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【素材】Unit 21 Human biology Lesson 2 Brain Powe重点单词详解考点 1 matter【要点提示 】I. n. “麻烦事;毛病” ,此时在意义和用法上相当于形容词wrong ;事情 ;事实;物质;物品。Whats the matter with your computer? (= Whats wrong with your computer?) 你的电脑怎么了 ?-There is nothing the matter. (=There isnt anything the matter. ) ( = There is nothing wrong.) 没有什么毛病。They had a lot of matters to deal with then. 那时他们有好多事情要处理。We have several important matters to discuss this afternoon. 我们今天下午有几个重要问题要讨论。Matter exists in three states: solid, liquid and gas. 物质以三种形式存在:固态、液态、气态。You must take some favorite reading matter for the long travel. 这么远的旅途 ,你得带一些喜爱的读物在路上看。II. vi. “要紧;有关系” ,主要用于否定句与疑问句当中。It doesnt matter much to me what you do. 你做什么对于我来说都不要紧。What does it matter where he goes? 他到哪里去了 ,这要紧吗 ?【思维拓展】matter of course 理所当然的事matter of life and death 生死攸关的事情matter of opinion 见仁见智的问题as a matter of fact 事实上 for that matter 就此而言in the matter of 就而论【用法辨析 1】affair, thing, matter, business affair意为“事情、事件”,含义较广,泛指已做或待做的事;复数 affairs 一般指商业事 务及政府的日常事务,如财政管理、外交事务等 thing意为“事情、事物”,不管大事小事、好事坏事均称为thing, 般不能专指事务;复数 things 还可作 “形势”解。 matter侧重指须留心的要事或问题、难题。 bus in ess作“事务、事情”解时,一般不能用复数,常常指所指派的任务、责任;有时说 的是指派的工作或商业上的买卖活动。【用法辨析 2】material, matter 这两个名词都可作“物质;材料”解,前者是可数名词,指制造、建筑等用的具体材料 或原料;后者是不可数名词,指科学上概括性的物质,即与精神或思想(spirit or mind) 相关的概念。There is a waste of money, energy and materials. 这是浪费金钱、能源和材料。His special subject is the beginning of space, matter and time. 他的特殊学术领域开了空间、物质和时间之间关系研究的先河。 【连线高考 】 I cant say which wine is beat it sa(n)of personal taste. 2007 年山东A. affair B. event C. matter D. variety【答案与解析】C考查名词词义辨析。句意为:一这是个人的爱好(品味)问题。matter事件,问题,实质” ;affair 事务,事件,私事” ;event事件,事变,结果” ;variety 品 种,种类,变化,多样性” 。 Dad! Toms broken a glass! 2007 四川 . Accidents will happen.ANo wayBDoesntmatterCNo trouble at allDDontmention it【答案与解析】B doesn t matte即It s doesn t matt意为无关紧要,根据交际用语的表达,故选 B 。It is the ability to do the job matters, not where you come from or what you are. NMET 2000A. one B. that C. what D. it【答案与解析】B 本题考查强调句型It isthat,句意:有关系(要紧)的是工作能力,而不是你从哪里来或你是干什么的。 The thing that is not whether you fail or not, but whether you try or not. 1996 上海A. matters B. cares C. considers D. minds【答案与解析】 A matter 这里用作及物动词,意思是“要紧 ,有关系”。 -Whatsthe chief of the world this year?2009 苏州模拟 -I think the Twin- Tower was destroyed.A. business B. matter C. event D. affair【答案与解析】 C event表示比较重要的事件;business表示一般性的事物,如经营方面 的事情或生意等,也可以构成一定的短语,如 on business, get down to business 等。 matter 指 一般的需要解决的事情; affair 指重大的国际、国内事物,经常用复数。考点 2 complicated【要点提示 】adj. 复杂的;难解的;麻烦的;结构复杂的They had to begin the task of sorting out his legal affairs.他们不得不着手理顺复杂的法律事务。That puzzle is too complicated for the children.那个谜语对儿童来说太难了。I think watch is a complicated piece of machinery. 我认为手表是一件复杂的机械。【构词】complication n.