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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上高三英语二轮专题复习教学设计课题题型训练课型General review of Senior Three上课班级高三(1)班讲课人唐丽梅教材分析 如何在高三有限的数个月中有效,甚至高效的完成六个模块的复习工作,对授课者来说,是一个巨大的挑战。本节课就是如何有效的进行高三二轮复习的的课堂教学进行了一个尝试。这节课的总体指导思想可以用“检查”和“练习”两个词来概括。“检查”既针对复习课,能由学生自己背诵的内容要在课前准备好,但须由教师检查效果。同时课堂上也要求学生参与到复习中来,尽量做到当堂完成从“识记”到“运用”就少不了“练习”这个桥梁。教学目标A. Knowledge and skills:1) To grasp the important words, phrases and sentences structures in this period.2) To consolidate the knowledge learned in this period by doing some practice.3) To develop the awareness of competition.4) To develop the abilities of analyzing the question. B. Process and methods1) Individual, pair or group work to finish each task.2) Discussion and task-based teaching.C. Emotion ,attitude and values.1) To enhance students self-confidence and persistence.2) To inspire students enthusiasm for studying of Senior Three.教学重难点Teaching key points1) . Enable the students to remember the important words, phrases and sentence structures.2) Enable the students to correctly use the knowledge to finish some exercises. Teaching difficult points1) How to help Ss master the language points and use them freely.2) How to solve the personalized the questions that students have.教具准备The blackboard, the multi-media and a tape recorder教学活动过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1 Lead in and word revision(supported by the multi-media)Step 2 homework checkingStep 3 专题复习Cloze test.Step 4 Finish exercises in ten minutes(限时训练)Step 5 Summary and homework 1. Have a quiz of words in Unit 2 of Book 72. Ask students to learn twenty words by heart (Part one and part two of Study paper )Check homework about revising cloze test(P55 passage 2)1. Ask students to do a cloze test in 12 min.2. Check answers by themselves and try to solve their puzzles in small groups.3. Explain difficulties if necessary.4. Fill in blanks quickly without looking at choices1 Fill in the blanks with your grammatical knowledge2 Passage correction1. Read the cloze test they did this class.2. Remember words and phrases in Unit one of Book seven3. Do exercises(小题大做Page13-14变式训练7)1. Help students to grasp important words.2. Enlarge vocabulary to help improve reading abilityHelp students to read the passage learnt last classHelp them improve ability to do cloze testImprove their abilitiesStrengthen and consolidate what they learnt this period.专心-专注-专业


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