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实用精品文献资料分享七年级英语下册Un it 1 Can you play the guitar七年级英语下册Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?教案分析教学目标Section A Section B知识目标 必记单词guitar n.吉 他si ng v.唱歌swim v.游泳dance v.跳舞draw绘画chess n.国际象棋speak v.说,演说join v参加,加入club n.俱乐部tell v告诉,讲story n.故事write v.写talk v.谈话show v&n表演or conj.或drum n.鼓piano n.钢琴violin n小提琴also adv也,还people n.人(们)home n.&家make v.使,制造today adv今天center(=centre)n中心,中央weekend n周 末teachv教musiciann.音乐家 常 考短语play chess,play the guitar, speak English,join the art /music / swimming club, soundsgood, talk to(sb.) play the drums / the piano /the violin , help (sb.) with(sth.), be good with , make friends(with sb.), on the weekend典型例句-Can you (sing)? -Yes ,I can./No, I cant. -What can you do? ? C I can dance. -What club do youwant to join? -I/We want to join (the art club).I can speak En glish and I can also play soccer. Are you good with oldpeople? Please call us at 689-7729 today!重点语法情 态动词can的用法 能力目标1.谈论个人的能力;2读懂关于个人能 力的文章;3.写招聘广告/海报 情感态度 积极参加学校或社团活动, 丰富阅历,锻炼能力,帮助他人,提高自身素养。Section A(1a-2d) 一、课前自我发现I据意填词1. I can sa littleEnglish.2. Do you want to join the s_club? 3. Can you play c_?4. I c_ play the piano, its really difficult. 5. What c_does he want to j_ ? II短语互译1. jo in the art club_ 2.爱说英语_3.想参加4. playthe guitar_ 5._写字画画6.能歌善舞 _III_对话排序1.I want to joi n the music club. 2.What club do you want教案分析实用精品文献资料分享to joi n? 3.Y es.I ca n. 4.Can you play the guitar?序号为:二、课中牛刀小试 I 补全句子(注意词形变化)1.1 want_(join) the music club. 2. He can speak English very(good).3. Do you want to joi n the_(swim) club? 4. Bob_ (want)to join the En glish club. 5. Ann likes_(write and draw) . II单项选择1.Je nny is aquiet girl, and she likes playingvioli n. A. a B. an C.the D. / 2. Do you want_ the music club? A. join B. joiningC. to join D. to joining 3. He cant sing_dance. A. andB. or C. so D. but 4. Can you_En glish? A. say B. speakC. talk D. tell 5. Lets_ . A. play the chess B. play guitarC. swimmi ng D. sing and dance III翻译句子1.我想加入游泳俱乐部。I_ the_ . 2.你会唱歌还是会画画? _you sing_ ? 3.我们不想参加体育俱乐部。We_ want_ the_ club. 4.他们想参加什么俱乐部?_they want to joi n? 5.咱们现在就参加吧!Lets_!三、课后巩固提高I补全对话A: CanI help you? B: Yes , please. _ 1 A:_ 2 B: Im not sure yet.A: 3 B: Sorry ,I cant. A: Can you play chess? B: No, I cant. A: _4 B: Ican draw, but not very well. A: I see. _5 II句型变换1. She can play chess.(对划线处提问)_? 2. Alan wants to join the music club. (对划线处提问)_? 3. I can play theviolin.( Yes/No?)_ ? 4. Alice can singand dance. (Yes/No?) _ ?5. I want to jointhe art club because I like drawing very much.(对戈U线处提问).?Section A(Grammar Focus-3c) 一、课前自我发现I我会发现 “can的用 法”1.实用精品文献资料分享迈克,你会(干)什么?2.我会画画。3.你会唱歌或跳 舞吗?4.我不会唱歌但会跳舞。5.比尔会说汉语吗?6.是的, 他会。/不,他不会。II英汉互译1.wantfor_2.实用精品文献资料分享_三、课后巩固提高I连词成句(注意标点符号)1 . play, brother,the, your, guitar, can(?). cant, he,piano, the, play(.)3 . guitar, sing,学校演出 _3. Come and show us!_4.来加入我们吧! _5. talk to Ms White_ 6.在音乐教室 _ 二、课中牛刀小试I用关键词编问题并且回答Model: Ann, sing, dance Can Ann sing? No, she cant, but she candance. 1.Bill,write stories, tell stories _ 2. Tomand Tim , play soccer, play baseball_ 3. Grace, play the piano, play the guitar._ 4. Jane and Jill , play chess, playcomputer games_ II Groupwork讨论并报告:What can youdo? name can cant IReport(报告):In my group,I can but I cant实用精品文献资料分享the, I, play, can, and(.)4.to, club, music, join, want, do, you, our(?)5 I, show, want, to, show , in, the ,school(.)_II补全对话A: Canyou draw? B: _ 1 A: Here are all the clubs. 2 B: I_m notsure yet. A: 3 B: Yes ,but not very well. _4 A: I can play it very well, but I likesinging very much and I want to join themusic club. B: _5 . We can joi n the music club together(一起).A: Ok, lets go and have a look. III补全下面的招聘广告并回答问题Stude nts wan ted for our music club We want two Stude ntsfor our music club._ you_?_you_?_ you_ the _?_ you_ the _ ? Ifyou can, please_ Li Mi ng at 790-4230 or_Cin dy_.回答下面问题:1.Whats your name? _ 2. Whats your phone number?3.Whats your qq number?_4. Whats your emailaddress(_电子由E箱)? _ 5.Whatclass are you in?_ 6. Who is your music teacher?7.Why do you like music? _ Section B(1a-2a) 一、课前自 我发现I看图写短语1 2 3 4 l.play 2. 3. 