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,单项选择题。(每题1分,共20分)A) 词语替换,选择能替换句中划线部分意思相同或相近的词或词语。( )1.Deng Yaping is a famous ping-pong player.A. great B. well-known C. popular D. interesting( )2. They had fun in the park yesterday.A. had much time B. were exciting C. had a good time D. looked for( )3. I can take care of my little sister.A. look for B. look after C. look at D. look up( )4. There is lots of water in the bowl.A. some B. many C. much D. a little( )5.Liu ying is good at sports.A, do well in B,did well in C, does well in D,does well atB)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。() 1. Thereis_“h”and_“a”inthe word“hello”.A. a; a B. an;aC. a;anD. an;an ( )7.That is my aunt._ is my mothers sister.A. He B. Him C. Her D. She() 8. Wouldyoulike_meat?A. any B. someC. many D. no ( )9. -_ does he exercise? -Once a week.A. How long B. How often C. How far D. How old( )10. Hawaii is in _. Its very beautiful.A. China B. the USA C. Canada D. Japan( )11.They came back to school _Sunday morning.A. in B. on C. at D. for( )12.-Can your brother go out tonight? -_.A. No, he can B. Yes, he cant C. Yes, he can D. No, she cant( )13. Milk is_ our health. I like it very much.A. good at B. good for C. good in D. good to( )14. Im very thirsty. I want some_.A. chicken B. duck C. water D.food( )15.My friend is _ than me.A. very heavy B. heavyer C. heavier D. more heavy( )16.Yesterday afternoon Jack and I _ the floor.A. dont sweep B. werent sweep C. didnt swept D. didnt sweep( )17.Mr White goes to work _ every day.A. on bus B. by a bus C. take the bus D. by bus( )18. Thank you for me find my little cat yesterday.A. help B. helps C. helped D. helping( )19. are you staying in Ottawa? For two weeks.A. How long B. How manyC. How often D. How much() 16. _ you born? In atownnearLondon. A. Whenwere B. WherewereC. When did D. Where did ,完型填空(分)Betty is a schoolgirl. September 23rd is her 1 birthday.She 2 early in the morning. She has 3 at six thirty. Then she goes to school at seven oclock. She has four 4 in the morning. And she comes home 5 school at twelve.Last month, she went to Beijing for summer camp. She 6 many friends there. And she took 7 photos on the Great Wall. She came home 8 August 27th.She 9 she can speak English 10 now.( )1. A. nine B. nineth C. ninth D. the ninth( )2.A.got on B. gets on C. gets up D. is getting( )3.A. lunch B. dinner C. supper D. breakfast( )4.A.teachers B. classes C. students D. subject( )5.A.to B in C. from D. for( )6.A. makes B. maked C. make D. made( )7.A.a lots of B. lot of C. much D. many( )8.A. on B. in C. at D. for( )9.A. say B. says C. said D. saying( )10.A. good B. nice C. beautiful D. wellIII.阅读理解(30分,每小题2分)(A) 篇 根据短文内容,判断下列句子是否正确,对的写“T”, 错的写“F”。I have a dream, one day in the year of 2008 when Beijing hosts the Olympic Games, I , an18-yearold university student, will serve(服务)as a tour guide(导游)for many, many foreign athletes, news reporters as well as tourists. Iwill tell them in fluent(流利的) English many stories about China, a nation of5000 years of civilization(文明), and about Beijing, a city of 3000 years of history. So I am going to study harder from now on. Im going to speak Englishand write in English as much as possible(可能). And Im going to learn more about the differences between Chinese culture and western culture so that I can behave(表现)more politely(礼貌地) before foreigners.( )1. The writer(作者) is from China.( )2. When the writer is 18 years old, he is a university student.( )3. Beijing will host the Olympic Games in the year of 2008.( )4. Beijing is a city of 5000 years of history.( )5.There are no differences between Chinese culture and western culture.根据短文内容,选择一个最佳答案。