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青少版新概念教材分析1B单元重点口语单词句子拓展Unit16Lesson31Fun,belive,together,bridge,really,pas,binoculars,any,ship,some,down there(1) Isnt this fun?(反意疑问句的用法)(2) Pass me the binoculars.(3) Can you see any ships there?-I can see one.(1)Whats the name of the river?(2)How many ships are there near Tower Bridge.We are all together on the London eye.Lesion32Classroom,park,church,cinema(1)-Are there any children in the classroom?-Yes, there are.-No, there arent.(2)-Are there any children in the classroom?-Yes, there are, but there arent any children in the park.(3)- Can you see any children?-Yes, I can.-No, I cant.-Can you se any children in the park?-No, I cant, but I can see some children in the classroom.Can you believe it?Unit17Lesson33On this ballOn my kneesTake a photo ofTake a photo onGood atSmile,watch,balance,try,easy,gymnastics,useless,Math,Music,take,gym(1)I can (2)-Can you do it?-Yes, I can.(3)-Can you balance on a big ball like us?-No, I cant.Im useless at Music.-Can you do math?-No, I cant.You can do Maths and Music and I cant.Lesson34Difficult,drive,ride,speak,tennis(1)-Can Lucy do Math?-No, she cant.(2)Can Lucy do Maths?No, she cant do Maths, but she can go gymnastics.Im useless at it.Im good at it.I can Unit18Lesson35cook, dinner,help,rice,water,pan,chop,onion,spoon,get,fork,drawer,hand,wet,open,restaurant,must,jug,dry,food,sugar,milk(4) Lets +动词原形(5) Give me some rice.(6) -Is there a big spoon over there?-Yes, Dad.Whats in the packet?ItsHere it is.Youre right.My hands are wet.Lesson36Scanner,computer,packet,coffee,tea,bottle,orange juce,fridge,sea(7) -Is there a scanner in the office?-No, there isnt.(2)I can see a computer.(变成否定句)I cant And I cant see any coffee in the packet.No, there isnt any.Is there aPass sb sth.Give sb sth.Unit19Lesson37Eat,finish,why,tired,problem,fish,salad,dish,drink,peach,Why not?Lots of,musnt,Help yourself!(1)-What time is it?-Its four oclock.(2)There is some(3)I can, and I cantIs there anyWhats the problem?There is/areMaybe you can eat lots of peaches.Gee NonsenseLesson38Meat,grape,buy,bread,cake,tin,cheese,butter.(8) -Is there any fish?- Yes, there is, but there isnt any meat.(2)-can you see any meat in the window?-No, I cant see any meat in the window, but theres lots of fish.Dont buy any grapes,(祈使句的用法)Unit 20Lesson39Surprise,lesson,talk,find,bye,when,next,half past,a quarter,look for(9) How is Ken?(10) Its Lucys music lesson at half past six.(3)Its quarter to six.(时间表达法)Can I call you at half past nine.Nice to speak to you!Are you sure?What a surprise!Please hurry up, Lucy.Lesson40Homework,then,wash(1)-What time is it?-Itsoclock.(11) -Whens your lesson?-Its at one cclock.We mustNice to speak to you!Are you sure?What a surprise!Please hurry up, Lucy.Unit21Lesson41Breakfast blues,do,want,not really,something,train,stomach,have got,how much?pot,start,morning,yoghurt,canteen,terrible(1)-Do you want any breakfast, Paul?-Not really, but I must eat something.(2)There is some in the fridge.(3)-How much juice do you want?-Just a small glass, please.(1)-Have we got any tea?-Yes, there is some tea in the pot.Help yourself.Poor Paul!Lesson42Much,fruit,chocolate,beer,paper,strig,money,spare(1)-Have you got any coffee?-Yes, I have.(2)-How much coffee have we got?-We havent got much.Do you got any coffee?No, I dont want any coffee, but I want some tee.Unit22Lesson 43A lot of,shy,many,introduce,to,studies,true,alwalys(1)-Theres Claire in Karens garden.(2)-Has she got a lot of friends now.-Well, shes very new here.Introduce . toLesson44Jacket,magazine,video,blouse,skirt,vegetable,relative(1)-Paul has got some CDs.-Hes got some CDs , too.(2)-Has Paul got any DVDs?-Yes, he has, and hes got lots of CDs, too.(1)-How many CDs has Paul got?-Lots.(2)-How many DVDs has he got?-Not many.Unit23Lesson45Kind,remember,lucky,another,like,birthday,at any time,Let me hink,Japanese(1)-What kind of camera has Clair got, Jack?-Let me think.(2)Doesnt she like that one?-Well, she likes it, but she wants a new one.-What kind if camera have you got?-Ive got a British one.Just bring it here!Lesson46British,German,plastic,leather,CD player,Itlian,watch,Korean,handbag,clock,Swiss,very much.(1)-Has Claire got a British camera?-No, she hasnt.