复杂化; (使复杂的 )因素complex I. adj. 复杂的;合成的;综合的。 II. n. 联合体The fact that the plane was late added a further complication to our journey.飞机误点给我们带来更大麻烦。You should see further complication of the matter. 你应该看到事情进一步的复杂性。We cannot allow further complication of this matter.我们不能让这件事变得更复杂了。A computer is certainly a complex machine.电脑当然是一种结构复杂的机器。His political ideas were too complex. 他的政见太令人费解。The new sports complex has everything needed for many different activities. 新建的综合体育馆能为多种活动提供所需要的设施。【用法辨析】complex, complicated都含“复杂的”意思, complex 指“包含许多(尤其是不同的)部分, 因而比较难懂或难 解释的”; complicated 指“各部分相互交错而变得错综复杂” 。This is a complex problem. 这是一个复杂的问题。What a complicated machine! I cant possibly use it. 这是一台多么复杂的机器! 我可不会使用它。【连线高考 】What he said was too for me to understand. 2009 南昌质检 A. complex B. difficult C. deep D. complicated【答案与解析】A 句意:他说的太复杂,我不理解。complex 复杂的;难懂的” ;complicated“各部分相互交错而变得错综复杂” , B 和 C 如句意不符合,综合考虑,最佳答案为 A。 考点 3 interpret【要点提示 】v.解释;说明;口译;认为是的意思Freuds attempted to interpret the meaning of dreams .弗洛伊德尝试去解释梦的含义。I interpret his answer as a refusal.我把他的回答理解为拒绝。He interpreted the silence as contempt.他把这沉默看作轻蔑的表示。We interpreted his silence as a refusal.我们认为他的沉默就是拒绝。【构词】interpretation n. 解释;阐明 interpreter n. 解释者;口译人员;翻译员Itsdifficult to put an exact interpretation on the survey results.对调查结果很难做出正确地解释。His arrival can be given more than one interpretation.对他的到来可作出不止一种解释。An actor is an interpreter of other mens words, often a soul which wishes to reveal itself to the world.演员是他人话语的口译员,通常是一个希望向世界展示自己的人物。【连线高考 】The interpreter the French words for the Chinese visitors. 2009 潍坊模拟 A. interpreted B. interrupted C. interfered D. interview【答案与解析】A 句意:翻译为中国游客解释了那些法语单词。interpret “解释” ;interrupt打断” ;in terfere 干涉” ;in terview 会见”。考点 4 identify【要点提示 】v. 确认;识别;认出The porters may be identified by their blue caps. 从他们蓝色的红帽子就可辨认出他们是行李搬运工。Wherever you are , never identify opinions with facts. 无论你在哪里,都永远不要把意见混同于事实。She identified the man as her attacker. 她认出那个男人就是那个袭击过她的人。Can you identify your umbrella among these? 你能从这些中认出你自己的那把伞吗?【构词】identity n. 身份;一致Do you know the identity of the person who stands in the front door ? 你知道那个站在门前的人的身份吗?After a long discussion , we all reached an identity of views. 经过长时间的讨论,我们都取得了一致的看法。【连线高考 】 It is importa nttobetwee n the rules of grammar and the conven ti ons of written1anguage. 2009 海淀模拟 A. determineB. identifyC. exploreD. distinguish【答案与解析】D 句意:将语法规则与书面语传统区分开来是很重要的。Distinguish “区别;区分”,常与 from ,between 连用,; determine “决定;确定” ; identify “认出;识别; 鉴定” ;explore “探测;探索;研究”。 After a long police in vestigati on, theof the murdered man has bee n con firmed.2009黄冈统考 A. evidenceB. reputationC. fortuneD. identity【答案与解析】 D evidence 意为“证据”; reputation 意为“名誉; 名声”; fortune 意为“命 运;运气”; identity 意为“身份” 。根据句意“经长时间警方调查,那名被害人的身份已被 确定”,可知答案为 D。考点 5 emotion【要点提示 】n. 