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在考前复习阶段, 我对高频词汇进行了重点总结、 归类, 希望大家再次熟 悉,相信一定会对今年的听力部分成绩的提高。重点主题短语词汇分析 (必备+必背 )Campus life 校园生活 (短对话重点 )1. 作业词汇:assignment/assigned book ( 必读书目10年6月第11题)paper essays(07-6 听写答案 ) book/research report 读书报告,composition 作文textbook 教科书, reference book 参考书 (07-6 听写答案 ) copy 副本搭配词汇还有: be through with sth 结束,完成 (两次考到 )due 到期, have sbs hands full with sth 忙于做某事 (07-12)2. 课程形式词汇:Seminar(06-6 、07-6- 词汇,研讨会 )原句: do you have the seminar schedule with you? ( 你有研讨会的日 程表么? )optional course/elective ( 选修课) evening/day course ( 晚间/白天课程09-12 词汇 )compulsory course/requirement ( 必修课 ) presentation ( 多次考到, 展示或演示课 )搭配词汇: hardly/barely stay awake ( 无法保持清醒。三次考到,最新 10-6 考点 )09 年以来的一些新课程名称:advanced physics ( 高级物理 ), data processing ( 数据处理 ), computer programming ( 计算机程序 )biology 生物3 名称:freshman( 大一 ) , sophomore( 大二 ), junior( 大三 ), senior( 大四 )(05 年考点 )graduate( 毕业生 ), undergraduate ( 在校生,本科生 ), postgraduate ( 研 究生)tutor( 导师 ) , graduate school ( 研究生院 )新内容:减肥与健康 (自 09 年起至 10 年 12 月多次出现 )gym 健身房overweight=out of shape 胖 ,dieting 节食, lose weight 减肥, slim 苗条larger waist 腰有些肥 ( 可以指人也可以指服装 ) ,physical training 身体 锻炼weight-lifting 举重Job hunting 求职 ( 长对话重点 )short list 候选人名单 (2010-12) , job vacancy 职位空缺 (2010-12) job applicant/ candidate 候选人 (多次考到 ), apply for application(2008/09/10)Position/post ( 多次考到 ,职位 ), resume ( 简历,注意发音,多次考到 )recruit ( 连续考到。招聘 ) , reputation( 多次考到 )resign ( 辞职,多次考到 )benefit (package) ( 福利,两次考到 ), paid vacation ( 带薪假期 )social security ( 美国的社会保险 ), relocation expenses ( 异地补偿费用 ) phased retirement (08-12 阶段性退休 ), be laid off ( 解雇 09-12 考点 ) hotel consultant (08-6 酒店咨询 ), sales manager(08-12 销售经理 ) Administrative work (08-12行政工作 )2008- 6:the job will involve much train travel ( 工作中会经常有火车旅行的机会 ) tell me about your present job. 。 .2008- 12There were about 20 candidates competing for the sales managersjob. And finallyit was down to three of us, but the other two seemed betterqualified( 合格 )。人看起来胜算更大。 )promotion(09-6/12 连续考到 )2009- 6 : I heard about your promotion, you must be thrilled。(我听说你升职了,你开心死了吧 )not really, the new office is huge, but the work load has doubled。(也不见得,新办公室挺大的,但是工作量也翻倍了)2009- 12 : Aren t you disappointed that you didn t get the promotion?2010- 06 19.C): It enables him to apply theory to practice能够让他把理论应用于实际22.A): Getting along well with colleagues与同事和睦相处2010- 12 25 C) :Send in a written application as soon as possible尽快发来书面申请机场(飞机上 ) 重点1.机场地点Security check( 安检处 ), Gate( 登机口 ) ,Terminal ( 航站楼 )Check-in counter ( 换票柜台 ), Customs ( 海关 )2. 机场人物Airhostess/stewardess ( 空姐 ), steward ( 空哥、 空少 ) flight attendant ( 飞机乘务员 )3. 飞机动作Take off/land ( 起飞、降落 ) ,ascend/descend( 上升、下降 ) postpone/delay/cancel ( 推迟、延迟、取消 ) 最近题目例句:(2007 12)I hope you are packed and ready to leave. (我希望你已经打包完毕准备出发了 )I have packed my passport in one of my bags. (我把护照装在一个包里了)餐厅1.