(B)The summer vacation is over(结束). Its true that time flies fast. During the vacation, the weather was hot and I could not do much work, but I lived happily.As the afternoon was hot, I did my work in the morning, I used to (习惯于)get up at 6:30 and take a walk in the garden for half an hour. After that, I began to read English and Chinese and did some math exercises. Those took me three hours or more. I worked very hard and made good progress(进步).I spent the afternoon outside. I went swimming and it was funny. I would not go home until it was five or six oclock. Sometimes a friend would come to see me and we would spend some hours listening to music.In this way I spent my vacation happily. And I not only studied well but also became a good swimmer. Now I am in good health and high spirits(精神).( )1. What did the writer(作者)think of his vacation?A. It was sad. B. It was boring. C. It was great. D. It was not fun.( )2.The weather was very _ during the vacation.A. cool B. hot C. warm D. cold( )3.How long did it take the writer to have a walk?A. Three hours B. Half an hour C. Only one hour D. One and a half hours( )4.The writer spent most of the afternoon _.A. visiting his friend B. doing homework C. swimming D. listening to music( )5. Which of the following is wrong?A. The writer was not healthy. B. He was good at swimming.C. He studied very well. D. He spent his vacation happily.(C)BillGateswasbornonOctober28,1955.HelivedinSeattle, Washington.Hewas averytalentedboy. Hisfavoritesubjectsatschoolwerescienceandmath.Whenpeopleaskedhimwhat hewanted to be,healwayssaid,“Ascientist(科学家).” When hewas13yearsold,Bill started toplaywithcomputers.At that time,computers werevery bigmachines. Heandsomeofhisfriendsspent alot oftimedoingunusualthingswithit.Theyworked outasoftwareprogram(软件) with the oldmachine.Billsolditfor$ 4, 200whenhewasonly17. In1973, BillwenttoHarvardUniversity.In histhirdyear,heleftHarvardtoworkforacompany(公司 )calledMicrosoft(微软 ). Billbeganthiscompanyin1975withhis friendPaulAllen.In1999,Billwrote abookcalledBusiness theSpeedofThought(未来时速). 根据短文内容,完成下列表格WhenWhat 1 Was born 13yearsold 2 17 years old 3 4 Begin a company called Microsoft 5 Wrote abookcalled BusinesstheSpeedofThought第II卷IV.语言知识运用(40分)1) 词汇(20分)(A) 根据句子意思及首字母提示,用适当的词填空。(5分)1.- Whats the m_ with Jim?-I think he has a sore back.2.-What are you doing on vacation? -I am going c_.3. I often r_ my bike to school. What about you?4. May is the f_ month of the year.5.Im going to be a basketball p_ in the future.B)动词填空, 用所给动词的适当形式填空。(5分)1.My father usually _(watch) TV in the evening.2. Look. The students _(play) basketball over there.3. We enjoy _(live) in the city very much.4. I _(be) born on July 23rd, 1991.5. Charles Smith started _(hiccup) in 1922.C)、句型转换 (每空一词,共10 分)1. She isawomanteacher.(变为复数句)Theyare_.2. Herodeabike when hewas six years old.(同义句)He rode a bike_the_ofsix.3. Iwant someyogurt.(就划线部分提问)_ yogurt doyou want?4. Whenwasyour father born?(回答) He _ in1967.5. He was five whenhestartedtolearn English. (就划线部分提问)_washewhen hestarted tolearnEnglish?2) 补全对话 根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。(其中二项为多余选项)(10分)A: Are you tired, Tim?B: No, Im not. 1_.A: You are? You should have a sandwich.B: But2_.A: Well then, maybe you shouldnt eat anything for an hour or two.3_?B: Yes, I am.A: Then you can have some warm water.B:4 _.A: I studied for six hours today. 5_.B: You should go to bed early and have a good rest.A. Im very stressed out. B. Im really hungry.C. I feel very relaxing. D. I have a sore throat.E . I have a stomachache. F. Are you thirstyG. That sounds like a good idea.V. 书面表达(10分)请你谈谈你和你的好朋友的相同点和区别。从外表、性格和爱好三方面描述。(词数:70词左右)。参考答案I.听力考查(30分)II.语言知识运用(40分)(A) 单词接龙(略)(B) 选择填空 1)1-5 BCBCB2)1-5 ADBBB 6-10 BCBCB 11-15 CBDBC 16-20 DBBCC(C)完型填空(10分) 1-5 CCDBC 6-10 DDABDIII.阅读理解(30分)(A) 1-5 AAABB (B) 1-5 CBBCA (C) 1-5 ABDBDIV.语言知识运用(40分)1) 词汇 (22分)(A) 1.Can 2. love 3. When 4. today 5. lesson6. my 7. the day after tomorrow 8.five-thirty(B) 1. matter 2. camping 3. ride 4. fifth 5. smoothie 6. player(C) 1. closest 2. more outgoing 3. How many 4. sharks 5. living room2)补全对话 (10分) BEFGA3)动词填空(8分)1.watches 2. are playing 3. living 4. Didgo, went5. was 6. hiccupping/to hiccup 7. is inviting/is going to invite/will inviteV.书面表达(10分)(略)9


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