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免费四级词汇第 1 课 -ge n-gender【近】 sexgenegeneticgenetic informationgeneticsgenerategenerate heat / electricitygenerationthe younger / older generationgeneral【近】 overalla general introduction to computing ways to improve your general health general cooking and cleaning books of general interesta general hospitalgenerousgenerous with ones moneygeneralizegenuine【近】 authenticIs the painting a genuine Picasso? a very genuine persongeniushydrogennitrogengentleBe gentle with the baby. a gentle breezegentleman -eg n-pregnanta heavily pregnant womanpregnancya pregnancy test -ev-longevity (formal)We wish you both health and longevity.He prides himself on the longevity of the company.medieval / mediaevalmedieval architecture / castles / manuscripts the literature of the late medieval period young, -juven-youngyoungsterThe camp is for youngsters aged 8 to 14.youtha nation in its youth youthfulyouthful enthusiasm / energy / inexperience juniorjunior employees She is junior to me.the world junior tennis championships office juniorsShe has coached many of our leading juniors. 【freshman】【sophomore】【 junior 】 【senior】|-se n-seniorHe is also a diplomat, but senior to me. Jen will be a senior this year.Seniors can get a 10% discount.senatesenator新浪微博 王泓锦老师免费四级词汇第 2 课| -astr-, -astrostar fixed star 【sun】 【planet】astronomyastronomer astrologyastrologerastrologicalastronautdisasterdisastrous*【SYN 】 catastrophic a disastrous harvest / fire / resultcatastrophe*【 SYN 】 disasterWeve had a few catastrophes with the food for the party. 【 SYN 】 disastrouscatastrophic* catastrophic failureWhy was the explosion not catastrophic? -agr-agricultureagriculturalacre -electr-electricityelectrican electric generatoran electric plugan electric socketan electric blanketelectricalelectrical equipmentelectrical powerelectrical energy electrical engineer electrical engineeringelectricianelectron3课electronic免费四级词汇第|-port-portportable*a portable TV portable computer porterportageairportpassportreportreportersport sports center support supportive*a supportive familysupporter*a strong / loyal / staunch supporter Im an Arsenal supporter.exportexportationimportimportationtransport*air / freight / road transport the governments transport policyHis bike is his only means of transport.transportation|-bio-biologybiologistbiologicala biological experimentbiochemistrybiochemicalbiochemical weaponsbiographybiographerautobiography antibiotic免费四级词汇第 4 课I -fer-differ differ fromdifferent be different fromdifferenceconference* a conference room / center/ hallHe was in conference with his lawyers all day.offer special offersprefer*A local firm is to be preferred.I prefer my coffee black.preference*Its a matter of personal preference. give (a) preference to sb / sth in preference to sb / sthpreferable*Anything was preferable to the tense atmosphere at home.infer*【 SYN 】 deduceMuch of the meaning must be inferred from the context. Are you inferring (that) Im not capable of doing the job?inferencerefer* refer to sb / sth (as sth) refer to sb / sth 【 SYN 】 consultreference*The book is full of references to growing up in India.I wrote down the name of the hotel for future reference.We will take up references after the interview.refereesuffer*I hate to see animals suffering.He suffered a massive heart attack.His school work is suffering because of family problems.suffering*Death finally brought an end to her suffering.transfer*The film studio is transferring to Hollywood.He transferred the property to his son.|-emper-empirethe Roman Empireemperorempressimperial imperial powerimperialismimperialist imperialistic免费四级词汇第 5 课|-pos-pose*to pose a threat / challenge / danger / riskThe gang entered the building posing as workmen.positioncompose*【 SYN 】 make upTen men compose the committee.Mozart composed his last opera shortly before he died. Emma frowned, making an effort to compose herself.composition*the composition of the board of directorsone of Beethovens finest compositionscomponent*the components of a machineKey components of the governments plan are.composure*to keep / lose / recover / regain your composuredeposit*Weve put down a 5% deposit on the house.to pay a depositDeposits can be made at any branch.【 OPP】 withdrawaldepositionexposeexposureexposition*a clear and detailed exposition of their legal positionoppose*He threw all those that opposed him into prison. opposite*Answers are given on the opposite page.He sat down in the chair opposite.students at opposite ends of the ability range oppositionpropose*What would you propose?What do you propose to do now?She proposed to me!proposalpurposesuppose*Prices will go up, I suppose.(formal) Suppose him deadwhat then?be supposed to do / be sthpostpone*【 SYN 】 put offThe game has already been postponed three times. postponement免费四级词汇第 6 课I -se nt-present*in the present situationThere were 200 people present at the meeting. 【 OPP】 absentpresence*He hardly seemed to notice my presence.【 OPP】 absencepresentation*The presentation of prizes began after the speeches. give a presentation on the new productsrepresent*The President was represented at the ceremony by the Vic-ePresident. Each colour on the chart represents a different department.representative*a representative of the UNHe was the Queens representative at the ceremony.absent*to be absent from work【 OPP】 presentabsenceabsentee|-press-press*the local / national / foreign press a story that is hot off the press Oxford University Presspressureexpress*to express fears / doubts / reservations Coconut milk is expressed from grated coconuts. an express bus / coach / trainexpression*an expression of support【SYN 】 look There was a worried expression on her face.expressive impress*His sincerity impressed her.He impressed on us the need for immediate action. Her words impressed themselves on my memory.impression*a general / an overall impressiona big impressionimpressive*an impressive performance【 OPP】 unimpressiveimpressionismimpressionist免费四级词汇第 7 课|-price-price*The price of cigarettes is set to rise again. Criticism is part of the price of leadership. at any pricepricelessappreciate*Her family doesnt appreciate her.