点菜:Order menu wine list ( 酒单 ),2. 埋单:Check the bill please!( 埋单 ), Treat ( 请客 ), split the bill ( 分开付 ) 酒店 次重点最新考点 (2010-6) washing-up 洗碗工作过往考点 (2007 6/12)Reservation ( 高频词,预定 ), honeymoon suite (07 年 6 月词汇,蜜月 套间) hotel clerk (07 年 6 月词汇,等于 receptionist), discount (07 年 6 月词 汇,折扣)free continental breakfast (07 年6月词汇,免费欧式早餐 )图书馆次重点1. 书籍:journal学术类刊物(08-6)原句:did you check the pile of the journals you borrowed for the library the other day?(你查过那一摞头几天从图书馆借来的学刊了么?)volume 卷,current/back issue现/过刊I periodical 期刊2. 人物:librarian图书管理员-四级阅读hold住信息是关键,生词不是拦路虎大家知道,在四级考试中作阅读理解题目的时候,肯定不能采用平时精 读文章的方法。一则因为考试时间是严格规定甚至各题型部分是分配好的; 二则因为对于精读文章来说是指将一篇文章的字、词、句难点全部解释出来,并且能够举一反三运用的地步。对于大型社会类考试这种情境,显然是不可 能的。在四级阅读理解文章中,你一定会遇到一些或者很多不认识的生词,这 并不是稀罕事。除了试卷上一些超纲词给出了汉语注释之外,是不是要让那 些你也不认识的陌生词成为阻挠你继续阅读和理解的拦路虎呢?答案是:大 可不必!百计”掌握理解和答题的关键信息,而一定要有意地学会“蔑视”那些生单 词。以下面这篇六级阅读理解文章为例,看看如何抓关键信息。快速地读一遍文章,最大限度的掌握文章中心意思,在这个过程中也要 最大限度地抓取文章关键信息句。在你认为是文章关键信息句的地方,迅速地多看两眼,确定自己明白这 句话包含的意义。然后快速浏览五个提干和选项内容。很可能在此快速浏览的过程中,凭 借你前面对文章的速读,做对两个左右的题目是非常肯定的。感觉最没有把握,或者提干和选项内容与文章内容信息暂时联系不起来 的,这个时候一定要抓紧时间返回去略微仔细地读一遍文章。在进行以上阅读理解的过程中,实际上根据大家的经验,略读、查读这 些策略是经常要用, 而且结合来用的。 (各种阅读策略一定要结合使用,在考 试中是很关键的。 俗话说:黑猫白猫,抓住耗子就是好猫 )。如生词影响了你 做对题时,可根据上下文推测即可。大可不必因一两个生单词从此停滞不前 了。(为分析方便,将题干与选项放在前面 )As a wise man once said, we are all ultimately alone. But an increasing number of European are choosing to be so at an even earlier age. This isn t the stuff of gloomy philosophical contemplations, but a fact of Europe s new economic landscape, embraced by sociologists,real-estate developers and ad executives alike. The shift away from family life to solo lifestyle, observes a French sociologist, is part of the “ irresistible momentum of individualism” over the last century. Thecommunications revolution, the shift from a business culture of stability to one of mobility and the mass entry of women into the workforce have greatly wreaked havoc on( 扰乱 )Europeans private lives 。大家速读完第一段是不是对这几个句子包含的意义印象很深刻呢?开 篇是一句名人名言,意思是“人说到底是要独自面对孤独的”。这句话为整 个文章做了一个铺垫,因此是十分重要的。接着第二句,更为重要,因为具 体说明了“越来越多的欧洲人把这个独自面对孤独的年龄提前了”,实际上 看完这一句,你基本应该说知道了整篇文章的主题是什么了。Europe s new economic climate has largely fostered the trend toward independence. The current generation of home-aloners came of age during Europe s shift from social democracy to the sharper, more individualistic climate of American-style capitalism. Raised in an era of privatization and increased consumer choice, today s tech-savvy( 精通技术的 ) workers have embraced a free market in love as well as economics. Modern Europeans are rich enough to afford to live alone, and temperamentally independent enough to want to do so。第二段首句就交待了“条件”欧洲新的经济氛围在很大程度上促成 (孕育 )人们可以更早的面对孤独 (独立 ),上面第一段提到欧洲人提前进入面对 孤独 (独立 )阶段。