国家开放大学电大专科英语阅读(1)2023-2024期末试题及答案(试卷代号:2155)Purl IDirections:Rend paagi1 ) cnrefulh and finish qucslions 1-10 心 required. 3 points each)Passage 1TITLE tROBOT R Vlilii rUser s Comment: * I hr r.:bbn r me. It looks like n k:(l5e ganu bu; it f h nclunJIy viry chnilf ning. I don *1 think much pf the grwplues bu (hr mws TITl.EtSPEEl) SHOOTERUser1 s Comment:4 It baring. Yoh just shoot nl things that come at you fnstrr md fzm They nil look niorr or lvs the same just nasty blobK I don t bkt? lhr stnind efforts either. 7THa:TE4Af SPIRITI srcr* s Comment: a Thi5 ; a gnvd gwntj All ihf Imnous loot bull player You can choose differem teams ami have romplvtcly dtffrrrni garnt 1 wih the graphics &n w?n - hit dew run *TITLE :OUS!l*serf5 Comment / My favourite1 Super grnplitr and lots of w.iys of phiynig And the satirnl effects are rcrilly renlisiic!# and I love I he two drivers!QuestSn* 1-In arc bincd on】.Directions!Rend these comnirnt nboul the gnnws in Piisjuige I and then deride whether sfatemenU IT。arc true or false. Write I for (rue nnd E for fnlsr against the number of ihr Hem on your nivnvcr sheet.1. Vhtc i, vrrjnnvnted on in ihrrv of ihu ?4iorl passages.2. Cluiractrr? in iwn rif ihr gam vs art1 wry wU! liked.3. (tniphies of Xthr Ehght arc fahulons.I. Speed Sbncilfrrt is a ;tnM of5. “ I cbni Spirif* is u vnlkylwii! rhde,6. The sftuiul ffcdH of H 1 earn Spirit0 arc %*ery clcur.7 I hr user likvs thr-niphir Jif Rdbut HnhlnT* Vi i y mih H.K.h most prolxably zi car driving L: I hc u心 hkes MCrnsh vrry much.Pari URend pasMigc & and then choose(hi ansMer fioni the rhiiccs ahvn 1” complete statements 11-2J hased an your understanding of the passage. (3。points. 3 point% each Passayc 2Curnpiifcr Soflwnrc(J I EX (fl )L ( hintsv scivuust-. havr ilrvcl(ipc? u c-ocnputrr ofiwart?which nmuuiom.sticnlly Irnn-Hlr Inh-rnct fib s inin the Chinese longuagc the capacity tn irnnslnlr 13。.。你 I hnior rhararlrrs pcx hour, with 80 perevni oi ihr u.nnl content ily undtTciiatHlahir hfn.r iIr translnticn processThr major proIJrm hindvriri- hv ilrvi hipmeni of lIp: Inn mcM in rhinfi 、 lh languugt luirrien Many Chinese umm feel tlut I heir English ts itmiJequAte for opr/ating the lnttrnetf which is prvdominntly in English.Ucvelopmrni of irnnhttion $oftwair is pan of ;i hh irch pragrnrn introiliH-cd by the State Scienrr and trchnology Commission in ihc mid 198gThe soitwarcw jointly devrlopud by u rcrarrh intiluir htd n univvrMly in southwest China9Sichuan Provincca runs in ihc W indows ctivjronrntLit. LkcK can use a mouse tn acnievc ininnt iranxLlions# wlniv nidintining the ongiurbl format of k)jimrnH or pict ures. Questions 1 1*15 arc based un Pnssuyv 2.IL The paststtRc is mostly tken from .A Which uf ihr following pl)Ta$v5 can lx* used io rcpincc the word “hinder in ihc Mmscc? Tlw major proble m hindering ih dcrvelopmcnt n! I hr Inirrnri in china im the language hnniert A hnlrfinu on| holding to( holding hark13- li cnu hr inG rri d (rutn thr passoge i!v)r Infi nu I L rnuinly fept-rHlnl thrnuuhA. ChmcH EngliiihC Cftrinmi11. Whu I: 14 du* fi Jkjwing hitcmvhts i ()I mu ohoui Im rm kit inn m hr Win 必卜 rtn :ronnit-nlflu an)nncf ?ti lh piniuraph lo . the* nnirmil of which the va! is ihu nniural r nr my!