. 跳 -running.跑Module 51、 Do you want some ricenoodles?你想吃饭吗?(面条吗) -Yes,please.是的,我想吃 -No,thank you.不,谢谢。2、 Hes making noodles. 他正在做面条。 -fast food.快餐3、 Im making dumplings. 我正在包饺子 -cooking vegetables.炒菜 -making cakes.做蛋糕Module 61、 I can jump high.我能跳高 Can you?你呢? -jump far. 跳远 -ride fast. -Yes, I can. -No, I cant.2、 Im the winner. 我是冠军3、Can you make a cake? 你会做蛋糕吗? -play the flute. 吹笛子 -wash clothes.洗衣服 -draw a dragon.画龙Module 71、 We are going to get up at 6 oclock.我们将在6点起床。2、 We are going to go by plane.我们将坐飞机去。3、 I am going to visit my grandpa.我要去拜访我奶奶。Module 81、 What are you going to do for Sports Days?运动会你将做什么?2、 Im going to run -the 100 metres. 我要跑100米-every day. 每天。3、 Im going to do the- high jump.-long jump.4、 Good luck!Module 91、 Can I have some soupsweetsbread?我能吃点汤吗?(糖、面包)2、 Sorry, you cant. 对不起,你不能。-Yes, you can.是的,你可以Module 101、 How many birthdays are there in July -There are three.2、 1-12个月份。 第四册Module 11、 This is xiaoyong,2、 HesShes very clever.nice.cool.a bit shy.a clever pupil. -a naughty bird.Module 21、 This is a book about London. -Its very nice.beautiful.2、 London is the capital of England.Module 31、 Were going to have a picnic.2、 Will you take a ball? -Yes, I will. -No. I wont.3、 On MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday .4、 I will go swimmingplay with my friendsgo to the parkdo my homeworkvisit my grandpahelp my motherread my books.Module 41、 Robots will make cakes.help children learn.do the housework.2、 It will be windyhotsunnyraincoldsnow in Beijing.3、 Will it be windy in Beijing? -Yes,it will. -No,it wont.Module 51、 Amy is olderyoungershortertallerstronger than Daming.2、 The Changjiang River is longer than the Yellow River.3、 Mount Qomolangma is higher than Mount Tai.4、 The Great Wall is older than the Summer Palace.5、 Beijing is bigger than Tianjin.Module 6 1、 This picture is good. - This picture is better.2、 This picture is bad. -This picture is worse.3、 Amy is better than Tom. -Tom is worse than Amy.Module 71、 Where is New York? -Its in the east. -New York is in the east.2、 Beijing is the capital of China. Its in the north.south.east.west. Module 81、 She was fat.young.short.small. -Now shes thin.old.tall.big.2、 It wasnt fat then. It was thin. -Was it fat? No,it wasnt. Module 91、 Did you cook meat yesterday? -Yes,I did. -No,I didnt.2、 Yesterday I watched TV.I helped my mother.He played on the computer game.Module 101、 Sam fell off his bike. 2、 Amy had a cold yesterday, and today shes got a headache.3、 Get a stomachache - have a cold -have a headache.第五册Module 11、 When did you come back? -We came back last Sunday.2、 I dropped my ice cream.3、 Did they go home by bike? -Yes,they did. -No,they didnt.Module 21、 How many bananas do you want? -Six,please.2、 Do you like cheese,Lingling? -No, I dont. I like noodles.3、 How much milk do you want? -Five bottles,please.Module 31、 What did you do at the weekend? -We visited lots of places,2、 Where did you go? -We went to the British Museum.3、 WhoWhenHowWhatWhereModule 41、 Sam took my T-shirt. He wants to wear it. 2、 It isnt hers. Its mine!3、 Did you wash Linglings T-shirt?4、 Whose bag is this? -Its Linglings bag.Module 51、 There are ten pencils in the bule box.2、 There are enough pencils.3、 There arent enough.Module 61、 Can you run fast? -Yes, I can . -No. I cant.2、 You can catch the ball well.Module 71、 This man is blind. He cant see.2、 Can we have a dog? -Yes,we can. -No we cant.Module 81、 What time does school start? -My school starts at nine oclock.2、 What time do you get up? -I get up at half past seven.Module 91、 Are you feeling sadboredangrytiredhappyhungry? -No.2、 Whats the matter? -Nothing.Module 101、 You should look,then cross the road.hold my hand.2、 You shouldnt walk in the road.