Once upon a time, people who lived alone tended to be those on either side of marriage twenty something professionals or widowedsenior citizens. While pensioners, particularly elderly women, make up a large proportion of those living alone, the newest crop of singles are high earners in their 30s and 40s who increasingly view living alone as a lifestyle choice. Living alone was conceived to be negative dark and cold, while being together suggested warmth and light. But then came along the idea of singles. They were young, beautiful, strong ! Now, young people want to live alone 。第三段,由“ Once upon a time”开头,大家都可以知道,这一段一 定是把从前和现在的情况作个对比。那么,这一段很可能是后面题干中细节 题的出题点。The booming economy means people are working harder than ever.And that doesn t leave much room for relationships. Pimpi Arroyo, a 35-year-old composer who lives alone in a house in Paris, says he hasntgot time to get lonely because he has too much work.“ I have deadlineswhich would make life with someone else fairly difficult 。” Only an Ideal Woman would make him change his lifestyle, he says. Kaufmann, author of a recent book called The Single Woman and Prince Charming, thinks this fierce new individualism means that people expect more and more of mates, so relationships dont last long if they start at all. Eppendorf, ablond Berliner with a deep tan, teaches grade school in the mornings. In the afternoon she sunbathes or sleeps, resting up for going dancing. Just shy of 50, she says she d never have wanted to do what her mother did give up a career to raise a family. Instead,“ Ive always done what I最后一段,举了个例,在经济飞快发展的现在,个体的生活和情感关系 状况,并且是一种正常的发展态势。阅读理解的破题思路仅仅在做完文章之后对一下答案并不能提升水平,在最后的复习时间中 应该利用近 5 年中已经做过的真题进行精细的总结,只有在总结中才能破解 出题人的思路,找到自身的问题所在。因此,表面看起来总结是一件费时费 力的事情,但却是最行之有效提升水平的方法。以下内容将会从阅读项目常考的 3 大题型入手来进行讲解,同学们可以 在总结中来借鉴:1. 主旨题:考察对文章中心思想的把握。标志词: mainly about 、 purpose 、 title解答主旨题关键抓两点:主题词、主题句。主旨题正确选项的特点:包含主题词,对文章主题句的同义改写。(1) 主题词是全文中心讨论的事物。 综合全文, 尤其是在每个段落的开头, 反复重现的成分,往往是一个名词或名词词组,那就是主题词。而主旨题的 正确选项是会包含主题词的。(2) 主题句往往在全文开头出现, 通常标志分别为: 1 全文开头作者明确 下结论、表立场的句子; 2 全文开头引言后的解释; 3 全文开头转折后的 理论观点; 4 全文开头故事背景后引出的第一个理论观点。例文 1 :06 年 1 月“ Humans should not try to avoid stress any more than they would shun food, love or exercise 。” Said Dr. Hans Selye, the first physician to document the effects of stress on the body. While here s on question thatcontinuous stress is harmful, several studies suggest that challenging situations in which you re able to rise to the occasion can be good for you. 