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传播与文化创意产业研究网上资源索引浙江大学传播研究所浙江大学传媒与文化产业研究中心中国部份国际中华传播学会(CCA华人传播研究学会(ACCS中华传播学会(CCS)中国传媒研究网智维网:中国传媒学术智库中国传媒报告杂志网中国传媒研究长三角网络舆情监测与研究联盟 :天目网全世界传媒观看网中华传媒网中国广告传播研究网中国新闻研究中心中国影视传媒网中国知识治理网广告学研究新闻学研究中华传播学刊央视一索福瑞媒介研究京华传媒网中文传播数据库华文报刊网新闻传播网传媒观看广电在线传媒指南传媒学术网新传播资讯媒介大本营传播研究网视网联报纸营销策划工作室台湾传播学期刊论文索引台湾电影数据库戴然僖播央视市场研究互联网周刊茶坊明光社网广告港金周刊中国记者新闻前哨紫金网现代营销新闻战线新闻实践新闻记者传播周刊/FYI中央研究院信息科学研究所电讯传播数据库传播治理学刊国际部份在线年报美国报业协会新闻观看在线美国报业在线媒介中心媒介视野传播论题新闻周刊媒介研究索引网络媒介历史打算媒体时期美国新闻业研究会美国公共关系协会(PRSA国际商业沟通协会(IABC)公关新闻网商业新闻网南多新闻网商业网文化与传播网址Al Jadid Magazineisd/archives/asianfilm/ Asian Film ConnectionsCenter for Middle Eastern Studies Middle East Network Information CenterStudies Resourcess Premier Bollywood Portal of Global Studies(IGCS)Latino(and Learning) about JapanVirtual Institute of Caribbean Studies (VICS)of the Shuttle: Cultural Studies Pageand Groups国际中华传播学会(Chinese Communication Association - CCA )华人传播研究学会(Association for Chinese Communication Studies - ACCS)/ 中华传播学会(Chinese Communication Society - CCS )网上数字图书馆资源核心站点Key Sites国际图书馆协会联合会(IFLA)数字式图书馆:资源和项目IFLA Digital Libraries: Resources and Projects美国国家科学基金会/国防部高级研究项目局/国家航空航天治理局数字式图书馆建议全国同步化页面National Synchronization Page for NSF/DARPA/NASADigital Libraries InitiativeProjects网络信息联盟Coalition for Networked Information美国数字式图书馆电子刊物D-Lib Magazine美国伯克利大学数字式图书馆SUNa件信息与技术互换站点Berkeley Digital Library SUN SITE欧洲一起体七国集团(G7)全世界资源项目(GIP)网页European Commission Group 7 Global Inventory Project美国标准通用置口号言/扩展型置口号言网页SGML/XML Home Page重要的数字式图书馆项目站点Major DL Projects Web Sites美国国会图书馆 Library of CongressMemoryAmerican Special CollectionsCountry Studies/Area Handbook ProgramElectronic ExhibitsTHOMAS: Legislative Information on the Internet美国数字式图书馆联盟Digital Library Federation (DLF)英国国家图书馆The British Library英国国家图书馆存取倡议Initiatives for Access英国国家图书馆数字式图书馆规划Digital Library Programme日本国会图书馆电子图书馆项目National Diet Library Electronic Library Project日本通产省(MITI),日本信息处置进展中心下一代数字式图书馆系统研究与进展项目Research and Development Project for Digital Library Systems in Next Generation美国国家信息基础设施虚拟图书馆United States NII Virtual Library美国密西根大学数字式图书馆建议The University of Michigan Digital Libraries Initiatives美国密西根大学数字式NSF项目(信息定位智能经纪人)The University of Michigan Digital Libraries Research Project美国依里诺依大学香藩分校建设互联空间:大学工程集体白数字式图书馆基础设施(NSF项目)Building the Interspace:Digital Library Infrastructure for a UniversityEngineering Community美国加州大学伯克利分校环境电子图书馆:一个可缩放的智能的散布式电子图书馆原型(NSF项目)The Environmental Electronic Library: A Prototype of a Scalable, Intelligent, Distributed Electronic Library美国卡内基梅隆大学信息媒体:集成语言、影像和语言明白得,供创建和研制数字式视频图书馆(NFS项目)Informedia: Integrated Speech, Image and Language Understanding for Creation and Exploration of Digital Video Libraries美国斯坦福集成的数字式图书馆项目The Stanford Integrated Digital Library Project美国加州大学圣塔巴巴拉分校亚历山德拉项目:具有对影像和空间参照信息,全面效劳的散布型数字式图书馆The Alexandria Project: Towards a Distributed Digital Library with Comprehensive Services for Images and Spatially Referenced Information英国DeMontford大学数字式图书馆DeMontford University Digital Library加拿大国家图书馆,电子出版实验项目(EPPP)Electronic Publications Pilot Project (EPPP)加拿大数字式图书馆建议Canadian