情绪;情感;感情A mixture emotions welled up inside him as she spoke. 当她讲话时,他百感交集。The old mans voice shook with emotion. 这个老人的声音因激动而颤抖。“ I suppose you re right.hi”sehyessgalide,aming with emotion.“我看你是对的, ”他说着,神情激动,眼睛闪光。【连线高考 】As we all know , love, hate, joy and fear are .2009 淄博统考 A. emotions B. actions C. enemies D. enthusiasm【答案与解析】 A 句意:我们都知道,爱与恨,喜与惧都是人的情绪。 emotions 是人 类一切精神情感的总称,包括喜、怒、哀、乐等情绪;actio ns 行动” ;en emies 敌人;enthusiasm 热情;积极性”。考点 6 energy (p36) 【要点提示 】n.精力;活力;干劲;能量She is full of energy.她精力充沛。I must concentrate my energies on decorating today. 我今天必须集中精力搞装修。His work seemed to lack energy.他工作似乎缺乏干劲。This kind of food can give you a lot of energy. 这种食物能为你提供大量的能量。注意: energy 意为“精力;力气;能量” ,通常用作不可数名词。 【用法辨析】energy , force, power , strengthenergy 指人生理上的“精力”和物理学定义中的“能” ; force 的意思为“力,力量” , 特 别指“力”产生的实际效果; power 能力,权力,特别指行动所根据的能力、本领或职权; strength 力,特别指人的“体力” 。【构词】energetic adj. 精力充沛的 , 积极的The old professor is still energetic. 这个老教授依然精力充沛。【连线高考 】 You are always full of . Can you tell me the secret? 2007 福建 Taking plenty of exercise every day.A. powerB. strengthC. force D. energy【答案与解析】 D 考查名词词义辨析。由句意“你总是充满活力(精力充沛) ”可见只有 energy “精力,精神,活力”符合句意。power能力,力量,动力,权力” ;strength 力,力 量, 力气”; force “力量 , 武力 , 暴力”。 To regain theirafter an exhausting game,the players lay in the grass.上海 2002A. force B. energy C. power D. health【答案与解析】 B 句意为“在一场筋疲力尽的比赛之后,为了恢复精力,选手们躺在草 地上”。 force 意为 “力量;武力” ; power 意为 “能力;力量;权力” ; health 意为 “健 康”,均不符合题意。 Many coun tries are in creas ing their use of n atural gas, wind and other forms of.1996上海 A. energy B. source C. power D. material【答案与解析】 A 从常识可知,天然气( natural gas) 和风( wind ) 都是能源,所以要选 择energy作为答案。source的意思是源泉” ;power的意思是能力,动力,权力”;material的意思是“材料” 。考点 7 cater【要点提示 】vi. 备办食物;满足 (需要 );投合This is a business that caters for banquets and weddings. 这是一家为宴会和婚礼提供食品的服务行业。The nurses catered to my every need. 护士们照顾到我的一切需要。The legislation catered to various special interest groups. 立法兼顾了各种特殊利益群体。【连线高考 】As the biggest restaurant in our city , we must cater for all kinds ofcustomers. 2009 成都模拟 A. stand for B. cater for C. look for D. wait for【答案与解析】 B 句意“作为本市最大的饭店,我们必须迎合顾客的各种需求。支持” ;cater for 满足(需要)”;look for 寻找” ;wait for 支持”。考点 8 ample【要点提示 】adj. 充足的;丰富的They had ample food for the party.他们晚会上有足够的食品。In fact , we have ample evidence. 实际上,我们有充分的证据。We have an ample supply of water. 我们的水供应很充足。【连线高考 】Our project must proceed at a reasonably quick tempo.2009 长春模拟 Dont worry. We havetime to do it.A. ampleC. little【答案与解析】 很多的”; little 考点 9 treat【要点提示】vt .对待;治疗,医治;把看作;认为;请客;款待;处理;讨论the needs of thestand for意为“丰富的; A 为正确答案。B. plentifulD. availableA ample 意为“充足的”常用来形容时间充足; plentiful 意为“很少的” ; available 意为“可利用的” 。根据句意可知Even though they were much younger, we treated them as equals . 即使他们年轻得多,我们还是平等地对待他们。