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学习资料一、 选出下列单词中划线部分读音不同的选项,将其序号填入题前括号内(15分)( ) 1. A. forget B. her C. work D. nurse( ) 2. A. these B. father C. think D. mouths( ) 3. A. any B. catch C. black D. stamp( ) 4. A. book B. good C. food D. classroom( ) 5. A. pens B. teachers C. apples D. cats二、根据所给中文、英文释义及首字母提示完成句子(15分)6. How many _(猴子) does the zoohave ?7. He listens to the teacher as _(仔细) as his cousin.8. The old man lived in a _( not quiet) street, so he couldnt sleep well every day.9. W_ (the fourth day in a week) is my busiest day.10. My ideal school starts at 9:00 a.m. and f_ at 3:00 p.m三、根据句意写出所给单词的正确形式。(15分)11、 Look! One of the children _(swim) in the lake.12、 Lily is much _( health) than her sister.13、 They _ ( fly) to the UK, didnt they ?14、 Is _(eat ) too much good or bad for your body ?15、 Mr. Lee _( give ) us a talk on the history of China tomorrow, isnt he?四、选择最佳答案。( 110分)( ) 16.- Could you help me , please ?- _.A. Yes , please . B. Yes , I could. C. Yes, I can. D. Youre welcome .( ) 17.There is _sheep on the hill .A. little B. a few C. a little D. few( )18.There is _“h ” , _ “o”, _“u ” and _“r ”in the word“hour”。A. an ; an ; a ; an B. a; an; a; a C. a; an ; an; a D. an; an ; an ; an( ) 19.-I had a really good weekend at my uncles.-_.A. Oh, thats very nice of you. B. Congratulations.C. Its a pleasure. D. Oh, Im glad to hear that.( ) 20.-Can I get you a cup of tea?-_.A. Thats very nice of you B. With pleasureC. You can, please D. Thank you for the tea( ) 21-Does she work here?-No, but these days she _ here.A. helps B. help C. is helping D. helping( ) 22. -_ today! -Yes. Shall we have a picnic in the open air?A. What fine weather is B. How fine weather it isC. What a fine weather it is D. How fine the weather is( ) 23. I _tired yesterday, so I _ go shopping with her.A. am, dont B. was, am not C. was, didnt D. am, am not( ) 24. -Couldyou get to the parkbefore3 oclock?-_.Illstillbe atthemeeting then.A. I think so B. Yes, I could C. Im afraid not D. Im afraid so( ) 25. Miss Gao is _teacher. She teaches _ English.A. our, my B. us, me C. us, our D. our, us五、根据明信片内容及 26-30的提示语,将英文代号A-E 填在相应的横线上( 15 分)To_A_All our love,Youre an excellent person. I am sure your newGranny & Grandpajob will be a great success.Dear_C_Best wishes fromPeoplelikeyou make theworldbrighterwith theMrs Bellspecial things you do.Dear_B_Love fromWish you every success in your exams. Well beAndythinking of you.To_D_Hoping that good health will soon be yours.仅供学习与参考学习资料With very best wishes fromLife is boring without you. Hurry back.everyone at Better BooksLove,To dear _E_Angela26_Simon is working in another city for four weeks.27_Mary is in hospital.28 _John has just started a new job.29_Karen will start her final exams next week.30_Ann cleaned her friends house when her friend was on holiday.六、完型填空(110 分)“Where is the university?” Thisis aquestion that manyvisitorsto Cambridge (剑桥) ask. But no onecan givethem a _( 31) _answer,forthereis no wallto be found_( 32) _ the university.The universityis the city. You can find classroom buildings, _(33) _, museums and offices of the university all overthe city. And most of its members are the students and_( 34) _ of the thirty-one colleges(学院)。Cambridge was alreadya_( 35) _ town longbeforethe firststudentsand teachersarrived800 years ago.It grew up by the river Granta, and the river was once _( 36)_ the Cam. A_ ( 37) _ was built over theriver as early as 875,so the town got its name“Cambridge”。