Initiative on Digital Libraries美国研究图书馆集团Research Libraries Group美国国家研究建议公司(CNRI)The Corporation for National Research Initiatives美国联机图书馆中心(OCLC)Online Computer Library Center维琴尼亚大学电子文本中心(Etext)University of Virginia Electronic Text Center数字式图书馆研究中心(CSDL)The Center for the Study of Digital Libraries智能信息检索国家中心(CIIR)The National Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval 人文学电子文本中心 (CETH)Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities信息治理、连接性和集成 Rutgers研究中心(CIMIC)Rutgers Center for Information Managerment, Connectivity and Integration易摩锐大学虚拟图书馆Emory Virtual LibraryIBM数字式图书馆(The National Library of China)网上传播学和公共媒介研究资源新闻学(69种)广播和电视(72种)Subject Headings in Journalism & Communications? 74 journals found in Journalism & Communications: Communication & Mass Media74种 传播学和公共传媒期刊目录:亚洲传播学期刊从2003到一年前大西洋传媒学期刊2004年到一年前加拿大传媒学期刊2005年到此刻传播学2002年到此刻传播学和批判/文化研究2004到1年前传播学书籍通告季刊1998到一年前传播学专论1976年到一年前传播学报告1988年到此刻传播学研究1982年到此刻传播学研究报告1984年到一年前传播学研究趋势1999年到此刻中国传媒报告2002年到此刻中国传媒研究2004年到此刻传播学回忆1997年到一年前传播学理论1997到此刻传播学2003到一年前中国娱乐与创意产业进展报告2020到此刻Comunicaci 6 n y sociedad (Guadalajara, Mexico) (0188-252X)from 2004 to present in? Comunicaci o n y sociedad (Pamplona, Spain) (0214-0039)?from 06/01/1998 to present in集中(伦敦,英国)1999到此刻罪行,媒体,文化2005到此刻批评艺术1980到1992公共传播中的批评研究 1984到1999公共传播中的批评研究 2000到一年前Cuadernos de informaci o n y comunicacion (1135-7991)from 1995 to present in演讲(伯克利,加利福尼亚)2000到此刻受动者 (圣弗朗西斯科,加利福尼亚)1990到此刻欧洲传播学期刊1986年到此刻额外!(纽约)2005到此刻女权媒体研究2001到一年前全世界媒体和传播学 2005年到此刻? Historia y comunicaci o n social (1137-0734)?from 1996 to present in霍华德传播学期刊1998年到此刻人类传播学研究1997年到此刻信息经济学和政策1995年到此刻互动研究2004到此刻跨文化传播学1999年到此刻传播法律和政策国际期刊 1998到此刻倾听国际期刊1998年到此刻媒体治理国际期刊(瑞士)1999到2003应用传播学研究1973到一年前亚洲太平洋传播学期刊 1990到1996年2004到此刻传播学期刊1997年到此刻传播学调查杂志1997到此刻跨文化传播研究杂志2002到此刻公共传媒道德期刊1985年到一年前媒介经济期刊1988到一年前传媒实践杂志2001到此刻可视传播和画面表述期刊 1995年到此刻语言和传播学1995年到此刻专业的倾听2003到2005市场和媒体决定1983年到此刻公共传播和社会1998到一年前亚洲媒体2002到此刻媒介历史1998到一年前Media Perspektiven (0170-1754)from 05/31/2001 to present in媒介心理学1999到一年前地铁(墨尔本)2000到此刻新泽西传播学杂志2003 。4-2003 。 11新西兰传播学研究2006到此刻Nordicom 回忆1996到此刻参与杂志免费链接Plunkett s娱乐和媒介工业年鉴通俗传播学2003到一年前Revista FAMECOS? Revista fronteiras (1518-6113) ?屏幕教育2004到此刻Strat ees (Paris, France) (0180-6424)非英文2002到此刻终极目标2002到此刻传播学趋势2003-2004可视通信伦敦,英国2002到此刻在传播学和文化中的威斯敏斯特报纸2004到此刻传播学中的女性的研究1997到此刻世界传播学1985至U 2001? Zer (Bilbao, Spain) (1137-1102)from 05/01/2005 to present in69 journals found in Journalism & Communications:JournalismAlternative press review (Columbia, Mo.)(1072-7299)from 04/01/2001 to present inAmerican journalism(0882-1127)from 01/01/2002 to present infrom 07/01/2003 to present inAmerican journalism review(1067-8654)from 03/01/1993 to present in ,andfrom 06/01/1993 to present infrom 07/01/1993 to present infrom 01/01/1994 to present infrom 01/01/1995 to 01/01/2005 infrom 10/01/1997 to present infrom 01/01/2003 to present inAmerican periodicals (1054-7479)from 2003 to present infrom 09/01/2004 to present inAthens news (Athens, Ohio)(0882-8695)from 01/03/2000 to present inAttacks on the press in .