主题句In a 2001 study of 158 hospital nurses, those who faced considerable work demands but coped with the challenge were more likely to say they were in good health than those who felt they couldn t get the job done.Stress that you can manage also boost immune (免疫的 ) function. In astudy at the Academic Center for Dentistry in Amsterdam, researchers put volunteers through two stressful experiences. In the first, a timed task that required memorizing a list followed by a short test, subjects through a gory (血淋淋的 ) video on surgical procedures. Those who did well on the memory test had an increase in levels of immunoglobulin A, an antibody that s the body s first line of defense against germs. The video-watchers experienced a downturn in the antibody.Stress prompts the body to produce certain stress hormones. In short bursts these hormones have a positive effect, including improved memory function. “ They can help nerve cells handle information and put it into storage, ” says Dr. Bruce McEwen of Rockefeller University in New York. But in the long run these hormones can have a harmful effect on the body and brain.says Richard Morimoto, aSustained stress is not good for you,researcher at Northwestern University in Illinois studying the effects of stress on longevity, “ Its the occasional burst of stress or brief exposure to stress that could be protective.”1. The passage is mainly about _A_.A) the benefits of manageable stressB) how to cope with stress effectivelyC) how to avoid stressfulD) the effect of stress harmonies on memory分析:综合各段开头反复重现的成分既为主题词, stress ,不包含主题 词的优先排除,四选项全部包含,转而查找主题句,文章开头出现引言,引 言后的解释句中出现 several studies suggest 明确的结论性表达,引导全文 主题的出现, A 选项为文章主题句的同义改写, manageable 对应 rise to , benefits对应be good for。BC选项都以how to开头,而原文中并未提出解 决方法,因此排除。 D 选项是针对第 3 段的细节信息,不能够概括全文,因 此排除,而且请各位同学注意, D 选项几乎完全照抄原文,像这样的选项在 选之前请先思考一下,这 2 分拿得会不会太轻松。近 5 年内只有 06 年 6 月 24 日的 57 题以照抄原文的形式作为正确答案,这是非常罕见的。总结:主旨题正确选项一定包含主题词,对主题句同义改写,照抄原文 的选项通常不正确。2. 细节题:考察对文章中重要细节的把握。标志:题干较长,包含很多细节信息细节题正确选项的特点:对原文信息的同义改写:语言形式对应、含义 对应。(1) 关键词定位: 利用题干中的信息回到原文中找到答案出处,题干中可作为关键词的信息通常为: 1 大写专有名词 (人名、地名);2 数字时间; 3 引 言; 4 本题干中独特的名词或名词词组。(2) 考点定位:考点是出题人重点出题的热点信息,通常为:1 四种特殊语言形式:因果、并列、比较、转折; 2 数字串、举例前或后的结论; 3 结 论建议性表达。(3) 顺序原则: 5 道题基本按照顺序在原文中寻找答案,但主旨题永远在 文章开头找答案不参与顺序原则。例文 2: 06 年 6 月 24 日Communications technologies are far from equal when it comes to conveying the truth. The first study to compare honesty across a range of communication media has found that people are twice as likely to tell lies in phone conversations as they are in emails. The fact that emails are automatically recorded - and can come back to haunt ( 困扰)you - appears to be the key to the finding.Jeff Hancock of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, asked 30 students to keep a communications diary for a week. In it they noted the number of conversations or email exchanges they had lasting more than 10 minutes, and confessed to how many lies they told. Hancock thenworked out the number of lies per conversation for each medium. He found that lies made up 14 per cent of emails, 21 per cent of instant messages, 27 per cent of face-to-face interactions and an astonishing 37 per cent of phone calls.His results to be presented at the conference on human-computer interaction in Vienna, Austria, in April, have surprised psychologists. 