In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries more and more land was used for college buildings. The towngrew much _ ( 38)_ in the nineteenth century after the opening of the railway in 1845.Cambridge became a_( 39) _ in 1951 and now it has a population of over 100,000. Many young students in other countries_( 40)_ to study at Cambridge.( ) 31. A. true B. clear C. right D. wrong( )33.A. cinemas B. librariesC. zoos D. parks( )35.A. interesting B. old C. new D. usual( )37.A. bridge B. building C. station D. house( )39.A. city B. college C. country D. village八、阅读下面文章并根据要求回答问题(15分)( ) 32. A. around B. in C. near D. about( )34. A. parents B. farmers C. teachers D. doctors ( ) 36. A. said B. called C. spoken D. talked( ) 38. A. smaller B. slower C. slowly D. faster ( ) 40. A. stop B. hate C. hope D. dislikeThe Arts Cinema is open 7 days a week, showing lots of American and foreign films. Next week it willshow an Australian film called“Midnight Meeting”。It is set in Sydney in the 1960s. You can see thatfilm from Monday to Thursday. It will be on twice a day at 6:30 and 9:10 in the evenings. The film laststwo hours and fifteen minutes. Tickets are $ 4, but there is a special student ticket at $2.60 for all thefilms. Please bring your student card if you want the cheaper ticket.The nearest car park to the cinema is in Hamlet Street. Its just five minuteswalk from the cinema.If you need further information, phone 8813962 during office hours-9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.Answer each of the following questions in no more than SIX words.(每题答案不超过6 个词)46 In which country is the film“Midnight Meeting” made? _.47 When can people see that film? _.48 How many minutes does the film last? _.49 Whats the price of a student ticket? _.50 How far is it from the nearest park to the cinema? _.九、根据文章内容及首字母提示,完成下面短文(将单词完整地填在下面横线上)( 110 分) Albert Einstein is one of the greatest scientists who ever lived. But he couldnt find his way homewhen he went for a w 51 . He often forgot things. He had other things to think about. Science was m 52 important to him than any other thing in life. Albert Einstein was born in 1879 in Germany. When he was a child, helearned things very s 53 . Albert didnt speak u 54 he was three years old. His parents were w 55 about him. When he was 12, Albert began r 56 math and science books. He was excited about the t 57 he learned in those books. He became more and more interested in math and physics. He wanted to find thea 58 to the questions about the universe. When he told people about his ideas, other scientists l 59 at him at first. But his ideas changed the world, scientists looked at the universe in a n 60 way. Because仅供学习与参考学习资料of him, we have such things as computers, televisions, and space travel today.一、写出下列字母的左右邻居,注意区分大、小写字母。(14 分)1.F_ H2. _ s_3. _W_4. p _r5._ u _6._I_7. _ N _8._ k _二、填入所缺的字母,使其成为一个完整的单词并译成中文(10 分)1._ _ at , _ 。2. pen_ _ l ,_ 。3. rul_ _ , _。4. colo_ _ ,_ 。5. g_ _ d , _。三、根据所提供的情景选择适当的句子。(10 分)1. ()你想知道对方姓名,应说A.My name is Han Mel.B.Whats yourname?C. Hello.2. ()早上遇见刘老师,应说A.Thank you , Mr. Li.B.How ?C.Goodmorning , Mr. Liu.3. ()别人向你打招呼 Hello !你应说A.Whatsyour name?B.Hello!C.Thank you.4. ()假如你叫林峰,当有人问你Whats your name ?时,你应回答 _.A.Im fine , tooB.Nice to meet vonC.My name is Lin Feng.5. ()见到客人站着,你应说,A.Sit down.please.B.How are you?C.Im fine, too.6. ()下午与同学见面,你应说_A.Good afternoon.B.Whats your name?C.How are you ?7. ()晚上分手时所用礼貌用语是:A.Hi!B.Hello!C.Good night!8. ()当经介绍后认识某人,你应该说:A. Good morning.B. Please sit down.C. Thank you.D. Nice to meetyou.9(.)上课铃响了,教师走进教室, 班长应该说A.Pleasecome in.B.Goodmorning.C.Standup.10. ()想知道对方的年龄,应怎样问?A.How oldare you?B.How are you?C.Howdo you do?.四、在表格中选择合适的词语,使句子通顺合理。