(1078-3334)from 1997 to present inBritish journalism review(0956-4748)from 1999 to present infrom 1999 to 2006 inCampaign (London. 1968)(0008-2309)from 12/05/1982 to present infrom 05/02/1986 to present infrom 01/11/1991 to 14 days ago in ,andfrom 01/08/1999 to 14 days ago infrom 01/01/2003 to present inCentralian advocate (Alice Springs, . : 2007)from 07/01/2000 to present infrom 08/07/2001 to present inCirculation management (Springfield, Or.)(0888-8191)from 06/01/1998 to present in from 06/01/1998 to 08/01/2004 infrom 06/01/1999 to 08/31/2004 in ,andfrom 12/01/2002 to present inColumbia journalism review(0010-194X)from 1961 to 1996 infrom 01/01/1988 to present inandfrom 01/01/1991 to present in , ,andfrom 01/01/1994 to present inandfrom 01/01/2002 to present infrom 01/01/2003 to present inCrime, media, culture(1741-6590)from 2005 to present infrom 03/01/2005 to present inEcquid novi (0256-0054)from 2000 to present inEditor & publisher (0013-094X)from 01/05/1991 to present in , ,andfrom 01/04/1992 to present inandfrom 03/01/1993 to present infrom 01/01/1994 to present infrom 01/01/1995 to present infrom 07/23/2001 to present inEJournalistfrom 2001 to present inEstudios sobre el mensaje periodstico (1134-1629)from 1994 to present inExtra! (New York, . 1987)(0895-2310)from 10/01/2005 to present infrom 01/01/2006 to present inFolio, the magazine for magazine management(0046-4333)from 03/01/1983 to 09/01/2004 in ,andfrom 01/01/1992 to 09/01/2004 infrom 05/01/1998 to present infrom 06/01/1998 to present infrom 06/01/1998 to 09/08/2004 infrom 2001 to 2002 inGazette (0016-5492)from 1997 to 12/31/2005 infrom 02/01/1999 to 12/31/2005 inGlobal journalist (1931-3640)from Winter 2006 to present inHarvard international journal of press/politics(1081-180X)from 1995 to present infrom 1999 to present infrom Summer 1999 to Fall 2000 inHarvard management communication letter(1524-5519)IEEE transactions on professional communication (0361-1434)from 1988 to present inInnovation journalismfrom 2004 to present inInternational communication gazette(1748-0485)from 02/01/2006 to present inandIRE journal (0164-7016)from 01/01/1997 to present inIssues in writing (0897-0696)from 03/01/2001 to present infrom 10/01/2003 to present inJournalism (London, England)(1464-8849)from 2000 to present in from 04/01/2000 to present inJournalism & communication monographs(1522-6379)from 03/01/1999 to present infrom 04/01/1999 to 1 year ago inJournalism & mass communication educatorfrom 01/01/1994 to 1 year ago infrom 03/01/1995 to present infrom 01/01/2003 to 1 year ago inJournalism & mass communication monographs(1077-6958)(1077-6966)from 02/01/1994 to 12/01/1998 inJournalism & mass communication quarterlyfrom 03/01/1995 to present infrom 10/01/1996 to 1 year ago inandfrom 04/01/2003 to 1 year ago inJournalism educator (0022-5517)(1077-6990)from 01/01/1974 to 01/31/1995 inJournalism history (0094-7679)from 03/01/1990 to present infrom 01/01/1994 to present infrom 04/01/1995 to present inJournalism quarterly(0196-3031)(1461-670X)Journalism studies (London, England)from 02/01/2000 to 1 year ago inMacNeil/Lehrer