1Some expected emailers to be the biggest liars, reasoning that because deception makes people uncomfortable, the detachment ( 非直接接触 ) of emailing would make it easier to lie. 2Others expected people to lie more in face-to-face exchanges because we are most practised at that form of communication.But Hancock says it is also crucial 1whether a conversation is being recorded and could be reread, and 2whether it occurs in real time. People appear to be afraid to lie when they know the communication could later be used to hold them to account, he says. This is why fewer lies appear in email than on the phone.People are also more likely to lie in real time - in a instant message or phone call, say than if they have time to think of a response, says Hancock. He found many lies are spontaneous ( 脱口而出的 ) responses to an unexpected demand, such as:“Do you like my dress? ”Hancock hopes his research will help companies work out the best ways for their employees to communicate. For instance, the phone might be the best medium for sales where employees are encouraged to stretch the truth. But, given his result, work assessment where honesty is a priority, might be best done using email.2. Hancock s research finding surprised those who believed that _C_.A) people are less likely to lie in instant messagesB) people are unlikely to lie in face-to-face interactionsC) people are most likely to lie in email communicationD) people are twice as likely to lie in phone conversations分析:以题干中的 research finding 结合 surprised 回到原文定位, 因为 是第 2 题所以按照顺序原则在文章中前部的第 3 段开头找到 His results 和 surprised 的对应。原文中出现 some others的搭配说明有两类 psychologists ,分别是 email 和 face-to-face ,在四个选项中都没有同时包含 这二者的,那么就看哪个选项正确的表述了其中之一, AD 因为说的是 instant messages 和phone首先被排除,B选项中的unlikely和原文中的lie more 相对立,因此排除,C选项中的 most likely对应原文中the biggest,是对原文信息的同义改写,因此正确。总结:文章三段中大量出现比较和因果考点,如如: the biggest reasoning、because 、easier 、lie more 、most practised ,因此本段被考到的几率非 常大。而且在原文中出现最高级 biggest 的时候,正确选项也同时出现了对 应 most likely ,语言形式对应。注意关注文章中的重要考点,正确答案的语 言形式与原文相对应。3. According to the passage, why are people more likely to tell thetruth through certain media of communication? AA) They are afraid of leaving behind traces of their lies.B) They believe that honesty is the best policy.C) They tend to be relaxed when using those media.D) They are most practised at those forms of communication.分析:以题干中的 tell the truth 结合因果词 why 回到原文定位,因为是 第 3 题所以按照顺序原则在文章中部的第 4 段找到 be afraid to lie 的对应。 原文中定位句的前一句同时出现转折But 、最高级 crucial(the most important)考点,这正是答案出现的明确信号。