(8 分)of ,with,at,in,on , Thank you,must, doing1、 There is something wrong _ my watch.2、 They go to the park_ weekends.3、 This is an old photo _ my family.4、 Mike usually gets up _ 6:45.5、 We _ go home now.6、We plant trees _ spring.7、“ What is he _?”“ She is reading. ”8、 A: Happy birthdayto you!B : _.五、按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。(10 分)1. Open the window, please.(改为否定句)_ open the window, please.2. I can see a bottle of water on the table.(就划线部分提问)_ can you_ on the table?3. There are thirtystudents in the classroom.(对划线部分提问)How _ _ are there in the classroom?4. There are some birds in the picture.(改为一般疑问句句)_ there _ birds in the picture?5. They often play football on the playground.(就划线部分提问)_ _ they often _football?六、用所给动词的适当形式填空。(10 分)1.Its time _( have ) lunch.2.3.Iwant _( go) andplay basketball.5.Whats in the _( teacher ) room?7.Is _( we) footballunder thedesk?9.The boy often _( play ) football here .Can you _( jump) very high?4.Jim and Bill_( sing ) in theroom now.6. There are some _( book) on the desk.8.There _ (be) apictureof my fatherin my bag.10. Let _( we ) help you find it.七、选择填空(20 分)1. () The students _ their homework every day.Now they _ their homework.A. do, doB. does, doingC. doing, are doingD. do, are doing2. () What s wrong _ your pencil-box?A. aboutB. withC.forD. of仅供学习与参考学习资料3. () _ are working now.A. The women workersB. The woman workersC. The women workerD. The woman teacher4. () “What are the students doing?”“Some_ books and others _ at theblackboard. ”A. are looking, are readingB. are reading, are watchingC. are watching, are lookingD. are reading, are looking5. () “Can you help me with my English ?”“_”A.I think.B. Yes, I can.C. I cant think soD. No, thanks6. () The students are going to _ trees on the hill.A. playing toB. plantingC. plantD. working7. () I want _ the house. Could you _ me?A. clean; helpB. to clean; helpC. to clean; to helpD. cleaning; to help8. () The children are _TV now.A. watchingB. readingC. lookingD. seeing9. () What_ theman _ overthere?A. is, doB. are,doingC. is,doing D. are,do10. () Wheres my pencil-box? I _ it.A. am not seeingB. am not findingC. cant findD. cant look at11. () Its time to _ up.A. gettingB. gotC. getsD. get12. () One of the boys_ my brother.A. isB. areC. amD. be13. () Lets come and _ some water.A. to drinkB. drinkC. drinkingD. drinks14. () The players are playing _ football.A. aB. anC. theD. /15. () _ are the two students doing in the classroom?A. WhoB. WhatC. WhereD.Whose16()。 That girl is new in our class . Do you know _ name?A. herB. sheC. heD.his17()。 -Can you play with a yo-yo , Jim ?-Yes , I _ . Its easy .A. mustB. canC. amD. may18 ()。 September 10this _ .A. Womens DayB. Childrens DayC. Mid-autumn DayD. Teachers Day19 ()。 This second-hand camera is much _ than that new one .A. cheapB.cheaperC.dearD. dearest20 ()。 Every morning, I have _ egg and _ glass of milk for my breakfast.A、an anB 、a aC 、an aD 、/ a八、阅读短文,根据短文内容选择答案。(5 分)Some students are in Han Meis house. They are talking about many things. They are eating and drinkingsomething. Han Meis mother is cooking for them. Its eleven oclock. Its lunch time. They are eating.Han Mei says,“Help yourselves. ” Jim likes eggs. Kate likes rice. Lucy likes bread. Lily doesnt likebread. She likes bananas. They are drinking ten bottles of orange. They are having a very good time.() 1. Whoare inHan Meishouse?A. A studentB. SomestudentsC. Han MeiD.Jim, Kate() 2. They are drinking ten _.A. bottle of orangeB. bottles of orangeC. bottle of orangesD. bottles of oranges() 3. _is cooking for them.A. Han MeiB. Some studentsC. Han Meis motherD. Han Meis father() 4.Lucy _.A. likesriceB.likeseggsC.likes bananasD.likesbread() 5. When are they having lunch? _.A. At sixB. At sevenC. At twelveD.At eleven“T”,错误“ F”。