newshour(1052-8873)from 01/01/1982 to present infrom 06/07/2006 to present infrom 08/28/2006 to present inandMasthead (0025-5122)from 03/22/1993 to present in ,andfrom 01/01/1997 to present inandfrom 03/22/2003 to present inMedia Asia (0129-6612)from 06/14/2002 to present inMedia industry newsletter(0024-9793)from 11/21/1991 to present infrom 01/02/1995 to present infrom 01/02/1996 to present inMedia Institute of Southern Africa (2005)from 07/07/1999 to 07/19/2001 inNAJA news (1085-6757)from 10/01/1994 to 12/31/2001 inIfrom 01/01/2004 to present inNews from Xinhua News Agency, China (Hong Kong : Weekly)from 12/09/1998 to present inandfrom 01/04/1999 to present infrom 01/01/2003 to present inNews media & the law(0149-0737)from 07/01/1997 to present infrom 01/01/2001 to present inNewsInc. (New York, N.Y.)(1043-7452)from 01/10/1994 to present inNewsletter on newsletters(0028-9507)from 01/01/1999 to present infrom 04/01/1999 to present in ,andNewspaper financial executive journal(0889-4590)| from 07/01/1992 to 07/01/1994 inNewspaper research journal(0739-5329)from 04/01/1979 to 1 year ago infrom 01/01/1994 to 1 year ago infrom 01/01/1997 to 06/22/2003 in , ,andfrom 01/01/2003 to 06/22/2003 infrom 03/01/2003 to 1 year ago inNieman reports (0028-9817)from 09/22/1992 to present in , ,andfrom 04/01/1994 to present inandfrom 06/01/1996 to present inNurse author & editor(1054-2353)from 03/01/2006 to 1 year ago inPacific journalism review : PJR(1023-9499)from 09/01/2003 to present inPeace newsletter (Syracuse, N.Y.)(0735-4134)from 05/01/2001 to present inPresstime (0194-3243)Publizistikfrom 07/01/1997 to present in(0033-4006)from 2007 to present inQuill (Chicago) (0033-6475)from 01/01/1989 to present in ,andfrom 02/01/1989 to present infrom 07/01/1993 to present infrom 01/01/1995 to present infrom 09/01/1997 to present inandfrom 02/01/2003 to present inReligion in the news (1525-7207)from 1998 to 2006 inReport (Press Complaints Commission)(0965-2523)from 1996 to present inSt. Louis journalism review(0036-2972)from 02/01/1994 to present in , ,andfrom 02/01/2002 to present in|St. Louis post-dispatch(1930-9600)from 01/01/1989 to present infrom 01/01/1992 to present infrom 01/01/1996 to present infrom 04/25/2000 to present infrom 04/25/2000 to 12/02/2007 infrom 04/25/2000 to 12/01/2007 infrom 06/01/2002 to 03/31/2006 infrom 06/28/2002 to 03/03/2006 infrom 01/02/2003 to 03/03/2006 infrom 12/03/2004 to 03/03/2006 inSerials review (0098-7913)from 1995 to present in andState of the news mediafrom 2004 to present inTechnical communication (Washington)(0049-3155)from 02/01/1992 to 08/01/2005 in , ,andfrom 02/01/1994 to 11/01/2005 in from 02/01/1999 to 08/01/2005 infrom 02/01/2000 to 11/30/2005 in| from 02/01/2003 to 08/01/2005 inUtne reader (1544-2225)from 11/01/2002 to present inUtne reader (1984-2002)(8750-0256)| from 05/01/2001 to 10/31/2002 inVictorian periodicals review(0709-4698)Washington journalism review (1983)(0741-8876)from 09/01/1991 to 02/28/1993 in from 12/01/1992 to 01/01/1993 in ,andWorld press freedom reviewfrom 2007 to