4. II找错纠错1. Can you play the basketballwith me? ( ) A B C D 2. I want to join the swim club. ( ) A B C D 3. Mary cansplay the pia no. ( ) AB C D 4. Can you play the piano and the guitar? ( ) A B C D二、 课中牛刀小试I我会发现 “play的用法”1.踢足球6.做运动2.打电子游戏7.下棋3.播放音乐8. music player 4.实用精品文献资料分享playwith9. soccer player 5. play the guitar 10.guitar player II据意填词1. Bill can play the guitar b_ he cantsing. 2. I can speak Chinese a_a littleEnglish. 3. Tomcanplay chess and he can a_ play the violi n. 4. I can playsoccer and I can play the piano ,t_ .5. Cindy cant tellstories o_ write stories. III连词成句(注意标点符号)1.play, brother, the, not, your , drums, can,(.)_ .can, Helen,piano, the, play, well(.)_ guitar, the, I,play, can, also(.)_ 4. can, you, what ,do (?)_三、课后巩固提高I句型变换1. I can play the guitar.(一般疑问句及否定回答)_ ?2. He can sing and dan ce.(同义句). 3. Lisa canplay the violin .(_对划线处提问)? 4. Li Y undi and LangLang can play the piano well.(对戈U线处提问)_5. I like draw ingpictures ,so I want to join the art club (_同义句)_ II补全对话(首字母已给出)A:Here are all the c_ . B: what club do you want to j ? A: I want to join theEnglish club. Howa you? B: Well ,I want to join the chess club. Can you p_ chess? A: No, Idont l_ chess. Do you like music? B: Oh , yes, I can singand d_ . A: Me, t_. Lets joi n the music club. III阅读判断(T/F)Name can cant Ben play the drums, sing, dance, swim playthe piano, paint, speak English well Jack play the piano, speak Chinesewell ,sing well play the drums, play chess, swim Victor play the guitar and实用精品文献资料分享drums, swim, paint well speak Chinese, dance or sing, play computergamesl. Ben can sing but he can t play the piano. ( ) 2. Jack can helpVictor with hisChinese. ( ) 3. Ben isnt good at playing the piano but Victorcan play it well. ( ) 4.AII of them can join the music club.()5. If Victor wan ts to swim, Jack can help him. ( ) IV书面表达 简介自己的能力.(约40单词)(尽量使用can,cant ,and ,but ,also , or)Section B(2b-3b) 一、课前自我发现I找到对应词1.old-_ 2. busy-_ 3. easy-_ 4. good-_ 5.fun-_ 6. first-_7. can-_ 8. yes- _ 9.Mr.-_ 10. so-_ 11. here-_12.teacher-_ II英汉互译1.与同学们相处好2. musicteacher wan ted 3.和我们做游戏 _4.English-speaking students 5.学生运动中心 _6.Musicia ns Wan ted for School Music Festival_ 7.请拨打我们的电话2811934._8. make friends with oldpeople_二、课中牛刀小试I我会发现“help的用法”1.需要帮助老人2.帮父母做家务3.帮助用英语做运动4.需要帮助教音乐5.老年之家需要帮助6.向老师求助一件事II单项选择()1. I needmyEnglish. A . help B. help forC. help with D. to help( )2. Are you_today? If yousay yes, please come to talk with me. A . busy B. free C. easyD. interesting( )3. They can you stories and you can makefriends with them. A . tell B. talk C. say D. speak( )4. I实用精品文献资料分享like music because its_. A . bor ing B. difficult C.easy D. relaxing( )5. Our teachers are good_usstudents. A . of B. about C. with D. for III合作探讨What canwe do to help old people/our pare nts/?三、课后巩固提高I句型变换1. Mr Browns phone number is 293-7742.Please call him.(合二为一)2 . We need to help old people.(_同义句)_ . 3.Im free today.(一般疑问句)_ 4.Music is relaxing.(对戈H线处提问)_5.Do you have time on the weekend?(同义句)_ ? II用方框里的词填空guitar , in , call , for, then, dance , at, music , or, playMusicia ns Wan ted School Music Festival Do you like ? Can you sing and ?Can you the piano the violin? Can you play the or the drums? you can beour school music festival.Please Mr. Zha ng 622-6033. III阅读理解Wan ted : an En glishtutor(家教)Do you like kids? Are you good with kids? Are you an En glishteacher for more tha n three years? Are you free on theweekends?Weneed a womanEnglish teacher for our daughter. She istwelve and she is not good at En glish. If you want to be our daughterstutor, then you need to teach her English at our home on Saturdaymornings andon Sun day mornings . Its from 8:30 to 10:30. You alsoneed to tell her stories in English. Our homeis near(在附近)No. 8 MiddleSchool. You can get15 an hour. If you want to know more ,you can callMrs Smith at 825-6743. 1. Mrs Smith wan ts_for her daughter.2. If you are the tutor, you need to teach the girl for _on Sun day. 3. If you want to be the tutor, you n eed to be a woma n and实用精品文献资料分享_ on weeke nds. 4. The tutor can get_ yuanfor a mon th. 5. The tutor must teach the girl_andtell her stories_


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