(2)-She wants a Japanese one. She doesnt want a British one.Unit24Lesson47Love,salmon,piece,tonight,potato,lettuce,cucumber,fantastic,pick,strawberry,dessert,healthy,meal,worry,cream,first(1)-Do you like fish?-Yes, I love fish.(2)-Theres some lettuce and some cucmber.-Do you want any vegetables?-No, thank you, but I dont want some fruit.Thats fantastic, Karen!Its my favourite kind of food!This is great.Lesson48Hate,sweet,wine(12) Do you like vegetables?-Yes, I do.(2)-What do you want?-I want some vegetables, please.-Do you like vegetables?-Yes, I do, but I dont want any now.hats fantastic, Karen!Its my favourite kind of food!This is great.Unit 25Lesson49Weekend,shopping,supermarket,make,shopping list,need,loaf,Sunday lunch,Sunday,boring,ice cream,nasty(1)-There isnt any sugar in the house.(2)-How much sugar do we need?-Two bags.Two bags of sugar.Four packets of tea.One loaf of bread.A piece of meat.A box of chocolates.A bottle of wine.Youre right.Lesson50Anything,else,bar,soap,large,match,girlfriend(1)-Whats that?Its sugar.(2)-What are those?-They chocolates.(3)-Does she want any wine?-No, she doesnt want any wine. But she wants a bag of sugar.Can I help you?Unit26Lesson51Self-service,menu,assistant,soup,tomato,sauce,my dear,lady(1)-Thats vegetables soup, isnt it?-Yes, thats right.(2)-What is it?-Its meat and vegetables in tomato sauce.-Thank you, my dear.-Thats fine!A jug of water.Show me the menu, please.Please just take them.Lesson52Glove,already,jans,newspaper(1)-Has Karen got a coat/any gloves?-No, she hasnt. Show her that one /those.(2)-Do you need that coat/those globes?-No, I dont. Show it /them to Karen.(1)-Who wants a coat/some gloves?-Karen does. Give her that one/those.Show me the menu, please.Please just take them.Unit27Lesson53Toothache,look, awful,dentist,patient,make an appointment,emergency,today,this afternoon,miserable,feel,hope,earache(1)-H e looks awful!(2)Please can I make an appointment for my son,Robert?-Yes, thats right.I feel miserable.Lets hope for the best.Lesson54Day,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,headache,sick,stomach-ache,flu,cold(1)-What day is it?Its Sunday.(2)-Whens your appointment?-Its on Sunday.-When can he see you?-He van see me at four oclock on Sunday.Lets hope for the best.Unit 28Lesson55Every,different,weather,mean,quite,ever,warm,England,summer,sunny,Atlantic,climate,often,rain,sometimes,especially,July,cool,difficulty,change,month,temperature,China(1)-Is it ever fine and warm in England?-Well, of course it is!(2) -When is that?-It rains sometimes in summer, especially in July.What do you mean?Thats the difficulty!Every day is different.Lesson 56Sprin,sun,shine,cloudy,season,usually,nevrer,autumn,winter,snow,France,Russia,Africa,windy,same(1)-Is it often fine and warm in spring/-Yes, it is.(2)Does the sun often shine in spring?-Yes, it does. O ften.-Whats the weather like in spring?-Its often fine and warm.What do you mean?Thats the difficulty!Every day is different.Unit29Lesson 57August,year,present,bike,gear,traffic,dangerous,about,safe,date,question,ask,special(13) The first of August .Its Roberts birthday.(14) Roberts 10 today!Dont worry about the traffic now!Many happy returns!I cant believe it!Heres a present for you from your father and me.Lesson58(1)-Which is the first/second/third month of the year?-January/February/March(2)-Which month comes after January?-February.(1)-Whats the date?-Its the ninth of January./Its January the ninth.Many happy returns!I cant believe it!Heres a present for you from your father and me.Unit30Lesson59International,event,race,mile,runner,world,Australia,compete,European,impressive,eank,marathon,practice,Moroccan,Brazilian,Canadian,German,Chinese,name,New York,country(1)-How long is the race this weekend?-Ten miles.(2)-Whos in the race?-Well, there are lots of fantastic runners.Where does Bruce /he come from?He comes from Australia.Like who?I need practice for the London Marathon next year.Lets wait and see!Lesson 60Australian,live,Sydney,language,Brazil,Sao Paulo, Portuguese,Germany,Berlin,Canada,Anerican(1)-Whos that?/Whats his name?-Thats Bruce./His name is Bruce.(2)-What nationality is he?-Hes Australian.-Is Bruce English?-No, he isnt. Hes Australian.Like who?I need practice for the London Marathon next year.Lets wait and see!


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