present inWriters digest (0043-9525)from 01/01/1992 to 12/01/2001 in72 journals found in Journalism & Communications: Radio &TV BroadcastingBack stage (0005-3635)from 08/03/1984 to 10/27/2005 in ,andfrom 11/09/1984 to 10/27/2005 infrom 01/01/1989 to present infrom 02/21/2003 to present inBack stage West (1076-5379)from 08/23/2001 to present inBE radio (1081-3357)from 01/01/2002 to 08/01/2002 infrom 03/01/2002 to present inBroadcast engineering (English ed.)(0007-1994)from 02/01/1996 to present infrom 11/01/1996 to present infrom 10/01/1997 to present infrom 12/01/1998 to present infrom 09/01/1999 to present in , ,andfrom 01/01/2002 to present infrom 04/01/2005 to present in ,andBroadcast engineering newsfrom 02/01/2001 to 01/01/2007 infrom 01/08/2003 to 12/01/2006 inandfrom 04/02/2003 to 12/01/2006 inBroadcaster (Toronto)(0008-3038)from 02/01/1995 to 02/01/2001 infrom 1998 to 2001 infrom 08/06/2004 to present inBroadcasting & cable (1068-6827)from 01/01/1989 to present infrom 03/01/1993 to present in ,andfrom 01/01/1996 to present inandfrom 01/01/1998 to present infrom 1999 to 1999 infrom 07/05/1999 to present infrom 04/10/2000 to present infrom 01/07/2002 to present inBroadcasting & cable internationalfrom 04/01/2000 to 04/01/2000 in ,andBroadcasting & cables TV international(1071-9261)from 09/20/1999 to 05/23/2003 infrom 09/20/1999 to 04/11/2003 in , ,andCable & satellite Europe(0265-6973)from 12/01/1995 to present in from 01/01/1996 to 02/01/1998 inandfrom 01/01/2003 to 04/01/2007 in ,andCable avails (1057-7378)from 04/01/1998 to 04/01/1999 infrom 06/01/1999 to 08/01/1999 in ,andCable television business(0745-2802)from 06/01/1989 to 01/15/1991 inCable vision (0361-8374)from 1994 to 2001 infrom 06/28/1999 to 12/10/2001 in , , ,andfrom 06/28/1999 to 04/23/2001 infrom 04/10/2000 to 12/10/2001 inCable world (1042-7228)from 1998 to 2001 infrom 01/01/2001 to 11/03/2003 infrom 11/01/2002 to 12/01/2005 inCablecaster (Toronto)(0840-9153)from 08/06/2004 to present inCablefax (Denver, Colo.)(1069-6644)from 06/06/1994 to present infrom 01/02/1996 to present inCableFAXs CableWORLD (1547-7223)from 01/01/1994 to present in |from 01/01/2005 to present infrom 12/01/2005 to present inCabling installation & maintenance(1073-3108)from 01/01/1999 to present infrom 1999 to 1999 infrom 01/01/2002 to present infrom 05/01/2002 to present in , , ,andCED (Denver, Colo.) (1044-2871)from 10/01/1995 to present infrom 02/01/2000 to present in ,andfrom 03/01/2001 to 07/01/2006 inCommunications (Englewood. 1964)(0010-356X)from 01/01/1988 to 01/01/1996 in| from 07/01/1991 to 04/01/1992 in |Communications daily(0277-0679)from 01/03/1984 to present infrom 11/14/1991 to present inDaily variety (0011-5509)from 04/27/1992 to present infrom 01/02/2002 to present in , ,andfrom 02/27/2004 to present inDocument & image automation(1071-6130)from 09/22/1993 to 09/22/1993 inElectronic media (0745-0311)from 1995 to 2001 infrom 05/22/1995 to 02/24/2003 inandfrom 09/01/1998 to 02/01/2003 infrom 01/04/1999 to 02/24/2003 inElectronics now (1067-9294)from 01/01/1988 