$ d kind ol mcrune like my for cinidrrnl. rhe Jeviee rcinnerirrl ro a mputrr to control ihe cuxsor *; nioscrnrni.Pasagr 3(h&ngeA in Livelihood/l1IIIORIIA LIVE S( HOf.ARS plnre C hino *s social ilrvrlopmvnl Mt thr * lower mcdtuni lvrla rnmpnrvd tn th Jivr5 hnr clunigri! for Ih-hi r or %vnrse : u resnh Hrvwevert odwy a genera! improvement i,cvulrnt. Since 1978 hi particular* ninny proplre h |if Inn rhrir iliposbk rnrtinie hit” alo :rown a* %vc!|t Hy the end of Judp I995. rural nnil urhnn hnnk savings nmaunicd lo 3.51 二billion yinineFigures siiow that since the 1990n enrrnniinications tjuipnicnt. htiuscs apxirinirnts und cars have begun in replace TV refrigeniiors and washing muchimr (which in I urn T| lured hik m watrhrs ahi! Moving machines nl the beginning ol rlir t 9KDs) the individuul vonsnnipnnn i“ms.Accof CliiiiA h。nbdut 1 DO 000 private c;ir plans 120 million n w phone hne for ihr year 200G i nilny fax rnarhiiie$ smptHm and tnnhile phones arc very cfjinjnon hiuJ fder “ bonmniK mArkrt.Qurjiticm* 16-20 nrr based on Passage 3.16.he pasjaRf js mofitly inkvn from .A. a nrwFpMptrIt u nmgnzinr( a nnvp|17 Thr htntriicv Clnn Ims gonr ilirough rvrral and turn siiicc 1!“9 mas mcnn I hut A. China has changed for belter mhcc 1949K C hina ba Waslung nixchlnes.C. V:HchtN20t urhn rrMdcnis have installed home phnnes.A. 100,000U 120 milhonC Seven p r/*nl ofPnrl 111Quttinns 21 - 30 urv on Passage I. i 20 |Mintsf ? points each)Passage 4How to Usr London Felephnnes(1) Tvlerjhonv calls tti Britnin nrr in two clusbesi local cull$ and trunk caHs. Short diMnnve cnlh of up to about iw nty railed nrc closed os loc/il rlls. nml all calls ovrr Songer distances an classed ns trunk rnll*,(2) In London, telephones now have all figure number? which dn tint include nn cxi hnngr nnme: for example . 071 222-270. If you makv a iorl ttlcphorn cal) in Lobcdu Ui n subjccribcr in iRrtdoH, you le;:vc oui I he 071 ind ds a I only lhe last bt vrn figures of the number of iht person whom you nrr rnlliKg Tn nu:kc n uimk cxdl tn or Irpm Lnndon# you dial ali the ligurnb of ihe subscribers nwmbtnl 3) Thr rKnKrst ntldrcsses and irlcphone nunibcr )l subsrnbrrs in inn*r Lojidori art at prcKrni pnrncd in tour dirccct I hvrr arc nepur;Je ihrcviocirs (or people whose names begin with Hw Icticn; A in I). E to K L in R nnd S to Z. When you look up a ptrsnnes number in I he lelephonc directory you will find his nnme on the left sidr ol ihr- mlumti ;itul his irlvphonr nuinhor on rhi riRh: kIv. I1 A11 call boxtrs m Lorn Ion an nn ih:uul for nh irnh nnd nn thti rypr ol elcphonv you run dull nuiny lHhg-!ixl;mrr iiuiubvrs rirn - n- well ns loeul minihrr. An S I I) ttlephanr i,tisti/jlly fr un Jots |ir coitK. 丁口 nwikv u till, you pick up ihv receiver am dLH lhe number h pmung any monvy in:r)the com box. When thv ptiTson whose nnnibrr you nrc nngmn nnswrr. lherr will be a spevjal ropul conr called the puytorxs A 5mm 亦 you hm/ I hi、y“u put ynur rnatiry in ihv Ma anil you en stnrt to sprak. To make n I rank rail by STD# you iuimb r fur tin? lown that vnu urt r/tllttig nnd ibcti ihtnps. din I firsi the STD vodr of the subsen ben For Bnnu.il 5 0272; i youBristol 294u20* you wquhI dial 0272 291020- When your itinr is up the pnyfinr is rfpehtcil; if ynu wish tn caritinur