(5 分)九、阅读对话,根据对话内容判断,正确John:When is my birthday, mum?Mum: Your birthday is in May.John:And when is my fathers birthday?Mum: His birthday is in April.John:And you, mum?Mum:My birthday is in June.仅供学习与参考学习资料John:Oh, dear! Father is only one month older than me, and I am one month older than you, mum!() 1 、 Johns birthday is in January.() 2、 Johns fathers birthday is in April.() 3 、 Johns mothers birthday is in June.() 4 、 Johns father is only one month older thanJohn.() 5 、 John is one month older than his mother.十、完形填空:阅读短文,并从四个选项中,选择正确的答案。(8 分)My father _ 1_ a good friend in the factory(工厂)。He is sixty.He is an old man. All of thechildrenlikehim. Wecall_2_ Uncle Sam. He _3_ from England.He _4_ in Sichuan.He cant_5_Chinese.Weteach (教) him Chinese He _6_ us English.He _7_ work on Sundays. He _8_ making things.And he likes watching TV with his children at night.() 1. A. haveB.havesC. hasD. is() 2. A. heB.theyC.himD.his() 3. A. comeB. comesC. goesD. to come()4. A. liveB. livingC. livesD.to live() 5. A. speakB. tellC. sayteachsC.teachesD.teaching()7. A. doB.dontC. does D. doesntD. talk() 6. A. teach()8. A .likesB.likeB.C. to likeD.likin一、根据句意或首字母提示补全单词(10 分)1. Whats the time? Itshalf_ ten.2. Whats two and ten? Itst_.3. Xiao Ming is my mothers brother. She is my u _.4. Is this your chair? Yes, its m_.5. Peter and I _(be) classmates.6. There _( be) some water in the glass.7.My sister usually _( do) her homework at 7 in the morning.8.Can your brother _( sing) Beijing Opera?9.Let him _( go) home together, OK?10.Eating more v_ is good for your health.二、句型转换:(10 分)1. My brother goes to school on foot(变为一般问句)2. There is some water in the bottle.(变否定句)3. the, have, take, good, a, medicine, and, rest(连词成句)4. He is a good student.(变为感叹句)5. I have had this book since two years ago.(划线提问)二、单项选择(15 分)() 1. He can play _ violin, but he cant play _ basketball.A. the; theB. the; /C. /; theD. /; /() 2. -What_ you do yesterday?- I _skiing.A. were; goB. did; goC. did; wentD. were; went() 3. What time _ your brother _ lunch?A. is; haveB. does; haveC. does; hasD.are: have() 4. Do you have any _ and _ for lunch?A. chicken; tomatoesB. chicken; tomatoC. chickens; tomatoesD. chicken; tomatos()仅供学习与参考学习资料A. a lot; a littleB. at all; a lotC. very much; at allD. a little; a lot.() 6. She often goes shopping _ themorning of ChristmasDay .A. atB. inC.onD.for() 7. September is _ of the year.A. the ninth monthB. the nineth monthC. nineth monthD. ninth month() 8. - Whose eraser is this? Is it_yours?- No, its not. I think it belong to.A.mine; LilyB. his;Lily sC. mine; LilysD. hers ; Lilys() 9. I think this kind of movie is interesting, _ my friend dont like it.A. butB. andC. soD. with() 10. - What color _ Jims shoes?- _ black.A. is, ItsB. are, TheyreC. is, ItsD. are, They looks() 11._ you know the girl_ red?A. Are; withB.Are ;inC. Do; ofD.Do; in() 12. - Thank you _.- Youre welcome.A. for helpB. to helpC. for helpingD. of; helping() 13. His grandpa_since two years ago.A. has diedB. has been diedC. has been deadD. has dead() 14. In the street I met the professor_ gave us a talk last week.A. whatB. whichC. whoD. /() 15. -”Do you like English, Kate?“- ”What did she say just now, Mary?“-She asked _.A. if Kate liked EnglishB. that I liked English C. whether Mary liked EnglishD. If you likeEnglish一、单项选择(15 分)1.The Whites _watching TV.A. isB. areC. amD. Isnt2.They are reading _ the living room _


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