to 12/01/1999 infrom 07/01/1993 to 12/01/1999 in ,andfrom 07/01/1993 to 02/01/1999 in|from 01/01/1994 to 12/01/1999 in|Entertainment law reporter(0270-3831)from 10/01/1978 to present infrom 09/01/2005 to present inGlobal communications(0195-2250)from 01/01/1991 to 07/01/1994 inGlobal telecoms business yearbook|inHistorical journal of film radio and television(0143-9685)from 03/01/1990 to 1 year ago infrom 06/01/1994 to 06/01/2000 in ,andfrom 08/01/1997 to 10/01/2000 inIEEE transactions on broadcasting(0018-9316)from 1963 to present inInformation technology and management(1385-951X)from 01/01/2000 to 07/01/2004 infrom 11/18/2000 to present infrom 01/01/2004 to 1 year ago in ,andfrom 01/01/2005 to 1 year ago inInterMedia (London)(0309-118X)| from 11/01/2000 to 10/01/2006 inandInternational broadcast engineer(0020-6229)from 12/01/2001 to 07/01/2005 inInternational journal of satellitecommunications(0737-2884)from 1997 to 2002 inJournal of broadcasting(0021-938X)from 1956 to 1984 inJournal of broadcasting & electronic media(0883-8151)from 1985 to 2004 infrom 06/01/1990 to 1 year ago infrom 09/01/1997 to present infrom 09/22/1997 to present in , ,andJournal of film and video(0742-4671)from 04/01/1997 to present infrom 03/01/2000 to present inJournal of radio studies(1095-5046)from 1992 to 2004 infrom 06/01/2002 to 1 year ago inMetro (Melbourne) (0312-2654)from 06/01/2000 to present infrom 01/01/2003 to present in ,andMillimeter (0164-9655)from 04/30/1997 to present infrom 11/19/1997 to present infrom 08/01/1998 to 12/31/1998 infrom 01/01/1999 to present inandMobile radio technology(0745-7626)from 02/01/1996 to present inandfrom 11/01/1996 to present infrom 01/01/1999 to present inandfrom 01/01/2002 to present infrom 04/01/2005 to present inandMultichannel news (0276-8593)from 01/01/1990 to present infrom 04/23/1990 to present in , ,andfrom 1996 to 2002 infrom 03/27/2000 to present inMultichannel news international(1084-8339)from 10/01/2000 to 07/01/2002 in ,andfrom 11/01/2001 to 07/01/2003 inPlayback (Toronto) (0836-2114)from 09/01/1993 to present infrom 05/10/2004 to present inPublic broadcasting report(0193-3663)from 11/22/1991 to present inQST (0033-4812)from 01/01/1997 to present inandRadio communications report(0744-0618)infrom 1997 to 1997 infrom 05/31/1999 to 09/04/2000 in , , ,andRadio journal (1476-4504)from 01/01/2003 to present infrom 10/01/2005 to 3 months ago inResponse (Duluth, Minn.)(1523-7656)from 01/01/1999 to present infrom 2000 to 2000 infrom 2001 to present infrom 08/01/2002 to present in , ,andRoss reports television & film(1520-7722)from 08/01/2001 to present inandSatellite broadband (1531-0434)from 11/01/2000 to 06/01/2002 in , ,andSatellite news (0161-3448)from 05/22/1989 to present infrom 01/09/1995 to present infrom 01/01/1996 to present infrom 01/06/2003 to present inSatellite week (0193-2861)from 11/11/1991 to present infrom 01/01/1996 to present inScreen digestinfrom 06/01/1997 to 1 month ago infrom 01/01/1999 to 1 month ago inShoot (New Yor


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