定位的本句说人们 be afraid to lie 也就 是 tell the truth 是因为他们得知这个对话日后会 hold them to account 使得 他们承担责任,这是对本段开头 Hancock 所提出的两个 crucial 最重要观点 中的 1 being recorded 的展开解释,正确答案 A 选项中的 leaving behind traces 对应原文中的 recorded 。 B 与原文无关, CD 选项是 3 段那两类 psychologists 的观点,而本题问的是 According to the passage 本文的观点, 也就是实验的实施人 Hancock的观点,CD选项尤其是D选项的错误率很高, 大部分错选 CD 的同学都是因为审题不明确,并且是在凭借印象做题,而没 有在文章中找寻明确对应。总结:关注文章中的重要考点,注意同义替换词的积累,在 09 年 6 月 的 63 题中再次考到了用 leave traces 同义替换原文 3 段的 recorded 。重复 的内容反复考,因此要求不断积累正确选项和原文之间的同义替换。3. 语义题:考察根据上下文推断词义的能力解答语义题关键抓两点:利用并列平行结构、根据上下文的语义推断。语义题错误选项的特点:简单词的本意。(1) 简单词的本意往往为错误选项。例题 4 :05 年 6 月What do the environmentalists mean by saying“ Not so fast ” (Line 1,Para. 3)? CA) Oil exploitation takes a long timeB) The oil drilling should be delayedC) Don t be too optimisticD) Don t expect fast returns分析:题干非常简单,从字面意思上看与速度和时间有关系, AB 中的 takes a long time 和 delayed 都是 Not so fast 的字面意思, D 选项更是用 fast 来解释Not so fast,因此ABD同时排除,正确答案是C,与简单的题干的字面意思没有直接联系。总结:语义题的题干如果很简单,那么正确答案就与字面意思无关。(2) 利用并列平行结构例题 5 :(对应例文 1)The word “shun” (Line 1, Para. 1) most probably means _B_.A) cut down on 减少B) stay away from 远离C) run out of 用完D) put up with 忍受 (B)分析:“ Humans should not try to avoid stress any more than they would shun food, love or exercise。”在本句话中出现比较 morethan ,把前后的内容进行对比 they 对应 Humans ,shun 对应 avoid ,对应正 确答案 B, stay away from 远离。总结:灵活利用并列、比较等平行结构寻找对应(3) 根据上下文的语义推断例题 6 :2008 年 12 月What does Dr. Ross Cartmill mean by“ the ostrich approach ” (Line1, Para. 9)? DA) A casual attitude towards one s health conditionsB) A new therapy for certain psychological problemsC) Refusal to get medical treatment for fear of the pain involvedD) Unwillingness to find out about one s disease because of fear分析:原文 Then there is the ostrich approach. “ Some men are scared of what might be there and would rather not know,” says Dr. Ross Cartmill.关于 ostrich approach 的意思,需要看上下文的内容,也就是对应在后面的 那句话, D 选项中的 Unwillingness to find out 对应原文的 would rather not know , fear 对应 scared ,因此为正确答案。文推断出它在文章里的含义做好完形填空的5个方法完形填空的题目在设计时并非拿来一篇短文随便去掉几个词,出题者要遵循一定的要求和准则,以保证测试的效度和信度。完形填空的测试点及解题方法从表面来看,就是要求考生把每个句子中删 掉的词恢复出来。而实际上,四级考试中的完形填空综合了词汇、结构以及 阅读理解部分的测试内容。它不仅测试应试者在词汇和句子水平上运用语言 的能力,还测试应试者在语篇上综合运用语言结构的能力。完形填空中所填 的词是与文章的上下文紧密联系的。因此,要做好完形填空,必须要在通读全文、 把握结构与大意的前提下, 根据所提供的选项及句子的结构、语法、语篇等信息,通过逻辑推理、对比 等手段最后确定答案。根据完形填空这一测试特点,我认为,在做完形填空 时,应采取以下五个步骤逐一进行。步骤一,了解大意通读整篇文章,弄清文章的大意和结构,确立正确的背景知识。考生在 第一遍阅读中,要善于从文章开头的几句话中把握短文的背景、主题或结构,并结合常识判断构建一定的预期,并在随后的阅读中,不断修正,以求与原 文一致。通常情况下,文章开头的一、两句话都是完整的信息,这些句子揭 示文章的背景知识或主题思想,考生在阅读中一定要仔细研读,为后面的阅 读扫清障碍。文章读完了,了解大意后,考生便可以开始填空了。在填每个空格时, 可以从出题者的出题思路着手,初步做出每个题的答案。总的来说,出题人 有以下六种出思路。(一) 词义与词形的辨析。选项与选项之间构成同义词、反义词、形近词的关系。有时出题者也借助选项,考察考生对某些单词词义的精确理解。举例:Geographers compare and contrast 71places on the earth.71A) similar B) various C) distant D) famous译文:地理学家比较和对照地球上的什么地方。出题者精心设计只为考察compare 和contrast的精确含义。compare意为 to exam for similarities and differences, contrast 意为 to compare in order to show differences 。