【 SYN 】 realizeappreciationappreciative precious* a precious vaseYoure wasting precious time!【 SYN 】 treasuredprize*She was awarded the Nobel Peace prize.World peace is the greatest prize of all.【 SYN 】 treasurepraise*She wrote poems in praise of freedom.【 SYN 】 complimentpraise sb / sth to the skies|-lect-collectcollectioncollective* collective leadership / decision -making / responsibility an independent collective making films for televisioncollectorelect*the newly elected governmentthe president electelectionelectiveselect*He hasnt been selected for the team.selectionselective*selective strike actiona selective school (= one that chooses which children to admit, especially according to ability)elegant*【SYN 】 stylish he was tall and elegant. an elegant dresselegance免费四级词汇第 8 课I-bend-bend*He bent and kissed her. bend sbs ear (about sth) bend your mind / efforts to sthbent*a piece of bent wirea small bent old womanbent on sth / on doing sthbow*The people all bowed down before the Emperor.The pines bowed in the wind. bow down to sb / sthelbowrainbowI -closeclose*【SYN 】 shut【 OPP】 open What time does the bank close?closely*Political activity is closely controlled.I have been closely involved in the work of both committees. We were so closely packed in the elevator I could hardly move.includeinclusiveinclusionexclude*Buses run every hour, Sundays excluded.【 OPP】 includeShe felt excluded by the other girls.exclusive*The hotel has exclusive access to the beach.He belongs to an exclusive club.an exclusive hotelexclusionconclude*What do you conclude from that?Let me make just a few concluding remarks.They concluded a treaty with Turkey.conclusiveconclusionI -ce nt-cent*in the 20th cent.centurypercentpercentagecentigradecentimeter免费四级词汇第 9 课I -fore-beforefore*in the fore part of the shipformer*in former timesThe former option would be much more sensible. be a shadow / ghost of your former self formerlyfirstfirstlyforeheadforecastforesee*【 SYN 】 predictWe do not foresee any problems. forward / forwards*He took two steps forward.【 OPP】 back , backward(s)look forward to sth straightforward*【 SYN 】 easya straightforward process|-proach-approach*Winter is approaching.She approached the bank for a loan.approachableapproximate* an approximate figureapproximationapproximately*The cost given is only approximate.【 OPP】 exactthe governments ambitious plans for social reform| -amb-ambulanceambitionambitious*They were very ambitious for their children (= they wanted them to be successful). the governments ambitious plans for social reform【 OPP】 unambitious免费四级词汇第 10 课| -ambi-ambiguous*an ambiguous word / term / statement His role has always been ambiguous.【 OPP】 unambiguous ambiguity ambassador embassy|-able-able* calculable fashionableability unable inabilitydisable*He was disabled in a car accident .The burglars gained entry to the building after disabling the alarm. disabilitydisabled*physically / mentally disabled caring for the sick, elderly and disabledadapt*【 SYN 】 modifyThese styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes.【SYN 】 adjust adaptive* adaptable*Successful businesses are highly adaptable to economic change.adaptation|-add-addaddition*【 OPP】 subtractionchildren learning addition and subtraction in addition (to sb / sth)additional*【 SYN 】 extraadditional resources / funds / security【 SYN 】 in additionadditive*food additives免费四级词汇第 11 课| -act-act*an act of kindnessan Act of Congressbe / get in on the actaction*She began to explain her plan of action to the group.He is considering taking legal action against the hospital. into actionactive*【 OPP】 inactiveShe takes an active part in school life. an active volcano (= likely to erupt ) activity activate*The burglar alarm is activated by movement.react*You never know how he is going to react.People can react badly to certain food additives. react against sb / sthreactoractoractressactualexact*【 SYN 】 preciseWhat were his exact words?【 SYN 】 meticulousagency*You can book at your local travel agency.the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)through the agency ofagent*an insurance agenta theatrical / literary agentThe charity has been an agent for social change.agendaI -optopinionoption*There are various options open to you.The course offers options in design and computing. keep / leave your options openoptional*Certain courses are compulsory, others are optional.adopt*to adopt a childAll seven teams adopted different approaches to the problem.He adopted an air of indifference.adoptionadoptive免费四级词汇第 12 课|-mire-admire*I really admire your enthusiasm.He stood back to admire his handiwork. admireradmiring* admiring glancesadmirable*【 SYN 】 commendableHer dedication to her work was admirable. admirationmiracle miraculous| -vi-, -vis-, -wis-television / TVvisible*【 SYN 】 obviousHe showed no visible sign of emotion.visibilityinvisible*She felt invisible in the crowd.【OPP】 visible invisible earningsinvisibilitywisewisdomwitty* a witty speaker a witty remarkwitness* a witness to the killing be (a) witness to sthShe was shocked by the violent scenes she had witnessed.view*In my view it was a waste of time. the Christian view of the world There was nobody in view.viewpoint*【 SYN 】 point of viewTry looking at things from a different viewpoint.【 SYN 】 angleinterview* a job interview a television / radio / newspaper interview We interviewed two people for the job.preview* a special preview of our winter fashion collectionThe professor previewed the course for us.review*The case is subject to judicial review. a book review


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