your talk, you musi then pm more nioury into the s*ot. The length of tinv nllowt!il i. dDublrd between 6 p. m. nnd E a. rn. ow pay phones work sbhrly ddkrvntlye hewevrr. nlsxi ;in InluTiujlmnal Suhsvnbcr I bull ng servtev lor making Ivlephone calb 10 most of ihr ronnfries of Europe but sonn rails can only bt made fruni tvlcplmno without n coin hn& Yau ran dial direct to many places ui Francet Belgium# tjvrnmny sh. Wlitn you wukt up iti the momiri: And ynu want 10 know u bat the weather will be like in London du! 246 8901: and. ii you want to know unw dull 123; Directions-Read passage 4 and then decide nhlch of the sUtemenK afirr it wre TRUE and which rv EjiIsc. On your answer sheet indicate T for I KI IE or F for FAIE ugainNt the number for ruch of items 21* 30 hir the nnstvers von chobc.2L Tf kphoiiv c ills tti Brtiatn can ht 1 .ns)Iiril inin (svo ypt;s: l(,il rlls arid inlcriMitional “ills!?. If you nil freun Izindnn lr ? Tuhscrihr in I undoru you nvrd t-n dull 01 hrM.23. If you want to know the telephone number of Mr Wjlinms. you need 10 look it up in I hr lirrrinrv for pio|)|r wFin-e n-itnr brgitH with I hr ItttrrA S l( Z.w4. You can ta汛wily Imd 9 u rson * s nnrnc on lhe left side of the column in a telephone (hrceinry25. ti ilw ST11 in |xx29. II you tn L you c/m even gel itiforniniioti over IclvphonL ni l*hinctYnu rxin wen gel infdminuon nbrnn lime inhy Hinh】甲 123,Pari IVRrndj nncn as short and clear mspossible. (20 points I point each)PassugrSwininiitig is nne nf Rhn the best ngv to Iwrn. By five nr sixt chihi knnwn frnr if wnh r a v Iy important thing tn know. It1 s wiw to be afraid to woRrnze tru harkiurokis hrcjistrmkvt And a rawlt I et?l dun one of ibr hn-hsistrnkc i different from thr others# since some youns swimmers use ihis ?iroke nniurully# wiihonl any UiiiningIn swimming thert? Mr rules t-vrry swimmer should luUow: 1 ) fvrj swim /ilnnr! Xo rnuiter bow gcxid you arc in thr watrxf dtirieI nk drowning hy swimmh电 alone. II you swim hy yourself with no lift guards or friends with you you may ger inlo trouble.12) Donw I gu beynnd your nliiltiii s. XkiM swimnicrs kuw enough not io 5wirn too fr from I he bank or ihr hr.iclu Showing off hy doinK ckuiKvrou* inck is nn good Swim sMdy anti yH)will continut- tn 5wim and Jiliw.(3) lX)n*i smoke. Swimming depend?: nn n htahhy body: Rood Iung5 are pari of iL(4) Work a! any nrtivjty ih! builds muscles.QurMlun、31-35 are bned on Pa55:igc 5.31. When nin littk children Icurn to swim?32. Why doe (he nuihor thmk five is lh bebi the author h招 that thv brenstilroke t different from the uthersY What nilc shuuhl every swimmer (ullosvY (unnir ai h?gl two)试题答案及评分标准(仅供参考)Part I(30 points 3 points each)LT2.FXF4.T&F6. !7. F8.T9.T10.TPstrl II (30 polntMt 3 points cchILA12, C13, B14. B15. C16. AJ7.CMB19 A20.CPari 111 (20 poinUt 2 points each)2LE22. F23. T24. T25. E26. F27. T28. F29. F30. TPurl IV (20 points 4 points each)3L As soon ns they wn1k a child knows fear of w汨u a very iniportnnt thing In know.33. Butier(ly backstroke breaststroke*,nd crnwL31,onic youiig swimmers usr this Pirokr naturally without any trainings35. I) Nrvrr swim nlonr!2) Don*I 明 beyond your3) Don*I srnokc.t) Work n( Any nrtivKy tluit builds(either two of ihcfic will be ()K.)