He didnt want to be treated as an honoured guest. 他不愿别人把他当作贵宾对待。His wounds were well treated in the army hospital. 他的伤在陆军医院得到很好的治疗。The police are treating his death as a case of murder. 警察认为他的死是一起谋杀案。She treats everything I say as some kind of joke . 她把我说的每一件事都当成是玩笑。 We treated him to an ice-cream 我们请他吃冰淇淋。Waste water from factories should be treated before flowing into rivers. 工厂里的废水在流入河里之前应该经过处理。The farmers treated dry land by irrigating it with water from wells. 农民们通过用井水灌溉来治理旱地。He treated the subject thoroughly in his book. 他在自己所著的书中详尽透彻地讨论这个问题。 n. (可数 )请客;享受 ;愉快的事This is my treat today, so Ill pay for everything. 这次我请客 ,一切帐由我来付。Well go to the theatre and Ill stand treat. 我们去看戏 ,我请客。What a treat to get into the peace and quiet of the country. 进入到乡村的平静和安静,真是种享受。I don tgo to the cinema often, but it s always a treat. 我不太看电影,但看电影永远是种享受。【思维拓展 】treatas/ like以态度对待;以方式对待。treat sb with respect 尊敬某人treat sb. to sth.请某人吃饭;款待。 treat sb for an illness 治疗某人的病【派生】treatme nt n.疗法,处理方法;治疗;对待的方法或态度【连线高考 】 The way the guestsin the hotel in flue need their evaluati on of the service.2009 北京A. treatedB. were treatedC. would treatD. would be treated【答案与解析】 B 考查时态和语态的用法。 The guests 与 treat 之间是被动的关系,并且 动作已经发生,所以用一般过去时的被动形式。 Treatto a glass of wine to help you relax at the end of the day. 2007 上海春A. one B. oneself C. you D. yourself【答案与解析】 D treat sb./ oneself to a glass of wine 款待某人 /自己一杯酒。 本句为祈使句, 主语为第二人称,宾语指自己,属于反指,应使用反身代词,故选D 项。 I really cant understandher like that.2005 安徽A. you treatB. you to treatC. why treatD. you treating【答案与解析】 D understand 后接“动词 +ing 形式或“动词 +lng 形式”的复合结构作宾 语。“动词 ing 形式”的复合结构作宾语时,可以用物主代词或人称代词宾格构成复合结 构。 More patientsin hospital this year than last year. 2004 年江苏A. treated B. have treated C. had been treated D. have been treated【答案与解析】D 本题考时态语态,句中treat与patient连用,应是治疗”的意思,故全句意为:今年到医院就医的病人比去年多。病人应被治疗,故需被动语态,且是今年(现 在) 的事,故选 D 项,现在完成时的被动语态。 考点 10 storage 【要点提示】n.贮藏(量);贮藏库;存储 A quarter of the crop may be lost in storage. 收获的四分之一可能损失在贮藏过程中。 pork and mutton should be kept in cold storage. 猪羊肉应该冷藏。The reservoir has in storage about five million cubic metres. 这水库有五百万立方米的储存量。500 bales of cotton are in storage. 库内存有五百包棉花。 【构词】I. storevt. 贮藏;贮备;存储Water is stored against the dry season. 蓄水以备旱季使用。The cabbages were stored in the basement. 包心菜储藏在地下室里。The barn will store five tons of grain. 这个谷仓能放五吨粮食。II. n. 商店;店铺;贮藏It becomes colder and colder , we must lay in stores of coal for winter 越来越冷了,我们必须贮藏煤以备过冬了。【思维拓展】in store 即将到来Who knows what the future has in store for us? 谁知道我们将来会怎么样 ?【连线高考 】When she first arrived in China, she wondered what the future might have for her, but nowall her worries are gone. 2008 湖北 A. in needB. in timeC. in preparation D. in store【答案与解析】D 本题考查固定搭配 havein store 有要发生,即将到来”。


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