第五册Module 11、 There werent any buses.We lived in a small house.2、 There are lots of buses and cars.We live in a big house.3、 Many years ago.Module 21、 Did your grandma learn English? -Yes,she did. -No,she didnt.2、 Hes learning English now.Module 31、 What did she have for breakfastlunchdinner? -ISheHe had eggs and sausages.fish and chips.2、 What did you eatdrink last night? -I atedrank .3、 What are you going to eatdrink tonight? -I m going to eatdrink .Module 41、 We can find a book about computers in library.2、 Where are the books about computers,please? -There are on shelf C.Module 51、 This black bag is nice. Its big.2、 This blue one is big and light. Itll be easy for her.3、 Its too big for you.Module 61、 When didi you go to Xinjiang? -We went there in July.2、 Did you go with your mother and father? -Yes,I did.3、 Where is XX ? -Its in the northsoutheastwest of China.Module 71、 He is at the office now. Hell be home at six oclock.Module 81、 What time does school start? -My school starts at nine oclock.2、 What time do you get up? -I get up at half past seven.Module 91、 Are you feeling sad? -NO2、 Whats the matter? -Nothing.Of course not.3、 I feel happysadtiredboredhungry.Module 101、 You should look,then cross the road.2、 You shouldnt walk in the road.第七册Module 11、 These postcard are great! -Yes,they are.2、 Tell me more about the Great Wall. How long is it? -Its about six thousand seven hundred kilometres.3、 New York is in the east of America.Module 21、 Theres a Chinatown in New York. 2、 There are lots of Chinese shops there.restaurants there.Module 31、 Do you collect stamps? -Yes, These are some stamps from Canada.They are famous men and women.2、 Have you got any stamps from China? -Yes,I have. This stamp is from China.3、 I have got a hobby. -I collect stamps.Module 41、 Can you tell me more about American festivals? -Well,Thanksgiving is my favourite festival.2、 What do you do on Thanksgiving Day? -We always have a special meal. We say Thank-you for our food,family and friends.Module 51、 Can you speak English? -Yes, I can speak some English.2、 Can I write to you? -Yes, of course.Module 61、 Daming has got a Chinese kite and we fly it in the park.2、 I have got some chopsticks,but they are difficult.3、 Have you got a book about America? -Yes, I have. -No, I havent.Module 71、 Pandas eat for twelve hours a day. 2、 Do snakes like music? -Sankes cant hear. The snake think the flute is another snake.3、 Pandas love bamboo.Module 81、 Do you often play with dolls? -Not really.Yes, of course.Not very often.2、 I oftenalwayssometimesnever go swimming.Module 91、 Do you want to visit the UN building in New York? -Yes, I do. -No, I dont.2、 I want to show Daming the present from China. -Its beautiful. I want to take a photo.Module 101、 Look at the library rules. It says,Dont talk in the library.2、 Heres my library card. -Please stand in line.第八册Module 11、 What do you want? -I want a hot dog,please.2、 How much is it? -Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.3、 What do you want to eatdrink? -I want a hamburger.a cola.Module 21、 When are we going to eat? -Were going to eat at half past twelve.2、 Its going to rain soon.3、 Were going to have a picnic.4、 Its going to snowwindysunnyhotwarmcoldrain in Changsha.Module 31、 The sun is shining.2、 The birds are singing in the trees.3、 The ducks are eating our picnic.Module 41、 Who can help me? -Sorry,I cant. -Yes, I can,2、 The balloons are flying away.3、 The apples are falling.Module 51、 Daming is having a birthday party.2、 Daming is playing the trumpet,but the phone is ringing.the doorbell is ringing.Module 61、 I bought you this book.It looks interesting.2、 Who gave it to you? -Simons family gave it to me.Module 71、 In October 2003,Shenzhou flew into space with Yang Liwei.2、 Yang Liwei spent about tewnty-one hours in space.He made a video and now he is very famous.Module 81、 Helen Keller became blind and deaf. She couldnt see and she couldnt hear.2、 Later she could read and write. She worte a book about herself.Module 91、 Why are you laughing? -Because.2、 Whats the matter?Module 101、 Are you going to go to middle school this September? -Yes, Im really excited.2、 Ill miss you.3、 What are you going to study?4、 I am going to go study HistoryScienceGeographyFrenchpPhysicsChemistryChinese.节日、名胜古迹、地名:The Changjiang River 长江 The Tiananmen Square 天安门广场The West Lake 西湖 The Huangshan Mountain 黄山The Great Wall 长城 Ming Tombs 明朝的十三陵British Museum 大英博物馆 Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫River Thames 泰晤士河 Big Ben 大本钟Hyde Park 海德公园 Tower Bridge 伦敦塔桥Yellow River 黄河 The Summer Palace 颐和园Mount Qomolangma 珠穆朗玛峰 Lantern Festival 元宵节 Spring Festival 春节Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 Dragon Boat Festival 端午节Halloween 万圣节 Thanks Giving 感恩节15


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