综合两个词的含义,应为“找出其相似之处与不 同之处”。B)various “各种各样”为正确答案。(二) 逻辑关系。所填空格的句子,与上下文构成指代、列举、因果、比 较、对比、让步、补充、递进等逻辑关系。The foreign research scholar usually isolates himself in the laboratoryas a means of protection; 72, what he needs is to be fitted into a highly organized university system 72A) otherwise B) moreover C) however D) also根据上下文,空格前的意思为“外籍研究学者通常把自己隔离在实验室 里作为一种保护的手段”。空格后为“他需要融入的是高度的组织化的大学 系统”。前者是一种孤离的状态“isolate ”,而后者都是一种组织化的系统“ be fitted to a higly organized university ”,从逻辑的角度而言,前后已然 成为对立、矛盾的关系。所以答案为表示对比(转折)关系的连词however.(三)结构识别。这里讲到的结构,是指英文中表祯句子结构的固定词组, 如 not only but ,as well, some the others ,still others 等。(四)固定搭配。这里的固定搭配,是指动词与名词之间的搭配。如:同样是“利用”,去卩有不同的搭配 take advantage of sth. /make use of sth.(五) 动词的用法。考生应从动词的时态、语态(被动语态和主动语态)以及非谓语动词(不定式、动名词、现在分词、过去分词)几个角度逐一考虑。(六)介词的用法介词的用法中多考察介词与名词、介词与形容词及介词 与动词的搭配和用法。除了按照以上六种思路从正面逐一解题外,考生还可以灵活多变地从反 面入手,利用排除法获得正确答案。笔者研究发现,在四级考试的完形填空 部分,特别是在考察关联词的测试中,利用一种叫“同性元素排除法”的方 法能够快速地缩小可选范围,找到正确答案。例如:“In the United States professors have many other duties 86 teaching, such as administrative or research work . 87 ,the time that a professor can spend with a student outside of class is limited. ” 86. A) but B) except C) with D) besides87. A) However B)Therefore C) Furthermore D)Nevertheless在完形填空中,所谓的同性元素是指具有相同的含义,同样的语法功能 以及一致用法的两个或多个选项,只要具备以上几个条件,那它们相互之间 就构成了同性元素。其实,同性元素的出现,是出题者黔驴技穷的表现,是 为了凑足四个选项不得已而为之的。分析以上两题选项,很明显,86题中,A与B互为同性元素,意思与语法功用一模一样, 均表示“除了”(不包含) 87题中A与D也如出一辙,均是表示转折的连词,译为“然而,但是”, 选项中一旦出现同性元素,它们必定不是正确答案,一旦发现选项中有同性 元素存在,考生应立即将其排除掉。这样一来,86题只剩下可选答案 C)、D) , 87题只剩下B)、C),可选范围迅速缩小,再根据上下文逻辑关系的判 定可得出正确答案 86D) , 87B)。步骤三,寻找线索完形填空不同于句子与结构,必须要从整篇文章入手,通篇考虑,结合 上下文答案,寻找线索就秉诚了这一思想。有些题从单纯的句子来考虑,我 们会发现四个选项均可以入选,但从上下文的线索入手,就能迅速排除其它 三个,找到正确答案,从某种意义上来说,“寻找线索“不仅可以考察考生 的语言知识,而且更强调对文章内容的整体把握。步骤四,回头补缺在做题时,如果有的难题一时做不出来,应立刻跳过此题,继续往下做。笔者不提倡考生在某一题上花费大量的时间。道理不言自明,只要考生坚持 往下做,随着空格变得越来越少,对文章的理解也越来越轻松,有时就能从 下文的线索和暗示中找到答案,这样再回过头来填上答案,也未为晚也。步骤五,核实答案带入原文通读,通读的目的是通过“语感”来核实答案。这样读下来,不仅 可以改正填错的词,而且还可以在这一过程中得到启发,把做不上来的题目 填出来。综上所述,以上这五个步骤在整个完形填空的做题过程中缺一不可。对 文章大意的了解是前提条件,答案的初选是做题的核心,在这一过程中,除 了逻辑关系以外,其余 5种出题思路更主要的是针对 考生平时的积累和记忆 的程度,考察考生的语言功底。笔者再次提醒广大考生,完形填空的成功离 不开对篇章的整体把握,孤立地、片面地看问题,终会使你失望而归。练习听力时要注意的几个问题改革后的全新四六级考试,听力部分的分值由原先的20%跃升至35%,与同样占35%分值比重的阅读部分平分秋色,成为在新四六级试卷中分值最大的题型,其重要性不言而喻。而偏偏听力试题对于很多习惯了哑巴式”英语学习的考生而言是个 死穴”,如何在短期内提高听力能力,对于很多考生 而言是当务之急。结合自身多年的教学经验认为,我认为,扎实的听力能力就是知识基础。基础不牢,大厦将倾。没有系统提高听力能力而盲目做题的考生,到头来错 误率总是居高不下,非但成绩提不上去,还打击备考信心。而要系统提高听 力能力,最佳手段莫过于 听写训练,尤其是,改革后的新四六级听力考试, 特别加入了复合式听写作为必考题型,且占10%的大幅分值。如果考生的听写能力较强,非但有助于整体提高做听力考题的正确率,也能直接在复合式 听写中获得较好成绩。进行听写训练时,首先要选择合适的材料。从材料的体裁内容上来说,可 以选择大学英语听力教材课本上的内容。为了突出考试的针对性,也可以选选择听写材料的五大黄金原则:1不要选择专业术语、专有名词较多的材料。专业术语之类难词、生僻词对于绝大部分同学来说不需要掌握,因此练 习时可以忽略掉。而如果选择的材料中这类词汇较多的话,无疑给自己设置 了很多不必要的 “拦路虎 ”,会影响练习的流畅性,应予以避免。2注意语段材料的时效性,时效性越强越值得练习。不宜听写已经过


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